Dr. Carolyn Dean Live



Meet award-winning doctor, naturopath and best-selling author of Death by Modern Medicine and The Magnesium Miracle Carolyn Dean MD ND. Hear a wealth of information designed to empower listeners and callers to pierce the veil of traditional (allopathic) medicine and discover how to improve health, vitality, and emotional well-being through natures perfect nutrients and picometer mineral supplementation. Enjoy weekly featured segments including: a review of news from around the health world, Dr. Deans Mail Bag, and a variety of guests and call-in listeners who share experiences of their quest for optimal physical, mental, and emotional health. Co-hosted by life coach Ginney Gunther, Dr. Carolyn Dean Live fills your prescription for inspiration, information and success in achieving the next level of health, vitality and wellness!


  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    In May 2017 I formally identified magnesium deficiency as a public health crisis and since that time I have been joined by many others who echo the same concern. Lest the growing awareness among clinicians, researchers, and doctors stall out at the application stage, I humbly offer the Total Body ReSet as a practical, affordable, and undeniably fortuitous solution to all for what ails many. Instead of a cupboard full of drugs or supplements, my Total Body Approach focuses on formulas designed to both heal and prevent health problems by 1. Supplying minerals that work, 2. Gently detoxing the body, 3. boosting immune system function and 4. Creating perfect cells. Tonight on our internet based radio show, we’ll be talking with Dr. Carolyn Dean about Magnesium and Mineral Deficiency – Changing the Momentum along with a wide range of health topics and safe solutions.

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Tonight on our internet based radio show, we’ll be talking with Dr. Carolyn Dean about Magnesium Deficiency - Things Your Doctor May Not Know to Tell You along with a wide range of health topics and safe solutions.

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Tonight on our internet based radio show, we’ll be talking with Dr. Carolyn Dean about Magnesium Deficiency - Things Your Doctor May Not Know to Tell You along with a wide range of health topics and safe solutions.

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Tonight on our internet based radio show, we’ll be talking with Dr. Carolyn Dean about Magnesium and Minerals for the Elderly along with a wide range of health topics and safe solutions. You will love hearing the beneficial interactions with our callers and hosts alike including the body/mind connection, identifying the ‘conflict’ in the ‘conflict basis’ of disease and much more!!

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Tonight on our internet based radio show, we’ll be talking with Dr. Carolyn Dean about Magnesium and Minerals for the Elderly along with a wide range of health topics and safe solutions. You will love hearing the beneficial interactions with our callers and hosts alike including the body/mind connection, identifying the ‘conflict’ in the ‘conflict basis’ of disease and much more!!

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Tonight on our internet-based radio show Dr. Dean will present a consolidation of reports from her three days at the NIH and summary of findings for all her listeners to gobble up and enjoy! Join us tonight for Magnesium in Health and Disease – A Report from the NIH.

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Tonight on our internet-based radio show we will talk with Dr. Carolyn Dean about Magnesium Deficiency and the Kidneys in addition to a wide range of health topics and safe solutions. You will love hearing the beneficial interactions with our callers and hosts alike including the body/mind connection, identifying the \\\'conflict\\\' in the \\\'conflict basis\\\' of disease and much more.

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Tonight on our internet-based radio show we will talk with Dr. Carolyn Dean about Magnesium Deficiency and the Kidneys in addition to a wide range of health topics and safe solutions. You will love hearing the beneficial interactions with our callers and hosts alike including the body/mind connection, identifying the \\\'conflict\\\' in the \\\'conflict basis\\\' of disease and much more.

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Tonight on my internet-based radio show we will talk about \"Youthing\" Simple, Effective Strategies for Staying Young in addition to a wide range of health topics and safe solutions. You will love hearing the beneficial interactions with our callers and hosts alike including the body/mind connection, identifying the \'conflict\' in the \'conflict basis\' of disease and much more!!

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Tonight on our internet-based radio show we will talk about Magnesium and Osteoporosis - 7 Critical Factors in addition to a wide range of health topics and safe solutions. You will love hearing the beneficial interactions with our callers and hosts alike including the body/mind connection, identifying the \'conflict\' in the \'conflict basis\' of disease and much more!!

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Constant sugar cravings could mean your biochemistry is out of whack. In fact, if you consistently crave bread, sugar, fruits, dairy or alcohol like beer and sugary white wine your body may be an unwitting host to an overgrowth of yeast. If your food cravings are driven by an overgrowth of yeast living in your intestines, those food cravings are not your own! The yeast actually begins to drive your appetite in order go have sugar as its most precious and important source.  And, that\\\\\\\'s not all - yeast in overgrowth mode can detox up to 180 different chemicals into your body capable of making you feel dizzy and fatigued, shutting down your thyroid, throwing your hormones off balance, and causing you to crave sugar and alcohol and put on weight. You may be new to this information and even the recognition that you\\\\\\\'re food cravings are not your own but Candidiasis (yeast overgrowth) is nothing new; it’s been around for decades, ever since we began to use antibiotics in our society. Yeast itself, a

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Constant sugar cravings could mean your biochemistry is out of whack. In fact, if you consistently crave bread, sugar, fruits, dairy or alcohol like beer and sugary white wine your body may be an unwitting host to an overgrowth of yeast. If your food cravings are driven by an overgrowth of yeast living in your intestines, those food cravings are not your own! The yeast actually begins to drive your appetite in order go have sugar as its most precious and important source.  And, that\\\'s not all - yeast in overgrowth mode can detox up to 180 different chemicals into your body capable of making you feel dizzy and fatigued, shutting down your thyroid, throwing your hormones off balance, and causing you to crave sugar and alcohol and put on weight. You may be new to this information and even the recognition that you\\\'re food cravings are not your own but Candidiasis (yeast overgrowth) is nothing new; it’s been around for decades, ever since we began to use antibiotics in our society. Yeast itself, a cousin t

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Every week Dr. Carolyn Dean leads tens of thousands of individuals through their journey of health recovery and shares her own stories in hopes of encouraging others on her weekly radio show. The message to those looking for ways to get healthy or stay healthy is that there are building blocks to success which can be employed to restore hope and health and potentially avert chronic or fatal outcomes. Its also possible that a setback may occur and when that happens a review of the fundamentals is in order. We have been conditioned to believe that taking medication is the primary treatment for disease and we take that belief with us wherever we go. If we now turn toward natural medicine, we assume that a handful of nutritional supplements will alleviate our symptoms. However, treating symptoms is still an allopathic approach only you are using supplements instead of drugs. A good diet, clean air, clean water, exercise, a positive attitude, and stress reduction are as important as good supplements. When there

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Every week Dr. Carolyn Dean leads tens of thousands of individuals through their journey of health recovery and shares her own stories in hopes of encouraging others on her weekly radio show. The message to those looking for ways to get healthy or stay healthy is that there are building blocks to success which can be employed to restore hope and health and potentially avert chronic or fatal outcomes. Its also possible that a setback may occur and when that happens a review of the fundamentals is in order. We have been conditioned to believe that taking medication is the primary treatment for disease and we take that belief with us wherever we go. If we now turn toward natural medicine, we assume that a handful of nutritional supplements will alleviate our symptoms. However, treating symptoms is still an allopathic approach only you are using supplements instead of drugs. A good diet, clean air, clean water, exercise, a positive attitude, and stress reduction are as important as good supplements. When there

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    There appears to be an epidemic of heart failure in the Western world. But, in my opinion, hearts aren’t failing; it’s doctors who are failing to treat magnesium deficiency, which is an underlying cause of heart disease and subsequent heart failure. The problem begins with the very name that doctors use for this disease. They don’t seem to realize that a declaration that the patient’s heart is failing sets the patient up for just that! February has been designated as Heart Month but in my world, every day is a new opportunity to take more people off the magnesium deficiency list and place them firmly on the magnesium saturation list! Tonight on my internet based radio show I will be sharing my passion for healthy hearts as we discuss HEART FAILURE: What You Need To Know in addition to a wide range of health topics and safe solutions. You will love hearing the beneficial interactions with our callers and hosts alike including the body/mind connection, identifying the \'conflict\\\' in the \\\'conflict basis\\\

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    There appears to be an epidemic of heart failure in the Western world. But, in my opinion, hearts aren’t failing; it’s doctors who are failing to treat magnesium deficiency, which is an underlying cause of heart disease and subsequent heart failure. The problem begins with the very name that doctors use for this disease. They don’t seem to realize that a declaration that the patient’s heart is failing sets the patient up for just that! February has been designated as Heart Month but in my world, every day is a new opportunity to take more people off the magnesium deficiency list and place them firmly on the magnesium saturation list! Tonight on my internet based radio show I will be sharing my passion for healthy hearts as we discuss HEART FAILURE: What You Need To Know in addition to a wide range of health topics and safe solutions. You will love hearing the beneficial interactions with our callers and hosts alike including the body/mind connection, identifying the \'conflict\' in the \'conflict basis\' of d

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