Taking Ship



Taking Ship is a voyage through the morass of dumbest timeline America. It's the kind of podcast that believes you can take politics and culture seriously while laughing at both. It's hosted by Elie Jacobs and Frank Spring, two political hacks who've run out of f***s to give. Each week, they'll take a look at the political landscape, condone and condemn those who deserve it and be joined by a guest who is smarter and cooler than they are - writers, activists, politicos, bad hombres, nasty women, so-called judges, and aspiring Martians. Not all at the same time.Taking Ship: your guide through dumbest timeline America.


  • Frank & Elie place their bets for 2018 in Dumbest Timeline America

    28/12/2017 Duration: 36min

    In the final voyage of 2017, the "____'s Revenge" sails into prediction land. Frank and Elie try to read the entrails and divine what stupidity awaits us all in 2018.

  • The American dream, Potter Stewart's porn habits and voyaging to Novosibirsk

    22/12/2017 Duration: 38min

    Hailing from opposite sides of the country, Frank and Elie review the democrat's huge generic poll lead, the American dream, getting screwed by the government and after watching Mike Pence bend the knee, prognosticate about 2020.

  • Commentary's Noah Rothman comes aboard "____'s Revenge"

    18/12/2017 Duration: 54min

    Commentary's Noah Rothman joins Frank & Elie aboard "____'s Revenge" for a nearly hour long conversation about politics, culture and whether the apocalypse has already come or is yet to show up. In a purposefully genial chat, they cover all the things. From #neverTrump, to judicial nominees, the inability of Trump to actually implement his foreign policy priorities, race-based politics, Black Lives Matter, the outlook for the conservative movement and the group's collective inability to understand certain segments of the Republican-voting base.

  • Frank & Elie discuss horse riding garden gnomes & illiterate presidents

    15/12/2017 Duration: 28min

    In this week's shorter than usual episode, Frank and Elie review the loss of everyone's favorite garden gnome lawless theocrat - Roy Moore - and discuss the Washington Post's latest blockbuster story on Russia, and the IC's kid-glove treatment of Cheeto Jesus. Be sure to come back early next week for another voyage through Dumbest Timeline America, this time with Commentary Magazine's Noah Rothman on board.

  • J-town (Jerusalem), Brexit, Dentures, Hansel & Gretel & more

    07/12/2017 Duration: 01h09min

    Taking a breather from having to be smart enough to have a guest on board, Frank and Elie discuss Jerusalem and Trump's decision to recognize it as the capital of Israel, Brexit and its discontents, and the NFL's commissioner getting a new contract. Along the way they take some really bizarre tangents. (They apologize for the background noise, but that's urban living...)

  • Fmr Dep Sec of Labor & Cabinet Sec Chris Lu comes aboard & it's awesome

    01/12/2017 Duration: 01h17min

    Frank & Elie are beyond psyched to welcome Chris Lu to the "_____'s Revenge", Chris is a former Deputy Secretary of Labor, Cabinet Secretary and assistant to President Obama (also a law school classmate). Lu also has worked on Capitol Hill, was executive director of the Obama-Transition Project and is an all around awesome guy. Frank also rants about the NYTimes, the Federalist and provides an update on Batgirl's whereabouts.

  • Reunited & it feels so good- Frank & Elie are joined by Stephanie Kline

    22/11/2017 Duration: 01h01min

    Back from Batgirl's arrival, Elie rejoins Frank to talk about Q Polls, Net Neutrality and a new VenalPAC candidate. Only then are they joined by the hilarious Stephanie Kline to talk comedy and vets and vets of comedy. Check it out and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  • Taking Ship November 17, 2017 - Fair Stands the Wind for Frank!

    17/11/2017 Duration: 25min

    Frank braves the high seas and raves against the perfidy of dudes, scorns the NFL, and cocks an eyebrow at FOX News anchor Shep Smith. Plus there's a sea monster, of sorts.

  • Reunited and it feels so good - Frank & Elie are back

    09/11/2017 Duration: 39min

    Reunited, Frank and Elie take on the Virginia election, Constitutional Conventions, balanced budgets, the evils of ALEC, and go into a strange tangent about Rand Paul and lawn care. Plus, we have an army of listeners which trumps our legion of enemies.

  • Shipping alone Elie rants for a bit (and misses Frank)

    03/11/2017 Duration: 25min

    With Frank lost at sea, Elie ships alone and rants about Russia hacking, the emptiness of #NeverTrump, the Paradox of being a Republican in 2017, the tax plan and how the Democrats are finding new and inventive ways to screw themselves

  • Frank & Elie bring back VenalPAC & discuss if a good Republican exists

    20/10/2017 Duration: 41min

    After a short shore-leave, Frank and Elie are back at it. They dust off the VenalPAC spotlight, rag on DaveBro, have a lengthy discussion about whether or not a "good" Republican can exist in Donald Trump's America. Plus, they take #NeverTrump Republicans to task.

  • Phake News JCOPA Dem Fundraising & UK politics

    09/10/2017 Duration: 39min

    Back aboard the good ship Revenge, Frank & Elie discuss democratic fundraising, UK conservative politics, the ongoing crisis in Puerto Rico and find time to question how the Iran Deal and the group of ass clowns in the Senate will collide. They also rag on President Trump for claiming to have invented the term "fake".

  • Frank & Elie trash Chait, Trump, Moore, lawless theocrats and more!

    27/09/2017 Duration: 57min

    Frank and Elie spend too much time talking about all the ways Jonathan Chait is an idiot, resurrect the Malice/Incompetence scale, why Trump hates the NFL, why the left needs more loons and compares politicians to the colors of the rainbow and then discuss Strange Moore.

  • The Single Payer Episode You've Been Waiting For!

    20/09/2017 Duration: 55min

    The Taking Ship crew keeps its promises (or most of them...), so behold: the Single Payer episode you didn't ask for but get for free. After a quick current events review, Frank and Elie spend nearly hour "debating" single payer health care. Please leave us a review on iTunes and follow us on Twitter at @takingship.

  • The Crew imagines peak dumbest timeline America and Elie finally gets his shot at a rant

    15/09/2017 Duration: 39min

    In a slightly shorter episode, Frank and Elie discuss the latest in dumbest timeline America. Dems working with Trump (GASP), a brewing Republican civil war, and Elie gets his first shot at a rant.

  • The Commodore (Jason Stanford) joins the crew & we revert to a lifestyle podcast

    10/09/2017 Duration: 01h04min

    With special guest, Jason Stanford aka The Commodore, the Taking Ship crew dares to explore Verrit, Priorities USA, rag on one another and decide we're all stuck in a realm inside a realm where only DaveBro can lead out us otherwise, we're stuck relitigating the 2016 primaries and general election. Stick around, but pour a stiff drink before you press play.

  • Joined by Josh Weinberg the Taking Ship crew learns how to privatize nation building

    31/08/2017 Duration: 01h21min

    Once again separated by several states, Frank and Elie are joined by Josh Weinberg. Before talking veterans running for office with Josh along with Erik Prince's latest boondoggle and the disaster taking place in Yemen, the Crew discusses Trump's tax plan, Pittsburgh focus groups. And, Frank gets close to going into a full on rage stoke over Colin Kaepernick's lack of employment.

  • Frank & Elie live and in person together at last

    24/08/2017 Duration: 01h03min

    Recording together in person for just the second time, the Taking Ship crew wax poetic about the state of the Republican party, dream of an election without Trump and get trolled by DaveBro (aka David Brooks)

  • For today's EPIC voyage Frank & Elie are joined by Ngiste Abebe

    20/08/2017 Duration: 01h26min

    After discussing the morals of staying in the White House, dumping on David Brooks (henceforth knows as DaBro), the Taking Ship crew is joined by Ngiste Abebe for one epic voyage, more interesting than even Steve Zissou could have dreamed up. The crew talks white nationalism, voter fraud, national security, the importance of learning stuff and that's before they take the time to talk about multilateralism, zero-sum games and the importance of using the whole tool box.

  • Frank & Elie find a VenalPAC champion & realize we're screwed

    14/08/2017 Duration: 51min

    Back aboard after a long weekend, the Taking Ship crew, find a champion of VenalPAC, discuss the existential threat the Left faces and wraps the voyage up with by defending Gen. McMaster.

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