Earn Your Happy Podcast | Motivation | Self-love | Entrepreneurship | Confidence | Fitness And Life Coaching With Lori Harder

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 719:59:46
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Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you bust through your fears, connect to your soul and get focused and clear so you can elevate your life, business and relationships Listen in as Lori Harder, founder of the Bliss Project, 3X time fitness world champion, fitness expert and cover model, turned self love junkie - lifestyle entrepreneur and author digs in shares the goods! Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to take action in your life. Tune in for an inspirational guest, a story or a "quickie" of motivation to get you out of a funk or blast you even further on your rockstar journey! Stop waiting until you are happy and go out and earn it! I promise to make sure we have some fun along the way - you can't take this life too serious. It's time to fall in love with the process and take back your control! Oh and please make sure to share the episodes that give you goosebumps and leave us a review!


  • 146: Why PLAY is PRODUCTIVE

    06/07/2017 Duration: 15min

    Just a couple days ago on the 4th of July, I was able to take a WHOLE day just for PLAY with friends – no writing, no meetings, no worries – celebrating America’s birthday. And while initially I felt as though it may stress me out more (I am on a book deadline), I couldn’t have been MORE wrong. Today I feel energized, more creative and honestly like I just drank about 10 straight shots of espresso (OK, let’s not get too crazy). I realized that the play is actually equally as (if not more) important as the writing, creating programs, podcasts etc. “The play IS the work.” It can be a bit confusing at first because while you’re “playing,” it doesn’t feel as though you’re being productive. But I assure you, you are! It’s especially beneficial when you feel as though you’ve hit a creativity rut. “The play is productive. The play is important. The play is creative. The play is freedom. The play is expansion. The play is real connection.” After you’ve taken the time, you’re able to come back with a fresh perspe


    29/06/2017 Duration: 15min

    Subscribe to Earn Your Happy on iTunes. Do you feel supported by family, friends, co-workers etc.? If not, we must realize that this support will not magically appear on its own. In order to receive this support, we must first support ourselves – unconditionally. There was a stretch of time when I felt that I didn’t have any true friends... I didn’t want to drink, party all night only to feel like crap the next day, but all my friends at the time did. I wanted to be healthy and fit, but my friends chose Thirsty Thursday over healthier options. Of course, thinking I had NO other options, I followed along and my dreams continued to take the backseat. But here’s the thing, it wasn’t their fault. It was me who wasn’t willing to put myself first. I wasn’t willing to let go of those short-term pleasures. I wasn’t ready to support myself and get out of my own way. It was time to step into my fear and CHOOSE to become the person I truly wanted to be. So I chose to start supporting myself. I had to find things, even

  • 143: How to STAND OUT and MAKE AN IMPACT Doing What You LOVE with Gabby Bernstein

    26/06/2017 Duration: 46min

    I’m always so excited to have today’s guest, Gabrielle Bernstein, on Earn Your Happy, but today is even more exciting because we’re talking about her Spirit Junkie Digital Master Class – the class that undeniably took my business (and life) to a whole new level. So often when people have a pull to do something “more”, they automatically respond with, “Who am I to do this?” But really the question that should be asked is, “Who am I NOT to do this?” To nip these thoughts in the bud, one of Gabrielle’s foundational components, trains you in confidence. It’s your time to rise up and the only way to build that confidence is to practice clearing the fear and blocks from your path. One fear that comes up often is unapologetically making money while remaining spiritual. “Earning for our great work is also a great opportunity to invest in our well-being so that we can continue to do the work we’re here to do.” In Gabrielle’s teachings, she’s crafted her program to be equal parts spiritual and business growth and bu

  • 141: The ONE Variable That's Keeping YOU From An EXCITING LIFE

    15/06/2017 Duration: 12min

    Do you feel like you’re living every day like it’s Groundhog’s Day? You know, same thoughts, same people, same problems… Sounds like it’s time to switch things up and add some excitement back into your life. But to do that we need to bust through fears and try new things. Of course, we can’t do that without first changing our thoughts. To set the tone for the day, I highly recommend waking up and instantly repeating a positive mantra – either out loud or in your head. I know, I know… sounds a little cheesy, but I assure you, it works. Every morning my husband and I say the following: “I am happier, healthier, wealthier and more fit than I was yesterday.” But that’s only the beginning of the day! Do small things throughout the day that keep the positivity and excitement going. Bear in mind that it doesn’t have to be anything HUGE. “Life and enjoyment of life is made up of the very simple pleasures.” Here are a few different things you could do: Change your thoughts. Feel a negative thought creeping in?

  • 139: Causing An Effect

    08/06/2017 Duration: 16min

    Subscribe to Earn Your Happy on iTunes. Quick…what are you thinking RIGHT now? Are they positive thoughts filled with love and gratitude? Or are they low-vibe, energy-sucking thoughts that make you want to eat a can of worms? If you’re the latter… don’t eat the worms! Kidding, but seriously, I do want to discuss the power of thoughts and how those thoughts affect your current situation. I don’t know about you, but I’m fascinated with research – especially when it’s connected to the power of thoughts and changing outcomes. Currently, I’m reading the book, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza, and he discusses how by shifting our thoughts from being a victim of our circumstances we can instead cause an effect that creates a different outcome. Nerd alert – I get so excited reading about studies like this. Dispenza shares research that directly links changes in DNA to positive thoughts. Did you read that? Changes in a person’s DNA!! Isn’t that amazing?! He advises though, that it’s not just

  • 137: Why the TOUGH, BORING Stuff is IMPORTANT

    01/06/2017 Duration: 18min

    Today’s message is all about the journey and what it all means. The “journey” doesn’t always have to be this HUGE goal or accomplishment. The beauty of it is that it’s unique to you and it can be ANYTHING that you’re looking to do. While most focus on the highs, it is equally important to know that the lows (the pain, frustrations and the “hard” parts) are what make the journey, and the highs of it, so amazing. If you’re feeling that discomfort, you know growth is on its way. “You can’t enjoy the ride without first taking the journey to a place you’ve never been before.” So you’re on this journey, but what happens when you lose motivation… Monotony hits. You wonder why the heck you’re even on this path. But you must ask yourself, what does your life look like without it? For example, as I’m racing against another deadline for my book, the moment I sit down, all inspiration seems to be lost and doubt creeps in and the last thing I want to do is write. As easy as it is to sink into that mode of defeat, I kno

  • 135: How To Figure Out What's Next!

    25/05/2017 Duration: 11min

    Earn Your Happy Quickie – ep. 135 – How to Figure Out What’s Next “There comes a time to stop looking back and trying to figure out why. At some point, we need to shift our attention to what’s next.” – Unknown Are your thoughts or fears paralyzing you before you’ve even reached a goal? Are you asking yourself questions, such as: Why am I unclear? Why don’t I know what I want to do? Why can’t I move forward? Yikes. I get anxious just thinking about it.  Today, I want to talk about removing those types of disempowering questions from your brain and replacing them instead with “what’s next?” Sure, I get it. Those questions come from a place of uncertainty and fear and they’re hard to stop. But know that most entrepreneurs (including myself) are willing to explore their curiosity even if that nagging voice in their heads tells them they’re crazy or that it doesn’t fit in with “where they’re at.” They don’t let themselves get STUCK. If they feel called to try something new, they do it regardless of the risk. “

  • 133: FIVE WAYS to be POSITIVE Around NEGATIVE People

    18/05/2017 Duration: 14min

    Confession time. Not that long ago, there was a lot of negativity in my life. For some of you this may be hard to believe, but it’s true. I had a ton of toxic friends/relationships in my life and looking back now, I can’t believe I put up with that negativity as long as I did. Some of it was because I failed to set boundaries. Another part was that I tended to take on other people’s “stuff” and carry it as my own. I soon learned, however, that “You can only control what you can control – and that is YOU.” I knew that for the sake of my own happiness, I needed to grab the reins and take charge. Here are the five things that help set me on the path to positivity: 1. Know what you can control. 2. Ask yourself, “What is the most beneficial reaction I can have for myself (while still being compassionate). 3. Be compassionate. 4. {Not for the weak.} Call the negative person out. 5. Understand that the person (or your situation) may not change. Does practicing all five of these things guarantee zero negativi

  • 132: Manifesting PR, Running Your Own Events and How to do Outreach for Your Brand with Sarah Pendrick

    15/05/2017 Duration: 58min

    Sarah Pendrick is the Founder and Creator of the non-profit movement GirlTalk, and her mission is to empower women of all ages while serving as a resource for young women. Sarah is a self-love advocate, life coach, writer, empowerment speaker and philanthropist. With a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master's in family therapy, developed, GirlTalk, an empowerment program for young women. She travels all over the United States to speak to the women of our next generation and provide them with support, education and empowerment. Through GirlTalk, Sarah not only features and connects powerful women with a purpose, she also celebrates them through her events and programs by giving them a platform and a space to thrive and use their voice. Growing up, viewing herself solely based on what others thought of her, Sarah always knew she had the ability to be extraordinary, but the opinions of others quickly shot her down. “I lived this constricted life between doing what I knew I wanted to do inside, and also g

  • 131: Fear Is NORMAL - Here's How to Not Let It STOP YOU

    11/05/2017 Duration: 14min

    “It’s all about stepping in, saying yes and all of the things that come along with saying yes.” Today I’m sharing with you where I’m at with both life and business ventures because chances are you’re going through (or have gone through) similar circumstances. This quickie is a short and direct way to help you bust through your fears, no matter how big or small yours may be at the moment. “Sometimes you have to up level yourself and become a completely different version of yourself to accomplish your goals.” Some of the best advice I’ve ever gotten (and given) is to have full-time faith in your higher power – whatever that looks like for you. “I never step into anything without saying a prayer. It’s about asking and knowing you are supported.” In This Episode You Will Hear About: Saying yes Fear Outcome Accomplishment Goals Knowing your worth Energy Serving others Expanding Your calling Community Tribe Resources: TED Talks Over It and On with It Podcast, by Christine Hassler Follow me on

  • 130: Achieve MORE While Doing LESS with Kate Northrup

    08/05/2017 Duration: 01h01min

    As an entrepreneur, best-selling author, mother, and activist, Kate Northrup supports ambitious, motivated and successful women to light up the world without burning themselves out in the process. Committed to empowering women entrepreneurs to create their most successful businesses while navigating motherhood, Kate is the founder and CEO of Origin Collective, a monthly membership site where women all over the world gather to achieve more while doing less. Her first book, Money: A Love Story, has been published in 5 languages. Kate’s work has been featured by The Today Show, Yahoo! Finance, Women’s Health, Glamour, and The Huffington Post and she’s spoken to audiences of thousands with Hay House, Wanderlust, USANA Health Sciences, and more. Kate lives with her husband and business partner, Mike, and their daughter Penelope in Maine. Find out more and receive your free copy of Have More By Doing Less: 3 Simple Steps To Create Space For What Matters Most at katenorthrup.com Growing up on the coast of Maine, Kat

  • 129: COURAGE Comes Out Of THIS...

    04/05/2017 Duration: 09min

    “We don’t develop courage by being happy every day. We develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging diversity.” – Barbara De’Angelis I feel that the tribe I have created and continue to grow is truly my life’s mission and work. Just know that without the rain, there would never be a rainbow. You are never alone, and although there are numerous differences between each of us, there is an equal amount of similarities. “Beautiful opportunities can also bring serious amounts of fear.” But, just remember that everything you want is on the other side of fear. At the end of the day, all that really matters is that you are running toward your bliss. “It’s not finding your bliss, it’s following your bliss.” – Joseph Campbell In This Episode You Will Hear About: Self Development The Bliss Habit Practice Habit Meditation Tribe Foundation Courage Fear Resistance Resources: TheBlisshabit.com Follow me on social media @LoriHarder on Instagram and Lori Harder on Facebook. You can also see more

  • 128: Broke Mindset to a Mulit-millionaire Mindset with Chris and Lori Harder

    01/05/2017 Duration: 01h04min

    This is from an episode of the For The Love Of Money podcast that I was on and I really wanted to share it with you guys! For those of you who may not my past or how it all began for her, I have the honor of sharing it with you today. Having a “money mindset” may not come naturally to everyone, but that doesn’t mean you can’t ever create it. “My success hasn't always been like this and I know it’s something I will continue to work on for the rest of my life because I know that once you hit one level, there is a whole other level out there that you need to strive for.” -Lori Harder Growing up, Lori was raised in a very conservative household. At a young age she was told, “Money is the root of all evil and you only need to make enough to survive. Anything more than that is evil and greedy.” With the constant battle in her head between money isn't good vs. how does the world go ‘round without it, can you see how that would create a whirlwind for a young child just trying to “make it?” Having two very different

  • 127: Gratification Won't Be Enough To Last, You're Missing This

    27/04/2017 Duration: 19min

    “Life doesn’t get less busy.” If I’ve learned anything lately, it’s that if I don’t start doing the things that I enjoy, right here and right now, then I’m never going to do them. Quit using the “whens” as excuses. You know, the “Oh, I’ll do that WHEN this is finished, or WHEN the kids are away” etc. Life doesn’t slow down and it most definitely doesn’t stop. You – and only you – are the one who can fit in the fun things for yourself. Because even after your “whens” are accomplished, there will be another task waiting just around the corner. So let’s start fitting them in NOW! “Stop postponing your joy.” Life happens and there are definitely things that take priority over others, but keeping your soul happy must be at the top of your list if you’re looking for that everlasting gratification. I’m challenging you to start this week – a minimum of 45 minutes a week to do something that makes your soul smile. Follow that one thing that has been pulling at your heart strings. (For me, it’s my guitar…no pun inte

  • 126: How to EXPLORE and DEEPEN Your SPIRITUAL STORY with Suzanne Adams (Correct Interview)

    24/04/2017 Duration: 59min

    Suzanne Adams is a best-selling Author, Motivational Speaker, Life Purpose Consultant and contributor to The Huffington Post that is sharing her zest for life with audiences around the globe. She believes that having fun and following your passion are the keys to finding true happiness and living a life of fulfillment and joy! Suzanne was a speaker at the 2016 Hay House World Summit and is so excited to share with you her secrets to help attract happiness and freedom into your life! Suzanne is thrilled to be leading workshops and retreats around the world. She also loves to share her secrets to success with you through her books, digital courses, and inspirational talks. “My mission to my awakening and spirituality came from me first looking for happiness and joy in all the wrong places from a very young age.” Suzanne begins by telling us that she spent most of her life at “surface level happiness,” the type of happiness where you pretend everything is all good while fitting into a box that everyone else wa

  • 125: Why Loving Money Is A Good Thing - Juicy Money Talk w/ My Husband Chris Harder & Money Myth Busting

    20/04/2017 Duration: 23min

    I am honored to have my husband, Chris Harder, with me on today’s episode! For those of you who don’t know, or may not have tuned in yet, Chris’s very own podcast “For the Love of Money” is totally killing it on iTunes! He’s here today to share some juicy info about it. “I started my podcast after my journey of reading 30 books in 30 days because I realized that the key and common thread to happiness, success, business, wealth etc. is giving!" There has been a lot of stereotypical views and opinions about people with wealth, but the saying “money is greed,” couldn’t be farther from the truth. As Chris says, “There will be a bad egg here and there,” but from our very own experience, some of the wealthiest people are also the most giving! “The more you give, the more you get back.” Whatever your thing may be, your passion, you are very much capable of reaching it and then some! Don’t just stop at the dream or the thought, make plans and take action! Chris and I love sharing our relationship insights and wha

  • 124: Grocery Shopping and Food Secrets for YOUR BEST BODY with Maria Marlowe

    17/04/2017 Duration: 45min

    Maria Marlowe helps busy women improve their health, lose weight, and/or clear up and age-proof their skin by guiding them to develop healthy eating and living habits that actually stick. Her approach uses humor to break down the latest nutritional science, her tone is always non-judgmental, and her philosophy for health centers on real, whole foods and reducing stress. She is the author of The Real Food Grocery Guide (May 2017), and the Creator of EatBEAUTY, a 90-day plan for reversing acne naturally, and EatHEALTHY, a 4-week meal plan to simplify your time in the kitchen without compromising nutrition. Maria has been featured or appeared on various media outlets including Vogue, The New York Times, CBS, NBC, and more. Growing up in the typical American family, health and wellness were not the main focus. By the time Maria was 18, she found herself unwell with ailments that she couldn't quite figure out. “I visited the gynecologist and dermatologist, but didn't get any answers I was looking for. Long stor

  • 123: How To FIND OUT What YOUR STRUGGLE is Telling YOU!

    13/04/2017 Duration: 11min

    “The actual journey is a lot different than what people think.” Let’s be honest here. We all want something better, or something we don’t have and that’s fine because contrary to what anyone says, it’s all eventually achievable! “It comes down to consistency, faith and the willingness to show up!” From time to time, especially depending on the severity of the situation, we tend to think we were dealt an “unlucky hand.” But what we are failing to realize is that every mess has a message! Every one of these life tests is FOR YOU! “It’s not happening to you, it’s happening for you.” The person or situation that is testing you most is the one that’s going to help strengthen you – and your muscles. Instead of negative outlooks, view each situation as a gift to become stronger (mentally or physically, whatever your biggest struggle may be in this moment). Like the old saying says, “Nothing in life worth having is going to be easy to obtain.” In This Episode You Will Learn About: Evolution Soul Why are we h

  • 122: Live Your KICKASS LIFE - How to LET GO of Blocks and SHAME with Andrea Owen

    10/04/2017 Duration: 01h01min

    Andrea Owen is an author, mentor, and certified life coach who helps women get what they want by letting go of perfectionism, control, and isolation and choosing to practice courage instead. She has helped thousands of women manage their inner-critic to create loving connections and live their most kick-ass life. When she’s not juggling her full coaching practice and writing her second book, Andrea is busy competing in triathlons, chasing her 7-year-old son and 5-year-old daughter or making out with her husband, Jason. She’s also a retired roller derby player having skated under the name “Veronica Vain.” Around 2003, when Andrea was first exposed and becoming aware of life-coaches/coaching, she knew she’d found her path. Having lived a pretty “charmed” life as she called it, she wasn't sure how she could be a life coach without any extraordinary life circumstances or tragedies to be able to share and relate to. Having said that, a few short years later as Andrea and her then-husband were trying to have thei

  • 121: Move Your Goals, FAST!

    06/04/2017 Duration: 24min

    A great way to get present is through breathing. (In through your nose, out through your mouth.) Pay attention to what you hear in these moments… What are you feeling? What are you grateful for today? I am so excited to announce the launch of my 12-Week Bliss Habit eCourse! Thousands of women have completed this course and have incorporated the lessons learned into their ongoing life journey of creating their own bliss. The first step to being the CEO of your life is to take action, and the Bliss Habit is an amazing way to start with an even more amazing tribe of thousands of women who have your back! “Even coaches need coaches.” I am such an advocate of continuous learning, and I truly believe that the bits and pieces we gather from all types of coaches is knowledge that we wouldn’t be able to learn on our own. “I want someone to measure my goals and hold me accountable. I forgot how good it feels to set a goal and then make yourself AND them proud.” Today’s quickie is a just glimpse into a few of the m

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