Loveland Heights Church Of Christ



Sermon and Class audio recorded at the church of Christ that meets in Loveland, Ohio.


  • Not Self-Seeking

    29/07/2018 Duration: 28min

    A big part of being a Christian is how we think of ourselves in relation to others and the Gospel. Not being “self-seeking” is a principle embodied and taught by Paul and it’s driven by his obsession, all found in 1 Corinthians 10:31-33.

  • Proverbs on Authority (Part 2)

    29/07/2018 Duration: 15min

    Wisdom found in Proverbs about those who are under authority.

  • Keeping God's Commandments

    22/07/2018 Duration: 28min

    Commandment-Keeping: Some see this as “legalistic” and unnecessary, others take a strict, “legalistic” approach and rebuke those who don’t. What is the proper attitude and is it a difficult task, or unachievable? Let’s look together at 1 Corinthians 7:19, and similar words of Paul to understand why it’s important to keep God’s Commandments

  • Proverbs on Authority (Part 1)

    15/07/2018 Duration: 22min

    Wisdom found in Proverbs about those in positions of authority.

  • Preaching Christ Crucified

    15/07/2018 Duration: 32min

    The church in Corinth was dealing with some of the same issues still impacting the church today. What needs to be the focus of the church, both locally and individually? Christ, and Him crucified... Even if that seems foolish.

  • Proverbs on Speech (Part 2)

    08/07/2018 Duration: 20min

    Part 2 of 2: Last time we looked at the destructive power of our speech. This week we look at the Words of wisdom regarding the power to do good with our speech.

  • Proverbs on Speech (Part 1)

    01/07/2018 Duration: 23min

    Part 1 of 2: What does Proverbs tell us about the improper use of our speech and the destructive power it has?

  • A Universal Problem

    01/07/2018 Duration: 36min

    Sin... It separates us from God so that he doesn’t hear us. What is it, why does it have this affect on our relationship with God, and how can we fix it?

  • Not Ashamed of the Gospel

    24/06/2018 Duration: 24min

    Are you ashamed of the Gospel? In Romans 1:14-17 (and elsewhere) Paul tells us — and shows us — why he wasn’t ashamed and why we shouldn’t be either.

  • Proverbs on Money (Part 2)

    17/06/2018 Duration: 21min

    Part 2 looks at the wisdom Proverbs provides for the contrast of generosity and greed.

  • Paul's Defense Before Agrippa

    17/06/2018 Duration: 29min

    A single decision can change your life. Agrippa was confronted with this decision as Paul defended himself before the king and Roman officials in Acts 26. How will you/have you responded to this decision in your own life?

  • The Sermon on Mars Hill

    10/06/2018 Duration: 43min

    There was a sermon, preached on a hill that answers many questions that humans have been struggling with since the Garden of Eden. Join us this morning as we study Paul’s Sermon on Mars Hill in Athens.

  • Proverbs on Money (Part 1)

    10/06/2018 Duration: 31min

    The bible tells us a lot about money, how to handle it, how to give, the place it shouldn't take in our hearts. Proverbs gives us some insight into the contrast of wealth and poverty, in part 1 of our look at the topic of "Money" in Proverbs.

  • Proverbs on Friendships

    03/06/2018 Duration: 32min

    God's Word is full of wisdom, and the book of Proverbs holds a lot. In this lesson, we explore the wisdom Solomon had to share on the topic of friendships.

  • The Call of Barnabas and Saul

    03/06/2018 Duration: 31min

    There are some great lessons we can apply and learn from the church in Antioch of Syria where Saul and Barnabas were called to be missionaries by the Holy Spirit in Acts 13.

  • Peter and Cornelius

    27/05/2018 Duration: 31min

    There is a debate in the religious world that circles around the salvation of Cornelius. The whole telling in Acts 10 and 11 shows clearly God's plan of salvation as is also seen in every other conversion account in the Bible.

  • 5 Words to Change A Life

    20/05/2018 Duration: 42min

    The establishment of Christ's Kingdom, also known as His Church was done in glorious fashion in Acts 2. The latter portion of which contains 5 words in the Greek that show us a shining example of what we should be doing today as His Church.

  • The Invitations of Wisdom and Folly

    20/05/2018 Duration: 17min

    In Chapters 7 & 8 we see two women: an adulterous woman and the woman of wisdom. In chapter 9, Solomon concludes his discourses on the value of wisdom with two invitations from these women, connecting everything to chapter 4 and the two paths (one of wisdom and one of folly) that each person must choose.

  • All Eyes on Jesus

    13/05/2018 Duration: 31min

    As Jesus makes His triumphant entry, He steps to center stage, the spotlight shines brightly and all eyes are on Him. What He does and how He handles the stressful situations He encounters is a glorious example for how we should do the same.

  • Wisdom's Desire

    13/05/2018 Duration: 17min

    We've seen the desire of the Adulterous Woman, what about the desire of Wisdom? Wisdom is personified as a woman often throughout Solomon's writings

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