


Welcome to the Night-Light/Spiritually-Speaking radio show, a forum for spiritual enlightenment, cosmic understanding and insight into those etheric realms that ever surround us. Host, Barbara DeLong and a wide variety of fastinating guests will be sharing with you spiritual information and philosophies that you can use to enlighten your lives and open you the creative sources you carry within. This venue allows me to reach out to greater numbers of you and to provide you with new insight and understanding to the times we are now experiencing. We will be covering everything from the mundane to the magical and will share all of these new paradigms with laughter and love. I hope you visit us regularly and use this resource to find your own inner lights to guide you along your spiritual pathways. Please visit my website at for further information on me and my philosophies and monthly forecasts as to the cosmic energies and how they will impact you on your journeys.With Love and LightBarbarahttp://www.barbaradelong.com"Night-Light Radio" cannot be held liable for any host or guest opinions given on the show. "Night-Light Radio" is designed to provide you with entertainment and metaphysical insight into many aspects of life and our reality. It is not intended to replace any type of therapy. Counseling. Diagnosis, treatment or cure for anything


  • America's Stonehenge: Behind the Scenes - Host Mark Eddy

    07/03/2024 Duration: 02h00s

    DENNIS STONE returns to discuss his  family's nearly 70 year ownership and research at AMERICA'S STONEHENGE.  He documents it in his new autobiography/history of this enigmatic New Hampshire archaeological site.  We will examine some of the behind the scenes aspects of the professionally done testing done on the site and how the Quaternary Period, and earlier, shaped the land and gives topographic proof that Old World peoples may have been responsible for the stone structures and walls.   Dennis' book is entitled, appropriately, "America's Stonehenge."  We will also get into an upcoming spring equinox conference with a stellar lineup.  

  • Shadow Animals: How Animals We Fear Can Help Us Heal, Transform, and Awaken

    05/03/2024 Duration: 59min

    A guide to shadow work with animal teachers with Dawn Baumann-Brunke  Explains how the animals we fear or dislike can help us recognize and investigate our shadow side: the hated, abandoned, judged, and denied aspects of ourselves • Explores the lessons of a wide variety of shadow animals, including snakes, rats, bats, and spiders, as well as those that only seem shadowy to some, such as dogs, cats, birds, and horses • Looks at the elements of the psyche each shadow animal represents and presents thirteen animal-inspired exercises designed to examine, embrace, and integrate our shadow selves We often project qualities onto animals that we don’t wish to admit in ourselves. Thus, snakes are evil, spiders are creepy, rats are dirty, and so on. As Dawn Baumann Brunke explains, the animals we fear or dislike can help us to recognize our Shadow: the hated, abandoned, judged, and denied aspects of ourselves. As teachers and guides, shadow animals can help us to reclaim the inner strengths, abilities, and wisdom

  • Sensory Processing Solutions: Drug-Free Therapies to Realize Your Child's Potent

    04/03/2024 Duration: 01h01min

    Sensory Processing Solutions: Drug-Free Therapies to Realize Your Child's Potential By Sally Fryer Dietz A guide to help you find the right therapy program for your child Every person—whether baby, child, teenager, or adult—interacts with the world in their own unique way. Yet some have a harder time than others due to a variety of sensory processing issues, which can lead to motor delays, learning differences, frustration, anxiety, and emotional, behavioral, and social challenges as well as diagnoses like ADHD and “autism spectrum.” As sensory integration expert Sally Fryer Dietz reveals, these children are not “broken.” Speaking from both her decades of professional experience as well as her own journey to help her oldest son, Dietz shares in-depth guidance to help you find the right therapeutic support for your child. Detailing common red flags at each developmental stage, from infancy to grade school, she explains how children with sensory processing “glitches” are often misunderstood and put on med

  • Neon Twilight with Solaris BlueRaven

    04/03/2024 Duration: 01h59min

    Neon Twilight with Solaris BlueRaven

  • Expanding upon "Ancient Monuments" - host Mark Eddy

    28/02/2024 Duration: 01h59min

    Jeffery Wilson returns to discuss his latest publication, "Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley, Expanded Edition."  Jeffrey gives us new insights into Chillicothe's antiquarian research team's documentation of mounds in the Ohio Valley.  What did their original notes state about their observations?  Were their drawings different than what was printed?  How do the differences change our understanding of prehistory?  Of course, we will get into the mysteries at the Serpent Mound.  Jeffrey will be a presenter at this year's Loveland Frogman Convention too.  

  • Thursday night with Dr Rita Louise 2-22-24

    24/02/2024 Duration: 57min

    Dr Rita shares her philosophies and wisdoms on lifes journies and what we learn  from challenges and road blocks.

  • Learn the Secret Language of Dreams - Pamela Cummins

    21/02/2024 Duration: 01h02min

    Do you know that your dreams are special and unique? But if you don’t understand their meaning, you are missing out on vital information. Because every night your subconscious mind sends you messages to help you solve problems, improve relationships, and teach you how to create a higher quality of life. The key is to learn how to decipher them and that is how Pamela Cummins, dream and relationship expert, can help you. Learn the Secret Language of Dreams is designed to give you the ability to understand the meanings of your own dreams. Symbolism in dreams is not a “one size fits all.” One symbol can mean many things. In order to understand the nature of dream symbolism more clearly, you will need to know what category your dream fits into. This eBook will help you identify the different dream styles so you can recognize what part of your life the dream message is for. Once you know the category of your dream, it will be easier to interpret your unique personal symbolism.

  • Is this a ghost, Demon or Extraterrestrial? Caught on Film?

    16/02/2024 Duration: 02h00s

    Well known Author Max Hawthorn has just  published an extrodinary video he filmed and experienced.  He poses the question in our title with further  ... Caught on Film. Are ETs AKA extraterrestrials real? What about reptilians? Are they here, among us? How about cloaked “predators”? Are they real and, if so, what are they? Filmed at uncomfortably close range by Max Hawthorne, personally, the entity seen in this shocking footage may answer all of those questions. Brace yourself. See for yourself at,   

  • The Lost Continent of Pan: The Oceanic Civilization at the Origin

    12/02/2024 Duration: 01h58min

    The destruction of the vast continent of Pan--also known as Lemuria or Mu--in the Pacific Ocean 24,000 years ago was the greatest catastrophe that ever befell humanity. Yet it resulted in a prehistoric Golden Age of arts and technology thanks to the Sons of Noah, who, forewarned and prepared for the disaster, escaped in 5 organized fleets. Theirs was the masterful Ur-culture that seeded China, Egypt, India, Mexico, and Peru, explaining the sudden injection of the same advanced knowledge and sophisticated arts into those widely separated lands. Examining the diaspora from the sunken continent of Pan, Susan B. Martinez finds traces of the oceanic Pan civilization in arts and technologies from canal-works, masonry, and agriculture to writing, weaving, and pottery, but most importantly in the art of navigation, the hallmark of the survivors of the catastrophe. Using archaeo-linguistic analysis, she reveals the mother tongue of Pan hidden in strikingly similar words for royalty, deities, and important places in v

  • The Ancient Tradition of Angels: The Power and Influence of Sacred Messengers

    11/02/2024 Duration: 01h00s

    Explores angels from Judeo-Christian and Islamic faiths, Hinduism and Buddhism, the beliefs of ancient Egypt, Yezidism, and Zoroastrianism as well as what Theosophists, Kabbalists, Sufi masters, Eastern gurus, and modern mystics like Edgar Cayce have recounted about angels From the divine messengers of Western traditions to the devas of Eastern traditions to the meleks and spirit beings found along the Silk Road, angels are one of the unifying themes of theology worldwide. But what is an angel, and why do they contact us, believers and nonbelievers alike? In this in-depth study into the mystery and purpose of angels, Normandi Ellis looks at the angelic dimensions of spiritual traditions around the world—from the ancient past to present day. She explores well-known angels from Judeo-Christian and Islamic faiths, the Hindu devata and Buddhist spirit beings, the spirit beings of ancient Egypt, the Peacock Angel of Yezidism, and the yazatas of Zoroastrianism. She compares angelic visions from medieval Christi

  • The flight of the Bon Monks

    05/02/2024 Duration: 01h01min

    Providing an inside view into the Chinese occupation of Tibet and the tenets of Bön, one of the world’s oldest but least known religions, this book chronicles the true story of three Bön monks who heroically escaped occupied Tibet and went on to rebuild their culture through incredible resilience, determination, and passion. After taking his vows to become a Bön monk and completing a pilgrimage around 22,000-foot Mt. Kailash, the holiest mountain in Tibet, Tenzin Namdak envisions a life of quiet contemplation at Menri, Bön’s mother monastery. Instead, he finds himself fleeing for his life across the highest and most difficult terrain on the planet. After being joined by a CIA-backed warlord, Tenzin’s escape party is ambushed and he is severely wounded. Narrowly escaping execution by Chinese soldiers, the dying Tenzin is taken to a concentration camp, where he is afforded special consideration because of his status as a monk. He overcomes his nearly fatal wound and makes an arduous escape from Tibet over the

  • Neon Twilight with Solaris BlueRaven

    05/02/2024 Duration: 01h59min

    Past lives - what are they and wwhat do they mea and how can they help in this lifetime.

  • Thursday Night Live with Dr. Rita Louise 2-1-24

    03/02/2024 Duration: 01h02min

    Another great show from Dr Rith Louise

  • Thursday Night Live With Dr Rita Louise 1-25-24

    03/02/2024 Duration: 59min

    Dr Rita brings more wisdom and insight to us ...another gem of spiritual magic

  • Thursday Night Live with Dr Rita Louise 1 18 2024

    26/01/2024 Duration: 01h05min

    Another amazing show with Dr Rita Louise

  • Dr. Rita Louise Live 1-11-24

    19/01/2024 Duration: 59min

    Do you have issues going on in your life? Maybe I can help. Do you want to talk about ancient mysteries, bring your questions. Ghosts? No problem, ask away. Psychic abilities, health, and healing? Lay it on me. Conspiracy theories? Nothing is off the table during this open and engaging format.

  • Winged Aliens with MARGIE KAY - Host Mark Eddy

    12/01/2024 Duration: 01h07min

    Leading paranormal researcher MARGIE KAY joins us to discuss her new publication "Winged Aliens."  They appear in Native legends and have been documented at Van Meter, Iowa and Point Pleasant, WV.  What have people been seeing?  We will delve into the possibility of surviving pteradactyls, or are they misreported condors or turkey buzzards?  How do the fairy reportings fit into this phenomenon?  Margie's book has maps that show individual sightings and clusters.  Are we able to see a pattern of foraging?  What are other animals' patterns of behavior when "they" are in the area?  We will also learn more about Margie's interests in remote viewing, working to solve homicides and the latest paranormal news from Missouri.

  • To Dance with Dakinis: In Search of Self with Dena Merriam

    08/01/2024 Duration: 01h58min

    As with all of Dena Merriam's books, To Dance with Dakinis is a study of the universal law of cause and effect, how events in our life, our deeds, thoughts and reactions impel the process of rebirth. The story begins in 12th century Tibet, with a woman's search for the Goddess and the deeper truths of life. A crisis that she encounters leads her to a great Master who helps awaken memories of her previous life in medieval France and a much earlier life in China, during which events were set in motion that led her to the crisis she now faced. The book follows her through death, the time between earthly rebirths and then her rebirth in India, where she brings to conclusion unfinished matters from her life in Tibet. In the process of her journey, great teachings are conveyed, teachings that we can all apply to our lives today.

  • Neon twilight with Solaris BlueRaven

    08/01/2024 Duration: 02h00s

    Solaris and Barbara look into the coming year and compare thoughts on what it holds for all of us,

  • Sumerian Tables and the Magic of the Season with Ken Goudsward - Host Mark Eddy

    14/12/2023 Duration: 02h00s

    Ancient language specialist KEN GOUDSWARD returns to discuss his latest book, "The Atrahasis Epic:  A Sumerian Tale of Irrigation, Floods, and the Creation of Man."  We will be delving into how the ancient tablets portrayed a hierarchy of gods and a very sci-fi-ish outlook on even deeper Antiquity.  Does the geography prove these legends were very possible?  We will also be touching on Ken's other captivating publications like "Magic in the Bible."  What is the difference between miracles and magic and blessings and curses?  For more biblical studies to accompany this Christmas show, we will be looking at the possibility that the Bible may be one of the best sources of UFO documentation.  Ken will also explain new biblical translation projects he is working on to bring us closer to the original meanings.

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