Rabbi Daniel Lapin



Rabbi Daniel Lapin reveals how the world REALLY works and reminds us that the more things change, the more we need to depend upon those things that never change.


  • Ep 205 | Much More Than a Soothing Spasm in The Spinal Column

    15/07/2023 Duration: 01h13s

    What liberalism liberates you from. Liberalism, progressivism, socialism, communism, all the same, differing only in degree. Liberalism caught on so widely in Western universities in the 1960s because it permitted guys to sleep with their girlfriends without any marriage commitment. Why liberalism emerged indigenously and thrived in America and Europe but not in Africa or Asia. Explore how to become a Happy Warrior   https://www.wehappywarriors.com/  The great and valuable secret of how to change the way you feel about anything or anyone. The male equivalent to how women who hold, touch, and smell babies experience physiologically measurable surges of hormones. Watch a free episode of Scrolling Through Scripture  https://tinyurl.com/4wv6r46e  Why so many women waste their best years of beauty and fertility. Why so many men make life mistakes from which there is no coming back. The one thing not explained by evolutionary biology.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep 204 | Fear the Future. We’re in Dreadful Danger. Are We?

    08/07/2023 Duration: 50min

    Ever heard people say that people and monkeys share 98% of the same DNA? Here is the correct response to that not altogether untrue claim. Women’s bodies produce a few large eggs while men’s bodies produce millions of tiny sperm but here is the real difference between men and women. Why do two similar people who have received the same amount of money not have equal net worth? The natural world does not produce much equality. There are not even two identical electrons. But secular fundamentalism focuses on equality. Equal is demonstrably impossible. Do you want to live a life of freedom, tranquility, and prosperity? What is a bigger threat to you—Income Inequality or Family Breakdown? Seriously. Listen and think. Do you want to know why politicians are promising to fight income inequality so fiercely right now? Does living among people who have more money than you (or less) make you miserable? How many times do you think the word “Equal” is found in the Five Books of Moses? If you love knowing how the world RE

  • Ep 203 | My 2024 Election Predictions & Fatal Flaw in Dating Apps

    01/07/2023 Duration: 01h06s

    Definition of Happy Warrior. Surprising prediction of who will not be on the ballot in the United States presidential election of November 2024. What 98% of women want, but fear admitting. The difference between boys and men. What 98% of men really desire. The #1 mistake that women make. The worst feeling to give a man. The difference between a new wife and an old wife and how a wife can be a new wife twenty years into a marriage. How men make terrible decisions with their eyes. The one basic mistake that more than a thousand dating apps all make. Join the community of Happy Warriors https://www.wehappywarriors.com/  How so many men marry someone who looks nothing like the visual fantasy they nurtured for years. The best way to meet someone if you wish to marry rather than date.    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep 202 | The Sad Story Of a Doomed Marriage

    24/06/2023 Duration: 47min

    Happy Warriors know that the more that things change, the more we must depend on those things that never change. Juneteenth-the execution date of Soviet spies. Answer either A or B to each of these 3 questions and discover how spiritual you really are. Explore them with someone else and discover your romantic compatibility. Something else to explore with a beloved or an intended, is this:  https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/lasting-love-set/  You’ll be surprised how much closer the two of you will feel after this little journey of exploration. What are the things that are more important than love when discussing marriage? Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep 201 | How To Banish Abuse and Trauma From Your Life

    17/06/2023 Duration: 01h16s

    Why don’t you get a regular “Mental” like you go to get an annual “Physical”? The secret of achieving robust mental stability and tranquility. The 2 words you should never say. The one job you get to do without any training or qualification. The journey brings more benefits to your life than reaching the destination. The real reason Holland and Ireland are slaughtering half a million cows. The thing we all need but by the time we realize it, it’s too late. Do you get how money, government, and war, play together? If so, you’ll enjoy listening to The Book of Ruth Chorus of Connection  https://tinyurl.com/5n8cuuru A good way to start strengthening your F of Faith. The one thing that makes even secular fundamentalists fear fertility failure.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep 200 | Learn Your ABC Know these A320 B737 C919 And Their Meaning

    10/06/2023 Duration: 41min

    Could Germany have repelled the D Day invasion landings in Normandy? Lessons for us today from how Germany and Japan fought World War 2. Goodbye Pat Robertson. Frenzied fanatics without an economic base can inflict great damage on a more economically successful nation but they cannot win a war. The money really matters. Today, Boeing takes 10 days to build a B737. In 1944 America was building 10 airplanes an hour. Could America do that today? What do you think? To get a grip on the foundational principles of money, government, and war, listen to The Book of Ruth Chorus of Connection https://tinyurl.com/5n8cuuru Airbus, Boeing, and now Comac. China’s commercial aircraft builder flew its first certified passenger jet.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep 199 | Three Techniques To Help You Foretell The Future

    27/05/2023 Duration: 01h04min

    This show is not for tennis balls floating down the gutter of life! This show is for Happy Warriors and Happy Warriors can benefit from being able to foretell the future. This is not prophecy; it is a subset of wisdom. Let your rabbi introduce you to ancient Jewish wisdom’s effective techniques for foretelling the future. The secret is in the egg. How South African political turbulence changed the price of chrome. King Charles hatched from the egg that was Queen Elizabeth II. How can we foresee his future. In 1960 America produced more than half of all the cars in the world. Today America produces 9 million cars a year while China builds 27 million cars a year. That is the egg. Can you see what is hatching? That is what this show teaches you to do. Take advantage of changing technology and enjoy the beauty and quality of plastic CDs and DVDs visit https://rabbidaniellapin.com/store/clearance/ and enjoy. President Clinton assured America no homosexual marriage. He even signed the Defense of Marriage Act in 199

  • Ep 198 | How Pirates Purloined the Skull and Crossbones From Me

    20/05/2023 Duration: 01h18min

    Divorce is everyone’s business. If your neighbors divorce, it is sad for them and their family but it also reduces your property value and raises your taxes. Teenagers marooned on an island-Survival. Why is Switzerland a nicer place to live than Somalia? In exchange for power and prestige, Socialistic politicians promise gullible voters all the advantages of prosperity and progress with none of the costs. Socialism is a more dangerous and virulent virus than covid was. Socialism, oops, sorry, Progressivism seduces low-character people by offering them a moral framework that legitimizes their living off the work of other people. Take an adult look at the Bible https://tinyurl.com/547pv5sj  Socialism sanctimoniously sanitizes theft. How and why various countries failed financially when they flung out their Jewish citizens and which countries thrived by welcoming them. Jewish pirates of the Caribbean and the Skull and Crossbones flag.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep 197 | 5 Permanent Principles of the Bible for Your Peace and Prosperity

    13/05/2023 Duration: 01h07min

    In the same way that the belief system of superstitious people steers them toward holding false ideas and mistaken views, the secular belief system of materialism steers its devotees toward the mistaken belief that the Bible is a largely irrelevant piece of ancient literature filled with silly stories, mindless myths, and laughable laws. In this show, your rabbi presents five Permanent Principles of the Bible that have shaped societies and countries, and which can work powerful and almost magical transformations in your life regardless of your current state of faith. Become a Happy Warrior by visiting www.WeHappyWarriors.com and start fixing your life. Your rabbi explains how this rule works: Total commitment, even to something wrong, often trumps lukewarm commitment to truth. The two main challenges, if you wish to survive and thrive, and how to overcome them. If you want a pair of your rabbi’s recommended night vision goggles, this show is for you. The more that things change, the more we must depend upon t

  • Ep 196 | Choosing a Wife

    06/05/2023 Duration: 01h12min

    Why is this about choosing a WIFE and not about choosing a SPOUSE? Is your rabbi a ‘sexist’? Is choosing a wife a huge gamble? If you are a single woman, who would you rather marry-- a 37-year-old never married single man or a divorced man of the same age? Should a wise man choose as a wife, a woman with no friends? What is more important for a married couple to share—a bed or a bank account? How to know if she is “THE ONE”. If the first step is getting married, then the second step is defending and protecting your marriage and family. Surprising secrets on doing just that are here:  https://www.wehappywarriors.com/the-gathering-storm?seg_id=01GD41TEC123FMDH3CT92WHQ9D.12051.1683247722613  Transforming two chapters from myth to manual. How the Biblical account of Noah’s Ark is actually a practical handbook for protecting your 5 Fs. What Atlas Shrugged says you can learn about a man from seeing who he sleeps with. Can a woman propose marriage to a man? Does money mean the same thing to a woman as it does to a m

  • Ep 195 | Healing Anxiety & Depression Without a Doctor

    15/04/2023 Duration: 57min

    Shocking but important question to ask: Does mental health covering areas of anxiety, depression, gender dysphoria, eating disorders, and so on, belong as part of medicine or is it an entirely separate discipline? Does mental health and emotional tranquility fit under the Fitness category or under Faith? Is our mental equilibrium a matter of our bodies or of our souls? Our need for connection to the past and to the future is a lot like our need for Potassium. Is “I’m not in the mood” normal? Here’s the truth of male/female relationships to listen to with a loved one or a loved one to be.  https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/madam-im-adam-instant-download/  Enjoy it. Will there be a price to pay for the large number of children now being born who will never know their fathers? How to improve your children’s mental health by connecting them to their past. Increasing numbers of children being born to surrogate mothers. The truth about “Womb to rent”. The root reason why single women hate men.  Learn more about

  • Ep 194 | Expand Your Family For As Much Joy As Expanding Your Finances

    08/04/2023 Duration: 35min

    Why so many girl babies were aborted (and still are). The value of building a family. Sons carry on your name. What do daughters do that you can’t live without? Choosing a spouse. What nobody teaches young people today about marriage. The Lapin Passover Seder. The invention of the Bessemer Steel making furnace. Victoria Falls in Africa. Benefits of a large family. The amazing Longfellow poem, Hiawatha. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep 193 | When Will Artificial Intelligence Destroy Us All?

    01/04/2023 Duration: 36min

    Mass hysteria is a real thing. Large numbers of people, maybe an entire society swept away by an emotional avalanche. Covid, masks, climate change, overpopulation, evil Russia must be stopped, and many more examples. The French Revolution was mass hysteria and so were the preschool sex abuse cases in the 1980s in California and Massachusetts. The fear that artificial intelligence will get sophisticated enough to overpower humans and enslave us is nothing but mass hysteria. Smart (but not wise) people are calling artificial intelligence the greatest threat to humanity. Why do religious people often enjoy an advantage when confronting challenging events like marriage, starting a business, or bringing a child into the world. How to filter the words of so-called experts. Why you do not need a degree in economics to know when a politician is spouting fiscal feces. Becoming a Happy Warrior. What we can learn from the Salem Witch Trials of 1692.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep 192 | Get Thin By Wanting Less & Eating Less. It Works

    20/03/2023 Duration: 01h51min

    “You can never be too rich or too thin” claimed U.S. fashion magazine “Harper’s Bazaar” in 1963. The aphorism may be witty but it certainly isn’t true. If one’s finances have been won by ruining every other aspect of your life, the other four Fs, Family, Fitness, Friendship and Faith, then maybe you are too rich. And regarding being thin, of course one can be too thin for good health. But how do we lose weight? Many of us are dragging around a few extra kilograms. Yes, I know, eat less and exercise more. But eating feels good, that’s all there is to it. And exercise is hard. But wait! ancient Jewish wisdom offers the solution. You know how you stop eating when your brain receives the “Stop-I am full” signal? What if you could get your brain to receive that signal before your fourth helping of Crème Brule. Why do we have one long gastro-intestinal tract with mouths for eating and speaking at one end, and at the other end, the orifice for defecation? Want to see the digital library pack? Click here https://rabb

  • Ep 191 | Thugs Or Wimps Are Easy Men Are Much Harder

    13/03/2023 Duration: 01h22min

    All Happy Warriors know when they are mistakenly BEHAVING on emotions and feelings. In this show we learn how to know when we are THINKING on emotions and feelings. Just as fire can build and destroy, male-female relationships can build a strong family-based society and they can also destroy society through casual encounters that cause jealousies and aggressions. Polygamy is widely practiced in modern western society but it is the more destructive form of polygamy. What is being a man? Why virtue and virility come from the same Latin root. How GICs turn boys into either thugs or wimps. Both are equally destructive. Men want to marry. Thugs steal physical sensation. Wimps yearn impotently. Men own possessions and want to protect them. Thugs steal possessions and destroy them. Wimps want the freedom of owning nothing. Discover the Biblical blueprint for male-female relationships here: https://rabbidaniellapin.com/?s=madam Madam I’m Adam: Decoding The Marriage Secrets From Eden. The most fantastic family strateg

  • Ep 190 | Be Fruitful and Multiply-What Does It Really Mean?

    04/03/2023 Duration: 01h01min

    Tension between erotic pleasure and reproduction in marital intimacy. If it is only about erotic pleasure, then reproduction must be thwarted. If it is only about reproduction, then why the pleasure? We used to think of doctors who sterilize young women as war criminals. Today, it is perfectly natural and perfectly normal. Enjoy the pleasure of baking and eating special Sabbath bread called Challah.  https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/the-art-of-making-challah/    The only thing better than the smell of freshly baked bread permeating your house, is its taste. The Bible character who tried to separate sex and reproduction and failed.  Go here for a free Bible video and become Bible-literate   https://tinyurl.com/mr37s9y6  Not all birth control is equal. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep 189 | Making Everything Possible-Speech. But From Where?

    25/02/2023 Duration: 48min

    The astonishing events that occurred when the communist Sandanistas put 500 deaf Nicaraguan children in one special school in Managua. No, Agatha, I am sorry but Koko the gorilla could not speak. And Fred, I am sorry but Kanzi the chimpanzee did not ever speak either. Do how did humans acquire the miracle of speech if it is not found in monkeys, racehorses, or dolphins? Oh yes, they certainly communicate, as do bees. But that is quite different from describing abstract ideas with sounds. Humans use language to discuss monkeys, dolphins, and everything else on our planet. No creature uses language to discuss humans. If you move really quickly, you can still use this coupon for a fantastic discount on Scrolling Through Scripture STS1FEB2023. Go here for a free Bible video, read more, and become Bible-literate   https://tinyurl.com/mr37s9y6   The simple but powerful trick that is guaranteed to make you sound more confident by helping you speak more eloquently and fluently.   Learn more about your ad choices. Vis

  • Ep 188 | Tuesday Night The Lapins Ate Pan Seared Cod Fish

    18/02/2023 Duration: 52min

    Your rabbi knows as much about cooking as a clown knows of neurosurgery. But this week he prepared spectacular cod. This remarkable fish nourished Europe for hundreds of years and then provided an economic base to the New England colonies in the 17th and 18th centuries. How did the Basque people of Spain and France come to dominate the cod business. What happened to the 200 pound cod fish we used to catch? Why is there a statue of a cod fish in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Use this coupon for a fantastic discount on Scrolling Through Scripture STS1FEB2023. Go here for a free Bible video, read more and become Bible-literate   https://tinyurl.com/mr37s9y6   The tragedy of the commons. What happens when nobody owns stuff and nobody cares. Can we get the cod fish back? The Hanseatic League and how to build your own business and trading league.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep 187 | Earthquakes Cause Destruction So Does Promiscuity

    11/02/2023 Duration: 01h17min

    Who are our friends? Here’s a bigger question: What is a boyfriend or a girlfriend? Is there such a thing as casual s*x for women? Watch out for men who have repeatedly broken girls’ hearts and watch out for girls who have repeatedly had their hearts broken by men; they’re dangerous. Why do earthquakes in non-western countries seem to kill more people than similar events in western countries? If human nature can change, then Shakespeare, Balzac, and Dostoevsky are obsolete. Comment and connect with other Happy Warriors and also access much ancient Jewish wisdom at your convenience. Click here: https://wehappywarriors.com/happy-warriors-basic  The best way to introduce your youngster to s*x education. Please don’t let your local GIC be your child’s first introduction to male/female relationships. There is a far better way.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep 186 | Why You Should Raise Great Kids and How To Do It

    04/02/2023 Duration: 01h06min

    The difference between conceiving a baby and having a son or daughter. Respect for parents: Primitive religious relic or key to education and financial success? How making decisions closes off options. Bad parents want their youngsters “just to be happy”. A child’s identity is formed by family, religion, and nation. GICs try to form a child’s identity around race, class, and gender. None of our lives are ideal, but… Become a member of the Happy Warrior community and enjoy connection with other HWs trying to build into their lives just what you are also trying to do. Access so much ancient Jewish wisdom at your convenience. For more information click here: https://wehappywarriors.com/happy-warriors-basic  How and why GICs try to sexualize your children prematurely. What about that school friend teaching your child to shoplift? Raising children is one of life’s greatest adventures. Raise sons differently from daughters. Using cash rather than phone pay apps to teach your children about money. Should you give yo

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