Pastors' Talk



Pastors Talk is a weekly conversation between Jonathan Leeman and Mark Dever about practical aspects of the Christian life and pastoral ministry.


  • Episode 15: On How Quickly a Pastor Should Make Changes

    23/05/2017 Duration: 27min

    It’s tempting for a new pastor to show up with a laundry list of problems that need to be fixed. But that approach almost never works, and many have left churches worse off due to their hastiness in implementing change. To help pastors with this, Jonathan sat down with Mark to chat about how quickly a pastor should try to make changes in a church.SHOW NOTES:– You’ve said before that young pastors have great acuity, but poor depth perception. Can you explain that? (1:00)– What kinds of mistakes do young pastors take? (2:40)– How did you moderate the pace of change at the beginning of your time at CHBC? (5:50)– Is “change nothing in your first year” good advice? (9:45)– What should a pastor give himself to in the first year? Why is preaching so crucial? (13:00)– Should a pastor deliberately set out to build relationships with those who are disagreeable? How much does that help? (15:55)– Why should some pastors not practice church discipline right away? (18:00)– How much does handing out books help? (19:50)– Thr

  • Episode 14: How the “Senior Pastor” Relates to Other Pastors

    16/05/2017 Duration: 26min

    Does the senior pastor—or the teaching pastor, or the lead pastor, or whatever title your church gives to the man who preaches most often—have more authority than other pastors, either in the pay of the church or not? Does he have a kind of different authority?If you’ve served in a church with a plurality of elders, then you’ve felt tension over these questions. In order to help, Mark sat down with Jonathan to discuss the biblical warrant for a “senior” pastor, what his involvement looks in the church when he’s not preaching, and more.SHOW NOTES:– First things first: Is “senior pastor” a biblical designation? (1:00)– What about the “co-pastor” model? (3:30)– Why is it that the man who preaches most often will almost inevitably accrue the most authority within the congregation? (4:30)– What is Mark’s involvement in the church, even when he isn’t preaching on Sunday morning? (5:15)– Does Mark as senior pastor have “more authority” than other pastors, staff or non-staff? (6:15)– How does a “senior pastor” set th

  • Episode 13: On Being a Word-Centered Church

    09/05/2017 Duration: 21min

    It’s a question countless pastors ask every single day: How can I grow my church?In his new book WORD-CENTERED CHURCH, Jonathan Leeman offers a biblical answer to that question. In summary, God intends to grow his church through the proclamation of his Word—and once proclaimed, God intends for that Word to reverberate out from the pulpit and into the whole church’s life and ministry. WORD-CENTERED CHURCH encourages pastors and church leaders to resist the temptation of pragmatism and to instead build their churches on a more trustworthy foundation.For this episode of Pastors’ Talk, Mark chatted with Jonathan about all this and more.SHOW NOTES:– What’s necessary for a church? Does it require a dependence on the Bible? (:30)– If a church is built on the Word, what room does that leave for good deeds? (4:30)– What’s the role of preaching? Why “Word-centered church” and not “Christ-centered church”? (6:20)– When people think about worship, should they associate it strictly with music? (9:30)– How does the Word re

  • Episode 12: On Small Groups

    02/05/2017 Duration: 17min

    These days, small groups are quite common. But are they enough for community and accountability? What’s the best way to do small groups such that they don’t interfere with the regular Sunday gathering?Mark and Jonathan discuss these questions and more in the latest episode of Pastors’ Talk.SHOW NOTES:– Does Acts 2 describe small groups? (0:45)– Is there a biblical precedent for small groups? (1:25)– Is it new that churches build in their pastoring through small groups? (3:40)– How much guidance should you give small groups? (6:40)– What should small groups do? (10:40)– Who should lead a small group? (12:00)– Should non-members be in small groups? (13:30)– Should small groups take the Lord’s Supper? (14:45)– What do you say to the member who doesn’t really come to the Sunday gathering, but is very committed to their small group? (15:45)

  • Episode 11: On Being “Called” to Ministry

    25/04/2017 Duration: 26min

    Being “called” to ministry isn’t entirely personal, internal, and subjective. It involves both the individual and a church, an internal desire and external confirmation.In this Pastors’ Talk episode, Jonathan asked Mark about common misconceptions of pastoral calling, how pastors can cultivate an environment where callings get tested, and the role of the church throughout.SHOW NOTES:– What does it mean that calling is both internal and external? (:30)– Why would you slow a guy down who says, “I know I’m called to ministry”? (2:20)– What do you say to someone who responds to your hesitation with, “But pastor, the Lord is leading me?” (5:00)– What are some common errors churches make in discerning one’s sense of calling? (8:50)– What’s a proper biblical understanding of calling in Scripture? How does it relate to vocation? (10:50)– Who confirms a pastor? When you leave your church, are you still a pastor? (15:20)– How does a man’s wife play into his calling as a pastor/elder? (16:40)– How can a pastor cultivate

  • Episode 10: Should A Church Reflect Its Surrounding Community?

    18/04/2017 Duration: 22min

    Does your congregation look like the people who live around it? If not, does it matter? How important is it that a church reflects its surrounding community?For the latest Pastors’ Talk, Jonathan Leeman sat down with Mark Dever to chat about these questions and more.SHOW NOTES:– How hard should a pastor and a church work to reach different kinds of people? Changing music? Changing the way we preach or what we wear? (1:30)– What about who’s up front? Who gets hired? For example, should white churches seek to hire non-white pastors in order to reach non-whites? (6:00)– What counsel do you have for the pastor who leads a church that doesn’t look like its surrounding community? (10:15)– In being deliberate about these things, isn’t there a risk of “inauthenticity”? (12:15)– What’s the importance of a culture of discipling and evangelism, where members are consistently learning to love people across differences? (14:10)– How should pastors be careful about the ways they speak publicly on these matters? (17:25)

  • Episode 9: On the Use and Abuse of Authority

    11/04/2017 Duration: 29min

    Authority is God’s good and dangerous gift. Therefore, it’s of the utmost importance for pastors and church leaders to exercise their authority well, and in doing so image God.SHOW NOTES:– Why is authority such an under-talked about topic? (:45)– Has authority been especially villainized in our current culture? (2:10)– Are evangelicals any different in their views of the authority? (6:10)– What is authority? (9:05)– Why do you think a passage like 2 Samuel 23:3–4 is so important as we think about authority? What can they teach pastors today? (11:00)– How does a pastor wield his authority well? (14:30)– What’s the difference between authority and authoritarianism? (15:00)– How can a pastor be pro-authority while also being anti-authoritarian? (17:05)– Why is the abuse of authority so heinous? What does it look like for someone to abuse their authority, or to use it too aggressively? (19:45)– How do you pastor those Christians who have only know the abuse of authority? (23:30)

  • Episode 8: What Makes a Good Pastor?

    04/04/2017 Duration: 25min

    How do we know what makes a good pastor? Do we learn this exclusively from the Bible? From the latest business books? Jonathan chats with Mark about what a pastor is, and what it means to take a pastoral approach to Christian ministry.

  • Episode 7: How to Leave Your Church Well

    28/03/2017 Duration: 21min

    Jonathan chats with Mark about good and bad reasons to leave a church, and offers principles for leaving well once the decision has been made.

  • Episode 6: On Pastoring Singles

    21/03/2017 Duration: 24min

    We just released a Journal with close to 20 articles on Pastoring Singles. Because the Journal was Mark’s idea, Jonathan sat down with him to ask questions on the topic. SHOW NOTES:– Why a Journal on singles? (0:40)– What are the biggest challenges and benefits of pastoring singles (1:30)– How do you simultaneously affirm marriage while not undermining God’s distinct purposes for singles? (3:20)– When do you encourage someone to remain single? How do you encourage them to make the most of their singleness? (8:10)– How can singles be integrated into a congregation? (12:15)– What about single elders/pastors? (14:00)– For the single who feels left out, what should a church do? (15:55)– What do you do when you inherit a church with a robust singles program? (18:10)– Why “your sex life is your identity” is a satanic lie. (20:45)

  • Episode 5: On Political Disagreements in the Church

    14/03/2017 Duration: 24min

    We live in politically contentious times. Jonathan Leeman sat down with Mark Dever to chat about how to pastor people faithfully amidst political disagreement.SHOW NOTES:– March us through how you pastored through the most contentious election in recent memory. (0:40)– How preaching builds unity amidst political disagreement. (6:00)– On the importance of upholding Christian liberty amidst personal, political disagreement (7:45)– How can we discern “straight-line” issues from “jagged-line” issues? How do we know when to stay silent in order not to improperly bind consciences? (13:00)– Can we sin by not addressing injustice when we should? (17:30)– Do you address politically contentious members directly? (22:00)– Lightning round of questions on the topic. (22:45)

  • Episode 4: On Receiving Criticism as a Pastor

    07/03/2017 Duration: 20min

    If you’re a pastor, you’re used to being criticized—both fairly and unfairly. In this episode of Pastors’ Talk, Jonathan sits down with Mark to chat about receiving criticism well, the dangers of avoiding criticism altogether, and how to build into a church structures that cultivate a culture of giving and receiving godly criticism.SHOW NOTES:– What do you do when you’re criticized after church when you just preached your guts out? (1:15)– How do you prepare yourself to hear what you know you need to hear, even if it’s something that your flesh will grate against? (4:40)– Why not defending yourself amidst criticism is sometimes a good idea. (5:50)– True or false: the more you fear God and the less you fear man, the better you will hear criticism. (9:40)– What about the wisdom in using others—wife, other elders, etc.—to process current criticisms? (11:15)– Do you have any words for the pastors who have cloistered themselves so that they never hear criticism? (12:35)– What structures have you put in place to cu

  • Episode 3: On Sermon Application

    28/02/2017 Duration: 20min

    If a preacher is doing his job well, then he's not only explaining what a text means, but also applying that meaning to the lives of his hearers. In this episode of Pastors' Talk, Jonathan Leeman sits down with Mark Dever to talk about the difficult task of sermon application.

  • Episode 2: On Pastoring in the Age of Social Media

    21/02/2017 Duration: 21min

    A mere ten years ago, social media didn’t exist. Now it’s everywhere. Jonathan Leeman sits down with Mark Dever to chat about the difficulties of pastoring in the age of social media.SHOW NOTES:– What are some of the dangers you see intrinsic to social media? (2:45)– How social media can tempt Christians to add to the gospel (4:30).– The necessity of humility in our opinions and our discourse (5:30).– How Christians can become good self-editors? 12 diagnostic questions to continually ask ourselves. (8:00)

  • Episode 1: On Gospel Growth Beyond Your Church

    14/02/2017 Duration: 26min

    In the inaugural episode of our new podcast Pastors’ Talk, Jonathan Leeman sits down with Mark Dever to talk about seeing the gospel grow in your city, not just your church.SHOW NOTES:– What do you do when the revival you’ve been praying for breaks out . . . at the church down the street? (1:08)– Is it always carnal to desire your own church to grow? (3:02)– What are some of the signs of a wrongful “turfiness” that pastors should watch out for in their own hearts and ministries? (4:38)– Why do you pray for other churches by name in CHBC’s services? (6:25)– Explain how you can structure a staff and budget to help other churches. (8:35)– What role might ministerial fellowships play in local gospel growth? (12:24)– Are multi-site and multi-service churches necessarily “turfy”? (14:30)– What about church planting and revitalizing? (18:49)– Any last lessons for promoting gospel growth locally? (24:30)

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