The Cari Murphy Show

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 423:11:04
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"The Cari Murphy Show Straight Talk For The Soul"is an internationally syndicated weekly hour long program hosted by Best Selling Author, Soul Success Coach, Celebrated Media Personality and Founder and CEO of Empowerment Coaching Solutions, Cari Murphy. This is your personal invitation to an abundant, prosperous and joyful life. This program can be likened to a weekly multi-vitamin for the body, mind and spirit. Cari conducts enlightening discussions devoted to personal transformation, unleashing one's creative potential, radiant health, spirituality, the evolution of the soul, global awakening, self improvement, personal success, energy healing and positive living. CONTACT CARI AT:, or 1-800-704-SOUL.


  • Ecstatic Soul Embodiment with Eden Amadora!

    24/07/2019 Duration: 01h56min

    Access ALL Replays at powerfully supportive show centered around the themes of Embodiment (of the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine archetypes) and INvolution. Fill UP your cup with Compassion and Soften the Shields of Your Heart with US! We explored ways that we may be unconsciously running deep subconscious victim/rescuer energy dynamics and imprints ( in relationships, health AND finance) and how the inner marriage WILL empower us. Learn tools and take an inner journey to move beyond the perpetuation of dense frequency patterns that reflect wounds of judgment, guilt, blame and shame. Listen in as we also discuss the core illusion within the “Empowered” Feminine Rising Movement!

  • WE ARE WRITTEN IN THE STARS! Discover YOUR Unique Divine Blueprint with Catherine Rosenbaum!

    17/07/2019 Duration: 01h27min

    Access all replays at and visit our marketplace at•It's time to awaken the sleeper for a DNA Upleveling! THE NEW BLUEPRINT HAS BEEN OPENED; THE NEW EARTH HAS BEEN ACTIVATED! WE ARE BETWEEN 2 ECLIPSES , A MERCURY RETROGRADE, and THE 500 YEAR SATURN/PLUTO/JUPITER/SOUTH NODE GAME CHANGER! •What are YOU being called to? It's time for cosmic redirection! Catherine is here to support you in awakening your souls’ sacred contracts Using Evolutionary Astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys and messages from your cosmic entourage and higher Self as your personal road map to Awakening your “Soul Destiny Codes/Sounds”. •There are BIG collective patterns, written in the Stars to guide us; markers in time. Everything has a holographic Blueprint; even the United States and her own collective awakening. Will you say yes to Discovering your Unique divine Blueprint and to getting in sync with the BIG PICTURE? The markers are set --> In 1987, 2012, 2014 a

  • Co-Creating a New Earth: Tools for Cellular Regenesis with Crystal Messenger Paige Hall!

    10/07/2019 Duration: 01h22min

    New Earth Guide, Dolphin incarnate and Universal Visionary Paige Hall combines her in-depth connection with the multi-dimensions of the Andromedan Intergalactic Councils, the Dolphin Collective of Sirius A, the Quartz Crystal Realms assists with the Cellular Regenesis of the Diamond LightBody New Earth Template!

  • Accelerate Your Abundance! Divine Destiny Activation with Sage Taylor Goddard and Archangel Michael!

    10/07/2019 Duration: 01h32min

    Sage Taylor Goddard and Archangel Michael serve as your Heaven and Earth Divine Duo – AN Omnidimensional Healing & Dream Life Manifestation Team, here to enlighten you, energize you and empower you to connect with the Divine, PROSPER, THRIVE & SHINE!•Boldly step through the portal of pure potentiality and GLOW FOR IT!•DON'T WAIT, HIDE OR WONDER ANY LONGER. Now is the time to honor yourself and align with your purpose!•Experience a channeled message and attunement from Archangel Michael that will immediately shift your vibration and UPLIFT YOU!Access this special offer and full replay at:

  • Utilizing the Gene Keys for Enlightenment with Peter Tongue!

    26/06/2019 Duration: 01h19min

    For full recordings and replays from all shows go to: StraightTalkfortheSoul.comFor Peter's special offer go to Gene Keys take you on your own “Grail Quest” along the Golden Path to show you the key Gene Keys in your own unique hologenetic profile. The journey reveals to you the shadow energies lurking in your unconscious that are waiting to be transmuted and transformed into your most powerful gifts, and ultimately the Siddhis or Divine Essences that are at the core of your soul. This truly is a path to your enlightenment that only you can tread. The Gene Keys is a system based upon the link between the Chinese “I Ching” 64 hexagrams and the 64 Codons that make up our DNA. •Understand your Hologenetic Profile •Get started on the Golden Path •Co-creative tools and insights to help you interpret old patterns and open your greatest gifts •Receive Key Questions to help you delve deeper into your contemplations, unlocking blocks to y

  • TOTAL BODY REJUVENATION! Heal your Body from the Inside-Out With Cari & Sound Energy Healer Dawn Crystal!

    19/06/2019 Duration: 01h36min

    TOTAL BODY REJUVENATION! Heal your Body from the Inside-Out With Cari & Sound Energy Healer Dawn Crystal! •Experience healing from Chronic pain, Chronic fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, Binge eating, Burnout, Trauma and more•Listen and participate in live experiences with Dawn and callers as Dawn brings through sound tones to move physical and emotional blockages•Dawn channels through Source energy to clear energy fields and restore vitality and well being•Through her sounds, Dawn invokes a pure and beautiful white divine light to clear all lower density vibrational energies out of your physical and energetic bodiesDawn Crystal, A Internationally Recognized Voice Sound Energy Healer, Medical Intuitive, respected Intuitive Life Coach, Soul Reader, Medium, Pain Release Expert and Best-selling Author of "3'" Books – helps people clear emotional and physical blockages, so they can manifest from their higher selves & step into their full potential.Dawn helps her clients to release themselves quickly from pain


    12/06/2019 Duration: 01h38min

    For full audios and replays go to your higher self embodiment and divine feminine Christ Leadership! It's time for us to BE the change my friends! Drawing from a lifetime of dedicated oracular activism, Kaia Ra joins Cari to reveal specific elegant equations that are essential for understanding and navigating the inner journey of becoming a successful leader! Discover how the journey of divine feminine christ leadership is a sophisticated team effort in which the constant flow of your own intuition and the guidance of the ascended masters seamlessly supports the fulfillment of your destiny to awaken the heart of humanity! KAIA RA is the world renowned Oracle for an Ascended Master High Council called The Sophia Dragon Tribe and the international bestselling author of The Sophia Code. She is a Divine Feminine teacher, speaker, ceremonialist, and ordained minister teaching The Sophia Code curriculum worldwide. Surviving multiple near death experiences ea

  • Uncover YOUR Planetary Mission and Bring YOUR UNIQUE Spiritual Gifts into the World with Ethann Fox!

    05/06/2019 Duration: 01h30min

    Uncover YOUR Planetary Mission and Bring YOUR UNIQUE Spiritual Gifts into the World with Ethann Fox!•Now is the time to fulfill your true purpose on the planet and receive the physical, emotional, spiritual and financial support that is your birthright!•Release and remove karmic density; raise your consciousness, and gain inspiration and tools to live at your highest potential•Identify any areas of your life where there is suffering and experience A POWERFUL ENERGY TRANSFER to let it all go!•Send out all energetic density (suffering/traumas) and receive 13TH DIMENSIONAL LOVE•At this time of global mass awakening, allow yourself to receive the tools to ACCELERATE YOUR HEALING AND REVEAL YOUR TRUE GIFTS! Ethann has come to understand his true purpose is raising the consciousness of others through his energy field. He now uses this divine gift to help others live a happier and more fulfilling life and aid in the transition to a new world consciousness. Through his spiritual awakening, Ethann altered the course o

  • Shamanic Secrets for Shapeshifting into Greater Self-Mastery with Cari and Dana Micucci!

    29/05/2019 Duration: 01h35min

    As our higher energy centers continue to expand, and our vibration continues to rise, there has never been a more urgent time to reconnect with the sacred sensuality of Mother Earth, the enchantment of the land, the nature spirits and elementals—the intimate, magical realm of the shaman—while also refining our own ability to work with subtle energies. During this energetically intense passage, we must find ways to fully ground and embody more Light with greater ease and well-being. Only by walking the path of divine embodiment can we be of service most effectively. And so today dana will take you on an enlivening journey into the millennia-old practice of shamanic healing. Drawing on her extensive shamanic training, she will initiate you into the transformational wisdom of the shaman, exploring such questions as: How do we upgrade our ascension journey from healing to wholeness, seeker to shaman, to shapeshift into the next level of our multi-dimensional self-mastery?What is shamanic healing and why is i

  • YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Reconnect to Your Galactic Guides and Star Family with Cari & Ascension Guide Lorie Ladd!

    22/05/2019 Duration: 01h40min

    •PRACTICAL TOOLS and DIVINE GUIDANCE to help you move forward (CONFIDENTLY) on your evolutionary path of AWAKENING to your multi-dimensionality. •REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE, WHY YOU'RE HERE AND THE GALACTIC SUPPORT AVAILABLE TO YOU NOW!•RELIEF FOR LIGHTWORKERS: You are not alone!•JOURNEY INTO THE STARS AND MEET YOUR STAR FAMILY•Practice, Play and PARTICIPATE with your Galactic Connection!•Cultivate ENERGETIC TRUST in your INTUITION AND COSMIC FAMILY SUPPORT!Access the full interview and ALL interviews at

  • Align Your DNA to Your Miracle Body with Cari and DNA Scientist Charan Surdhar!

    15/05/2019 Duration: 01h27min

    There is a miracle waiting to unfold in you in every moment. It is where your health, and abundance reside, it is accessible to you right now. Whatever you are experiencing right now, is only a reflection of what beliefs and perceptions, yours or your ancestors, that your DNA is reflecting back to you. The Power of CHARANS work is her science background, and merging this with ancient wisdom, allowing her to beautifully CHANGE DNA functions on a quantum level! On this show with Cari and DNA Scientist Charan Surdhar you will gain an understanding of:•Epigenetics and why and how it impacts your body and life•How the your beliefs and those of your ancestors impact your DNA•How to clear your beliefs and those of your ancestors that are influencing your DNA•How to use ancient wisdom to align your biology•How making miracles can be the NEW norm in your life!!!PLUS experience a powerful process during the SHOW to ignite the miracle in YOU. The process will combine ancient wisdom and science to connect your DNA to the

  • Immune System RESET – Strengthening Your Physical Constitution for Soul Self Embodiment with Medical Intuitive Amanda Hopkins!

    09/05/2019 Duration: 01h24min

    Amanda is a Clairvoyant Medical Intuitive, Academy Master Teacher with Academy for the Soul and a Certified Intuitive Strategist.Her purpose is to aid people in aligning their ideal Spiritual energetic state with their practical, Physical Reality. Amanda is sought after for her ability to rapidly identify energy deficiencies in the body and energy field. She's known by most for her intuitive ability to quickly zoom into the core of an issue and deliver the precise, most effective steps to make an instant shift. Amanda has a magical ability to learn and master the newest technologies and explain them in a succinct, clear, and easily understandable manner. At an early age she became an experienced trainer and teacher in medical technology amongst highly educated medical professionals as their ‘go to’ expert in the field. This experience led her to a deep understanding of the physical body and medical system and onto her journey in understanding the deeper levels of our energetic makeup. She’s served as a leader


    01/05/2019 Duration: 55min

    NOW IS THE TIME for Divine Renewal, Resurrection and Awakening!May you be surrounded and filled with the light of Divine as you are being invited to step into a new version of yourself. This is a day of DIVINE RESURRECTION. May today be a powerful turning point for you. May today represent the transformational catalyst point where you decide to allow ALL OF YOU to be seen, known, felt and realized. May today be the day that you allow the pure light of REMEMBRANCE AND GRACE to flood your awarenessand fill your heart, mind, body and spirit with more love than ever before. May today be the day that all of your divine gifts that have laid dormant within you be activated and resurrected. May the full expression of your gifts be integrated beautifully and expressed, offered and extendedgenerously, fearlessly and with grace and ease.May you trust the weaving of these aspects of your pure, divine essence into this now moment and confidently shine this FULL AND COMPLETE version of YOU into the world. May you give you

  • ASCENDING INTO THE DIAMOND WORLDS with Cari and Cynthia Charis!

    24/04/2019 Duration: 01h50min

    For full interview and many others go to The veils of ascension have parted! For the first time in our planet’s history, the collective consciousness of the Light Masters have made it possible for us to travel into the Diamond Worlds and spark the dazzling reflection of our True Selves into manifestation within our everyday lives! As the Creators of the New Golden Age, we have the ability to activate the multi-faceted diamond crystalline structure within us into greater realization so that we can become the highest reflection of our divinity and experience the joy and bliss of ascension that we took birth for!It is time we enter the Diamond Worlds of Creation and re-member our place within the shimmering Universal Grid System that weaves through our hearts and souls and connects us directly to Source. Join us in this great upliftment as we activate the Diamond Worlds within us and realize the magnificence of the unique gift of Creation that we are!During this show you will:· Be

  • Best Selling Author, Speaker & Empathic Healer MATT KAHN! LOVE IS THE ANSWER!

    17/04/2019 Duration: 01h17min

    Love is truly The Answer. While there are many pathways to healing, expansion, and transformation, only one path takes you all the way into the bliss of radiant wellness, energetic resolve, and emotional freedom that you desire. This path is a journey of heart-centered consciousness, where every frustration, set-back, and limitation leads us to discovering love as the answer to every question or concern. While so many spiritual beings acknowledge love as the most powerful force in existence, we are often left without a roadmap in knowing how to access love in all its immaculate glory and transcendent perfection. We invite you to open your hearts and join Cari as she connects and converses with spiritual teacher, empathic healer, best-selling author and YouTube sensation, Matt Kahn as they welcome love as the ultimate transformer. Over the past 13 years, Matt has helped countless spiritual beings revolutionize all aspects of their lives by offering teachings, processes, and practices that are always rooted in

  • It’s Time to SoulFULLy STRETCH Beyond Your Stress!

    10/04/2019 Duration: 49min

    Are you more critical or complimentary of yourself, of life and others? With your thoughts, words and attention, are you promoting more possibility or more problems? Are you ready to shift away from your stress and S-T-R-E-T-C-H into the supreme satisfaction of self-selected expansion and success? We are alive to thrive through and beyond stress, and that state of thriving doesn't deprive anyone else of anything! In fact, as we choose to thrive while the world around us appears to be stressed, we support the amplification of our entire planet thriving!If you are reading this now, or if you listen to a show like mine, it is clear that you were born to change this world! You are alive to participate in the creation of new earth as a wayshower; a pioneer of consciousness. You are here to pronounce and proclaim pure possibility, no matter what the circumstances around you may reflect. The stress that we incur is but an opportunity to stretch our consciousness and announce, declare, pronounce and proclaim a grand

  • Existence: The Eternal Evolution and Exploration of ENERGY!

    03/04/2019 Duration: 52min

    Evolution, from the soul perspective, is about the progressive (rather than regressive) exploration of energy. It is embracing the power of wisdom gained from our experiences and only reactivating of the components of yesterday that were life-giving or repeat-worthy! Introducing the reactivation of aspects of our past that went “wrong” deflates our creative capacity and diminishes our evolutionary potential. Stories of struggle cause stagnation rather than progress and evolution. Exploring energy is intended to be a playful process where we blend and combine new energetic ingredients to create new outcomes in our present and our future! Join Cari as she brings a dose of laughter and playfulness into this multi-layered topic that is intended to support your spiritual expansion and empowerment!


    13/03/2019 Duration: 58min

    Do you want to continue to create the same old things again and again in your life? OR... are you ready to take hold of your personal steering wheel of empowerment and guide your spiritual vessel onto a new pathway leading to expansive new playing fields of consciousness and reality? We are alive with the ABSOLUTE FREEDOM to create our destiny. The unfolding of our destiny is decided by us and through us while we are living in these bodies. Our purpose is discovery and exploration. Our role is deciding our destiny, not waiting for it to happen TO us. The divine truth is that the details of our destiny are discovered with our decisions. Allow the following questions to begin to unravel and unlock some answers for you: •Does life more often propel you into a state of panic or a clarification of purpose?•Does your faith fuel you forward or does your fear overshadow your potential?•Do you wear a self-appointed crown of promise and empowerment or are you unknowingly limiting yourselfwith internal shackles of doubt

  • LIGHT THINGS UP FOR YOURSELF! Consciously Selecting SoulFULLy SuccessFULL Pathways for Your Life

    06/03/2019 Duration: 52min

    What Light are YOU Lighting Today? What Soul song are you singing? What music are you playing? What collective symphony are you adding your unique Melody to? Are you ready to highlight the highest truths and potentials as the false illusions of this reality are illuminated in the light; In YOUR light?Are You Ready to Create a Landscape for MIRACLES? Are You Ready to Realize Your Brilliant Self in your Highest Soul Expression and reflect that in the light you consciously choose to radiate and express each day? Are you ready to let go of all the density and acclimate to the highest frequencies that are now available to you?Are You Ready to Merge and Align with the Timeline and pathway of Your Preference and of your choosing?Are you ready to entrain yourself with the frequencies of your optimal expansion in as many moments as possible?Are you ready to see, notice, and embrace the higher spectrum of options and opportunities available to you in each moment? In every moment of every new day we have the option of c

  • It's Time to Embrace & Embody ObligationFREE GuiltFREE DemandFREE Living!

    27/02/2019 Duration: 51min

    We are true spiritual pioneers with the divinely designed power and potential to create fulfilling and rewarding lives that support the evolutionary journeys of our souls. There are dynamic dreams and desires intended to be delivered to us. Their delivery is dependent upon the dynamics of energy that come into play. Skepticism, cynicism, and pessimism when combined with the energies of guilt, obligation or demands can really slow down or even halt the delivery of our dreams! On this show, I will explore this topic with the intention of energetically liberating you from the inside out!

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