Lbp Stories



LBP Stories Podcast


  • Episode 63. Stephen Meehan


    This week I speak to Stephen Meehan of the National Parents organisation. Stephen, an alienated father himself, has become an advocate for raising awareness of Parental Alienation and Family Law reform. National Parents Organization - Stephen's articles and citations in the media Join the discussion on Facebook

  • Episode 62. Jolly Bimbachi’s escape from Syria.


    In October last year [episode 20] I first spoke to Canadian LBP Jolly Bimbachi about her 2 sons who were abducted by their father to Lebanon. A few weeks later she contacted me to let me know she was going to Lebanon in an attempt to see her boys. She was able to spend several weeks seeing them. Then I got a message from her to inform me that she was on the run with them, in an attempt to get to Turkey. The ensuing weeks became a life or death situation for Jolly as she was arrested and detained at gun point by Al Qaeda affiliates in Syria, and had her boys taken from her once again. This is the story of how this badass mum, was able to get out of Syria and back to Canada, but unfortunately, once again without her boys. Listen to her original episode Warnings about travelling to Lebanon Media reports about Jolly

  • Episode 61. International Child Recovery.


      When children have been abducted internationally, many parents take the extreme measure of attempting to recover children themselves with the help of Recovery agents. But often in the media we only hear of the stories that go horribly wrong, where parents are arrested with the recovery crews. So under what circumstances is it safe and plausible to attempt a child recovery? This week I talk to two recovery experts, Eric and Pat. We discuss the circumstances under which they will take on a case, the process involved and how to know which agencies are legitimate and which are not. This is a conversation that all parents of internationally abducted children need to hear. Join the conversation on Facebook

  • Episode 60. Robert Franklin JD.


    Robert Franklin has been an attorney in Texas since 1980, and a Men’s and Fathers’ Rights Activist since 1998. He has written the blogs for, Fathers & Families, and now the National Parents Organization. He’s contributed op-eds and essays to numerous online and hard-copy publications, including The Hill, the Toledo Blade, The Seattle Times, The Bakersfield Californian, the Manchester Union-Leader, A Voice for Men, Men’s E-News, Townhall, and many others. He works daily with men, fathers, mothers, activists, attorneys, social scientists throughout the English-speaking world to promote the recognition and rights of men, fathers, and children, in equality and family courts. He currently blogs for the National Parents Organization, the largest organization in the country advocating for equal parents’ and fathers’ rights. Over the last five and a half years, he has written over 2,100 blog posts, postings, comprising some 3,500,000 words. He serves on the Board of Directors of the National Parents

  • Episode 59. Allan Freeman-Jones


    Allan is the author of 'Parental Alienation - A loving father's lost years'. This is his story. In the space of four years Allan went from bachelor to alienated father. When it looked like Allan may have gained increased access to his son Timothy, Margaret played her trump card; the father was accused of sexually abusing his son. Upon the order of the Family Court, contact between father and son ceased. When re-established, contact was supervised. Investigations by the Department For Child Protection and the Police concluded the allegations were unfounded. Allan was saddened his son had now become a stranger to him. For the sake of his son’s mental and emotional wellbeing, seeing it as his only realistic course of action, Allan exited his son’s life. Nearly eight years have passed without any contact between Allan and Timothy. After a few false starts, Margaret’s alienation plan ultimately proved successful. Contact Allan Buy the Book

  • Episode 58. Julian Lowe


    This week I talk to Left Behind father Julian Lowe, a British father residing in France, who has been alienated from his son Maxx. Julian is facing the difficult situation of having 2 countries argue over court jurisdiction which is only delaying and complicating his efforts to be reunited with his son. Thank you for the hundreds of comments coming in on the website. I don't have time to reply to them all but I appreciated the stories, kind works and articles. Don't forget to promote the show by giving a like, a rating, a share and a comment on whatever podcast platform you are using. Join the Facebook page

  • Episode 57 Hind Kettani


    This week my guest is Hind Kettani, a U.S. based left behind mother, who's two sons were taken by their father from the U.S. to Morocco then Saudi Arabia. In what is a fascinated story involving multiple governments and one very strong and determined mother. Also in this episode audio from a TED talk on Parental Alienation by Dr Jennifer Harman. Join the discussion on Facebook -

  • Episode 56. Shining the light to bring them home. With Jeffery Moorehouse.


    Joining me on the show this week for the third time is Jefferey Moorehouse from BAChome. We discuss the recent gathering of LBP's in Washington D.C. As the coalition partners Bachome, iStand, and Bring ourkids home, held a series of marches and meetings at various embassy's in the U.S. capital. What did they do, and what did they achieve? Learn more about these wonderful organisations and show support. Join the discussion on Facebook

  • Episode 55. Vikram Jagtiani


    I've spoken on this show a few times about India. India is another 'black hole' for International Parental Child Abduction, and is in fact one of the top 3 in the world for abduction cases. Today I finally talk to a father who's daughter was abducted by her mother to India from the U.S. Vikram Jagtiani. Vikram is not only an LBP but also a campaigner for raising awareness of IPCA with the organisation Bring our kids home. This is his story. Also in this episode is audio from a video on the Bring our kids home Webpage which features several parents discussion their story. Finally with so much bad news in the media lately, and inspired by the horrific scenes in the U.S. of children being forcibly removed from their parents I have audio of 'The Pale Blue Dot' by Carl Sagan. Something that always helps me put things in perspective. Bring our kids home Watch the Video Nidhi Sharma's song "Na Ru

  • Episode 54. Errol Goetsch


    Errol Goetsch is a South African Parental Alienation awareness campaigner. As a Left Behind Parent himself, he has become the go-to man for parents in South Africa for legal help, advice and support. In this episode we share his story, his work and discuss what he calls "The Windmill" Join the discussion on Facebook For Errols work"

  • Episode 53. Housekeeping, news, music and ‘that’ Australian Senator

    16/06/2018 Duration: 01h02s

    This week I cover a wide range of topics, from plans for the show moving forward, law changes in the U.S. and Australia, and my thoughts on comments made by Australian Senator Pauline Hanson on family courts, a speech that is being widely shared by fathers groups. The keep the show from being just myself talking I've featured some songs written and performed by alienated parents, and one song by my favourite band. Join the discussion on facebook US Family law courts

  • Episode 52. One year anniversary episode.


      Well I've made it to one year of LBP stories. It's been a very challenging, but rewarding experience putting this show together every week. To mark the occasion this weeks show is a little different. This week I am the guest, and I've brought in my long term friend, and co-host of Radio Tatras Internationals 'Postcard From Poprad' show Rachel Brunsden to interview me. She grills me on a wide range of topics, including my own story, the logistics of the show and some light hearted stuff as well. Thank you to everyone who has supported and been involved with the show over the last year. Listen to Radio Tatras international and don't forget they stream this show at Midday Sunday AEST Follow RTI on Facebook Join the LBP stories discussion

  • Episode 51. Back to where it began


    As I prepare to mark the one year anniversary of the show, I thought I'd go back and re-release my original episode for any of you who are new to the show. In this episode I share my personal story, as well as explaining what the show is about, and most importantly what is an LBP?

  • Episode 50. Karen Gillmer


    This week I talk to South African Left Behind mother Karen Gillmer, about how her daughter was taken from her by her ex-wife. Karen has not only battled in the courts to try to gain access to her biological daughter, but has also done so while battling a crippling health  condition. This is her story. For more on Parental Alienation in South Africa¬if_id=1527286797270078¬if_t=group_activity Join the discussion on Facebook

  • Episode 49. Michele Swensen


    This week my guest is Michele Swensen, mother of 3 children being held by their Father, a member of Al Qaeda, in Yemen. We talk of the events leading to her children being taken and her brave attempt to rescue them. She also written 2 books about her story "Straight of Tears" and "Mommy Don't" I also discuss up coming event's in the U.S. and the recent U.S. Senate Judicial hearing into international parental child abduction. And previous show guest John LaDue's up coming movie. Join the discussion on Facebook For Michele's books iStand national conference U.S. Senate Judiciary hearing  

  • Episode 48 ‘Blanche’


    For several years after my son was taken in 2005 I thought I was alone, and that I'd married a 'bad egg'. Then thanks to social media I learned of thousands of other cases. Even more to my surprise, there was Blanche, a left behind mother who lived in the same town as me and who also had a son being retained in Japan. Her son however was being held in Japan by an Australian father.  Here is her unique story. *sons name withheld for privacy reasons* Join the discussion on Facebook

  • Episode 46. Anxiety and Mental Health with James Brown.


    In Episode 8 of this show I spoke to Clinical Psychologist James Brown about depression. Obviously the issue of mental health is something my listeners and LBP's care about, because to date it has been my most down  loaded episode. So I got James back to talk about another mental health issue that affects many parents and children going through divorce and separation. Anxiety. For more information on James, his work and support for dealing with mental health please go to the following links…uicide-support/ Join the conversation and share your story

  • Episode 45. Richard Burton.


    Richard Burton is a British National, who was living in Japan with his Japanese wife and daughter. When his marriage ended, his wife left with their daughter and Richard has been going through the Japanese courts to try and see his daughter. We've discussed international cases dealing with Japan, but for Richard he's dealing with the Japanese legal system domestically. This is his story. Join the discussion

  • Episode 44. Child Social Services Worker Alex Baxter.


    Child social service workers are often disliked by divorced parents and organisations, especially when court proceedings are involved. But it's a very difficult and high stress job. Making decisions that affect people's lives, where no matter what you do someone is bound to hate you for it. So how do they make their decisions? What sort of evidence do they need? And are they aware of Parental Alienation syndrome, or even trained to deal with PAS? This week I address some of these questions with child social services worker Alex Baxter. Some may see this as speaking to someone 'on the other side', but Alex share's some important insight into her profession, why she does it, and even some advice for parents going through the court system. And I think I ask her questions that many parents would like to know the answers to. Join the conversation on Facebook

  • Episode 43. P.A. in the U.K.


    This week I focus on the Parental Alienation situation  in the U.K. and dissect the recently released NAAP Report into Parental Alienation in the UK. Which is the most well researched and compiled report I have seen anywhere. I also feature Leigh G. Banks interview with Rodney Hearth (used with permission) Read the full 178 page report yourself here For more info on NAAP For more of Leigh G. Banks work D.A.D.D.S. Join the conversation on Facebook

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