College Sports Insider With Jack Ford



In this weekly podcast, journalist Jack Ford (60 Minutes Sports, Good Morning America, NBC News) interviews individuals who have unique insight into the world of college sports. Produced by the NCAA and Champion magazine, episodes delve into the most pressing topics of the day and offer behind-the-scenes points of view from those who shape college athletics.


  • Closing the Race and Gender Gap

    07/08/2017 Duration: 20min

    College sports suffer from a dearth of minority and female coaches and administrators. A conversation about the obstacles minority candidates face as they seek to climb the ladder and details about programs made available in recent years that help close the gap. Jack Ford with Bernard Franklin, NCAA chief inclusion officer.

  • Examining College Athletes’ Mental Health

    31/07/2017 Duration: 25min

    The NCAA Sport Science Institute is tasked with addressing a litany of health and safety concerns — concussions and cardiac health among them. But the group’s principal challenge? Mental health. A discussion about how difficulties with mental health can affect college athletes and what services some schools are offering to help. Jack Ford with Dr. Brian Hainline, NCAA chief medical officer.

  • Coming Out in the South

    24/07/2017 Duration: 28min

    An openly gay college administrator from Mississippi reflects on the difficulties he faced growing up the South, how he came to find acceptance in the world of higher education and how those experiences help him relate to college athletes and other students today. Jack Ford with Brit Katz, Millsaps vice president of student life and dean of students.

  • How NCAA Enforcement Works

    17/07/2017 Duration: 31min

    The NCAA’s enforcement division is often derided by college sports fans after major penalties are handed down to schools found to have violated the rules. But what, really, is the group’s role? And how does it function? The department’s leader delivers a step-by-step breakdown of the process. Jack Ford with Jon Duncan, NCAA vice president of enforcement.

  • The Quest to Understand Concussions

    10/07/2017 Duration: 30min

    In 2014, the NCAA and Department of Defense launched the largest concussion study in history. Slated to continue for years, perhaps decades, the CARE Consortium study has enrolled nearly 30,000 athletes and cadets at colleges and military academies across the country. One of the study’s primary investigators examines researchers’ preliminary findings, the significant questions they hope to answer — and how they plan to get there. Jack Ford with Tom McAllister, CARE Consortium principal investigator and chair of the Indiana University School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry.

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