Breakthrough Pt Marketing Podcast With Chad Madden

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 134:22:11
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Each week, Breakthrough PT Marketing Podcast with Chad Madden brings you no-nonsense marketing strategies that deliver you patients and profits.Author of "Killer Marketing Secrets for Private Practice PTs" and Owner of Madden Physical Therapy, Chad grew his practice 600% in the last five years using direct response marketing strategies. He sees more than 200 new patients each month in his single location Private Practice. Now he's teaching over 400 Practice Owners to do the same.


  • The Gap in Private Practice PT

    27/01/2020 Duration: 11min

    More direct access marketing training: Underutilization of Direct Access is a problem for PT. This video looks at the gap we're facing as an industry when it comes to marketing direct to the consumer, and how to overcome it. Increased competition from HOPTs and POPTs is a problem for private practice, but it also presents an opportunity for forward-thinking owners who are willing to adopt an direct-to-consumer strategy. About Breakthrough: Breakthrough is the leader in business growth for Physical Therapy private practices. Our clients have an average annual practice growth rate of 33%. Every month, our system drives over 10,000 direct access patients into our member practices.

  • What's the Quickest Way to Learn About Marketing?

    19/12/2019 Duration: 12min

    Here are seven ways I've learned about and improved the marketing in my practice. While these are methods I recommend, it is important to note that learning about marketing (and most subjects) is an ongoing process.

  • How to Open Your Next Clinic Location

    10/12/2019 Duration: 20min

    More direct access marketing training: Example of a pro forma for PT: If you're an owner who's looking to open up a new location within the next year, here's a look at the process we've implemented at Madden PT. This helped us open up our third clinic about a year ago and get it to full capacity in that time. This is night and day compared to the last time we did this and this video walks through the lessons I learned that have helped tremendously in making this process easier. 3 Key Things to Think About: Location, location, location - cliche but important Pro Forma - making sure the numbers make sense How to hit the ground running when your new clinic opens Check out more articles on the Breakthrough Blog:

  • How to Survive the 8% MC Cut

    20/11/2019 Duration: 12min

    By now you've heard about the upcoming 8% cut in Medicare reimbursements to physical therapy. Now is the time to start planning about what you can do to keep your practice profitable without having to do more work and see more patients for less money. Watch this video for more info on what you can do to be proactive in your efforts.

  • Dealing with Declining Reimbursements in PT

    07/11/2019 Duration: 18min

    What practice owners can do when facing declining reimbursements and increasing costs. You don't have to increase your patient volume to make up for low reimbursements. Here's what you should do instead to help get paid for the work you are already doing.

  • Is it possible to grow after losing physician referrals?

    23/10/2019 Duration: 20min

    "Is it possible to grow after losing physician referrals?" The Journal of General Internal Medicine reported a 54.5% decrease in physician referrals to PT from 2003 to 2014. Here's what private practice owners can do to diversify and take control of their new patient flow.

  • "Just Tell Me What to Do"

    09/10/2019 Duration: 11min

    When we seek mentorship from people we perceive as more successful, it's easy to fall into the trap of just wanting someone to tell us what to do. This is understandable...but ultimately a mistake. Here's how to overcome this mindset so that you can grow and create a bigger impact.

  • How PTs Can Avoid Being "Too Salesy"

    10/09/2019 Duration: 13min

    Are you afraid of being too salesy? For many PTs, “selling” is a bad word. It implies that you are putting pressure on someone else to do something that’s not in their best interest. But is that what’s actually happening when you talk to potential patients and offer them a POC? I doubt it. In fact, if you do your homework in the way I outline in this video, you’ll see how to make sales one of the easiest parts of the process. It all comes down to focusing on the patient and what they need.

  • Investments vs Expenses in a Private PT Practice

    28/08/2019 Duration: 14min

    Here's a step by step exercise that advance owners use when they're thinking about adding a new member to their team or expanding into a new space. These are decisions that you shouldn't make lightly, but it's also important to make sure you avoid the mistake of taking something that is an investment in your practice but looking at it like an expense. This is a key shift in thinking that is vital if you want to grow. View the video at:

  • What is Direct Access Marketing?

    21/08/2019 Duration: 10min

    As private practice PTs, we have the opportunity to go straight to the what? In this video I break down what Direct Access Marketing is and how you can take advantage of it to help more people in pain get back to normal naturally. Doing Direct Access the right way lets you create a mechanism in place to target the people who need you the most and convert them to a POC. This information is for any owner or PT who wants to build authority, celebrity, and expertise in their community.

  • What's Really to Blame When Marketing Fails?

    14/08/2019 Duration: 10min

    At Breakthrough, we’ve surveyed hundreds of private practice owners to find out what mistakes they made in their marketing. And there were a few mistakes that kept coming up again and again (and again): Newsletters don’t work… Radio doesn’t work… Facebook doesn’t work… Print ads don’t work… Etc. On the surface, these all may look like different issues. But really, all these owners are making ONE big mistake. Here’s what it is and how you can make sure you avoid it in your marketing.

  • Doing More of What Works in Direct Access

    05/08/2019 Duration: 08min

    Being a good physical therapist and being a good marketer are two very different skills. Yes, you can be both. But being one does not make you the other. And like with any skill, if you want to improve you need to find the right mentor to learn from. Here’s a process for making better decisions that I learned from Ray Dalio’s book, Principles. Not only will you learn the process, I’ll also show you how you can apply it to improving your marketing.

  • Focus On Values Not The Competition

    15/11/2018 Duration: 17min

    A competing PT practice just moved in down the street from Madden PT. There was a point in time where this would bother me tremendously. But surprisingly, I’m not worried about the competition. This podcast will explain how I reached this point in my practice, and how you can, too.

  • How To Maximize The Value Of Your Practice

    08/11/2018 Duration: 09min

    Lately I’ve been working on training for owners who want to “exit with equity” i.e. those who increase the value of their practice so that they can earn more when they sell. Now, if selling/retiring is a bit far off for you, you might be thinking that this type of training doesn’t apply to you right now. But it does. I sum up my thoughts in the video below, but this is for you if you’re an owner who wants to maximize the value of their practice NOW regardless of when (or if) you plan to sell.

  • How To Survive Any Crisis As A Private Practice Owner

    25/09/2018 Duration: 05min

    Here’s what really happens to private practice owners on the way to a million dollar practice and beyond.

  • To Build Systems Or Not, That Is The Question

    19/09/2018 Duration: 26min

    When it comes to talking about building systems into your business, it’s easy to get lost in the weeds. What are systems? What systems do I need? How do I do it? Etc. Rather than dealing with these questions and figuring out the answers (and dealing with certain self-limiting beliefs) a lot of entrepreneurs decided to avoid systems altogether. This audio details my personal experience building systems at Madden PT vs what I’ve seen from other entrepreneurs. It’s a little longer than normal, but this topic is incredibly important. And it’s worth the time to get this right early on.

  • How To Pick The Best Mentors

    05/09/2018 Duration: 18min

    There’s A LOT of marketing advice out there - and about half of it contradicts the other half. With all the noise out there, it’s easy to get a little overwhelmed. When that happens, the best option is to work directly with mentor. Someone who’s a level you aspire to. But how to you pick a good mentor? In this video I share the one question you absolutely must ask anyone you’re getting advice from. The question is a little surprising, but I’ll walk you through the thought process behind it.

  • Using Marketing Automation To Make PT The Foundation Of Care

    04/09/2018 Duration: 11min

    Here’s what we did at Madden PT when the hospital systems started moving in nearby. Faced with this level of competition, we had to ask ourselves some pretty tough questions about growing the practice WITHOUT physician referrals. Check out the podcast to hear how we more than doubled the size of our practice even while losing 90% of our referral sources since 2008/2009.

  • How Most Owners Mess Up The Number 1 Most Valuable Asset In Their Practice

    29/08/2018 Duration: 13min

    Some PT owners are content being self-employed. Meaning, they get to be their own boss, but their income is tied directly to the number of hours they spend treating in the clinic. The next stage up from self-employed is being a business owner. That’s when you have systems in place that free up your time and allow you to stop working 50+ hours a week. In this episode, I break down the most common mistake I see PTs making as they try to transition from self-employed to business owner. It involves neglecting the most valuable asset in their practice, and it’s likely that you’re making this same mistake.

  • Media - Quantity Quality Viability

    17/08/2018 Duration: 06min

    Want to be scientific and diligent to create multiple channels for direct access patients to help your clinic grow and leave a larger impact in your community? Key Takeaways We'll look into Peter Drucker's quantity, quality and viability from his book, The Practice of Management. Do these three barriers get in your way as a Private Practice owner Over reliance on mastering just one media channel (for example print advertising) Don't stop your advertising completely as you research new media outlets to market to your target audience Know your Market

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