Feminist Sleeper Cell



Straight from the FEMINIST SLEEPER CELL, Lady Parts Justice breaks down the ever-changing, ever batshit, ever rageful news that affects our reproductive rights. Listen as hosts, Lizz Winstead, Nicole Moore and Julie Rosing, work to expose the creeps hellbent on destroying access to birth control, abortion and basically everything logical.


  • Repro Madness Episode 8: The Notorious BEN


    Lady Parts Justice revels in the hilarity that is the new Ben Carson radio rap advertisement and also discusses some troubling news and local election results from the past week. Lizz dissects Carly Fiorina’s most recent lies about Planned Parenthood to Ashley and Sharron’s amusement. The second act comes from Lizz, Ashley, and Leah as they share real stories of people who have been affected by restrictive abortion laws in their states.

  • Repro Madness Episode 7: HYPOCRITIC OATH


    This week on Repro Madness, LPJ poses the question: Why is it the right-wing “family values” politicians and influencers who always get caught in the most salacious scandals? They claim to have a moral authority and hold other people up to a standard that they themselves can’t uphold. The LPJ team recapped some classic hypocrites as well as some new ones that have come to our attention! As firm believers in sex positivity, we are calling out the harmful d-bags and telling them to keep their politics out of our bedrooms. Listen in to this hilarious convo to hear about how Ashley thinks she should have been a sex worker, why we disapprove of Tyga and Kylie and how we define a “feminist sex scandal!”

  • Repro Madness Episode 6: Planned Parenthood Hearing #456,782,945


    Watching these congressional hearings getting you down? We at LPJ took one for the team and watched the most recent hearing to defund Planned Parenthood so you don’t have to. Listen and laugh along as we hash out the insanity and set the record straight.

  • Repro Madness Episode 5: Carafem


    Lady Parts Justice skypes with Carafem, a clinic in Maryland that is squashing stigma by speaking frankly about the abortion services they provide.

  • Repro Madness Episode 4.5: LPJ’s Response to the #GOPdebate


    What is a debate without a watch party?! Members of the Lady Parts Justice New York crew gathered at the Clubhouse, ordered in Ethiopian food, and watched the Republican debauchery unfold. As you can imagine, they had a lot to say… listen and join them in the mockery that is modern day politics!

  • Repro Madness Episode 4: Robin Marty / Elizabeth Yuko


    We found the perfect bioethicist for Lady Parts Justice! Her name is Elizabeth Yuko. She’s a feminist, specializes in Reproductive Ethics, and often shares her wisdom with a sense of humor. In fact, she even uses The Golden Girls as an analogy to teach bioethics to people who may not normally be that interested in the subject. LPJ had the pleasure of hosting her at the clubhouse to discuss why the public shouldn’t buy into the fake sting operation targeting Planned Parenthood. Then, in true #FlashbackFriday style, we time warp to last week when the team was down in Montgomery, Alabama. While there, Lizz and Ashley got the chance to chat with renowned reproductive rights journalist, Robin Marty, and hear all about her experiences covering the week-long Operation Save America anti-abortion rally/hate-fest. Robin also shares insights about the anti-abortion movement’s strengths and weaknesses as well as what it’s like to have a professional rapport with the people who are trying to cut off access to safe and leg

  • Repro Madness Episode 3: Roadtrip Recap


    The Lady Parts Justice team is back in New York after over a week down south and boy do they have some stories to tell! A visit to the Jackson Women’s Health Organization, aka the “Mississippi Pink House,” the last abortion clinic in the state, leaves the team in awe of the clinic escorts who tirelessly defend their patients against harassment and protesters. The Pink House Defenders have bravely taken on the task of guarding their clinic against relentless assaults, and Ashley explains how they have inspired her own work as an escort. They also discuss the mass protest that descended on Alabama abortion clinic Reproductive Health Services of Montgomery during their trip. The protesters were aggressive and their rhetoric was inflammatory and dangerous. Listen to the team discuss their interactions with “the antis” and how it’s changed the way they understand the assault on reproductive rights in this country. Additionally, Lizz breaks down how presidential candidate Scott Walker has been creepily obsessed wit

  • Repro Madness Episode 2: On the Road in Montgomery, AL


    This week, Lady Parts Justice comes to you from Montgomery, Alabama. In the midst of providing support to the clinics in Mississippi and Alabama, the BS undercover video that distorts and perverts Planned Parenthood’s fetal tissue donation program hit the airwaves. We at LPJ have a lot of feelings about all of it. We’re upset about the heinous attack on lifesaving research, the short term memory of re-fighting this fight about fetal tissue research, and feel very strongly that as supporters of abortion rights, Planned Parenthood, independent clinics, and fetal tissue research, we must stand with the doctor being set up in this video. This is a provocative conversation with Dr Sacheen an abortion provider, Wendy Robinson, director of Voice of Choice, Michelle Colon, clinic defender from Jackson Women’s Health Organization aka “The Pink House” the last remaining clinic in Mississippi and Ashley, Sharon, Jordana and yours truly from LPJ. It is a an intense, emotional, heartbreaking, fun and important conversa

  • Repro Madness: The Lady Parts Justice Podcast – Episode 1: Meet Lady Parts Justice


    In this episode we explain the origins of Lady Parts Justice and what we do. We cover the creepy depths to which anti abortion extremists will go, and why they get a pass on being labeled terrorists. We look at Governor of Ohio, John Kasich, who in a few weeks will be the 3019th Republican to enter the presidential race and dive into his secret history of sneaking anti abortion bills into the annual budget. Plus we have the Texas repro badass Sarah Slamen, joining us in the Clubhouse to talk about the craptastrophe that is Texas!

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