Mold Firm



At the Mold Firm, we focus heavily on mold litigation, enabling us to develop an effective and detailed approach for representing our clients mold claims that includes working with some of the best mold experts available. Most importantly, though, we have witnessed the devastating effects of mold infestations, and we are ready to listen to you.


  • Are There Molds That Are More Indicative of a Structural Problem? | Atlanta Toxic Mold Attorney

    30/05/2017 Duration: 01min

    Carson Jeffries: Good morning, I'm Carson Jeffries with the Mold Firm and I'm here today with long-time friend and owner of Air Allergen & Mold Testing. Richard Johnson: My name is Richard Johnson and I'm the President/CEO of Air Allergen & Mold Testing. Yes, absolutely, things like blue claydium, trichoderma, chaetomium, and stachybotrys, those are all associated with deterioration of the drywall and other materials in the home associated with high water activity. So when we see those, we know that there's more likely to be some kind of a health risk in that home than other things. Carson: Okay, so what I'm understanding generally is, there's a lot more that homeowners should be concerned about than just your basic black mold. Richard: Well there really is. And it really leads into another area of indoor air quality, which is indicative, or we find when we find the deteriorating conditions, is that we find a lot higher particulate count in the air of things like cellulose materials that comes as a resul

  • Can Mold Issues Continue to Persist in the Future w/out Environmental Report? | Mold Lawyer Atlanta

    30/05/2017 Duration: 03min

    Carson Jeffries: Good morning, I'm Carson Jeffries with the Mold Firm and I'm here today with long-time friend and owner of Air Allergen & Mold Testing. Richard Johnson: My name is Richard Johnson and I'm the President/CEO of Air Allergen & Mold Testing. That's absolutely correct. If you don't have a clear enough picture of everything that's going on that needs to be addressed, you're not going to address those things that you don't know about. And so it will go on in the future. Carson: You know Richard, I always liken to my clients the situation where maybe they've got a problem with a contractor that maybe installed a roof improperly leading to water leak or they've got a landlord who has allowed water to penetrate to the unit or maybe a leaking HVAC unit. And the clients will call me and they'll say, "The landlord sent a couple maintenance workers over and maybe they removed a piece of drywall and repatched it or maybe they sprayed it with bleach." The question I always ask my clients is, “Isn't this a

  • Can Mold Be in Areas That Aren’t Visible? | Atlanta Toxic Mold Attorneys | Mold Firm

    30/05/2017 Duration: 03min

    Carson Jeffries: Good morning, I'm Carson Jeffries with the Mold Firm and I'm here today with long-time friend and owner of Air Allergen & Mold Testing. Richard Johnson: My name is Richard Johnson and I'm the President/CEO of Air Allergen & Mold Testing. Absolutely true. I mean, you can't walk into a house and say what's in the carpet dust, for instance. But the carpet dust and the mold in the carpet dust in particular, has been shown to be very strong indicator of health risks. For instance, there's a study out of the, well, the whole ERMI environment where the mold in the Moldiness Index was based on the mold spores that were found in carpet dust. Carson: And that's from the EPAs, is that correct? Richard: That's correct. That was funded by the EPA. It was done in the 90s. It was done and demonstrated at that time that there was an association between what was found in the carpet dust, if it was more moldy than average based on their index compared to not, that they were associated with health concerns.

  • Is There Certain Times of the Year That May Affect The Amount of Mold? | Mold Firm Atlanta

    30/05/2017 Duration: 02min

    Carson Jeffries: Good morning, I'm Carson Jeffries with the Mold Firm and I'm here today with long-time friend and owner of Air Allergen & Mold Testing. Richard Johnson: My name is Richard Johnson and I'm the President/CEO of Air Allergen & Mold Testing. There are some studies that suggest that outdoor spores are perhaps as much as ten times higher in the summer times as the winter times. We find that there’s a variation in the indoor but because the indoor temperature and humidity is more likely to be more stable than it is outdoor, we don’t see that much of a variation but we do see a difference between the mold growth in the wintertime from what you would see in the summertime. So if we see something near our guidelines in the wintertime, we know that’s the best that’s gonna get. And we know that as time goes on in the summertime, it’s gonna get a lot worse. So if it looks like it’s on the border of a problem in the wintertime, we say, “Hey, it’s really a problem.” In the summertime, if it’s very clos

  • What Steps Could a Homeowner Take to Minimize Background Particulate Matter? | Mold Firm Atlanta

    30/05/2017 Duration: 03min

    Carson Jeffries: Good morning, I'm Carson Jeffries with the Mold Firm and I'm here today with long-time friend and owner of Air Allergen & Mold Testing. Richard Johnson: My name is Richard Johnson and I'm the President/CEO of Air Allergen & Mold Testing. The best thing is a good filter in the HVAC system. They have ratings on filters that can describe how small of a particulate can capture and including mold spores because mold spores basically a particulate. A filter with the equivalent of MERV 8 rating will capture particulate down as small as 3 microns. Most mold spores are 3 microns or higher. Aspergillus and Penicillium, for instance, are in the 3.3 micron range, stachybotrys is around 5 microns. So if you have at least a MERV 8 filtering furnace, you're going to be reducing the amount of mold spores that are in the air. It's not going to eliminate them but it'll be healthier. If you're looking for the background particulate to the deterioration of the indoor environment there we recommend at least a

  • What Kind of Samples Does Air Allergen Take? | Georgia Toxic Mold Attorney

    30/05/2017 Duration: 04min

    Carson Jeffries: Good morning, I'm Carson Jeffries with the Mold Firm and I'm here today with long-time friend and owner of Air Allergen & Mold Testing. Richard Johnson: My name is Richard Johnson and I'm the President/CEO of Air Allergen & Mold Testing. We do have data because we've done thousands and thousands of these samples over the years. We have data that we can say, if the amount of mold spores in the carpet is normal, if they tend to be water damage spores, or if they tend to be what we called phylloplane spores, which are much less likely to have some kind of a problem, and we can give some guidances in carpet dust, for instance. There's only three things you can do with a carpet – you can vacuum it with a HEPA filter vacuum, if you don't use a HEPA filter vacuum, it's just going to broadcast it out into the air, and even with HEPA filter vacuum, some of that stuff is going to get out into the air. That's the real fine particulate spores. Or you can clean the carpet. Or you can replace the carpe

  • What Do Air Allergen Clients Generally Complain About | Environmental Report | Mold Attorney Atlanta

    30/05/2017 Duration: 05min

    There’s three things that may really relate to mold and that is if you see it, obviously that's an issue; if you can smell it, the odor that's given off, the musty odor that you smell from homes or in homes are the gases that are given off while mold is metabolizing whatever it's growing on. So if you smell that smell, mold is growing somewhere; and the third thing is any kind of health symptoms particularly that are associated with the respiratory system, whether you're having sinus problems, whether you're having any kind of breathing issues. But it's not limited to that – mold problems go far greater than that for a variety of reasons. One of the reasons is that 70% of those who have asthma also have allergies. They have allergies to the mold spores and when you have, and a lot of people have allergies, you don't have to have asthma to have these allergies, when those get into your windpipe and your respiratory system, you get this redness and swelling just like you would get on your skin if you have your

  • Is Having a Pest Problem an Indication to Have an Environmental Inspection? | Atlanta Molds Attorney

    30/05/2017 Duration: 01min

    Carson Jeffries: Good morning, I'm Carson Jeffries with the Mold Firm and I'm here today with long-time friend and owner of Air Allergen & Mold Testing. Richard Johnson: My name is Richard Johnson and I'm the President/CEO of Air Allergen & Mold Testing. That's absolutely true. And another example that might be related to what we find with mold or not mold that has to do with humidity because if you have a high mold growth you're going to have a humidity problem. Dust mites, as an example. Dust mites absorb their moisture through their exoskeleton, if you can hold the humidity down around fifty percent or so, you're [sic] not enough moisture for the dust mites to absorb the moisture they need to survive, and gradually the dust mites in things like the carpeting and that kind of thing, are going to disappear, over about eight weeks or more.

  • What Signs Should You Look For If You Think You May Have a Mold Problem in Your Home? | Mold Firm

    19/05/2017 Duration: 01min

    Georgia Mold Lawyer - Visit us today at or call 404-341-MOLD (6653). In this segment, Mold Attorney Carson Jeffries and Richard Johnson answer, "What Signs to Look For If You Think You May Have a Mold Problem?". Carson: Good morning, I'm Carson Jeffries with the Mold Firm, and I'm here today with a long-time friend and owner of Air Allergen & Mold Testing. Richard: My name is Richard Johnson, and I'm the President/CEO of Air Allergen & Mold Testing. Eventually, it will get so bad that you could have some visible signs. But in general, going into an environment and trying to see whether there is a problem, on the microscopic level that mold spores are, you cannot see mold spores. You can see mold, but the spores are like the fruit of the mold, and you can't, you just can't see them, they're just too small. It makes no more sense to be able to walk into an environment and think that you can see the minor quantities of things that are in the air than it does to say you can

  • What Is Black Mold? | Georgia Mold Lawyer | Toxic Mold Lawyers

    16/02/2017 Duration: 04min

    Carson Jeffries: Good morning, I'm Carson Jeffries with the Mold Firm and I'm here today with long-time friend and owner of Air Allergen & Mold Testing. Richard Johnson: My name is Richard Johnson and I'm the President/CEO of Air Allergen & Mold Testing. Black mold as it's usually used, refers to a particular kind of stachybotrys spores. The problem with black mold - it's true that black mold - stachybotrys, particularly stachybotrys chartarum, a particular species of it, can have multiple kinds of toxins associated with them. Just because you have stachybotrys, doesn't necessarily mean you have those toxins, because it depends a lot on the growing conditions. But stachybotrys is an indication of conditions that are unhealthy in the indoor environment for a variety of reasons. And so, the presence of stachybotrys is really a huge red flag that there's a serious problem in that environment. But there are a lot of other spores that have other toxins associated with them that can be just as much of a problem.

  • Duty to Pay Rent | Atlanta Molds Attorney | Georgia Mold Lawyer | Mold FIrm

    04/02/2017 Duration: 01min

    Hi. I'm Akilah Heslop and I'm an attorney with the Mold Firm. You are responsible for rental payments during the course of your lease. Yes, you must pay rent even if you suspect mold contamination. There are few exceptions to this duty to pay rent. One main exception is the tenant's right to repair and deduct. “Repair and deduct” is a very specific process that includes specific actions that must be taken by the tenants. Before you employ this remedy, please, it is important that you understand the process. Seeking advice from a landlord-tenant attorney is recommended. Failure to properly employ the repair and deduct remedy may cost you. Unfortunately, for tenants who face mold contamination, the repair and deduct option is usually unbeneficial because the cost to remediate the contaminated residents usually cost thousands of dollars. Failure to pay rent may also cause the tenant to be evicted. If you have any questions regarding your duty to pay your rent, if you have any questions regarding your landlor

  • Time Concerns | Statutes of Limitation | Georgia Mold Attorney | Mold Firm

    04/02/2017 Duration: 01min

    As I discussed in other video, which cover the types of damages that could apply to a toxic mold claim you may be entitled to compensation for personal injuries as well as damages to your possessions or your home. It's also important to remember though that the law imposes strict time limitations called statutes of limitations, within which you must bring your claims. If you fail to meet these strict deadlines, then you could lose your right to compensation forever, no matter how malicious the responsible parties actions. These time limitations can vary based on a number of factors. In general, the State of Georgia provides a two year statute of limitations for bringing personal injury claims and four years for damages to your home, property or possessions. Keep in mind though that a number of factors may affect these time limitations lengthening them or shortening them. As a result, if you believe that you or your loved ones may have suffered a toxic mold exposure, I urge you to act decisively and immedi

  • What Kind of Losses are Covered? | Georgia Toxic Mold Attorney | Mold Firm

    04/02/2017 Duration: 01min

    Exposure to toxic mold can lead to very serious health and financial consequences for you and your loved ones. It can also greatly disrupt your daily lives and your job. Fortunately, our team at Mold Firm can help you get compensation for your injuries and hold those responsible accountable. Depending on whether you are a tenant, a homeowner, an employee or independent contractor or just a guest in somebody's home or office, you may be entitled to the following types of damages: (1) The cost to repair the defect in your home and to remediate the mold and water damage. (2) The costs to replace or remediate your personal possessions, like clothes or furniture, damaged by the mold or water. (3) Return of your security deposit if it has been wrongfully withheld from you. (4) Your alternative living expenses to live in a safe environment, such as an apartment as well as other related costs. (5) Compensation for moving and storing your contaminated possessions. (6) Personal injuries, medical bills and pain a

  • Is My Land Lord Responsible for Mold | Mold Attorney Atlanta | Mold Firm

    04/02/2017 Duration: 01min

    Hi. I'm Akilah Heslop and I'm an attorney with the Mold Firm. Mold contamination can be costly. It's important to identify who's responsible for these costs. In Georgia, there are laws that place the duty on the landlord to keep the rental property in good repair. When residing in a rental property, whether it be a house or an apartment, the landlord is responsible to ensure that the property is habitable. This means to make certain that the property is in good repair and that it is functioning. But before landlord can make any repair, they must be given notice of a problem. This means you must notify your landlord of any defects to the residents. This includes any water leaks, any foul odors, or any musty smells. It is best to give written notice with dates which informs the landlord of the problem. If it is impossible to give written notice, verbal notice is acceptable. But please, always remember written notice is preferred as it provides evidence that the landlord was aware of the need for the repair. T

  • Do You Have Medical Bills as a Result of a Mold Problem? |Toxic Mold Lawyer Atlanta | The Mold Firm

    04/02/2017 Duration: 01min

    Do you have medical bills as a result of a mold problem? Have you been exposed to toxic mold? Exposure to Toxic Mold or Black Mold can be extremely dangerous to your health and those around you. It can occur in homes, schools or other buildings with chronic dampness, water intrusion, poor construction, or high humidity and may or may not be visible. Toxic mold regularly develops as a result of inaction on behalf of building owners, landlords, and contractors. You should not have to suffer the consequences of mold problems because of someone else’s negligence. Our Mold Remediation Law Firm will quickly assess your situation to determine the proper course of action. We will address the medical issues, the property damage, handle claims for construction defect, claims for landlord/homeowners association maintenance failures as well as zoning violations. We will work to get you the compensation you deserve. There is no cost to assess your case, it’s free. Our experience with toxic mold cases will ensure you h

  • Do You Believe You've Been Affected by Mold Contamination | Toxic Mold Attorneys Atlanta | Mold Firm

    04/02/2017 Duration: 01min

    Hi, I'm Akilah Heslop and I'm an attorney with the Mold Firm. If you believe you've been affected by mold contamination, the first and most important step is to contact your landlord. Contacting your landlord and notifying them of the problem is the best and most efficient thing to do. Working something up amicably is always the best resolution. If your landlord fails to resolve the problem, then you need to figure out whether or not you have property damages or medical damages. If you believe you've been injured medically, contact your primary care physician or your ENT, so they could start recording your medical injuries. If there's property damages, start taking pictures – document, document, document. Documentation is the key and most essential part of litigation. Take pictures, take videos, and notify your landlord and keep them in touch of everything that has been going on. Once these steps have been done, don't hesitate to give us a call. We will help you, we will guide you and we will walk you t

  • Construction Defects & Claims | Toxic Mold Attorney Atlanta | Mold Firm

    04/02/2017 Duration: 02min

    If you're a homeowner and not just a tenant, then you're generally responsible for maintaining your home to prevent the excess moisture, leaks and flooding that can lead to the development of mold. Sometimes though, if others' actions directly contributed to or created the mold in your home, then they may be liable for your mold related injuries. For example, a contractor such as an HVAC repairman or a roofer may have been negligent in repairing or working on your home, resulting in water damage and creating a toxic mold environment. A builder may have been negligent in the construction of your home, failed to build the home to code, or otherwise created a condition that allows excess moisture and mold to grow in your home. Even if they are not the original builder, then the seller of the used home may have concealed or misrepresented certain defects in the home, such as a leaky roof or a toxic mold problem. Or, your insurance adjuster may have failed to properly inspect your home and evaluate your claim fol

  • Exposed To Toxic Mold? | Atlanta Toxic Mold Attorney | Georgia Mold Lawyer | Toxic Mold Lawyers

    16/11/2016 Duration: 02min

    “It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.”- Muhammad Ali I’m Carson Jeffreys, an attorney with the mold firm. At the Mold Firm our goal is simple, getting compensation and justice for victims of toxic mold exposure. Victims of mold whether in their apartments or in their homes, suffer a variety of symptoms that seem to come out of nowhere, they come to us very frustrated because doctors diagnosis or inconclusive are seem to go in different directions. Here at the Mold Firm, we help them sort through all the documentation relating to their mold symptoms and help them come out with an outcome that compensate some for the pain and suffering that they’ve experience. Unlike personal injury claims involving vehicular or slip and fall accidents, where the injuries are often more immediate and obvious, proving cause and effect in toxic mold cases requires understanding and addressing numerous complex issues of medical and e

  • Have You Had A Professional Mold Test Done? | Atlanta Toxic Mold Attorneys | The Mold Firm

    16/11/2016 Duration: 01min

    Have you had a professional mold test done? Have you been exposed to toxic mold? Exposure to Toxic Mold or Black Mold can be extremely dangerous to your health and those around you. It can occur in homes, schools or other buildings with chronic dampness, water intrusion, poor construction, or high humidity and may or may not be visible. Toxic mold regularly develops as a result of inaction on behalf of building owners, landlords, and contractors. You should not have to suffer the consequences of mold problems because of someone else’s negligence. Our Mold Remediation Law Firm will quickly assess your situation to determine the proper course of action. We will address the medical issues, the property damage, handle claims for construction defect, claims for landlord/homeowners association maintenance failures as well as zoning violations. We will work to get you the compensation you deserve. There is no cost to assess your case, it’s free. Our experience with toxic mold cases will ensure you have prope

  • Is There A Musty Smell In Your Home Or Building? | Atlanta Toxic Mold Lawyer | The Mold Firm

    16/11/2016 Duration: 01min

    Is there a musty smell in your home or building? Have you been exposed to toxic mold? Exposure to Toxic Mold or Black Mold can be extremely dangerous to your health and those around you. It can occur in homes, schools or other buildings with chronic dampness, water intrusion, poor construction, or high humidity and may or may not be visible. Toxic mold regularly develops as a result of inaction on behalf of building owners, landlords, and contractors. You should not have to suffer the consequences of mold problems because of someone else’s negligence. Our Mold Remediation Law Firm will quickly assess your situation to determine the proper course of action. We will address the medical issues, the property damage, handle claims for construction defect, claims for landlord/homeowners association maintenance failures as well as zoning violations. We will work to get you the compensation you deserve. There is no cost to assess your case, it’s free. Our experience with toxic mold cases will ensure you have

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