Catalyst Sale Podcast: Sales Training | Sales Strategy | B2b | Selling | Marketing



Sales is a thinking process. The Catalyst Sale podcast with Mike Conner and Mike Simmons will help you learn what works in sales, hone your skills, and increase your success.


  • Challenging Comfort Zones: The Path to Personal Growth with Letty Benavides - 354

    19/10/2023 Duration: 47min

    Seek out discomfort and challenge yourself daily. It's in pushing past your comfort zone that you'll discover your true potential and build the confidence to achieve your dreams. - Letty Benavides In this episode you will learn:  How to unleash your potential and create a purposeful life How to gain clarity and direction to accelerate your personal development To embrace discomfort as a catalyst for growth Letty Benavides Letty Benavides is a respected coach and speaker in the field of personal growth and fulfillment. With a background in personal development, Letty has honed her expertise in embracing discomfort as a catalyst for personal growth. Through her own journey, she has discovered the power of courage and taking bold action in the face of challenges. Episode Resources: Letty on Instagram Catch up on our last 3 episodes: Manage Like A Mother with Valerie Cockerell Leading with Clarity: Boost Your Decision-Making Skills Through Reflection with Matt Ferguson Simplify Decision-Making with Strate

  • Manage Like a Mother - Author Valerie Cockerell - 353

    09/10/2023 Duration: 01h01min

    "Just get experience" - Valerie Cockerell In this episode you will learn: Gain a new perspective on parenting and leadership by embracing the importance of letting go and allowing independence. Discover the transformative power of establishing structure and organization in writing a book, unlocking your full potential as an author. Empower children and employees to excel by providing opportunities for independent learning and exploration, fostering growth and innovation. Enhance your leadership skills by embracing the importance of letting go and allowing independence in parenting and leadership roles. Discover the value of establishing structure and organization in your writing, and unlock the potential to write a book that captivates and inspires. Learn the art of accepting imperfection and gain the confidence to know when to finalize a project, leading to greater productivity and satisfaction. Provide children and employees with the freedom to explore and learn independently, fostering g

  • Leading with Clarity: Boost Your Decision-Making Skills Through Reflection - Matt Ferguson - 352

    03/10/2023 Duration: 55min

    “If I'm not getting fired up, then am I just kind of buying time and just going through the motions?” Matt Ferguson   In this episode you will learn: Gain the confidence to know when it's time to leave a company and navigate challenging relationships with difficult bosses or leaders. Evaluate your personal growth and belief in the product or service being sold, leading to a clearer understanding of your career path. Cultivate continuous learning and growth in your current role, unlocking new opportunities and expanding your skills. Utilize an energy-impact matrix to guide decision-making, ensuring you make choices that align with your values and priorities. Recognize and overcome the fear of change, empowering yourself to make bold decisions and pursue fulfilling roles.   Matt Ferguson Matt is the founder of MDF Coaching and Consulting.  He helps Sales Leaders and Reps Drive Predictable Sales, and New Sales Managers Turn their Sales Process into a Leadership Process. Episode Resources: Matt on Lin

  • Simplify Decision Making with Strategy and Tools - 351

    26/09/2023 Duration: 13min

    In this episode you will learn: How to simplify decision making by clarifying your strategy How to simplify decision making by using a 2x2 Episode Resources: Catalyst G.A.M.E. Plan Notebook If you are struggling with a transition. Working through change. Lack a system or process. Know that there is something better but don’t know where to start. We have something for you. Tools Process Frameworks Thinking by design I’m available 1:1 for coaching 1:small in a workshop, facilitated discussion environment, or fractional role. 1:Many via speaking. I want to help you find your catalyst, and take that next step.

  • Work-Life Bloom with Dan Pontefract - 350

    21/09/2023 Duration: 47min

    “We have taught one another terribly when it comes to what leadership/management means.” Dan Pontefract   In this episode you will learn: How data can shift your perspective when thinking about balance - at work, at home, and with self. A new way to integrate our personal and professional lives Work and Life factors that contribute to our blooming, budding, stunted, or renewal state   Dan Pontefract With a thriving curiosity and a heart bursting with empathy, Dan Pontefract is the epitome of a benevolent nerd. Dan's knack for understanding the dynamics of leadership in high-stress environments has made him a respected figure in this field. Seamlessly blending business strategy with empathy, Dan's approach was honed during his time at SAP, where he was part of the incredible team that improved the company culture. His insights on transparent communication and self-awareness are lauded for their practicality and foresight and his ability to balance family life and work resonates with leaders. Episode Resource

  • Adversity, Control, and Compartmentalizing - 349

    14/09/2023 Duration: 19min

    In this episode you will learn: Two things that are always in your control - Attitude & Effort.  The importance of compartmentalizing and moving forward Some questions you can ask to determine next logical steps Episode Resources: Catalyst G.A.M.E. Plan Notebook If you are struggling with a transition. Working through change. Lack a system or process. Know that there is something better but don’t know where to start. We have something for you. Tools Process Frameworks Thinking by design I’m available 1:1 for coaching 1:small in a workshop, facilitated discussion environment, or fractional role. 1:Many via speaking. I want to help you find your catalyst, and take that next step.

  • Podcasting, Entrepreneurship, Masterminds, Authenticity, and Attraction with Lou Mongello - 348

    04/09/2023 Duration: 49min

    "I think as entrepreneurs, we need to build a real relationship with our audience, focusing on one-on-one connections instead of just chasing numbers." - Lou Mongello In This Episode You Will Learn:  Learn to shift your perception of failure and view it as a learning catalyst, enhancing personal development. How to cultivate meaningful relationships with listeners and audiences at various events, enhancing engagement. The importance of authenticity and its impact on attraction. How community and enagement can drive creativity and learning. Why it's important to be genuinely interested in caring at scale. Lou Mongello Lou is a keynote speaker, coach, and content creator on a mission to share the magic of Disney and help entrepreneurs build their brand and business. He specializes in helping organizations leverage customer service strategies from Disney, and I love bringing unique and impactful “Disney magic” to events, companies, and schools. Episode Resources: Lou Mongello's Momentum Conference - USE C

  • Origin Story - What's Next, What Challenges We are Focused On, and Who we Serve - 347

    31/08/2023 Duration: 50min

    What is your Origin Story? How has in informed your business & how you have adapted your approach? What's Next? What Problems do you Solve? Who do you serve? These are just a couple of the question we go deep on in this special episode of the Podcast. What happens when you combine …a move from the East to the west as a freshman in high school.  Starting at ASU at 17. Going from… UPS to Smartforce SkillSoft to Safari OReilly to Catalyst Not wanting attention to wanting affirmation Hockey to Football to Golf Builder and rebuilder From erector sets and lincoln logs to legos and cable boxes (

  • Mindset, Change, Marketing & The Customer with Cassie Tucker - 346

    28/08/2023 Duration: 45min

    “The biggest thing that I think businesses get wrong is they try to be a little bit too cute or clever or fun with their message and the clear message inside of that fun nature ends up getting lost and we confuse the customer.” - Cassie Tucker In This Episode You Will Learn:  how strategic marketing coupled with a flexible mindset can be a game-changer. about the tools and strategies that can transform your marketing efforts. the importance of aligning marketing, sales and customer success. Cassie Tucker Cassie Tucker is an ever-curious entrepreneurial mind in strategic marketing. Known for her ability to translate grand marketing strategies into manageable steps, Cassie also emphasizes cultivating a flexible mindset – a valuable asset for both personal and professional growth.  Episode Resources: Cassie on LinkedIn This episode is brought to you by the G.A.M.E. Plan Notebook  Catch Up On Our Last 3 Episodes: Strategies for Creating Valuable Content that Ranks with Seth Goldstein Podcasting & Sales -

  • Strategies for Creating Valuable Content that Ranks with Seth Goldstein - 345

    21/08/2023 Duration: 41min

    "Write good content for the human, not the silicon space." - Seth Goldstein   In this episode you will learn:  The importance of updating pages/posts that are getting the most traffic That SEO is a long-term game. If you are getting results, don't stop.  That everyone goes through the same stuff you are going through, no one’s an overnight success.   Seth Goldstein Seth Goldstein has a versatile creative mind with a passion for digital technology and its influence on businesses. As the host of Entrepreneurs Enigma podcast and foremost creative designer, Seth has skillfully navigated the ever-evolving digital landscape. With an emphasis on creating high-quality, human-focused content, he enables businesses to attract their desired audience and extend their digital imprint. His approach to content creation is refreshingly human and engaging, a quality that noticeably sets him apart.   Episode Resources: Goldstein Media Entrepreneur’s Enigma Podcast   Catch up on our last 3 episodes: Podcasting & Sales -

  • Podcasting & Sales - How They Go Together with Collin Mitchell - 344

    14/08/2023 Duration: 40min

    If you're in sales, having a podcast is a great idea. You don't have to overthink it. It doesn't have to be like the highest production value. And it literally doesn't matter if anybody listens because you will become a better seller just through consistently being a podcaster. - Collin Mitchell In this episode you will learn: How active listening can skyrocket your podcasting and sales success. About how unique and authentic connections can add substantial value to your podcasting efforts. The power of mindfulness and meditation in fostering personal and professional growth. Collin Mitchell Collin Mitchell is a sales leader with an ability to decode complex sales problems. He is the vice president of Sales and Managing Partner of Leadium, and author of upcoming book, Outbound Simplified.  Episode Resources: Sales Transformation Podcast Catch up on our last 3 episodes: Micro Events with Jeff Bajorek, Scott Leese and Larry Long Jr. Building Trust and Unlocking Success: The Role of Referrals and Networking

  • Micro Events with guests Jeff Bajorek, Scott Leese, and Larry Long Jr - 343

    07/08/2023 Duration: 30min

    "Vulnerability is something that we probably don't talk about often enough in sales. That you have to be able to and willing to let your guard down in order to allow other people to let their respective guards down. So you can actually make the changes that you need to make"  Larry Long Jr. "It provides the opportunity for what I believe to be the magical sweet spot of rest, relaxation and business productivity. You're getting enough of both that both of those cups are full" Scott Leese "We talk about how important it is to have that kind of moment, to step away. I'm getting ready to step away from my business for a couple of weeks here, and it's not until I do that stuff that I recognize the value of it" Jeff Bajorek "It provides that space, that we're all talking about. That space to let go that space to be creative, that space to listen to others and the things that they're going through and work through those things as a way to get out of my own stuff" Mike Simmons Micro Events and Golf and Sales round II

  • Building Trust and Unlocking Success: The Role of Referrals and Networking with Adam Pasch - 342

    31/07/2023 Duration: 39min

    "Every time I make a connection, I know that I'm making two people's days better." - Adam Pasch    In this episode you will learn: The key role relationship-building plays in bringing about productive sales and prosperous partnerships. How effective communication practices can pave the way to understanding and addressing your customer's difficulties. The benefits of utilizing personal networks for fostering trust and encouraging informed decision-making.   Adam Pasch Adam Pasch is a dynamic relationship builder with a keen understanding of the intricate complexities of the tech sales industry. Drawing on a decade of experience with the Department of Defense, Adam has developed a pragmatic approach to kick-starting problem solving — one that is rooted deeply in networking and leveraging meaningful relationships. He stresses the importance of playing the long game, prioritizing lasting connections over short-term targets. As a strategist who values relevance over relentless pursuit, Adam’s perspective provide

  • Keys to Success in Sports, Business and Life with Will Shaw - 341

    24/07/2023 Duration: 47min

    "Find a way to be above and beyond the status quo to accelerate your own performance." - Will Shaw   In this episode you will learn: Strategies to cultivate a mentality of unwavering resilience, aiding you to tackle life's ups and downs effectively. The value of individual and collective responsibility in boosting performance and productivity. That role adversity, process, accountability and guiding principles play in success in sports, business and life.   Will Shaw Will Shaw has brilliantly transitioned from his days as an NFL football player to the exciting world of entrepreneurship. Will's hard work and dedication, which were evident on the field, didn't end when he traded his jersey for a business suit. As the CEO of Better Agency, Will has demonstrated that the strategic thinking, teamwork, and resilience honed in sports can be leveraged for success in the business arena.   Episode Resources: Will Shaw on Twitter Will Shaw on LinkedIn   Catch up on our last 3 episodes: NSA Influence 2023 - key takea

  • NSA Influence - First Time Experience - 340

    19/07/2023 Duration: 25min

    "Speaking is an act of service. When you're around people who have a want to, and a desire to, serve. You can feel it in the energy that they give off. In the conversations that you have with them." - Mike Simmons I'm comming off the high of my first NSA Influence conference. You always remmember your first, and this was definitly an amazing experience. I'll share a couple of the lesson learned, some areas of focus in the near term, and a quick discussion with Todd Caponi. In this episode you will learn: Key takeaways from Influence 2023 3 questions that Mike is currently working through How Mike is applying the G.A.M.E. Plan to achieve his speaking goals. Episode Resources: Catalyst G.A.M.E. Plan Notebook Episode 311 with Todd Caponi Catch up on our last 3 episodes: Harnessing the Power of AI Tools with Dr. Lisa Palmer Boost Your Video Sales Skills with Chris Bogue Building Business Connections with Vincent Pugliese Connect With Us! Instagram YouTube Twitter LinkedIn www, Please sha

  • Harnessing the Power of AI Tools with Dr. Lisa Palmer - 339

    10/07/2023 Duration: 43min

    “The thing that I really like to encourage people to do is to think of AI as a partner in your life, in your work, and not to think of it as the enemy.” - Dr. Lisa Palmer   Dr. Lisa Palmer Dr. Lisa Palmer is a proponent of emerging technology and an enthusiast in the field of artificial intelligence. She is passionate about harnessing the power of AI to propel the future of innovation and to break predicted patterns. Having completed her doctorate in AI, she dedicates her expertise to help individuals and businesses overcome their fears and apprehensions tied to this technology.    This episode will help you: Enhance your understanding of how Artificial Intelligence can work in tandem with human ingenuity to create unprecedented value. Tackle resistance and thrive on change in the dynamic tech environment. Bring clarity to the advantages of AI tools    Episode Resources: Lisa’s website Lisa on LinkedIn   Catch up on our last 3 episodes: Boost Your Video Sales Skills with Chris Bogue Building Business

  • Boost Your Video Sales Skills with Chris Bogue - 338

    03/07/2023 Duration: 53min

    “All communication, all storytelling, has some kind of rhythm to it.” - Chris Bogue Chris Bogue Chris Bogue is a dynamic go-to specialist when it comes to producing engaging video content that commands attention and drives viewers to take action. Chris's experience in television and working alongside successful content creators has gifted him invaluable knowledge on how to optimize video content for maximum engagement and impact.   In this episode you will learn: Start in the middle of a story to pique interest from the start. Utilize various sources of feedback for refining and elevating your content Create videos that not only inform but also entertain your audience.   Episode Resources: Chris on LinkedIn Chris Sells His Soul on Spotify   Catch up on our last 3 episodes: Building Business Connections with Vincent Pugliese AIR: A Blueprint for Sales & Business Success Read This or Die with Ray Edwards   Connect With Us! Instagram YouTube Twitter LinkedIn www, Please sha

  • Building Business Connections with Vincent Pugliese - 337

    26/06/2023 Duration: 55min

    “The doors that have opened, the opportunities that have happened, the stories that I get to tell, it all comes from the connections that I've been able to make and the people that have been so generous to open up worlds to me.” - Vincent Pugliese Vincent Pugliese Vincent Pugilese is a renowned entrepreneur and top-notch author, who has excelled in his field by tapping into the immense potential of focused networking. Vincent has gained immense experience in establishing meaningful connections with others to attain joint success. In his insightful book, The Wealth of Connection, Vincent shares valuable advice for solopreneurs and small business owners who aspire to build impactful relationships and succeed in their ventures.  In this episode you will learn: The vital elements of entrepreneurial accomplishment and business growth. How to unravel the blueprint to building a self-reliant income that propels your financial freedom. The importance of networking and cultivating meaningful relationships Episode Re

  • AIR - A Blueprint for Sales & Business Success - 336

    19/06/2023 Duration: 36min

    “When you're building a product or a business, for that matter, a business is just a business or a product is just a product until someone or something gives it meaning.” - Cassie Tucker AIR - Courting of a Legend This week, Cassie Tucker joins Mke to discuss key lessons from AIR, that apply to business, life, and sales. AIR, is the recent movie directed by Ben Affleck, that covers the courting of Michael Jordan into the NIKE brand. Cassie Tucker Cassie is a highly-regarded marketing strategist and branding expert, known for her innovative approach to helping entrepreneurs create meaningful connections with their customers. With years of experience working with emerging businesses, Cassie brings a wealth of knowledge on creating memorable brands that resonate with target audiences. A true believer in the power of storytelling, she understands the importance of crafting powerful narratives to drive sales and forge emotional connections with consumers. In this episode you will learn: The impact of an authentic

  • Read This or Die with Ray Edwards - 335

    12/06/2023 Duration: 30min

    “Integrity becomes important to you when you realize it may be one of the last things you have any control over. We can be in integrity instantly when we own up to, and fess up to, where we really are, as opposed to where we want people to think we are mentally, emotionally, physically, financially.” - Ray Edwards   Ray Edwards Ray Edwards is a renowned copywriter and a friend. Ray's incredible journey of overcoming adversity and embracing life has been nothing short of inspiring. From redefining his identity to learning how to live the best possible life with Parkinson's, Ray has shown immense courage and resilience. He is the author of Read This or Die and How to Write Copy That Sells.    In this episode you will learn: How to master the PASTOR framework to enhance your writing and marketing skills. How cultivating integrity and positive self-talk for personal growth and success is vital. About Ray's experience with groundbreaking surgery for Parkinson's treatment.   Episode Resources: Read This or Die o

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