Joshua Live Podcast



Each week Joshua (channeled by Gary Bodley) joins One on One students to expand upon the Law of Attraction and other universal laws.


  • Why Urges Never Get You What You Want

    17/06/2024 Duration: 59min

    Thoughts are attracted based in our emotional state of being. When you are in a fear state, like a manifestation event, you will receive urges to change or control the conditions. When action is taken on an urge, you will always be separating yourself. Since separation is the illusion, an act of separation may seem like a good idea at the time, but it's just another illusion. If you can recognize the urge before you act, you will prevent further separation and you'll become far more effective in attracting the life you truly want. In this episode, Joshua describes this process in great detail. Check out our France retreat - click here Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify

  • Who Are You Being?

    14/06/2024 Duration: 01h05min

    There's a difference between who you think you are (your identity) and who you truly are. Your beliefs about yourself and the world around you form your identity. This keeps you limited. If you alter your beliefs and expand them, you will begin to change. Your identity will expand. You'll reach higher perspectives and your vibration will rise. This will allow you to connect more to your inner self and receive even more inspiration. That inspiration will lead you to the unimaginable life you truly want. In this episode, Joshua explains the process of altering your beliefs and expanding your identity. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify

  • Expanding Your Belief System

    10/06/2024 Duration: 54min

    We don't really know very much. We have beliefs about everything and this forms our reality. Our overall mental construct is the sum of our limiting and empowering beliefs. This becomes our perspective and that translates into a vibration. We know that by processing our limiting beliefs, we raise our perspective/vibration. But what about all the things we just don't believe? We call it woo woo. But is this also limiting? Joshua explains that it's highly limiting and it's all based in fear. In order to expand even more so that we can live the unimaginable lives we truly want, we must expand our beliefs in all areas. In this episode, Joshua explains the benefits of an expanded belief system. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify

  • How Vibrational Transformation Works

    05/06/2024 Duration: 01h36s

    You can't improve your conditions without going through a vibrational transformation, because your reality is always the perfect reflection of your vibration. However, when you start doing the work to raise your perspective, you begin the journey of vibrational transformation. That inner transformation leads to positive changes in your outer reality. Nothing outside of you can change until you begin raising your perspective. You do that by processing limiting beliefs and expanding your identity. This is the work that thousands have done in Joshua's Abundance Bootcamps, Activations and other programs. In this episode, Joshua explains how to begin that inner work. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify

  • Joshua Goes Full WooWoo

    26/05/2024 Duration: 57min

    As I expand my belief system, I receiving a lot clearer messages and this helps Joshua expand their message.I've always been skeptical of the Woowoo stuff, but not any more. I've seen too much. In this episode, Joshua takes advantage of my expanded belief system and answers some of the most woohoo questions yet. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify  

  • 2nd Joshua Session At The Spring Retreat

    20/05/2024 Duration: 01h19min

    This was the last Joshua Live session from the Spring Retreat. The theme of this retreat was Self-Love. In this episode, Joshua describes what self-love is and how to move in that direction. The highest act of Self-Love is receiving inspiration and then pushing past the fear to take action. This is not easy, because we often do not believe that the action that is inspired will lead us to what we want. However, all inspired action leads you into experiences that, when seen as perfect, enable you to see yourself from higher and higher perspectives. It is the higher perspective that you truly want because this opens the door to the unimaginable. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify  

  • White Light Live From The Joshua Retreat

    16/05/2024 Duration: 01h34min

    At the Spring Retreat we had several live channeling sessions. This is the recording of the White Light channeling session Christy did on Saturday. The theme of this retreat was Self-Love and the White Light answered questions on this topic from several of the retreat guests. A new Bootcamp is starting May 27th and is open to all. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify  

  • Spring Retreat Joshua Channeling Session Live

    11/05/2024 Duration: 01h12min

    This is the first session at the Spring Retreat held at the Joshua House. In this episode, Joshua answers questions from the retreat guests live in our old window greenhouse here at the Joshua House. This session kicked off five days of channeling, healing sessions, activations and the heart-opening ceremony. In their opening remarks, Joshua illustrates how fear is derived from the illusion of separation. They explain how our reality is really one of Oneness and unity, yet the fear creates urges that separate us. As we seek the higher perspective, we begin to understand the unity that surrounds us. A new Bootcamp is starting May 27th and is open to all. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify

  • Ask And It Is Given

    08/05/2024 Duration: 01h02min

    Ask and it is given is a quote by Abraham. We've heard this many times. But how often do we ask our inner self for help? We are surrounded by loving support from our guides and supporters, yet we often forget to ask for guidance. In this episode, Joshua explains the benefits of asking whenever we need a bit of help. For more information on the upcoming retreats click here. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify

  • The Pressure Within Our Reality

    30/04/2024 Duration: 01h21min

    We exist within a 3D reality. There are different levels of density in our reality. At the lower densities, there's more fear; the illusion of separation is greater. In the higher densities, there is more love; the illusion of separation is less. In this episode, Joshua explains that there is an actual, physical pressure associated with the densities. In the lower densities, there is more pressure and things move slower and are more difficult. In the upper densities, there is less pressure. Look at the Earth itself. At the bottom of the ocean, the pressure is intense, but at the top of the atmosphere, there is almost no pressure. For more information on the upcoming retreats click here. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify

  • Why Are We All So Unique?

    26/04/2024 Duration: 01h01min

    Have you ever noticed that each one of us is unique? In fact, everything in physical reality is unique. We all have unique perspectives and this is why no one can ever know what you are seeing, thinking or believing.  Once you raise your perspective, you'll also realize that you have unique empathic abilities. There's a reason for this. In this episode, Joshua explains why we're so different and how this is a fundamental feature of physical reality. For more information on the upcoming retreats click here. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify

  • The Ultimate Power - Seeing Perfection

    23/04/2024 Duration: 01h07min

    We have been taught to believe that nothing's perfect. Yet, we're all chasing improvement in order to reach perfection. But what if everything is already perfect? By seeing perfection we shift from the vibration of the problem (imperfection) to the vibration of the solution (perfection). When you begin to realize the truth of this idea, you will start to see perfection everywhere and that's when you achieve ultimate power. Most people will never perceive that even one thing in their life is perfect and will therefore, be stuck in a limited vibrational range. But once you start to see something as perfect, it enables you to see more and more as perfect. This is a radical shift in vibration and it leads to an unimaginable life. In this episode, Joshua shows us the value in seeing perfection. For more information on the upcoming retreats click here. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify

  • Life is Meant to be Fun

    19/04/2024 Duration: 01h50s

    There's nothing serious going on here, as Abraham says. You are meant to fully enjoy the pleasures of life. However, we often take life very seriously and this tends to disconnect us from our guidance. To be in alignment means to live in joy. In this episode, Joshua reminds us how to live life in joy and why this is the only thing that really matters. For more information on the upcoming retreats click here. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify

  • An Unconditional Life

    16/04/2024 Duration: 01h06min

    You've heard of unconditional love. That's a type of love that is unrestricted and free of conditions. All other forms of love are conditional and therefore less than. Now imagine living an unconditional life. In this approach to life, there are no conditions causing you to feel bad, restricted or less than. It's a perfect life. Of course, it's impossible to remove all of the conditions to experience the unconditional. You would have to alter their meaning first, so that you can live free and abundantly even when the conditions exist. It means changing your definitions, beliefs and perspective so that outer conditions have no effect. In this episode, Joshua explains how to live an unconditional life and how this approach to life leads to the unimaginable. For more information on the upcoming retreats click here. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify

  • Pre-Birth Intentions

    13/04/2024 Duration: 01h01min

    The life you are living was chosen and planned by you from your nonphysical perspective. You will have all the experiences you intended to have. You will expand through this life. It doesn't matter how you chose to perceive your life to gain the expansion your inner self desired. But you also came with a set of intentions so that you could find joy in life. Your primary intention was to expand in joy and this is why you have found this information. In this episode, Joshua explains the purpose of pre-birth intentions and how to raise your perspective so that you feel more joy as you navigate the life that was perfectly created for your joy and expansion. In other words, your life is perfect for you. For more information on the upcoming retreats click here. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify

  • Manifesting 2.0

    09/04/2024 Duration: 57min

    We are the creators of our reality. We can have, be and do anything. We want to become master manifestos, but how does this process really work? In this episode, Joshua explains exactly how we create and describes the true manifesting process. For more information on the upcoming retreats click here. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify

  • A Conversation with Kelly Bowker

    05/04/2024 Duration: 01h08min

    Kelly Bowker is a wonderful channel I met through my friend Daniel. From time to time I am introduced to other channels and it's so fun for me to have a conversation with them and share it with you. In this episode, we talk about what it's like to be a channel, some of the unimaginable experiences we've had and what we've learned along the way. If you would like to hear more about Kelly, she did a great interview on Next Level Soul: You can discover more about Kelly at the links below YouTube channel - Present Moment Magic Website is For more information on the upcoming retreats click here. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify

  • Creation is a Matter of Perspective

    02/04/2024 Duration: 59min

    How you choose to perceive yourself in any area of your life is your perspective. You can raise or lower your perspective in the moment. Your perspective is translated into a vibration and this forms the basis of what you are creating. In this episode, Joshua talks about how what you create is always dependent on your perspective in the moment. For more information on the upcoming retreats click here. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify

  • Finding Your Core Limiting Belief - The Driver

    28/03/2024 Duration: 01h01min

    We had the most unimaginable time at the Joshua retreat in Orlando a couple of weeks ago. During the Heart Opening portion of the retreat, I had a manifestation event. I discovered my driver. I found a core limiting belief that was instilled sometime in early childhood. It was "My mother thinks I'm repulsive! Therefore, I am repulsive!" Once I found this driver, it lost most of its power over me and I was set free. The feelings I had were incredible and it was pure joy. In this episode, which I think you'll notice is quite different than normal, Joshua talks about our "Drivers. For more information on the upcoming retreats click here. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify

  • Joshua Live at the Orlando Retreat - Number Two

    25/03/2024 Duration: 01h15min

    This is the recording of the second Joshua Live session at the Orlando Retreat. In this session, Joshua's opening statements last a very long time, which is highly unusual. It was a fascinating channeling session and Joshua really breaks down how each of us is impacting the world in a unique way. This episode will really help you shift your own perspective. For more information on the upcoming retreats click here. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify

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