Ultimate Scrutiny



Its the end of culture. Everything that can be done, has been done. Theres nothing new anymore, it's just all tweaks on what's gone before. So, what an excellent time to have a look back and do a proper evaluation of whats been good and whats not good.Phil Jerrod and Phil Lucas invite you to the Court of Culture as they set out to review everything about the human race. EVERYTHING! Its a tall order - and itll take a while. But make no mistake - this podcast is the last discussion, the end of the debate, the final analysis.


  • S4 Ep26: The Victoria Hall Stampede - 1883

    19/08/2019 Duration: 37min

    It's 1883. It's The Victoria Hall Sunderland, and an out-of-town prestidigitator is about to take part in the worst theatrical experience since Mel Gibson played Hamlet. In what Health and Safety executives are warning has the potential to be the 26th episode of the CB Wallop Podcast, join Phil Jerrod and Phil Lucas as they discuss The Victoria Hall Stampede - the tiny, tragic mistake that cost the lives of two hundred children, ruined countless more and inadvertently helped us all loiter by the fire escape during our fag break. Is this a new contender for the most horrible episode of CB Wallop ever? ... yes .. unfortunately it is. Trigger Warning!: THIS ONE IS VERY, VERY NASTY. This is about two hundred children being crushed to death. If you have children, or know what children are, parts of it are going to be difficult to hear. The really bad stuff starts at about minute fifteen). Title music by Steve Adam Audio Clip: Ticket to Tragedy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKfGoCz9H40 Documentary about t

  • S4 Ep25: ‘Kuato!’ - The Kidney Special!

    07/08/2019 Duration: 37min

    It’s 2019. It’s Haywards Heath, England, and Phil Jerrod’s left kidney is being haunted by a ghost made out of meat.   In what appallingly under-appreciated NHS nurses are already calling the 25th episode of the CB Wallop podcast join Phil Jerrod and Phil Lucas as they present The Story of ‘Kuato’ - the five kilogram cyst that forced Phil into the most dramatic weight loss regime since Anne Boleyn.  Does Phil want to say thank you to everyone, again and again and again.... Yes... yes he does.  Trigger warning: This one is all medical; so if you’re squeamish just don’t bother, it involves frank discussions of cancer, surgery and some bleeding from the penis. (Thankyou...)  Title music by Steve Adam

  • S4 Ep24: Roar! - 1981

    04/07/2019 Duration: 49min

    It's 1981. It's Acton, California, and a whole load of shiny, happy American movie people are being attacked by lions. In what terrified, scalped and bleeding cinematographers are already calling the 24th episode of the CB Wallop Podcast join Phil Jerrod and Phil Lucas as they discuss Roar! - surely the maddest, most dangerous, and least responsible clusterf#@k of a movie ever committed to celluloid. Should they have done the whole thing with hamsters?... yes.. yes that would have been better. Trigger warning: If you're scared of lions, tigers, pumas, cougars, and mad, angry elephants (and to be fair who isn't) then this is one to skip - but don't skip it - because it's complete madness from beginning to end. Seriously - the guy who made Die Hard gets the top of his head ripped off.   Title music by Steve Adam Production by Mike Sandeman - www.northbrightonrecording.co.uk Audio Clip: Roar || || Jungle Movies || Tippi Hedren, Noel Marshall, Melanie Griffith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fPC7-hbijA&am

  • S4 Ep23: The Big Dipper Roller Coaster Crash - 1972

    16/06/2019 Duration: 39min

    It's 1972. It's London, England and in Battersea Park loads of kids are riding a roller coaster with a worse safety record than Doctor Octopus. In what queazy funfair patrons are already calling the 23rd episode of the CB Wallop Podcast join Phil Jerrod and Phil Lucas as they discuss The Big Dipper Roller Coaster Crash - the rotting 50s roller coaster that was built for the Festival of Britain, ruined the lives of countless families and was then promptly forgotten by everyone. Scream if you want to go faster!? No.. no thank you.  Trigger Warning: This one involves the death of five children. So it's very tragic and sad, but the details are sketchy. Also - as you would expect - roller coaster chat is quite prevalent. Title music by Steve Adam Production by Mike Sandeman - www.northbrightonrecording.co.uk Audio Clip: The Tragedy at Battersea Park - BIG DIPPER Accident!! 1972 Ricky Greenleaf - Published on Nov 6, 2018 Short from Coastermania (1996) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgbw92ouDYY London Go

  • S4 Ep22: The Strasbourg Dancing Plague - 1518

    02/06/2019 Duration: 46min

    It's 1518, It's medieval Strasbourg and Frau Troffea has just kicked off the least enjoyable dance off since Ann Widdecombe did Strictly. In what banging medieval shape-makers are already calling the 22nd episode of the CB Wallop Podcast, join Phil Jerrod and Phil Lucas as they discuss the Strasbourg Dancing Plague - The strange and unexplained day where over four hundred people danced themselves to death rather than go back to work. Was it hot blood on the brain? Was it Holy Wrath? Was it all women's fault? Is all of this complete b@#llocks?... no... no apparently it's not. Trigger Warning: This is people over five hundred years ago, dancing until their feet bleed - little bit of religious mania involved, little bit of making fun of nuns - but otherwise nothing to worry about. Title music by Steve Adam Production by Mike Sandeman - www.northbrightonrecording.co.uk Audio Clip: Countdown 5th February 2018. ©Channel 4 Television.  Sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dancing_mania https://en.wiki

  • S4 Ep21: The Slapton Sands Tragedy - 1944

    19/05/2019 Duration: 38min

    It's 1944. It's wartime Devon, and a shed load of American troops have just turned up in a tiny British village to take part in Operation Tiger.  In what displaced Devon locals are already calling the 21st episode of the CB Wallop Podcast my luvver, join Phil Jerrod and Phil Lucas as they discuss the Slapton Sands Tragedy - the gigantic dress rehearsal for D-Day that went drastically, horrifically wrong - twice.  Should they have used live ammunition? .. no.. no probably not.   Trigger Warning - this one's WAR so everything you'd probably expect to be involved with WAR is here. It's very tragic and sad and unnecessary, but nothing that you wouldn't really expect. WAR is HELL.  Title music by Steve Adam Production by Mike Sandeman - www.northbrightonrecording.co.uk WWII Slapton Sands disaster remembered (UK) ©BBC News - 28th April 2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqYBa_EOI Seeburg Basic Library 12/26/1972 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AFq0nX5JB8&t=1234s Sources: https://www.visits

  • S4 Ep20: The Bhopal Gas Disaster - 1984

    05/05/2019 Duration: 44min

    It's 1984, it's Madhya Pradesh in India, and underneath Bhopal's Union Carbide pesticide plant tank E-610 is about ready to blow its hinges.   In what panicking chemical factory employees are already calling the 20th episode of the CB Wallop Podcast join Phil Jerrod and Phil Lucas as they discuss The Bhopal Gas Disaster - the huge toxic cloud that enveloped the city of Bhopal leaving a thirty year legacy of pain, misery, disease and death. Is this one of the nastiest ones we're ever done? … yes.. yes it probably is.  Trigger Warning - okay, so along with everything you're probably expecting anyway - gassing, choking, dead bodies on the streets, carcasses being eaten by vultures, this one also involves spontaneous abortion, long term birth defects, blindness, infertility and cancer. Not for the faint-hearted this one.   Title music by Steve Adam Production by Mike Sandeman - www.northbrightonrecording.co.uk Union Carbide Disaster In Bhopal India | Flashback | NBC Newshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=

  • S4 Ep19: The Ford Edsel - 1958

    21/04/2019 Duration: 39min

    It's 1958. It's the US of A, and The Ford Motor Company have just released a car so incredibly fugly not even Frank Sinatra can shift any units.   In what original cast members of Grease are already calling the wela-wela-wela-19th! episode of the CB Wallop podcast join Phil Jerrod and Phil Lucas as they discuss The Ford Edsel - the fifties muscle car that was supposed to be greased lightning, but ended up being a gigantic chrome fireplace no one wanted to buy.  Was it because it had a front grille that looked like a lady's part? Yes.. yes maybe it was.   Trigger Warning - Nothing to worry about in this one - it's just chatting about cars - although, full disclosure, we do manage to say the word 'vagina' an impressive twenty-four times. So be ready for that.  Title music by Steve Adam Production by Mike Sandeman - www.northbrightonrecording.co.uk The Edsel Story (1957) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89Z9F-svFAk&t=82s Paul Anka - Diana The original recording 1957 Der Zwerg, Op. 22, No. 1 Em

  • S4 Ep18: The Salang Tunnel Fire - 1982

    07/04/2019 Duration: 32min

    It's 1982. It's war-torn Afghanistan, and that's just about as much as the Soviets will let us tell you.  In what Russian censors are already redacting as the XXXX episode of the CB Wallop Podcast, join Phil Jerrod and Phil Lucas as they discuss The Salang Tunnel Fire - the massive fire in a terrifying tunnel under a terrifying mountain in a terrifying country during a terrifying war that's been so completely hushed up this episode is a good ten minutes shorter than usual.   Do we know anything about Afghanistan? No.. no we don't.  Trigger Warning - this one's people being incinerated again - but luckily we know so little about it that the details are sketchy at best. We do have a short conversation about arranging ham into the shape of genitals though.  Title music by Steve Adam Production by Mike Sandeman - www.northbrightonrecording.co.uk The World's Worst Tunnel, Afghanistan Jerome Starkey Published on May 1, 2009 ©Sky News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jfBSnvkpTY&t=81s Sources

  • S4 Ep17: The Zeebrugge Ferry Disaster - 1987

    24/03/2019 Duration: 55min

    It's 1987. It's the Port of Zeebrugge, and a whole load of Sun readers are on their way home from a lovely trip to Belgium.  In what worried podcasters are already calling the 17th episode of the CB Wallop Podcast join Phil Jerrod and Phil Lucas as they discuss the The Zeebrugge Ferry Disaster - the 8000 tonne ship that let in water, rolled on its side and created a set of conditions so nightmarish it's almost impossible to make a lighthearted comedy podcast about them.  Do we press on with it though? Yes… yes we do.  *Trigger Warning - yup, this one's a bad one. It's also well within living memory, and it doesn't get any less horrific over time. It involves drowning, hypothermia and the loss of children, parents and loved ones.  Title music by Steve Adam Production by Mike Sandeman - www.northbrightonrecording.co.uk Zeebrugge Newsflash ©BBC1  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5xgY8c_xXE&t=4s Ferry Aid Charity Single ©The Sun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeD0YwEQ_iU

  • S4 Ep16: The Bradford Sweet Poisoning - 1858

    10/03/2019 Duration: 43min

    It's 1858, It's Victorian Bradford, and 'Humbug' Billy is about to sell a batch of boiled mint lozenges ten-thousand times stronger than a Fisherman's Friend.   In what Victorian Newsmen recount as a most woeful and melancholy episode of the CB Wallop Podcast, join Phil Jerrod and Phil Lucas as they discuss The Bradford Sweet Poisoning - the dreadful and unhappy event that poisoned hundreds of children, baffled The Peelers, and made the Mint Humbug about as popular as a Rose's Coffee Cream.   Should they have stored their arsenic in the sugar bowl? … no, no they probably shouldn't.  Trigger warning! - please be aware that this episode does involve the death of children, along with a frank discussion of the effects of arsenic poisoning and also an unfortunate attempt by the two Phil's to write a musical called, "Sh#ting Blood - the Humbug Billy Story". So, you know… sorry about that. Title music by Steve Adam Production by Mike Sandeman - http://www.northbrightonrecording.co.uk/ Hidden Killers of

  • S4 Ep15: New Coke - 1985

    24/02/2019 Duration: 43min

    It's 1985, it's Atlanta Georgia and in the underground lair of PROJECT KANSAS evil soft drink scientists are cooking up a batch of wholly anti-American liquid. In what 85% of blind taste-testers agree is the 15th episode of the CB Wallop podcast join Phil Jerrod and Phil Lucas as they discuss NEW COKE - the diabolical black fluid that alienated millions of Americans, upset Bill Cosby and ultimately solidified Coca-Cola's reputation as the world's best loved can of sugar, fizz and brown.  Was New Coke a disaster for old Coke? … no.. no it was not.   _Trigger Warning! - This episode is mainly discussing soft drinks - so… I guess, if you've had some sort of soft drink related trauma in the past proceed with caution. Otherwise - fill your boots. _ -------------------------------- Title music by Steve Adam Production by Mike Sandeman - http://www.northbrightonrecording.co.uk/ 1985: Coca-Cola launches new Coke ©CBS Evening News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8j97dOLsyk Vintage 80's Pepsi Commerci

  • S4 Ep14: The Quintinshill Rail Disaster - 1915

    10/02/2019 Duration: 45min

    It's 1915, it's Gretna Green and a whole load of railway blokes are drinking tea in a signal box and not doing their bloody job properly.  In what generations of train-spotters have already noted down as the 14th episode of the CB Wallop Podcast, join Phil Jerrod and Phil Lucas as they discuss The Quintinshill rail disaster - the truly horrible train crash that never would have happened if British people could just get to work on time.   Should we have explained this using a Thomas the Tank Engine metaphor? - No… no we shouldn't have.  *TRIGGER WARNING - This one's horrid - I mean, they're all horrid, but this one's really horrid. Urghh so… okay.. it's people being burned alive essentially, so you know… be ready for that. *   Title music by Steve Adam Production by Mike Sandeman - http://www.northbrightonrecording.co.uk/ The Leith Battalion RareBird Media Productions © 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Rkn0n-8bJo&t=156s

  • S4 Ep13: The Hoover Free Flights Fiasco - 1992

    27/01/2019 Duration: 45min

    It's 1992, and the Hoover Suction Sweeper Company are about to launch a sales promotion that sucks harder than its Turbo-Power-Total vacuum cleaner. In what superstitious people still refuse to acknowledge is the 13th episode of the CB Wallop Podcast, join Phil Jerrod and Phil Lucas as they discuss The Hoover Free Flights Fiasco - the insane sales promotion that sold thousands of vacuum cleaners to newly weds, disgruntled millions of consumers and ultimately led to the wholly unnecessary kidnapping of an innocent van. Did the kids get to go to Disneyland? no… no they did not. *Trigger Warning - This episode contains lots more swearing, even than usual, some potentially slanderous accusations thrown at an innocent pressure group and the deployment of some very dodgy cockney accents. Listener discretion is advised. * Title music by Steve Adam Production by Mike Sandeman - http://www.northbrightonrecording.co.uk/ Hoover - Red Letter Day https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b010fftm Series Producer Ju

  • S4 Ep12: The Donner Party - 1846

    14/01/2019 Duration: 57min

    It's 1846, it's the Sierra Nevada and the Donner party have just made the worst dinner plans since Jamie Oliver did jerk chicken rice. In what hungry gold prospectors once called the 12th episode of the CB Wallop Podcast, join Phil Jerrod and Phil Lucas as they discuss The Donner Party - the group of covered wagon settlers who left too late, went the wrong way, got stuck in the snow and ended up eating each other. Should they have taken more Biltong… yes. Yes they should. TRIGGER WARNING: If your social anxiety disorder is set off by any of the following issues: Starvation, Disease, Child/Mother-in-law death, Murder, Dismemberment, Cannibalism and/or frost bitten toes being accidentally seared off by a campfire, then this episode probably isn't for you. (In all seriousness - this one does get nasty… so .. you know… be an adult about it.) Title music by Steve Adam Production by Mike Sandeman - http://www.northbrightonrecording.co.uk/ Trail of Tragedy: The Excavation of the Donner Party Site Pu

  • S4 Ep11: The DeLorean Motor Company - 1982

    31/12/2018 Duration: 48min

    It's 1982. It's Belfast and John Delorean has just built a car capable of going Back to the Future - but not 0-60 in under three weeks. In what Top Gear magazine will one day review as the best episode 11 EVER join Phil Jerrod and Phil Lucas as they discuss The DeLorean Motor Company - the car factory that was built in a war zone, paid for by Sammi Davis Junior, produced a car that went back in time to help parents have sex, and went bankrupt after one of the biggest drug smuggling stings of the 1980s. Did John DeLorean go to prison?… no… no he did not. Whilst you're here………….Our podcast Recommendations: DUMTEEDUM A weekly podcast about the long-running BBC drama the Archers. It's Hosted by Roifield Brown and Lucy Freeman, with help from Millie Belle. https://dumteedum.com/ WORST FOOT FORWARD Worst Foot Forward is a weekly podcast that celebrates failure. Join Ben Van der Velde, Barry McStay and their guests as they brandish their wooden spoons of destiny and celebrate the losers, heroic failur

  • S4 Ep10: The Tenerife Air Crash - 1977

    17/12/2018 Duration: 49min

    It's 1977. It's Tenerife and a bunch of angry Canarian separatists are about to set off the worst chain reaction since Diana Ross. In what many single-issue agitators are already calling the 10th episode of the CB Wallop Podcast, join Phil Jerrod and Phil Lucas as they discuss The Tenerife Air Disaster - two massive planes, two football-obsessed air traffic controllers, a whole load of fog and a whole load more confusion that lead to the worst aviation disaster of all time. Should men watch less football? Yes… yes they bloody should. Title music by Steve Adam Production by Mike Sandeman - http://www.northbrightonrecording.co.uk/ Opening news item: Grim Scene In Tenerife As Investigation Begins AP Archive Published on Jul 21, 2015 03/28/77 c0058942 - (col kine) upitn ny032820 "crash" scenes yesterday (black & white) survivor. v - o scenes today (color) narrator v - o aerials shot march (color) more debris. tower. debris cleared. (3/28/77 - 52ft - v - o sof.) Find out more about AP Archive: h

  • S4 Ep9: Crinkley Bottom Theme Park - 1994

    03/12/2018 Duration: 46min

    It's the 90s and Noel's House Party is one of the biggest shows on British television! In what must now be the ninth episode of the CB Wallop Podcast join comedians Phil Lucas and Phil Jerrod as they discuss The Crinkley Bottom Theme Park - The fun day out in Somerset that alienated the locals, weirded out the staff and salted the earth of one of Britain's prettiest stately homes. Did Edmonds once kill a man? .. no… no he didn't. Title music by Steve Adam Production by Mike Sandeman - http://www.northbrightonrecording.co.uk/ Park History https://www.dunblobbin.com/ Audio Clips: "Mr Blobby" Recorded‎: ‎1993 Producer(s)‎: ‎Paul Shaw, David Rogers Released‎: ‎22 November 1993 Songwriter(s)‎: ‎Phillip Raxster Crinkley **Bottom Theme** Written by Ernie Dunstall BBC Television Crinkley Bottom TV Advert https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZQoXzaKBKI BBC 1992 Licensed by BBC Enterprises Ltd

  • S4 Ep8: The SS Princess Alice Disaster - 1878

    19/11/2018 Duration: 46min

    It's 1878, it's the River Thames and a whole load of Victorians have just had a lovely day out in Gravesend.  In what Instagram Influencers are already calling the eighth edition of the CB Wallop Podcast join comedians Phil Jerrod and Phil Lucas as they discuss the SS Princess Alice Disaster - the boat crash that's so utterly horrid it's going to be very difficult to make this podcast funny.  Do we give it a go though…? Yes.. unfortunately we do.  Title music by Steve Adam Production by Mike Sandeman - http://www.northbrightonrecording.co.uk/ Audio Clips: Princess Alice disaster: The Thames' 650 forgotten dead By Alice Evans www.bbc.co.uk https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-44800309 http://dfdcollective.co.uk/ Touch by Mattia Cupelli © Music Copyright 2015 Mattia Cupelli https://soundcloud.com/mattiacupelli/touch-download-and-royalty-free-piano-music Recommended Podcasts. Age of Victoria Podcast http://www.ageofvictoriapodcast.com/ The Rat Line https://www.bbc.co.uk/prog

  • S4 Ep7: The San Francisco Earthquake - 1906

    05/11/2018 Duration: 39min

    It's 1906, It's San Francisco and it's far too early in the morning to deal with this sort of nonsense. In what the Collins Concise Dictionary will one day define as the seventh edition of the CB Wallop Podcast join comedians Phil Lucas and Phil Jerrod as they discuss THE GREAT SAN FRANCISCO EARTHQUAKE - the disaster that levelled one of the world's greatest cities just moments before we set it on fire for the insurance money. Was it our fault or God's fault? SPOILER ALERT!: It was the San Andreas Fault. Title music by Steve Adam Production by Mike Sandeman - http://www.northbrightonrecording.co.uk/ Audio Clips: American Experience - The Great San Francisco Earthquake (PBS Documentary) American Experience - The Great San Francisco Earthquake (PBS) Rocky Collins (Director), Matthew Collins (III) (Director) Writer: Tom Weidlinger Star: F. Murray Abraham Moira Productions WGBH https://www.moiraproductions.com/

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