Like A Mother

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 121:04:36
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Candid convo on what smart moms care about : Money, business, career, parenting, feminism, dating and sex. Emma Johnson features celebrities like Arianna Huffington, Millionaire Matchmaker Patti Stanger to Gigolo's Vin Armani, sharing amazing stories from national experts, girl bosses and regular people, too. A U.S. News "Top 15 Personal Finance Podcasts," this twice-weekly podcast makes inspiration hilarious. Catch Emmas blog at


  • Why shared parenting is best for kids AND moms

    03/10/2018 Duration: 08min

    There are 60 peer-reviewed studies that prove that shared parenting — when children in divorced and separated families live with each parent at least 40 percent of the time — is what is best for kids, including in high-conflict situations. But it is also what is best for moms! In this episode, I talk about my own journey from being a really primary mom, to one with a great co-parenting relationship and the many, many benefits for moms.  These benefits include: Free time! Time to date Exercise Build a business and career More flexibility, since the other parent is there in emergencies, scheduling conflicts Many more! Full episode transcript here:

  • Don't hold yourself back to get more child support

    26/09/2018 Duration: 08min

    I hear from women who want to game the system, not earn too much so their child support or alimony payments won't be compromised. I also hear from women who pay their ex support and alimony, and they, too, limit themselves out of worry of having to pay out more than they care to. And, they may find themselves doing that very thing. But … who cares?! Ask yourself this: When you are 82 years old, looking back at your life, what do you want to think: Wow, I really stuck it to my ex all those years and cashed his checks. So awesome! Or …. I am so proud that I seized on my creative ideas, worked really fucking hard, created not only a really amazing life for myself and my kids, but also gave them the gift of financial comfort and a role model for making their own dreams a reality — and never being in the crippling situation of financial dependence on another person. Full episode transcript here:

  • Meet Tinder co-founder and Bumble CEO Whitney Wolfe

    19/09/2018 Duration: 46min

     In this episode, I interview Tinder co-founder and Bumble CEO Whitney Wolfe whose insights on dating have me floored. For example, she confirms my hunch that men age 40 are ripe for the picking -- they're accomplished and ready for a cozy relationship. Listen up, ladies! Also, I help a follower Lisa, in Phoenix, navigate dating after a long marriage, including the ins and outs of online flirtations. And my mom-BFF Betsy and I kvetch about how we hang out all the time, yet rarely talk about our kids. Because kids are boring.

  • Meet Millionaire Matchmaker Patti Stanger – and her advice to single women

    12/09/2018 Duration: 42min

    On Like a Mother with Emma Johnson, I interviewed Millionaire Matchmaker Patti Stanger who recently launched the audio coaching program, "The Single Girls' Handbook," and her wine, P.S. Match, and is author of four books, including Become Your Own Matchmaker. My No. 1 question? How can successful women find love? We also talk about her abortion at age 26, why she wants college women to freeze their eggs, and the how online dating has changed relationships. Full transcript of this episode here: 

  • She felt isolated, afraid and broke as a single mom

    05/09/2018 Duration: 24min

    Nadia Wiseman found herself struggling when she left an unsafe relationship: struggling to to pay rent for herself and her now-5-year-old son. Struggling to find direction for her newly single life. Struggling to find other women who could relate in her city of Montreal, Canada. While she found ways to refocus her education and skills as a social worker, Nadia Wiseman launched Single MOMtreal, an organization designed to support single moms in need of resources like food and, clothes, friendship and, for some, help escaping domestic violence. So far, the group has served more than a thousand moms and their families.  “I knew that if I, an educated, professional woman, struggled with these things as a single mom, there were other women out there who were in the same situation,” she told me. “I knew I could help a lot of people if I could build a community of single moms.” Full episode transcript here: 

  • How to get out of a rut

    18/07/2018 Duration: 07min

    In this episode, I discuss being in a rut — and getting OUT. Reinvigorating your life does not require dramatic change – it can be as simple as switching up your schedule, your surroundings, your routine, and your mindset. It's a chance to recreate some aspect of your life and feel renewed and inspired. Trust me, I know. I've been in a rut lately. I'm digging myself out, with big and tiny changes. Everyone can do this — for free! In this Like a Mother episode I discuss... My summer in Kentucky with my boyfriend and my kids How to do something different every single day Why a change of scenery can help you get out of a rut How to switch your routine, one minute step at a time How to put a new spin on your mindset  

  • How to manifest money, success and love with Denise Duffield-Thomas

    20/06/2018 Duration: 47min

    [This is a replay from a couple years ago – because it's THAT GOOD.] A few months ago I was complaining to friend and Like a Mother guest and business Jenn Scalia about feeling stalled in my career. "I can't work with you until you get through your money blocks," Jenn said, matter-of-factly. You might remember that Jenn went from earning a $38,000 salary to a profit of $400,000 in two years. She credits the work of Denise Duffield-Thomas, a money mindset coach and author of Lucky Bitch and Get Rich, Lucky Bitch.  I paid attention. Fast-forward two months: I'd read Thomas's book. I love how she offered very clear, reasonable, actionable steps for manifesting what I wanted (in this case: MONEY). She was funny and real, not pretentious, new-age-y or annoying in any way. Guess what? Money started flowing into my life. Career goals I set magically manifested. Key people I needed on my team suddenly were introduced. Even smaller things -- like my brother gave me his old TV, which was on my to-buy list for Christma

  • Make money AND do good at the same time

    13/06/2018 Duration: 12min

    Making money and serving others — these two things are NOT mutually exclusive. That you must chose one or the other is a historically female message: That it's OK to be broke, because we're serving others. That the corporate world is exploitive, evil, greedy, and in direct opposition with service and generosity and community – this is false. That rhetoric is dated and it's wrong. In fact, the more money you make, the more influence and success you have, the better you are able to serve. Whether it's on a large, global scale, or a small, local scale, when you're successful, you're powerful and you can give and do more. It is possible, ladies. In this episode I discuss... How I started, and why focusing on making money from this project directly correlates with how many people I can serve Why making money benefits you, your community, the economy The history of "women's work" as a free service, which contributes to this mentality How to make money AND serve others at the same time The F

  • How to travel abroad with kids: Elmeka Henderson [Grant winner!]

    06/06/2018 Duration: 34min

    In this episode I interview Elmeka Henderson, creator of blog Adventures in Raising a Vagabond. She helps families – 90% of whom are single moms – travel with kids. She educates parents about safe travel with kids, invites them to travel in her groups, and helps to connect them with communities in areas they visit. Things we discuss: Where to find cheap travel deals How to travel abroad safely How she saves for travel How to find your travel community on Facebook Best travel resources How she traveled to Milan for a week for under $2,000 Check out Elmeka's blog here: Adventures in Raising a Vagabond Go to and enter to win my book, The Kickass Single Mom, as well as Nicole Lapin's Boss Bitch!

  • Tell girls: "Always have your own money!"

    31/05/2018 Duration: 10min

    I keep hearing the same story again and again from professionally successful women. Variations on: My grandma told me: "Always have your own money." It could be a mother, aunt, neighbor, Girl Scout leader, teacher, cousin, mentor or favorite coach. The bottom line An older, respected woman looked her straight in the eye, and in her own but direct way said: "Do not ever depend on a man financially." "Money is power, and never, ever give up that power." "You are powerful. Never chose to give up that power." "You are responsible for your own life." "You are not a victim." "I believe in you." Many of the women who tell me these stories are in their 40s, 50s and older, and their champions were women of a generation or two more senior than that. This is important because it is clear that women found ways to be financially independent — whether through work, or even squirreling away cash in their own name or shoebox in the back of a closet — even if they had but a fraction of the economic and career opportunity y

  • Why shared parenting is the answer to the pay gap

    23/05/2018 Duration: 10min

    In my work writing about women, money and family in the United States, there are two prevailing issues: Dads who do not live with their kids are barely involved. (Just 22% of dads who live apart from their children see them more than once weekly, per Pew.) That pay gap will. not. close. Here's the answer: Start all custody negotiations at a default 50-50 visitation and custody, with no child support or alimony. While there is great movement towards equally shared visitation time in at least 30 states, the majority of family courts still default to an antiquated model of custody and parenting. Highlights include... Common arguments against shared parenting What is co-parenting? Why 50/50 custody is a feminist issue How shared custody benefits mothers and supports equal pay

  • Say NO to overparenting with Heather Shumaker

    16/05/2018 Duration: 39min

    Heather Shumaker, a Minneapolis-based journalist and married mom of two, agreed to be interviewed on this show, and I am so glad she did. If you have any question at all about why you should stop micromanaging your kids, let them play freely, dirtily, creatively, check out this awesome episode. Highlights include ... Improved language in kindergarteners Higher academic performance overall, including math, problem-solving and – yes, you, Type A parent! – standardized tests Better behavior when kids exercise How play promotes emotion regulation and empathy How to deal with judgy moms Check out Heather Schumaker's awesome books that should be required reading for every new parent before they are allowed to check out of the hospital: It's OK to Go Up the Slide: Renegade Rules for Raising Confident and Creative Kids It's OK Not to Share and Other Renegade Rules for Raising Competent and Compassionate Kids  

  • Single mom for Congress: Katie Wilson [Grant winner]

    09/05/2018 Duration: 34min

    I'm so thrilled to have Katie Wilson, 21st congressional district candidate, on the Like A Mother podcast today. She shares with us what it's like being a politician, entrepreneur, and mother of two, plus: The public's definition of what constitutes a single mom Why it's important to raise kids to appreciate the struggle Why people don't trust the government and politicians - and how she's working to change that Healthcare for women, and why she personally advocates for  Planned Parenthood Enter to win my Kickass Single Mom Grant at  Go to and enter to win my book, The Kickass Single Mom as well as Nicole Lapin’s - Boss Bitch.

  • Single Mom Side Hustles: Why you need one and how to get it

    02/05/2018 Duration: 14min

    In today’s episode, I discuss… Why you need a side hustle How to get one What makes a good side hustle Maybe you need a little extra cash, maybe you’re bored with your current career, or you want to safeguard yourself against a recession or an industry crash by having a fall-back plan. Maybe you’re interested in pursuing your passion project, but you’re not quite ready to make the leap into full-time business ownership. Whatever your reason is, you NEED a side hustle. 101 Legit Side Hustles:

  • From homeless to helping other women succeed

    04/04/2018 Duration: 20min

    Loren Guillory moved to Dallas only to have her new job fall through at the last minute. Homeless and running out of resources, she eventually found assistance, got on her feet, and created First Stream Cleaning. Starting her own business quickly boosted her esteem and enabled her to think bigger. Now she helps other women find their own opportunities as she explores her own potential.    

  • How to make meaningful memories with your kids

    29/03/2018 Duration: 10min

    I hear it all the time: "I'm spending money on things I cant afford, just so I can give my kids memories!" That's not helping anyone, especially not your kids. In my own life, the moments and rituals that meant the most, gave me comfort and truly shaped me, were free. It's cliche but true. The things that really matter aren't necessarily glamorous and expensive, but they do make you feel connected. It's important to teach our kids that.  What memories will YOU make with your kids that they will remember fondly? 

  • Single mom created respite care program for special-needs families [grant winner!]

    09/03/2018 Duration: 16min

    Jeannine Hamilton, serving other special-needs families with a break! The Kickass Single Mom Grant is sponsored by GoBankingRates— your partner in financial freedom. Go to sign up for their awesome financial information newsletter. For signing up, you’re automatically entered to win a copy of my best selling book, the Kickass Single Mom and Nicole Lapin’s the Boss Bitch. You need both those books in your life.! ### In this episode, we hear from Kickass Single Mom Grant winner Jeannine Hamilton, 43, of Little Rock, Ark., is a single-mom of three. As the mother of an 8-year-old daughter with autism, she knows first-hand the financial, emotional and logistical challenges parents of these special kids face for simple tasks like shopping, house care — not to mention getting a break. That is why she started WE-CARE, an organization that provides free respite care for special needs families, and serves as a coordination point for all area organizations. She is also a new entrepreneur. In

  • Minimalist Living for Real Moms (with Liz Frugalwoods)

    21/02/2018 Duration: 29min

    On today's episode, I interview colleague, fellow blogger and friend Liz Frugalwoods. She's a mother who – now in her mid-thirties – is already retired. We discuss her definition of financial independence, the importance of a holistic (and realistic!) financial approach, plus tips for frugal living.  Liz is a firm believer in simple living and "smoothing out the happiness curve." You may even be surprised at what her family's day-to-day life really looks like. Find out how she and her family became financially independent, and how you can do the same!   

  • Easy trick to forgive your ex (and anyone else you're angry at)

    14/02/2018 Duration: 08min

    Ever feel like your beef with someone – maybe with an ex, or even a friend or a boss – is getting to your head? Maybe you feel the negative effects of a grudge sending you spinning, weighing you down. I'll admit it. I have a very active mental life, emotional life, creative life, and one of the things I’m really bad at is letting things go. But I know, and you know, that thoughts are energy, and energy manifests in your life. So, I have developed a way to change this negative pattern.  In this episode, I'll show you how you can start cultivating more positivity in your life with just one simple trick.  Because, although your anger and resentment is for someone else, it's affecting you and your loved ones. You deserve to clear your mind, once and for all.

  • She felt alone, afraid and broke as a single mom, and started org to help others

    07/02/2018 Duration: 24min

      Nadia Wiseman found herself struggling when she left an unsafe relationship: struggling to to pay rent for herself and her now-5-year-old son. Struggling to find direction for her newly single life. Struggling to find other women who could relate in her city of Montreal, Canada.  While she found ways to refocus her education and skills as a social worker, Nadia Wiseman launched Single MOMtreal, an organization designed to support single moms in need of resources like food and, clothes, friendship and, for some, help escaping domestic violence. So far, the group has served more than a thousand moms and their families.  "I knew that if I, an educated, professional woman, struggled with these things as a single mom, there were other women out there who were in the same situation," she told me. "I knew I could help a lot of people if I could build a community of single moms."  Last April she launched Single MOMtreal, which started as a Facebook group, and has has meetups, parties, and sprouted informal networks

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