Self Care



Playing big in a small world! My name is Jemma and I am here to create that which has never been to expand consciousness. Speaking, making amazing art and holding space for others to heal is how I do it....... I love my life and I will assist anyone who is ready to amp up their life. This can be fun and I show others the possibility that is here now.


  • #672 You Care For You Today! 2

    21/12/2022 Duration: 21min

    Remembering to put yourself first is always a great place to circle back to. Today is my focus on me day and it was so yummy. I'm still enjoying the little details of it. Feels like Christmas Eve.... Much love and hugs, Jemma 401-699-6142

  • #671 Light Up The World

    20/12/2022 Duration: 18min

    You can change the world by focusing on you. Learning to go with in. Listening to your body... focusing on the vibration you want to be in and extending it to the world. Not so hard.

  • #670 Listen To Your Body

    19/12/2022 Duration: 19min

    We have forgotten our connection to the oneness. It is the myriad of distractions around us keeping us forgetful. As you challenge the norms you can support yourself back to passion and purpose. Yayay!! Jemma 1-401-699-6142

  • #669 Pups And Podcast

    18/12/2022 Duration: 19min

    We can for the big energetic shift! We have learned that we can step into our power and there are tools and possbilities available. Now it's time to step up and play big. Much love, Jemma 401-699-6142

  • #668 We Are Being Hijacked

    17/12/2022 Duration: 21min

    You being conscious will change the world. It is an inward journey only you can make! The journey is returning to loving self. Much love, Jemma 401-699-6142

  • #667 Power Begins Within You

    16/12/2022 Duration: 20min

    As you continue to expand your consciousness life bring all new experiences. Can you flow with these? Be like a child and find a place to meet these that is ease, fun and joy.... Anything becomes possible! Much love, Jemma 401-699-6142

  • #666 Play At Loving Today!

    15/12/2022 Duration: 29min

    When we remember to love ourselves our lives change. This is an inward journey. You don't have to keep finding another course or group or practice. Come back to you and feel your way. Your ability to tune within is where the healing begins. Thank you so much, Jemma 401-699-6142

  • #665 Changing Frequency

    14/12/2022 Duration: 24min

    If we don't know how to raise our own frequency we will never affect the greater good. So today is the day to do it. To expand your practice. To love. much love, Jemma 401-699-6142

  • #664 Let’s Heal The Planet

    13/12/2022 Duration: 22min

    A little meditation is going to go a long way! Perhaps it will heal the planet!! Much love, Jemma 401-699-6142

  • We Are Back!

    10/12/2022 Duration: 25min

    When we do what we are passionate about the world changes! It is time to heal the planet with our ability to love ourselves!

  • #662 Magic Is Happening!

    15/07/2022 Duration: 15min

    There is so much magic at your fingertips yet most have forgotten how to access it! Listen to your body... it is telling you all the time. You are so loved and the world is for you to mold. Sending you much love, Jemma Questions, Comments, Texts, Calls, 1-401-699-6142

  • #661 Happiness Is Just A Thought Away

    14/07/2022 Duration: 19min

    It is trending to blame your problems on someone else... nothing new there except now even if someone has different thoughts people are claiming harm. This extreme is making it very apparent that our thoughts truly do determine our happiness.... Time to harness the thoughts which take us into our power! Sending you much love, Jemma Questions, Comments, Texts, Calls, 1-401-699-6142

  • #660 Inclusion Is Acceptance

    09/07/2022 Duration: 16min

    Remembering to love what is can be the hardest thing. However, it is the answer to true inclusion. Not the inclusion which means be like me, do like me, speak like me. Inclusion is not a one direction thing. It is all directions. It is loving what is! Sending you much love, Jemma Questions, Comments, Texts, Calls, 1-401-699-6142

  • #659 Mindset Is Everything!

    08/07/2022 Duration: 15min

    We are entering a new time so fast. Keeping up with the shifts in vibration are so important and mindset is part of this. Anytime you get an off or undesirable feeling/emotion check your mindset... your thoughts. Is there one creating a feeling of separation? If so, let it go and adopt a new one! So simple! Sending you much love, Jemma Questions, Comments, Texts, Calls, 1-401-699-6142

  • #658 Meditation To Raise Frequency

    07/07/2022 Duration: 18min

    It is so easy to be reactive to the world around us. The trick is to own your expansion and see every moment as an opportunity to embody the new! Today is an exercise in just how to set yourself up for this! Raise every cell of your body to the uncoditonal love vibration! Sending you much love! Jemma Questions, comments, Texts, Calls, 1-401-699-6142 Art Work Courtesy of Elizabeth

  • #657 Your Life Is Your Frequency!

    23/06/2022 Duration: 22min

    Today is an exercise to raise your frequency. Pen and paper! Let's go! Sending you much love, Jemma Questions, Comments, Texts, Calls, 1-401-699-6142

  • #656 Playing Small?

    22/06/2022 Duration: 16min

    Many have the survival skill of deflection, turning away kindness from others, putting themselves down. It was a technique for making others feel more important and or a form of self flagulation to do better. It belongs to the 3D and can be left behind. What emerges is you in your highest potential. You as super hero.

  • #655 You Can Open The Blockages!

    21/06/2022 Duration: 21min

    Awareness is key to everything! The blockages within our bodies are ready to be released and it is through awareness that we assist and collaborate on the shift. Just a pivot of consciousness... that is all. Much love and hugs, Jemma Questions, Comments, Texts, Calls, 1-401-699-6142

  • #654 Which Super Hero Are You?

    20/06/2022 Duration: 18min

    Do you remember who you are? Are you able to create the day you want? I believe everyone has untapped super hero powers! Time to remember and access these! Much love and hugs, Jemma Questions, Comments, Texts, Calls, 1-401-699-6142

  • #653 Today Listen To Your Body

    19/06/2022 Duration: 14min

    Sometimes the simple is overlooked. In this case the needs of the body. We have been taught to put these needs last.... to not address them unless they are dire... No more. There is an elegance and respect in addressing these needs as they arise. It will make so much more available to you too! Much love and hugs, Jemma Questions, Comments, Texts, Calls, 1-401-699-6142

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