Rusty George Podcast



Have a question for Rusty? Want to hear his answer to questions that other people have asked? Listen in on Rusty's weekly podcast where he answers the questions you have. Rusty George is the Lead Pastor for Real Life Church in Valencia, CA.


  • Friend of God: Daily Devotional - Day Thirteen

    07/06/2024 Duration: 01min

    When was the last time you felt Jesus close to you? Reflecting on Jesus's comforting words, "Do not let your hearts be troubled," I'm reminded of the profound peace he offers. Despite the disciples' confusion and fear, Jesus assures them of something even greater to come—the Holy Spirit. It's remarkable how the Trinity defers to one another, each pointing to the next with reverence and love. As we navigate life's uncertainties, we're not left alone. The Holy Spirit, the very presence of God, dwells within us, offering comfort and guidance. Let's take a moment to thank Him for His presence now and His promise of a future with Him.You can purchase the book here:

  • Friend of God: Daily Devotional - Day Twelve

    06/06/2024 Duration: 02min

    Reflecting on the simplicity of Jesus's commands, I'm struck by how he distills it all down to love—love for God and love for others. In a world filled with rules and regulations, Jesus offers a refreshing perspective: love one another as I have loved you. It's not about complicated rituals or stringent guidelines; it's about genuine love in action. As I reflect on this, I'm reminded that loving others is the ultimate expression of my love for God. So, I ask myself: what unnecessary complexities do I add to following Jesus? Today, let's embrace the simplicity of his command and look for opportunities to serve and love those around us.You can purchase the book here:

  • Friend of God: Daily Devotional - Day Eleven

    05/06/2024 Duration: 02min

    Ever pondered Jesus as a servant? Today's devotional dives deep into this fascinating concept. Exploring love languages within my own family, we will reflect on how Jesus, too, exemplifies service. From washing the feet of those who would soon betray Him to the ultimate sacrifice on the cross, Jesus's love language may just be service. Take a moment today to reflect on how Jesus serves you. Let's journey together in gratitude for His boundless love and care.You can purchase the book here:

  • Friend of God: Daily Devotional - Day Ten

    04/06/2024 Duration: 02min

    Did you ever catch the verse where Jesus wept at Lazarus' tomb? It’s in John 11 and it's the shortest verse in the Bible. But why did Jesus weep when He knew He’d raise Lazarus? It's because He deeply understands our pain. Let's talk through this together and reflect on how Jesus is present with us in our suffering.You can purchase the book here:

  • Friend of God: Daily Devotional - Day Nine

    03/06/2024 Duration: 02min

    Ever feel lost or unsure about whose voice to follow? We can relate. This week, we're starting a new series all about recognizing and following Jesus' voice. Join us as we explore John 10 and the profound connection between the shepherd and his sheep. Get a fresh perspective on how Jesus, the Good Shepherd, speaks to us and guides our everyday lives.You can purchase the book here:

  • Friend of God: Daily Devotional - Day Eight

    02/06/2024 Duration: 02min

    Let’s explore Viktor Frankl's wisdom and John 9's encounter with a blind man. Through their stories, we're reminded that suffering isn't always tied to personal fault—it's part of the brokenness of our world. Jesus offers hope and redemption in our pain. Today, let's pray for our pain to be repurposed and find comfort in the hope Jesus provides. You can purchase the book here:

  • Friend of God: Daily Devotional - Day Seven

    01/06/2024 Duration: 03min

    Discover the power of grace and truth today as we discuss Jesus’ encounter with the woman caught in adultery teaches us about compassion and accountability. Are you leaning more towards grace or truth in your relationships? Let’s learn from Jesus’ perfect balance and strive to apply it in our lives. You can purchase the book here:

  • Friend of God: Daily Devotional - Day Six

    31/05/2024 Duration: 03min

    Today, we explore John 5 and the story of the man by the pool of Bethesda. Jesus asked him a simple question, "Do you want to get well?" The man’s response shows how often we make excuses instead of seeking healing. What area of your life needs healing today? Maybe it’s time to stop saying "I’m fine" and ask for Jesus' help. Pray with me: "Jesus, I’m not fine and I need your help to get well." You can purchase the book here:

  • Friend of God: Daily Devotional - Day Five

    30/05/2024 Duration: 04min

    Ever feel like an outsider? Today, we’re reflecting on the Samaritan woman in John 4 who was overlooked and rejected. Jesus saw her and included her, showing us that everyone matters. Who in your life needs to feel included today? Maybe it’s time to reach out and show them they matter. Let’s thank God for not overlooking us and think about how we can extend that love to others.You can purchase the book here:

  • Friend of God: Daily Devotional - Day Four

    29/05/2024 Duration: 04min

    Today, we explore John 3:16 and the powerful conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus revealing how much God loves us and how He sent Jesus not to condemn but to save us. Have you ever wondered what it truly means to be born again? Join me as we unpack this profound truth and consider the incredible gift of baptism. Let’s reflect on how Jesus is looking for us and how we can respond to His call. You can purchase the book here:

  • Friend of God: Daily Devotional - Day Three

    28/05/2024 Duration: 02min

    Ever been burned in a relationship? Today, we're looking at John 2:23-25 to see how Jesus handled trust and heartbreak. It's amazing to see how He trusted His heart only to the Father. Let's think about who we've trusted our hearts to and how we can give that trust back to God.You can purchase the book here:

  • Friend of God: Daily Devotional - Day Two

    27/05/2024 Duration: 04min

    Today, we're exploring John's vivid account of the upper room, where Philip's longing to see the Father echoes our own. But Jesus's response is revolutionary: 'If you've seen me, you've seen the Father.' Join me as we explore the profound unity of the Trinity and what it means for us to call God our Father. Have you embraced this invitation? Let's journey together as we discover the depths of God's love and our identity as his beloved children.You can purchase the book here:

  • Friend of God: Daily Devotional - Day One

    26/05/2024 Duration: 04min

    Ever thought about what it means to be "the one Jesus loves"? In today's devotional, we're kicking off our series with a deep dive into this incredible concept. John faced unimaginable trials, yet he defined himself by Jesus' love. Join me as we explore how viewing ourselves as loved by Jesus can reshape our identity and transform our daily lives.

  • Episode 310: Rusty George & Mike Linch - Have You Put A Period Where God Put A Comma?

    22/05/2024 Duration: 26min

    I am joined by Mike Linch he is the Senior Pastor at Northstar Church outside Atlanta, Georgia for the last 27 years. We talk about Mike's baseball career at Liberty University and his love of baseball which led him to start a prayer group over zoom before the pandemic with baseball managers, coaches, and scouts. Enjoy as Mike and I talk about adversity on the baseball field and in life and how Jesus has helped people overcome.Website: Linch Podcast:

  • Episode 309: Rusty George & Gregg Pruett - How Do You Pioneer Bible Translations?

    15/05/2024 Duration: 51min

    I am joined by my friend Gregg Pruett who is the President of Pioneer Bible Translators and has the important task of translating the Bible into different languages. That might sound simple, but Gregg explains how difficult that really is. In the podcast, Gregg shares about his time living in Africa and explains how messages can be lost in translations and misinterpreted at times, with a story about how John the Baptist’s story was translated. I ask that we partner in prayer and support Gregg in this challenging commission with translating the Bible. 

  • Episode 309: Rusty George & Ben Cacharias - How do you have unity with politics & church?

    08/05/2024 Duration: 42min

    I am joined by my good friend Ben Cacharias, who has been the Lead Pastor at Mountain Christian Church outside of Baltimore, Maryland for the past 27 years. MCC is about to celebrate its 200th year as a church. Ben talks about Round 2 of the upcoming United States Presidential elections this fall, we also discuss how to address your congregants about politics and the importance of not being partisan. This episode is important for Pastors, staff, and congregants alike. 

  • Episode 308: Getting To Know The George Family in "We are Family"

    01/05/2024 Duration: 25min

    Rusty is joined by three people he knows fairly well. He is joined by his wife and two daughters. They discuss the move from California to Texas. His daughters talk about the slight culture shock of living in Southern California to college in Joplin, Missouri. The family also gives advice to Pastors that are thinking about relocating. Finally, the family will discuss what they miss most about California. 

  • Episode 307: Rusty George with For king and Country's - Joel Smallbone about "From Music to Movies"

    24/04/2024 Duration: 33min

    Joel Smallbone is a Grammy winning Christian music artist from the group For King and Country. He is also an Actor and Director having appeared in several films. He has a movie coming out titled "Unsung Hero" that will be released in theaters April 26, 2024. The movie is about his family moving from Australia to Nashville, Tennessee. Joel and Rusty discuss a variety of topics from music to movies, and Joel even ranks famous Australians. Follow the movie: Unsung Hero the band:

  • Episode 306: Rusty George & Mike Nave Discuss "How To Bridge The Gap Between Pastor & Elder"

    17/04/2024 Duration: 44min

    Mike Nave is a Vice President of the Accelerate Group out of Phoenix, Arizona. Mike is a longtime member and Elder at the Christ Church of the Valley, and his mission is to help bridge the gap with church Elders and Senior Pastors. Mike and Rusty discuss what is the purpose of Elders? They also discuss what makes a good Elder. This is a great conversation for everyone Elders, Pastors, and members as well. Website: https://www.accelerate.groupGIVE:

  • Episode 305: Rusty George & Kevin Burrell - "Minister Disguised As A Scout"

    10/04/2024 Duration: 28min

    Kevin Burrell is an Area Supervisor Scout for MLB's Chicago White Sox. Kevin discusses being a Christian in a secular place, he also talks about analytics vs conventional scouting, how he is a Minister disguised as a scout, and finally, he gives us baseball nerds a prospect to watch. 

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