My Life My Choice



Life Is A Choice:Have you ever done something you didnt want to do and did it in the name of love, or because you were told its your duty, or for a promotion or to keep your current job or because they would like you the best or to fulfill your need to belong or fit in? You are not alone.This radio show takes a candid look at our choice making skills, where our choices have lead us. It evaluates where we place ourselves in our choice making process. Its also takes a poignant look at the impact our choices have on our successes, perceived failures, health, wealth, relationships and happiness. I'm Dr. Wendy Dearborne Holistic Life Coach and I'm your host and with my experience as a life coach and a holistic healing practitioner I will help you to create the life you want to live through the power of conscious personal choice.


  • Healing Yourself With Crystals

    13/06/2012 Duration: 02h01min

    Gemstone therapy is an ancient healing art that can produce amazing results.  Gemstone Remedies capture the frequency of the stone, which imparts all the qualities imbued in it needed for healing.  We will discuss gemstone elixirs and what you need for your basic gemstone first aid kit.  Dr. Vivian Lunny, MD. Master Aromatherapist, Chromatologist is back with us to share knowledge that is written in the stones.  Join us, Dr Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert and Expression Coach Olivia Lashley as we look at gemstone healing and you.

  • Co-creating Your Life With Boundaries

    06/06/2012 Duration: 01h34min

    Co-creation of your life is interdependent on the personal boundaries that you have in place.  Boundaries are the framework from which you define you.  As you define you it’s important to recognize that this is how the world will also see you.  Boundaries are not created to keep people out.  Boundaries are established as a form of inclusion, which allows you to create a safe place and space for you to experience your world as you choose too.  Boundaries reflect two things, yes or no.   What do your personal boundaries look like?  Are they rigid, loose, flexible, rubbery or a combination of all the above?  Join us, Dr. Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert and Expression Coach Olivia Lashley as we look at you and  how effective your boundaries are.

  • Transparency Authenticity Life Filters and You

    30/05/2012 Duration: 01h30min

    Second part of our co-creation series is on Transparency.  This is a word that has been bandied about a lot in recent years. Transparency brings a powerful message to you in regard to how you view yourself and your internal dialog and filters.  Transparency is all about what you allow people to see of the authentic you.  It also tells you how transparent you are with yourself.  It illuminates the authenticity of your inner light demonstrating your true expression on how you think, how you feel and what you want out of life. Being transparent is an important part of your ability to create the life that you choose to live.  It is one of the fundamental tools used in the design of your life.  Join us…that’s me Dr. Wendy Dearborne and Expression Coach Olivia Lashley as we look at what being truly visible means.  

  • Co-Create The Art Of Getting What You Want?

    23/05/2012 Duration: 01h40min

    Our new miniseries “Co-creation” presents you with tools to support the manifestation of your goals. Your life is all about choices and the end results and the creation of it.  So who are you co-creating your life with?   Who is dining at your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual table?  These are extremely important questions to ask yourself. The answers can ultimately dictate how successful you are in creating the life that you want to live. The people, places and things that are presently orbiting in your current macrosphere, give you definitive information on how to and how not to achieve your desired goals.  Who do you need to be present at your table, at drawing board of your life?  Join us Dr Wendy Dearborne and Expression Coach Olivia Lashley as we kick off our co-creation series.

  • Parlay Your Skills Into Becoming A Life Coach

    16/05/2012 Duration: 01h44min

    No matter what you do as a profession whether homemaker or rocket scientist, administrator, clerk to CEO, nail tech or bio chemist, 1st grade teacher to Ivy League professor you can parlay your skills, both academic and personal into coaching YOURSELF to your highest potential. Being a life coach MUST first start with YOU.  If you don’t understand  and have experienced the process of self coaching at a deeply personal level…a conscious and subconscious the chances of you being able to effectively assist people in creating lasting change in their lives, is slim to none.  The key word being lasting.   Being a life coach first starts out with YOU and your personal transformation, this leads, by default to personal development and growth.   What you receive from your personal self coaching transformational experience are tools that will show consistently how to define what you want for you in life, then refine that desire through clarity, which will create through a natural progression an implementable process

  • Is Learned Helplessness Dictating Your Life Choices?

    09/05/2012 Duration: 01h24min

    Is learned helplessness playing a major role in your life choices?  If your life isn’t manifesting the way that you want it too, it could be that people places and things that once served you once are no longer applicable.  Understanding how learned helplessness shows up in your life and what it contributes 'or not' to your success will help you to move forward in attaining your goals. Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne and Expression Coach Olivia Lashley as we discuss learned helplessness and you.

  • Energy Vampires Who Are They?

    02/05/2012 Duration: 01h26min

    "Have you ever been in or around someone or a group of people or even been to places or come in contact with things that seem to zap you of your energy?  This zapping effectively depletes and robs you of your vital life-force?"  You may well have experience the vicious bite of a vampire.  An “energy vampire!”   Being consciously aware of what it feels like having your personal energy source hacked into and slowly drained, will allow you the autonomy to make choices in the best interest of self regarding your situation. But what happens when the energy vampire turns out to be YOU!?  Not only are you sucking the life-force out of others who you come in contact with, but you are sucking the life-force out of YOU? Join us Dr Wendy Dearborne and Expression Coach Olivia Lashley as we look at YOU and the utilization of your energy.

  • Interpreting Your Dreams

    25/04/2012 Duration: 01h31min

    I've always been a tad skeptical about dream interpretation and many of the books available.  BUT NOT ANYMORE!  Dr Michael Lennox changed all of that for me in less than 30 seconds.  He is a master of dream interpretation.  Dr Lennox is a psychologist and a metaphysician who has woven these two disciplines together and created a fusion for dream interpretation that is authentic, practical and so very magical.   Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne and Expression Coach Olivia Lashley and Dr. Lennox as we discuss his book Dream Sight: A Dictionary and Guide for Interpreting Any Dream and you!

  • When One Door Slams Shut Another Choice Will Open

    18/04/2012 Duration: 01h23min

    When one door slams shut, opportunity in the guise of choice will present itself.  Sometimes it's a challenge to recognize when to move on...and even more difficult to actually let go and not live in the past.  When a door in our lives shuts firmly and resolutely it doesn't mean that what's behind that closed door hasn’t happened to us.  It means it’s time to use that experience and move forward.  Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne and Expression Coach Olivia Lashley as we explore what the closing of a door in our lives really mean.

  • Betty Pegues Oracle Reader Spirit Guide & Angel Communicator

    11/04/2012 Duration: 02h01min

    In the transformational and personal growth arena there are many spiritual or metaphysical tools that can be used to assist us in creating the life that we want to live.  One of the most sort after is an oracle reader. Betty Pegues is Spirit Guide Coach, Spirit Guide/ Angel communicator, Tarot /Oracle reader.  She provides insight and wisdom for people seeking to find better understanding of their life’s journey.  Betty is quoted as saying, “I’m not here to teach you anything.  I’m here to help you remember everything you already know.  I’m here to give you back to yourself.”  Betty will be talking about her life and her journey as an intuitive and sharing her amazing talents with listeners who would like some insight.  Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert and Olivia Lashley Expression Coach & Artist as we explore oracle readings and you.

  • From GMO's To HMO's What's Your Diet Like?

    04/04/2012 Duration: 01h53min

    Today Olivia and I will be looking at food from a spiritual, mental and physical aspect.  Growth factors, vibratory factors,  and some simple do's and won't's that may factor in.  There is so much more to food than just eating it, even the cultivation of it.  "They say that you are what you eat?"  I say "you are what you believe you are and that you ingest that belief also."  From GMO's to HMO's where are you in this equation, the food equation of your life? Join me, Dr Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert and Olivia Lashley Expression Coach & Artist as we look at "what's your diet like?"

  • I Was Over Weight And I've Taken My Life Back

    28/03/2012 Duration: 01h29min

    Alberta Patterson and Melody Barton-Helmick have decided to take their lives back using some of the popular weight loss modalities available. Both Melody and Alberta, two phenomenal women, came to this realization for a multitude of reasons, but at the top of the list was that they had to do this for themselves and only for SELF.    One of our guests opted for the modified gastric bypass and the other is currently using HCG. Together we’ll talk candidly about their weight and the impact it has now and the impact they experienced then and what they feel had contributed to their morbid obesity.  Listen as both Melody and Alberta speak about the life style changes they have made and what they are wanting and creating in their lives now.  Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert and Olivia Lashley Expression Coach & Artist on Wednesday @1.00pm PST on Blog Talk Radio.

  • Does Money Make It Better?

    21/03/2012 Duration: 01h30min

    Does money make the things that happen in your life feel better or does having money actually make it better?  Money is the Universe in action or a stream of physical consciousness that we can use to assist us in creating the life that we want to live.  I like to say that money is GOD in action.  The way that we attract money is to first do the inner work, so our biosphere will manifest the seeds that have been planted.  Let's  take a look at money The Universe and you!

  • Aromatherapy Crystals Colors Numerology Healing & You

    14/03/2012 Duration: 02h01min

    Aromatherapy is the ancient art, science and technique of the application of essential oils…or the extracts of the vital life force of a plant, to effect change in our lives.  When we hear the word aromatherapy many people erroneously think of room fresheners or mood creators.  There is so much more to aromatherapy than just that.  And our guest today, Dr. Vivian Lunny M.D is an international lecturer; author, consultant and the creator of AromaGems will introduce us to the mystical or metaphysical side of essential oils.  Dr. Vivian has created AromaGems, a unique concept using the vibratory frequency of essential oils, colors, numbers, semi precious gems and crystals to create intuitive blends to assist you in finding clarity.   Join us Dr. Wendy Dearborne and Expression Coach Olivia Lashley as we talk with Dr. Lunny about her life, her work essential oils, aromatherapy and you. For more information on Dr. Vivian and her work go to

  • What Makes A Parent A Good Parent

    07/03/2012 Duration: 02h01min

    The one thing that most people wish came with an operational manual is child rearing.  However, it doesn't.  So what can you do to be the best parent that you can be?  Join Heather Criswell, our parent and child communication experts as she gives valuable insight into what you can do to become a Good Parent. Heather Criswell is a certified Parent Coach and the founder of Wise Inside and the creator of  Wise Talk an effective communication tool for parents and children.  To contact Heather visit go to

  • Seeing Is Believing - Or Is It?

    29/02/2012 Duration: 01h44min

    “Seeing is believing!”  This axiom is all knowing, all powerful and a Universal Truth!  If you don’t see it clearly in your mind, if you don’t perceive of it in your mind and if you don’t believe it in the core of who you are…it will never ever happen for you.    This isn’t rocket science; it’s a simple truth, a FACT around which you can create all the fiction that you want.  That fiction is your story and we all  have a story a tagline that belongs to us.  It’s your wound and victimology that too is created by us. In fact, everything that has and will occur in your life is a result of that living breathing Universal axiom, “Seeing is believing!”   Now, what do you “CHOOSE” to see in your mind? Join me Dr Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert & Coach and Expressions Coach Olivia Lashley as we look at use your mind to create what you want.

  • I Didn't Know My Own Strength

    22/02/2012 Duration: 01h29min

    Most of us underestimate our own strengths in favor of our perceived weaknesses.  We are strong beyond belief of our own measure.  How do I know that? You are still standing right!?  You are still playing in the game of your life?  Most of us are using a skewed version of someone else’s yard stick to measure our lives by, which undermines our confidence in self.  Knowing our strengths and making the most of them, is all about how we “parlay” our perceived hurts, wounds and the things in life that have threatened to take us under.  It's all about turning your victimology into the chronicles of your victories.  Many of us wouldn’t be the strong miraculous people that we are today if we hadn’t “parlayed” our inner strengths against the foothold of a perceived weakness to create the momentum to move us forward. Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert and Olivia Lashley Expression Coach as we look at our inner strengths

  • Your Life's Purpose And The Universal Order

    15/02/2012 Duration: 01h16min

    You are a living, vibrating stream of Universal Consciousness.  You are unique and by definition, there can be no other like you.  You are incarnated to fulfill a specific purpose.  You have a defined place and space in the Universal Order of things.   Your being matters to the cosmos and all the things unfolding in it.  Your purpose, finding it, knowing it and living it is paramount to the evolution of conscious awareness and expansion.  My questions to you are, “are you living your purpose?"  And "how do you know?”  Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert and Life Coach and Expressions Coach Olivia Lashley as we discuss you and your life’s purpose.

  • You Can Only Control You

    08/02/2012 Duration: 01h37min

    That’s right!  You can only control you. All this time you thought that you had control over_____you fill in the blank.  But you didn’t!  You can’t control how people are going to react.  You didn’t have control over anyone, but you.  For a variety of reasons we have created the illusion of being in control, and it is just that, an illusion.  Because when people places and things no longer react the way we want them to, our illusion of control is shattered.    Understanding how to integrate control in your life and the role it plays is one of an important key in you succeeding. Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert and Life Coach and Expressions Coach Olivia Lashley as we discuss you and control.

  • I Want To Be Free To Live My Life

    01/02/2012 Duration: 01h29min

    I want to be free to live my life has a wealth of meaning.  Does it mean free from drama, chaos, parents, spouses, siblings, friends and children.  Or free from ill health, overweight, cooking, cleaning, shopping, car pooling and paying bills.  The meaning of freedom is a uniquely intimate thing.  It is as intimate as drawing the breath of life we need to sustain us.   Freedom speaks of our will to do that which we want to do…or that which we choose to do.  So, you want to be free to live your life?  My question to you would be, “how do you know that you are not free?”  Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert and Life Coach and Expression Coach Olivia Lashley as we discuss you and freedom.

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