Second City @ Menlo Park Presbyterian Church

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Audio files of teaching @ Second City, part of the High School Ministry @ MPPC


  • Three Questions


    Guest teaching Jim Candy poses 3 very compelling questions that we all have to answer in our lives at some point. You can listen to this weeks message HERE.

  • LAUNCH, Week 8


    Matt teaches about the transition of graduation that many of our students are facing by sharing from the history of the nation of Israel’s long walk through the desert and preparation to enter the land that God had prepared for them. You can listen to this weeks teaching HERE.

  • LAUNCH, Week 7


    CJ Clark continues our LAUNCH series. You can listen to this week’s teaching HERE.

  • LAUNCH, Week 6


    Matt continues our LAUNCH series by asking the question: How Do We Get Good at Life? We explore Jesus’ answer to this question in Matthew 7 – We get good at life by building our house on the Rock. You can listen to this weeks message HERE.

  • Palm Sunday


    Matt walks us through all of what was going on the Sunday that Jesus arrived in Jerusalem. The military/messianic expectations Jesus walked into came from a variety of sources including misread Old Testament prophecies, the revolution of the Macabees in 164 BC, and disfavor with the Romans. Amidst this backdrop, Jesus enters riding a symbol […]

  • LAUNCH, Week 5


    Charley Scandlyn, former MPPC youth pastor, shares with us about all that’s going on with the Senior Book Study this spring. The 12th graders are going through Tim Keller’s The Reason for God. You can listen to this weeks message HERE.

  • Derek Melleby


    Derek Melleby, from the Center for Parent and Youth Understanding, came to talk to parents, students, and staff about having a God centered transition into college. He shares insightful questions that reveal how to be best prepared for college, and frames what the college journey can look like for a christian student. You can listen […]

  • LAUNCH, Week 4


    Stephanie Green and Julie Gerughty continue our LAUNCH series and share about how God is using the Soul Renovation ( curriculum in the lives of our 11th grade students. You can listen to this weeks message HERE.

  • LAUNCH, Week 3


    Laura Turner and Julie Gerughty continue our LAUNCH series and share about how God is using the XEE ( curriculum in the lives of our 10th grade students. You can listen to this weeks message HERE.

  • LAUNCH, Week #2


    Matt continues our LAUNCH series by welcoming Freshman Small Group Leader, DJ Chung.  DJ shares about his experience of wrestling with how to base his identity on the unchanging God and how it relates to The Me I Want to Be (9th Grade Small Group curriculum). You can listen to this weeks message HERE.

  • LAUNCH, Week #1


    Matt begins our 10-week LAUNCH series for Second City and Small Groups. Each grade is going through its own curriculum over the next 10 weeks – 9th graders: The Me I Want to Be (High School Version), 10th graders: XEE, 11th graders: Soul Renovation, 12th graders: The Reason for God (Senior Book Study). You can […]

  • Mexicali Recap and Student Stories


    This week, we get to hear from some of our students reflect on the incredible experience of serving God and others on our missions trip to Mexicali, Mexico. You can listen to this weeks message HERE.

  • Crossing Borders, Week 1


    Matt begins a new series entitled Crossing Borders. As we lead up to our trip to Mexicali, Mexico, we take a look at how Jesus regularly crossed borders in order to bring God’s grace, love, peace, and mercy to new and unfamiliar places. You can listen to this weeks message HERE.

  • Wrestle and Submit


    John Cromie, Stanford grad, rocket scientist at Lockheed, and High School Ministry volunteer leader shares thoughts from his recent trip to Israel. He focuses his teaching on his visit to the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus wrestled and submitted to His Father’s will and how we can do the same. You can listen to this […]

  • Image and Identity


    Jon Bingham and C.J. Clark teach on how we can find our true image and identity in Christ. You can listen to this weeks message HERE.

  • Godly Sexuality


    Jim Candy teaches on relationships and Godly sexuality. You can listen to this weeks message HERE.

  • The Christmas Story, Week 1


    Matt Bond teaches on how God became flesh and walked into our neighborhood. He came as the seemingly harmless child, who proved to put the most powerful men in the world up in arms. You can listen to this weeks message HERE.

  • Thanksgiving and Purpose


    Jen Hayden and Juice Gerughty team teach on Thanksgiving weekend on how the things we have to be the most thankful for are things that never change – namely, our identity as children of God. You can listen to this weeks message HERE.

  • On A Mission, Week 3


    C.J. Clark continues our series entitled, On A Mission.  Teaching from Luke 8, C.J. makes the connection between how Jesus lives out the Gospel in the healing of a woman and the way in which we’re called to live out the Gospel today. You can listen to this weeks message HERE.

  • On A Mission, Week 2


    Continuing our series, On a Mission, Matt teaches from Isaiah 1 and 58, looking at how worship and mission are linked. In fact, according to Isaiah (and other Biblical descriptions) worship is mission and mission is worship! You can listen to this week’s message HERE.

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