Lets Talk About Real Estate With Lisa B



Let's talk about Real Estate. The podcast for real estate agent's everywhere. You are now part of a group of real estate agents and entrepreneurs who want to make a difference in their lives.People who are looking for ways to create hacks in the real estate profession in order to make more sales and at the same time have more time off. Agents are realising that the old ways simply aren't working for them any more. They are working far too many hours and most don't enjoy a work life balance. Get ready to explore ways to hack your real estate life. I'm Lisa B.


  • #12: Facebook Ads and Lead Generation

    28/03/2018 Duration: 01h04min

    Today I am interviewing John Hellaby from check my house price - I have said it before John is not the enemy. Check my house price is a lead generation site where agents can pay a monthly fee for a postcode to have john and his team generate leads… (so its not a 20-25 % referral fee) They have been around since 2011 and they have brought in over $900,000,000 in commission leads. Nearly 1 billion dollars worth of commission leads!! Today john and i are talking all about facebook ads and lead generation.

  • #11: Bitcoin, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and How It May Effect Real Estate

    08/01/2018 Duration: 44min

    Bitcoin, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and how it may effect real estate. This weeks Interview David Crombie CEO EAC and Nathan Waters, Futurist, Entrepreneur and Founder of Peerism talk about Cryptocurrency, the Blockchain, Artificial intelligence and how it may effect Real Estate. Lisa B, Real Estate Coach and Trainer from The Real Estate Hotline. For information on the tax implications of Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency visit   https://www.ato.gov.au    

  • #10: Rejection, Haters and Not Giving A Sh*t

    29/11/2017 Duration: 09min

    Rejection is part of our everyday life in real estate - we need to look at that different. Real estate a numbers game.  Richard Branson doesn’t get everyone flying virgin.. You can’t win them all. Get used to it! I bought a brand new car many years ago and a seller judged me for it.. He didn’t list with me because of my car.  It had nothing to do with my ability.  He just didn’t like me because I had that car.  Find commonality when you go to appraisals.  Find someone they know.. Something that interests both of you. Only care about what YOU think and those whose opinions you respect and care about.  When you have haters or you have negative responses, take it as a gift.  Use it for positive marketing. You will always get people that don’t like you.  Don’t worry about it!  Don’t live in fear of critics otherwise you will never do anything.

  • #9: Denise Haynes Marketing Expert - Podcast Interview R and R Property Stroud

    22/11/2017 Duration: 32min

    Firstly Denise can you tell us a little bit about your area - Regions/Councils: Our area is quite vast because we cover a number of council areas, from Port Stephens, Great Lakes & Dungog. Rural and Residential: We also work in rural and residential areas. Population: Within the town of Stroud where we have one of our offices the population is only about 700 but there is a large farmland area surrounding the town. We are the only agency with an office in Stroud, but there are numerous agencies that work within the area. Country to Coast: We are so lucky that our areas cover coastal strips through to rural so we really do get to enjoy the best of both worlds. Community: We have an amazing community that all work together and help each other out. As a business we find that our community supports us so much - it’s wonderful and we love to return that by sponsoring whatever local event or causes we can. Lots of customers make mention that they have found our community to have such a great vibe. Andrew Winter

  • #8: Gary Vee Business Squared Seminar

    09/11/2017 Duration: 08min

    Business squared seminar. Gary Vee - JT Foxx - Jodie Fox - Janine Allis Firstly consider how can you apply any of these things to real estate. Jt Foxx Build 2 brands.  A personal and business brand.   At first, people say you’re lucky then when you become successful they ask you to coach them for free. Media gives you credibility.  Get into the media.  Newspapers. Real magazine.  Become THE authority.   The fastest growing market is women.  How can you tap into that?   How can you create new businesses?   Gary VeeA positive mindset works.   Create a foundation for your online presence. It’s your stability.    Build your brand.   Work on your confidence.  Your phone is the remote control to life.   Gary would rather be knifed and his wallet stolen than his phone stolen. These days nothing is more important than your phone!! Get attention first.   Then tell them.   Communicate in a compelling way to get what you want. Where are they?    Do what you’re great at - outsource what you’re not. Do podcasts.  Ever

  • #7: Let's Talk About Real Estate Podcast 7 - Week In Review

    06/11/2017 Duration: 07min

    Let’s talk about real estate podcast The week in review - 6th November 2017 Referral websites - Are they using false and misleading marketing? Interceptors - Click here Purple Bricks - Click here Clint Smith made the news - Noosa Real Estate - McGrath - Click here Real Estate Agents Halloween lollies? Samantha McLean Elite Agent Magazine - Seminar - Click here Congratulations Milton Rendell - 30 years in real estate! Will traditional agents eventually adjust to segmented payments? How to handle a text message from an owner on reducing your fee. Words from a wise man relating to business history.   Certain office procedures when a tragedy happens. Meet your neighbours nights. How to convince sellers to have open houses. 10 Reasons why most real estate agents fail - Click here Progress is impossible without change. Join our page - Here Lisa B from The Real Estate Hotline - Your Real Estate Coach on demand Hi and welcome to Let’s talk about real estate podcast My name is Lisa B In this week’s podcast,  we’re

  • #6: Darren Standish From Property Prosperity - Interview With Lisa B From The Real Estate Hotline

    09/10/2017 Duration: 23min

    Podcast Darren Standish and Lisa B Lisa Today I was interviewed by Darren Standish from Property Prosperity and we spoke about how to choose a real estate agent. Some of the things I discussed was about marketing, about advertising and about negotiation.   The difference between advertising and marketing – Advertising is one small part of marketing. Advertising is say.. advertising a specific property – so it’s putting an ad in the paper about a particular property, it’s doing a flyer about a particular property, it’s a for sale sign out the front of a particular property. Now marketing is everything else.. Marketing is building your brand.. it’s marketing you.  Marketing is the strategy.. Who is your buyer? What can you do to attract them.. what can you do to keep YOU top of mind awareness. I hope you enjoy this podcast.   Darren: Welcome to this week’s edition of Property Secrets. The show where we speak to experts from around the country to give us an insider's guide to buying and selling and investing i

  • #5: Carl Quested From Agent Mail - Interview With Lisa B From The Real Estate Hotline

    04/10/2017 Duration: 37min

    Carl: Hello everyone, Carl Quested here, thanks for tuning in for another episode of The Real Agent Podcast. This week’s episode I’m joined by Lisa B., Lisa has been around the real estate industry for let’s just say many years - and has a lot of experience -  from being an agent through to a principal, and now she’s a coach and mentor. Her current business is The Real Estate Hotline where she provides ad hoc and I guess emergency advice and assistance for Agents, Principals and everyone involved in the real estate industry. A really great episode here. I love Lisa’s approach to business and life so I hope you get as much out this episode as I have. As always please leave us some feedback. And enjoy the episode. Carl: Lisa thanks for joining us. Lisa: Yay! Hi! Thanks Carl, thanks for having me. Carl: That’s okay. Now we were chatting a bit before the start. So we’ve got to try and pick up on some of the gold we talked about, because there was some fantastic, fantastic information shared in there. Lisa: Sure.

  • #4: Lisa B From The Real Estate Hotline - Interview with Dr Geraldine Teggelove - Live Radio Show

    03/07/2017 Duration: 49min

    The Real Estate Hotline Lisa B From The Real Estate Hotline - Interview with Dr Geraldine Teggelove - Live Radio Show -  Uploaded to Let’s talk about real estate with Lisa B - itunes podcast. Hello everyone and welcome to Geraldine Teggelove live, yes I am Geraldine and I am so looking forward to sharing some more fabulous information and hints and tips and anything else that may help you to become a published author and enjoy the process.   Yes.. Over the last few weeks I've been chatting with some wonderful and highly successful authors I might say, and asking them to share with us all their secrets around writing and publishing.   Believe me, if you haven’t had a chance to listen to the previous shows in this series called publishing 101 and you're thinking about writing a book, then may I urge you to do so.  Because if you want to step out with your published book in hand, the information that you get from these gorgeous ladies, is just amazing. So woohoo.   Just imagine how you will feel when your book

  • #3: Website Hacks for real estate

    01/02/2017 Duration: 11min

    How to build a massive profile using your personal website Your website is the foundation for your real estate career. Your website is the control centre of your profile. Your website is you.. My advice is to have a personally branded website as soon as you can.  What I mean by that  is a website in your own personal name. Because..  Your online profile is your online resume.   It’s what people will search to find out more about you. What should you have on your Personal Website? Remember this website is about you!   Not the company or the properties you sell... as such… So… the keywords need to be about you, real estate and your prospecting area/farm area. Things you should have on your website - A page called About Me What do people want and need to know about you? Include all of your past experience and achievements. You can also have a video bio.  Use your keywords in your bio     Who are you - what you have done in real estate? Do you have a great story? What you can offer? Why should someone list with y

  • #2: Hack your real estate reputation with podcasts

    01/02/2017 Duration: 09min

    Hack your reputation and real estate career by becoming famous in your area Create your own podcast show - Why should you as a real estate agent host a podcast show? And what the heck would you even talk about? And why would anyone even want to listen to what you have to say?   All of this will be answered…. Sooooo.. We all know that to be successful in real estate you have to list.  To be a good agent you have to ‘list to last’. Because   You have to have stock to sell.. If you can list, you will always have plenty to sell.  Listing amongst a few other things is what really sets agents apart.   We all know that an easy way to get listings.. Is to be KNOWN as the best.   The agent that knows what they are doing and they do it well.   The agent that’s known to make things happen… the hard worker  - The one that has the CREDIBILITY  the one that has the perceived  AUTHORITY The professional. The agent that gets the results.. The one who gets sellers and buyers calling them..   The one that gets loads of referra

  • #1: Who am I and what have I done

    01/02/2017 Duration: 06min

    Today I wanted to give you my background - to let you know my experience both in real estate and the online world.   So….  I want to let you know who I am and what i ve done before you listen to anything i have to say. Mainly to make sure we are a good fit. I started in Real Estate in the early 1990’s and I started working for a franchise before buying the business when I was about 23.  I was only in real estate for about 9 months when i took the plunge and bought the business..  I remember most people thought i would fail.  I knew I wouldn't.  I was too determined.  I was going to make it work no matter what.. I had a few friends that were as crazy as I was,     and seriously we worked 24 hours a day.   They were great times..  We had a ball. After a year of being in a franchise I changed the name of the business to my own name as I really wanted to build my profile in the area I lived in.    I was very successful at doing that.   I didn't have the internet back then… At that point in time we were a Ray Whit

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