Purpose For Your Life



Encouraging, inspiring, and empowering women to imagine the possibilities for their lives - personally and professionally. Carol's Corner will bring you motivation, focus, productivity, and success stories to get you out of your comfort zone and becoming all that you were meant to be.


  • When Technology Is a Blessing

    07/05/2019 Duration: 05min

    Have you ever thought of technology as a blessing? There are times it is, as you'll hear in this short podcast episode. What is your favorite piece of technology? Why? Do you have any exciting or funny experiences you could share with us about dealing with technology? Just comment below so we can enjoy your memory along with you. Carol Your Chief Encourager

  • The Stolen Van

    22/04/2019 Duration: 03min

    This week's podcast talks about the fact that we often see only the immediate situation, but God's thoughts and planning for us, embrace eternity. The story of the stolen van is one I read in a book called "Voices of the Faithful" by Beth Moore. I hope it encourages you, no matter what your present view appears to be. Carol

  • Feeling Unmotivated?

    16/04/2019 Duration: 02min

    This time of year can be hard for a lot of people. Too much rain, not warm enough, not enough sun. At least in my part of Canada, that's the case. So I created a quick little podcast about what we can do when we feel unmotivated. I'd love to hear your thoughts. Carol

  • Volunteering Benefits You

    26/02/2019 Duration: 04min

    What happens when we take our eyes off of ourselves and our aches and pains and start to look at the needs of those around us. You will grow and change in the process. If you prefer, you can watch the video by clicking here. Have a great day, Carol

  • The Sun Does Shine

    19/02/2019 Duration: 06min

    Podcast Episode Highlights: The Sun Does Shine is the true story of Anthony Ray Hinton, convicted of murders he did not commit and sentenced to die. Ray spent almost thirty years on Death Row until finally being found innocent and released in 2015. His story is one of endurance and faith in the midst of a terrible situation; of his decision to make a home where he was instead of wishing he were somewhere else. In this podcast, I talk about some of the key points I noticed.  

  • The Power of Perseverance

    18/09/2018 Duration: 05min

    These are the notes from today's podcast: Perseverance Quiz – Who are these people based on the hints about them? Listen to the podcast to find out who they are. 1. ? Too short and clumsy to play basketball ? Cut from the varsity basketball team ? Missed more than 9,000 shots and lost almost 300 games ? Considered one of the greatest basketball players of all time 2. ? Was a shy, timid teenager ? His drawings were rejected by his high school yearbook ? Is now considered on of the most influential cartoonists of all time 3. ? Was a defeated boxer and retired ? Became a minister and needed to raise money for his youth center ? Got back in the ring 10 years after retiring ? Was laughed at and not taken seriously because he was 45 years old and 50 pounds overweight ? He regained the title and became the oldest heavyweight boxing champion in history 4. ? He grew up very poor and was a shy loner ? He was told he couldn’t sing and to keep his truck driving job ? His songs have sold over a billion albums world-wide a

  • The Legacy We Leave

    07/06/2018 Duration: 04min

    Have you ever thought about what people will say when the day arrives that you leave this earth? My mother passed away exactly one month ago now and it made me consider again this quote by Lin Yutang: "Belief in our mortality, the sense that we are eventually going to crack up and be extinguished like the flame of a candle, I say, is a gloriously fine thing. It makes us sober; it makes us a little sad; and many of us it makes poetic. But above all, it makes it possible for us to make up our mind and arrange to live sensibly, truthfully, and always with a sense of our own limitations." I've thought a lot about what phrases or quotes define me. I can identify with the statements above and I want my life to count. I want my life to be summed up by the lines of the following songs: "I Hope You Dance": I hope you never lose your sense of wonder You get your fill to eat but always keep that hunger May you never take one single breath for granted God forbid love ever leave you empty handed I hope you still feel smal

  • Broken Strings and Second Chances

    07/03/2018 Duration: 01min

    Notes From the Podcast episode: Excerpt from ‘Come Away My Beloved’ daily devotional:  “Will you be like an instrument with broken strings from which the musician can bring forth no music?” The important thing isn’t that we stay so strong that we never break How do we react when we feel broken? How would a rare violin be treated? Why we are like that violin and how should we respond?   Second Chances First of all, thank you to those of you I know have been praying that I find my direction going forward. The path gets a little clearer every day. As many of you know, I volunteer with the homeless, the local women's prison, and a prison aftercare program. Many of those women are like that broken violin and I've seen how God can fix their brokenness. For awhile now I've wondered how I could practically help and I know employment and finances play a big part in becoming a contributing member of society. So I've decided to start training some of these women to work virtually. To that end, I’m trying out a new ser

  • Blessings From Your Past

    21/06/2017 Duration: 03min

    Download the episode here Notes from this episode: Have you had a dream for your future that you think is lost because of things that have happened in your life? Story of Moses: born to an Israelite family, raised by Pharaoh’s daughter in the palace as her son. at 40 years old, lost his temper and killed an Egyptian guard ran away to the desert to live became a shepherd at 80 years old, God told him to go to Egypt and tell Pharaoh to let God’s people go Israelites finally freed then Moses job to lead them through the wilderness At some point in our lives, most of us feel like life has passed us by. We give up on our dreams because we feel like it’s too late, we messed up too badly. That’s how Moses felt when he lost everything because he lost his temper. But all of the things that Moses went through were needed so that he could help his people. Moses knew how to approach Pharaoh and talk to him. He knew how to live in the wilderness and how to lead He thought he was unqualified, but Moses’ past trained h

  • Who Cares

    05/06/2017 Duration: 05min

    Notes from this podcast episode: Portion from 'The Finishing Touch' by Charles Swindoll, called 'Who Cares'. Tells the story of a derelict who was found on the streets and later died The surprising name of who that drunken bum really was. I won't spoil it for you, you'll have to listen to the podcast The story reminded Mr Swindoll of a poem about stooping down and restoring a lost soul's glimmer of hope. Deep within many a forgotten life is a scrap of hope trying hard to return. Because of my volunteering at the homeless shelter and the women's prison, I know how hard it is for many people to realize that life is still worth living, no matter how much we may have messed up. I hope this story encourages you to care. Have a great week and take the time to smile at others, Carol

  • Bright, Shiny Objects

    30/05/2017 Duration: 02min

    Sorry that this Monday Motivation is going out on Tuesday. I spent the day with visiting family yesterday and was too tired to turn my computer on when I got home. Notes From This Episode: What are bright, shiny objects? My experience with them and all my excuses Intentions are not enough How I'm trying to focus and deal with those distractions Have a great week and enjoy your family, Carol

  • Lessons From the Ditchdigger's Daughters

    22/05/2017 Duration: 04min

    Download the episode here Notes From This Episode: My motivation for today is from a book that was later made into a movie. In 1950s, father was a ditchdigger and mother a cleaning lady and they had six daughters. He wanted them to have a good education and a better life. Believed always something more to strive for - if you think you've made it, you lose it. Choose your rabbits and chase after them, see what others have done to be successful - my experience with chasing a rabbit. Working hard is a law like the law of gravity and will result in success. The results of their hard work. The father always said "If the door doesn't open, climb through a window. If the window is closed, try to get in through the cellar. If that's locked, climb on the roof and try to get in the chimney. There's always a way if you keep trying." What dream are you trying to achieve? I believe in you, have a great day, Carol

  • Finding Your Potential

    15/05/2017 Duration: 05min

    Download the episode here Show Notes From This Episode: Get out of your comfort zone because people need what you know. Take a big sheet of paper and list the following: All the things, large or small, that you know how to do. They might be easy for you, but not for everyone. All the experiences you have. All the things you are often asked to do. All the things people think you are good at. I mention a lot of examples of experiences and skills you may have to get you thinking. Ways you can help people because of your expertise and experiences. There are also a number of ideas in this podcast for getting your story out to people and ways to do that using Internet tools. Note: I didn't mention it on the podcast, but if you want to do the one on one live training that I mentioned, I recommend using Zoom. You can even use it to train a group. Zoom is a great tool and gives you not only a video recording of your session, but an audio one as well. Here's to using all the potential God has given you, Carol P.S. I

  • Benefit of Change

    09/05/2017 Duration: 01min

    Notes from this episode: If you're feeling under the weather, you need to take time off and rest, but it might be hard to get motivated again. This is how I got away from the computer, did something new, and changed my environment. If you're stuck and not sure how to get going again, try a different routine and see if it helps. Enjoying life, Carol

  • No More Excuses

    01/05/2017 Duration: 01min

    Notes about this episode: Too old, too tired, physical problems - all those excuses we give ourselves. Take some inspiration from Aaron (Wheelz) Fotheringham and click on the video at the top of his page http://www.aaronfotheringham.com/ (You'll see some photos at the top and one of them is the video.) Born with spina bifida and confined to a wheelchair at 3 years old. Aaron is one of many people who refused to allow excuses. When you find yourself ready to give up, instead fill yourself up with these kinds of stories of achieving in spite of. Take care and remember you are enough just the way you are, Carol

  • Gaining Clarity Exercise

    24/04/2017 Duration: 01min

    Download the episode here Notes from this episode: Brain Fitness Expert Tip - An easy exercise that does something to the connectors in your brain. It wakes up your brain, helps listening and makes you better able to focus. Start at the top of your ears and knead them gently from top to bottom, both ears at the same time, and it works on both sides of your brain. It really worked to give me clarity about a problem I had to figure out. Have a great day and keep learning, Carol

  • Never Too Old and Never Too Late

    18/04/2017 Duration: 02min

    Notes from this episode: Quote from Antoine de Saint Exupery and why it made me sad when I first heard it. don't let the clay harden, waken the potential that you were given in the beginning take a risk and get out of your comfort zone the regret of a 90 year old What have you been putting off? Why not get started? Make this a great week, Carol P.S. Sorry about the rough beginning of this audio, but I need to get it out before the day is over.  

  • Focus On The Good Things

    10/04/2017 Duration: 02min

    Notes from today's episode: Who do you hang out with? The kind of companions you have will influence you. Negative people will rub off on you. Philippians 4:8 encourages us to think about whatever is true, honorable, just, commendable, and excellent. When we worry, we lose our focus. By thinking about the good and positive things, it will keep us going in the right direction rather than focusing on the what ifs, the negative things. Have a wonderful Easter and enjoy all the good in your life, Carol

  • We Can't Do It Alone

    03/04/2017 Duration: 50s

    Notes from today's episode: As well as goals we need accountability and people to encourage us to keep going Ecclesiastes 4: 9 and 10: "Two can accomplish more than twice as much as one ...." what another person can do for us why we get in trouble when we try to go it alone we need each other Wishing you purpose and encouragement for your week, Carol

  • Ice Water and Hope

    27/03/2017 Duration: 02min

    Notes from this episode: story from the book 'When Your Past Is Hurting Your Present' by Sue Augustine experiment done with two groups of people who had to hold their hands in ice water for three minutes results for the group that had hope they could make it Encouraging you to live the life you were meant to, Carol

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