Jew And Gentile Radio



David is a Jew. Aaron is Gentile. Yet they both believe that Yeshua/Jesus is the promised Messiah who is described in ancient prophetic texts known as the Bible.


  • Jew and Gentile ReBoot Show!!!

    11/05/2023 Duration: 01h28min

    David and Aaron are back in front of the Mics for a reboot show summarising the past six years of shows. Much more to come this year!!

  • Dallas Jenkins and the Mormon Jesus

    27/09/2022 Duration: 01h35min

    Aaron Marshall makes a much-needed appearance on this show to discuss comments made by "Chosen" creator Dallas Jenkins. We discuss deep and substantial differences between the LDS faith and Orthodox Evangelical Christianity. If you are watching "The Chosen" you need to tune in to this episode.

  • World's Oldest Alphabet with Dr. Douglas Petrovich PhD

    24/04/2022 Duration: 01h57min

    David brings Douglas Petrovich PhD on the show to discuss his books "World's Oldest Alphabet" and "Origins of the Hebrews". Both available through his twitter page and email They discuss how Hebrew is that world's oldest alphabet and possibly the first language spoken. Additionally Dr. Petrovich talks about dating the biblical exodus and how we know when things happened in scripture.

  • Jewish Origins of Christianity

    08/04/2022 Duration: 01h22min

    Did Yeshua/Jesus come to start a new religion? What are the Jewish "roots" of the faith? In a lecture given at the Utah State University David discusses the non-Jewish additions to the Christian faith and the qualifications of who the Messiah would be according to the Hebrew bible.

  • Genesis Week 2

    04/02/2022 Duration: 48min

    David continues the Genesis study with some more background and a discussion about the "Gap" theory of Genesis 1:1-2.

  • New Genesis Study!! & Australian Request

    18/01/2022 Duration: 44min

    David begins an in-depth study on the book of Genesis. Did you know that Moses had physical documents that he used to compile the book of Genesis? Did you know that we have written documents that go bak over 5000 years? Tune in to begin this unique study of Genesis from a Jewish perspective.

  • Covid Concentration Camps

    11/01/2022 Duration: 01h03min

    On this Episode David discusses the Covid Concentration camps which are popping up around the globe including the good Ole US of A. Unheard's interview of Hayley in Australia State hiring Covid Camp workers News Article detailing Washing State Covid Camp

  • Covid "Year" In Review

    06/01/2022 Duration: 01h21min

    Three pastors sit down with David to discuss among other things the Satanic background to the Covid hysteria which has swept the globe.

  • Utah Trip Part 2

    09/07/2021 Duration: 01h32min

    In this part 2 of the Utah Trip re-cap, Aaron and David interview the young adults who participated in this latest Study Tour Outreach to the LDS community in Utah and Northern Arizona.

  • David's New Song "Just One Name" AKA "Come On"

    01/07/2021 Duration: 04min

    In case you didn't know David writes, records, and produces the music for Jew and Gentile Radio. A few of the songs like the intro were co-written with Adam Smith out of Wilmington, NC. Here is the latest which was inspired by the one and only Joe Harty on the latest Mission Trip to Utah. Just one more reason to join us on our Intensive Outreach Trips!!!

  • Utah Outreach Trip: What short term missions should be!

    29/06/2021 Duration: 01h01min

    Aaron Marshall and David discuss leading their recent mission's trip in Utah with 33 others. Let's face it. Most short term missions trips are ineffective and a waste of time. Aaron and David lay out what makes these trips different and why you should consider joining the next one!

  • The Hebrew Gospels- Aramaic Bias Debunked

    10/05/2021 Duration: 59min

    What language did Yeshua speak? What was the common tongue of first century Israel? We know that Aramaic and sometimes even Koine Greek is posited as the common tongue and language, but do the facts support these theories? In this episode David HaLevy confronts mainstream bias with overwhelming evidence that Yeshua and 1st century Israel spoke Hebrew as the primary language. Additionally there is good evidence that the Synoptic gospels, Acts 1-15 and Revelation where all originally composed in Hebrew. Learn how this revelation can help you better understand Yeshua's own words, teaching, narrative, and culture of the day.

  • Truth About Covid Vaccine

    08/05/2021 Duration: 50min

    As millions rush to get the "Covid Vaccine" jab David HaLevy and Chris Shimmel discuss the dirty little secret of how these fake inoculations are actually made. Aborted babies are a key ingredient in the testing and production of these dangerous injections which have left thousands dead.

  • Three Stories

    18/08/2020 Duration: 55min

    In​ this episode, David breaks down three stories where he speaks with unbelievers about the truth, Yeshua, and the Gospel.

  • 10 Lost Tribes of Israel?

    18/06/2020 Duration: 01h18min

    Pastor Chris Shimmel again joins the show to discuss Shavuot/Pentecost. What really happened on the steps of the Temple in Acts 2. What really happened to the 10 lost tribes of Israel?

  • What is Natural Evil? Covid-19

    15/04/2020 Duration: 01h26min

    Aaron Marshall joins us from Utah to discuss Covid-19 and Natural Evil. What is natural evil? Why does God let things like Covid-19 happen? Who is to blame?

  • Tim Mahoney- Red Sea Miracle- Interview

    15/02/2020 Duration: 46min

    Patterns of Evidence filmmaker Tim Mahoney comes back on the program to discuss his brand new installment of the Patterns of Evidence series with the "Red Sea Miracle". The subject of the Exodus is pivotal​ in the reliability of the biblical text and Tim is second to none in his understanding of the truth surrounding this controversial subject. Did the Israelites encounter a miracle in the desert? Or did they exaggerate a minor happening to make themselves have a better history? Purchase tickets to the film at

  • Utah Trip- Aaron Marshall- Mormonism

    08/02/2020 Duration: 01h28min

    Aaron Marshall is back on the podcast to tell us what he is up to out in Utah and we discuss the many oddities and inconsistencies of Mormonism and the Church of the Latter-Day Saints. Aaron also reveals his new podcast "The Present Day Saint". It was so much fun to be in Utah with Aaron and his family. What a trip!! Thanks,​ Aaron for making it happen!

  • Brigham Young's Great Great Granddaughter Interview

    28/12/2019 Duration: 52min

    The direct descendant of Brigham Young's first wife comes on the show to discuss why she left the Church of the Latter-Day Saints. A.K.A. Mormonism. Aaron and David sit down with Sandra Tanner at the National Apologetics Conference in Charlotte and spend the hour asking many questions and getting one of the most interesting stories to date. Enjoy!!

  • Evangelicals Persecuting Jews in Israel

    09/11/2019 Duration: 01h14min

    Shocking reports straight from Israel of Christian supported and evangelical organizations​ persecuting and discriminating against Jewish believers in Jesus. ​I fear we are just seeing the proverbial​ tip of the iceberg regarding this new subject. I was shocked to hear what was going on and will continue to dig into this disturbing revelation. A must listen.!

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