Playground Of Possibilities ~ Alun Jones & Tamara Younker

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Remember when you were young and everything in life seemed so much more fun and the possibilities seemed endless? Is that still the same for you or has life become a serious business? If it isnt would you like to change that? Alun Jones & Tamara Yonker


  • All aboard the chop-choose train of choice.


    Remember what it was like when you were young and playing? The choice of games to play and invent seemed totally endless. And what about going to the sweetshop with pocket money and having a world of choice of which sweeties to choose to make up your pick n mix bag? It was exciting, right? So when did having choice become a chore? When did you decided that choice was limited? How much of your life do you create from the space of “hobson’s choice”? In other words… you can choose anything as long as you choose this one thing…. And how much and how often do you get so caught up in trying to make “the right choice” and “not the wrong choice” that you end up not choosing anything at all which, of course, is a still a choice!

  • Are you living GroundHog Day? Guest Margaret Braunack


    Does your life feel like a version of Ground Hog Day? Are you bored, unhappy and perhaps even depressed doing the same thing day after day, but not really sure how you can change it? Our guest Margaret Braunack lived in the “either or” universe for a long time, and now knows that making different choices and being willing to continually add to her life is what truly allows her to create her living of choice. How many times as a child were you told: Well, you can have this or this, you can’t have both. How much limitation has that created in your world? Are you now ready for the adventure called living? Are you ready to “Have Your Cake and Eat It Too?” The Hedonist’s Guide to Opulent, Decadent and Orgasmic Living. Hmmmm, and you wouldn’t choose this for what reason? Margaret Braunack is an International Speaker, Transformational Coach and Author and has over 30 years of experience in the fields of natural health, personal and professional development in various roles including management, sales, mentoring, coa

  • Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire!


    Liar, liar, pants on fire! Lying is bad right? It’s something that only very naughty people do and it’s wrong, wrong wrong!! Or is it? Do you ever lie? What judgments do you have about lying? What judgments do you have of you about lying? Is it always a kindness to tell the truth? What even is the truth? To top it all off, how often do you lie to yourself? Alun and Laura really don’t want you to join them to play and explore the possibilities here. Which is a big fat lie! They’d actually love to have you along. Join them in the Playground of Possibilities on Monday 10th November (3pm GMT, 10am Eastern, 7am Pacific).

  • Are you too bossy?


    You are SO bossy! How many times have you heard that in your life? When this happens what do you do? How does it make you feel? Do you make yourself wrong for that? And when did bossy become such a bad thing? And do you choose to make yourself smaller to fit into someone else’s universe? And what does bossy even mean? Or maybe you are someone who feels like other people boss you about. How’s that working for you? Would you like to change that and create something different, but not sure how? How much fun and possibilities are available to you with being bossy and being bossed about that you’ve never considered? Join Alun and Laura in the Playground of Possibilities as they explore this and come up with some practical ideas to do things different to create a whole new possibility…….

  • Playing by the rules?


    How many rules, regulations, and laws do you use to create your life? There are probably hundreds right? Or maybe even thousands or millions if you were to count all the ones you’ve forgotten about or have adopted unconsciously? And how’s that working for you? Is it creating limitation or expansion of your life? Where can rules be a contribution? And where are they just plain boring – or do you like breaking the rules? Or where do you want others to play by your rules? And how about the Universal laws? The mind boggles! What if it’s totally possible to function and create your life beyond the rules, even though it may appear to people around you that you are functioning within the rules and accepted possibilities? And what if creating beyond the rules doesn’t always have to mean breaking them? What if you could use the magic you be to create a totally different reality? And how many rules are you willing to break to create the change that’s required? Join Alun and Laura this week as they venture into the play

  • Who won’t you play with?


    Watching kids playing is fascinating. They just show up and play. No names. No ceremony. Just curiousity and a willingness to play. We were all kids once, what happened to us? By the time we are adults for many of us the story has totally changed. We don’t like this person or that person. So who would you never work with? Where do you limit and block yourself because you have decided what you will and won’t do? And do different versions of these people just keep showing up in your life anyway? What if you could change this with ease? Join Laura and Alun in the Playground of Possibilities as they chat, laugh, and play with possibilities.

  • Are You Willing to be a Manipulative Bitch?


    Has anyone ever called you a manipulative bitch or asshole? And did you resist and defend against that? After all, isn’t that a mean thing to say to someone? And doesn’t it suck to be called names like that? What if it isn’t? What if being manipulative is not what you thought it was? What if being manipulative can be a fun and an amazing contribution to you and your life? Does that sound strange? It’s certainly a concept that provokes all sorts reactions and responses from people. What else is possible with manipulation that you’ve never even considered before? Would you like to explore that? Join Laura and Alun in their very first outing into the Playground of Possibilities as they chat, laugh, and play with possibilities with manipulation.

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