Right In Dc

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 62:31:47
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Gayle began discussing her political views in public when testifying before Congress to support Second Amendment rights. Today Gayle continues to advocate for conservative values on television, radio and in print.


  • Interview with Jeffrey Lord/CPAC 2020-Negative things the liberals say against Trump are backfiring

    06/03/2020 Duration: 08min

    At CPAC 2020, Gayle Trotter interviewed Jeffrey Lord, author and Republican political strategist, and former aide to Ronald Reagan and Jack Kemp. The interview was on Thursday and on Saturday during his speech at CPAC, President Trump thanked Jeffrey for defending him on CNN. In this episode, Jeffrey tells a great story about how he called the election for Trump in 2016 on CNN. You can also watch this episode: youtube.com/gayletrotterrightindc Learn More: https://thejeffreylord.com/ https://twitter.com/realjeffreylord Recent Book: https://www.amazon.com/Swamp-Wars-Donald-American-Populism/dp/1642930180 Swamp Wars: Donald Trump and The New American Populism vs. The Old Order Newsbusters column https://www.newsbusters.org/author/jeffrey-lord NewsmaxTV https://www.youtube.com/user/NewsmaxTV/ --------- Follow Gayle Trotter-- WEBSITE: GayleTrotter.com TWITTER: twitter.com/gayletrotter FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/gayle.s.trotter INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/gayle_trotter/ YOUTUBE: youtube.com/gayletrotterrigh

  • Interview with Tracy Beanz at CPAC 2020: Gen. Flynn case is the lynch pin in the coup attempt

    05/03/2020 Duration: 08min

    At CPAC 2020, Gayle Trotter interviewed Tracy Beanz, investigative journalist and editor-in-chief of UncoverDC.com. She gives details about the deep state’s investigation of General Flynn and why they targeted him as part of the coup plan to bring down the president. You can also watch this episode: youtube.com/gayletrotterrightindc Learn More: https://uncoverdc.com/ https://twitter.com/tracybeanz Dark to Light podcast: https://uncoverdc.com/podcasts/ --------- Follow Gayle Trotter-- WEBSITE: GayleTrotter.com TWITTER: twitter.com/gayletrotter FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/gayle.s.trotter INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/gayle_trotter/ YOUTUBE: youtube.com/gayletrotterrightindc Support: patreon.com/gayletrotter Voice-Over Artist: Rick Regan voice123.com/rickregan/

  • Interview with Cam Edwards at CPAC 2020: Virginia Gun Control Update

    04/03/2020 Duration: 05min

    At CPAC 2020, Gayle Trotter interviewed Cam Edwards, Second Amendment journalist and author. We’re in for some dark days until 2021 elections; need to re-take the state Update on Virginia gun control bills Importance of Supreme Court judges and presidential election Bloomberg’s money push in Virginia and now Texas Learn More: https://bearingarms.com/ Townhall Media / Bearing Arms’ Cam & Co. Youtube show https://www.youtube.com/user/Pajamasmedia https://twitter.com/CamEdwards --------- Follow Gayle Trotter-- WEBSITE: GayleTrotter.com TWITTER: twitter.com/gayletrotter FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/gayle.s.trotter INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/gayle_trotter/ YOUTUBE: youtube.com/gayletrotterrightindc Support: patreon.com/gayletrotter Voice-Over Artist: Rick Regan voice123.com/rickregan/

  • Interview with Brandon Straka at CPAC 2020: News media creates false narratives, manipulate us

    03/03/2020 Duration: 13min

    At CPAC 2020, Gayle Trotter interviewed Brandon Straka of the #WalkAway movement. You can also watch this episode on: youtube.com/gayletrotterrightindc Media creates false narrative around everything News is propaganda Media manipulating minorities, race relations Left losing because they don’t have good, strong ideas so they have to cheat Media feeding off emotions of people, how can they create outrage Once the media can control the way you FEEL, they can control the way you THINK, then ultimately, they can control the way you VOTE. Media covers up for Clinton, liberals Media radio silent over Democrat, leftists misdeeds We are being lied to and manipulated by the media Learn More: https://www.walkawaycampaign.com/ #WalkAway Campaign channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDb4InP9mRZR9oogD1b2dOQ https://twitter.com/BrandonStraka --------- Follow Gayle Trotter-- WEBSITE: GayleTrotter.com TWITTER: twitter.com/gayletrotter FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/gayle.s.trotter INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/gayle_t

  • Interview with Michael Knowles at CPAC 2020: Progressives Destroying the Past, Marxism is a Religion

    02/03/2020 Duration: 13min

    At CPAC 2020, Gayle Trotter interviewed Michael Knowles of the Daily Wire. You can also watch this episode at youtube.com/gayletrotterrightindc We should be very worried about what is happening on college campuses Why Hamlet is the greatest play ever Progressives want to destroy the past Marxism is a religion Conservatives want to conserve things Man’s search for meaning is his primary motivation in life Learn more: https://www.dailywire.com/show/the-michael-knowles-show https://twitter.com/michaeljknowles --------- Follow Gayle Trotter-- WEBSITE: GayleTrotter.com TWITTER: twitter.com/gayletrotter FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/gayle.s.trotter INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/gayle_trotter/ YOUTUBE: youtube.com/gayletrotterrightindc Support: patreon.com/gayletrotter Voice-Over Artist: Rick Regan voice123.com/rickregan/

  • The Elite's Disdain for American Citizens

    26/02/2020 Duration: 11min

    People thought the Washington Post was channeling The Onion or The Babylon Bee when they saw the saw the outrageous op-ed headline, "It's Time to Give the Elites a Bigger Say in Choosing the President." At this point, the liberal/leftist Elites are no longer even trying to hide their contempt for the rest of us and desire to rule over all. In their paper of choice, they are saying you are not worthy to decide who should be president, but they are. And elitist Bloomberg thinks anyone can be a farmer while fellow elite Biden tells coal miners they should learn to code. You can also watch this episode: youtube.com/gayletrotterrightindc Mentioned: The Washington Post scurried to change the headline for the op-ed after all the outcry over the original title. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/02/18/fix-primaries-let-elites-decide/ It’s time to switch to preference primaries (formerly known as, "It's Time to Give the Elites a Bigger Say in Choosing the President" https://www.foxnews.com/media/washin

  • Democrat/Media Hypocrisy on Secret Meeting with Iran

    24/02/2020 Duration: 09min

    A group of Democrat senators had a secret meeting in a foreign country with the foreign minister of Iran--the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism, who himself is a designated terrorist. And there is silence from the mainstream media. Yet just a few years ago, they and Democrats created an uproar when a group of Republican senators published an open letter to Iran re the Obama Iran deal. Yet another example of the hypocrisy of the Democratic party and the fake news media! You can also watch this episode on youtube.com/gayletrotterrightindc Mentioned: https://thefederalist.com/2020/02/17/source-democrat-senator-held-secret-meeting-in-munich-with-iranian-foreign-minister-zarif/ Source: Democrat Senator Held Secret Meeting In Munich With Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif https://freebeacon.com/national-security/pompeo-slams-democrats-for-secretive-meeting-with-top-iranian-official/ Pompeo Slams Democrats for Secret Meeting With Top Iranian Official https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/chris-murphy-is-a

  • The Two-Tiered Justice System in America

    21/02/2020 Duration: 20min

    So many Americans were crushed and despondent when they heard the news that the Department of Justice was not going pursue criminal charges against corrupt senior FBI official Andrew McCabe. Many lost faith and confidence in the system of justice in this country, which they now see as a two-tiered justice system--one for the corrupt swamp who gets away with everything and the other for the rest of us. But I see there is a positive aspect into what happened in that it reveals what is going on in the Deep State behind our backs, while before we were kept ignorant. This can wake up people and lead them to vote for people, like Trump, who are fighting the Deep State. You can also watch this episode here: youtube.com/gayletrotterrightindc Mentioned https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/02/why-wasnt-andrew-mccabe-charged/ Why Wasn’t Andrew McCabe Charged? By ANDREW C. MCCARTHY https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/02/roger-stone-double-standard/ The Roger Stone Double Standard By DAVID HARSANYI https://townhall.

  • Trump Will Win Because Democrat Candidates are UNINSPIRING

    19/02/2020 Duration: 15min

    In today's episode, I talk about the 2020 Presidential Campaign and how the Democrats are doing. They have a weak field of Democratic candidates and none of them are inspiring. They are also floundering in many areas, including technology. Because of their weak position, I expect the Democrats and the mainstream media to ramp up their attacks and pressure on President Trump because that's all they have left. Yet, when their largest value is POWER (the need to get power back at all costs), that hurts them because it turns people off and leads them to support Trump. Mentioned: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/02/04/op-ed-iowa-debacle-proves-the-democrats-dont-know-how-to-beat-trump.html Op-Ed: Iowa caucus disaster proves the Democrats still don’t know how to beat Trump https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/feb/08/the-democrats-have-fallen-iowa-debacle-shows-party-has-fallen-behind-in-the-tech-race 'It's stunning how far they've fallen': Iowa app farce shows Democrats' tech slump ---------- Follow Gayle Trotter-

  • Attacks on 2nd Amendment in Virginia UPDATE

    18/02/2020 Duration: 10min

    The Virginia Democrat's continual assault on the Second Amendment ramped up when the House of Delegates passed a broad gun control (aka people control) bill called HB 961. You can also watch this episode on youtube.com/gayletrotterrightindc More https://lis.virginia.gov/cgi-bin/legp604.exe?201+sum+HB961 HB 961 Assault firearms, certain firearm magazines, etc.; prohibiting sale, transport, etc., penalties. https://vcdl.org/ Virginia Citizens Defense League https://vcdl.org/2020-Leg-Tracking/ VCDL 2020 Legislative Tracking Tool https://www.wsj.com/articles/virginia-house-passes-assault-weapon-ban-11581452348 Virginia House Passes Assault-Weapon Ban https://dailycaller.com/2020/02/11/virginia-legislature-gun-confiscation-bill/ Virginia House Of Delegates Passes Gun Ban, Seizure Bill https://www.13newsnow.com/article/news/politics/bill-banning-sale-of-assault-weapons-has-virginia-gun-shop-owners-on-edge/291-30868805-3776-4950-90a9-004f76eb4a46 ill banning sale of assault weapons has Virginia gun shop owne

  • Entire Roger Stone Case was Politically-Motivated by the Democrats/Deep State from Day One

    17/02/2020 Duration: 15min

    The Democrats and mainstream media are saying the reduction of the completely outrageous sentencing recommendation of Roger Stone is political and blame Trump and Barr. But this is just another one of their many projections because the truth is the whole investigation, prosecution and sentencing of Roger Stone from the very start was politically-motivated by the Democrats and Deep State. Mentioned: https://gayletrotter.com/paul-manafort-wiretapping-shows-deep-state-real-dangerous/ Paul Manafort wiretapping shows the Deep State is real and dangerous https://www.amgreatness.com/2020/02/11/report-doj-to-reduce-extreme-and-excessive-sentencing-recommendation-for-roger-stone/ DOJ to Reduce ‘Extreme and Excessive’ Sentencing Recommendation for Roger Stone; Multiple Attorneys on Case Resign https://www.zerohedge.com/political/trump-withdraws-treasury-nomination-former-us-attorney-jessie-liu-who-oversaw-flynn-stone Trump Withdraws Treasury Nomination Of Former US Attorney Jessie Liu - Who Oversaw Flynn, Stone Cas

  • Personnel is Policy so Trump Should Fire People Who Undermine His Agenda

    14/02/2020 Duration: 10min

    It is ridiculous that Vindman and Sondland are being treated as martyrs for being kicked out of the National Security Council when President Trump has every right to remove those around him who don't support his agenda--and they were actively working against it. In Washington, DC this is called, "Personnel is Policy." After all, would any Democrat/Liberal have wanted a staunch conservative working against President Obama in the White House? Drain the Swamp! You can also watch this episode: youtube.com/gayletrotterrightindc Mentioned: https://www.whitehouse.gov/nsc/ The Council's function has been to advise and assist the President on national security and foreign policies https://www.newsweek.com/tulsi-gabbard-defends-donald-trump-firing-alexander-vindman-whether-people-like-it-not-there-1486525 Tuldi Gabbard defends Donald Trump firing Alexander Vindman: 'Whether people like it or not, there are consequences to elections' https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/482312-lt-col-vindmans-firing-was-no-way

  • Media Ignore Attacks on MAGA by Unhinged Left

    13/02/2020 Duration: 14min

    Why is the mainstream media silent on attacks by the Left on those who support President Trump? Such as in the recent example of a Trump hater plowing his vehicle into a Republican voter registration tent in Florida, barely missing the elderly people inside? Yet if the roles were reversed, we'd never hear the end of it in the media for days and weeks on end. You can also watch this episode: youtube.com/gayletrotterrightindc More: https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/482668-florida-man-who-struck-gop-voter-tent-says-he-was-motivated-by Florida man who drove van into GOP voter tent said it was because he 'does not like' Trump https://www.foxnews.com/us/arrest-made-after-van-plowed-through-tent-of-trump-supporters-in-a-florida-parking-lot Florida man accused of driving van into Trump-supporters' tent reportedly smiles while entering court https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/nicholas-fondacaro/2020/02/09/abc-cbs-uninterested-van-attack-against-trump-supporters ABC, CBS Uninterested in Van Attack Against

  • New Attempt to Stifle Constitutionalists in the Law Field

    12/02/2020 Duration: 09min

    A recent ethics proposed ethics rule shows a broader movement to stifle judges and lawyers who are Constitutionalists and conservatives by trying to ban them from joining the legal organization, The Federalist Society, which doesn't get involved in legal cases. Yet there is no ruling against joining the American Bar Association, which has a history of pushing the liberal/progressive agenda in court cases. You can also watch this episode: youtube.com/gayletrotterrightindc Mentioned: https://www.wsj.com/articles/justice-clarence-thomas-questions-proposal-to-bar-judges-from-membership-in-ideological-groups-11580664462 Justice Clarence Thomas Questions Proposal to Bar Judges From Membership in Ideological Groups https://www.nationalreview.com/bench-memos/the-oh-so-neutral-american-bar-association/ The Oh-So-‘Neutral’ American Bar Association https://dailycaller.com/2020/02/03/clarence-thomas-federalist-society-ethics-rule/ Clarence Thomas Warns Of Bid To ‘Silence’ Federalist Society With New Ethics Rule ---

  • Super Bowl Halftime Show and the Latino Vote

    11/02/2020 Duration: 12min

    The Super Bowl halftime show showcased the amazing music and dancing of Jennifer Lopez and Shakira--and the power of the Latino vote. Even though I don't like it when stars insert their politics into entertainment, it is encouraging to find that the Latino community in America has greatly benefited from the policies of the Trump administration in many ways. As shown by the powerful performance during the halftime shows, the Latino vote is not to be ignored. You can also watch this episode here: youtube.com/gayletrotterrightindc Mentioned: https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/jennifer-lopez-s-super-bowl-performance-said-more-latinos-white-ncna1130076 Jennifer Lopez's Super Bowl performance said more to Latinos than white people realize https://www.orlandosentinel.com/opinion/guest-commentary/os-op-ronna-mcdaniel-trump-latinos-20200204-fluxi2zgkjekzon2oiluig73fq-story.html RNC chairwoman: Trump lifting up Latino community https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pILCn6VO_RU Shakira & J. Lo's FULL Pepsi Super Bowl

  • Trump Acquitted Forever; Romney Loses Once Again

    10/02/2020 Duration: 09min

    In this episode, I talk about the impeachment finally coming to an end, Trump voters who knew from the beginning that President Trump was tough and could stand tall against the pressures of the Democrats, Mainstream Media and the Deep State, and how Romney's vote made him a loser once again. You can also watch this episode on youtube.com/gayletrotterrightindc ---------- Follow Gayle Trotter-- WEBSITE: GayleTrotter.com TWITTER: twitter.com/gayletrotter FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/gayle.s.trotter INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/gayle_trotter/ YOUTUBE: youtube.com/gayletrotterrightindc Support: patreon.com/gayletrotter Voice-Over Artist: Rick Regan voice123.com/rickregan/

  • Best SOTU Ever, but Democrats showed they are the Party of Death and Destruction

    08/02/2020 Duration: 18min

    President Trump's State of the Union address was the best I have ever heard. He spoke of so many wonderful accomplishments and positive things for our country. The stories of his guests were very inspiring and moving. But who didn't move were the Democrats, mostly sitting on their hands the whole time and refusing to acknowledge the good things President Trump was talking about. They were an embarrassment and their actions showed themselves to be the Party of Death and Destruction, while the Republicans celebrated life and America. As a result, many people watching were red-pilled and won't vote for a Democrat again. You can also watch this episode on youtube.com/gayletrotterrightindc More https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-president-trump-state-union-address-2/ Remarks by President Trump in State of the Union Address https://www.whitehouse.gov/sotu/ Special Guests for President Trump’s 3rd State of the Union Address https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/president-donald-j-

  • What Happened with the Iowa Caucus?

    07/02/2020 Duration: 07min

    The Democrat's Iowa Caucus is a mess with low voter turnout and no clear winner. What happened? And what of Bloomberg massively pouring money into the race. In this episode, I discuss all of this and contrast it with the winning President Trump is doing. More https://www.donaldjtrump.com/media/curb-your-enthusiasm-democrat-turnout-stalls-as-trump-breaks-record/ CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM: Democrat Turnout Stalls as Trump Breaks Record https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCC-rEx81PE Michael Bloomberg BUSTED on Gun Control Hypocrisy https://www.dailywire.com/news/texas-church-hero-unloads-on-bloomberg-carnage-significantly-greater-with-his-policies Texas Church Hero Unloads On Bloomberg: ‘Carnage’ ‘Significantly Greater’ With His Policies ---------- Follow Gayle Trotter-- WEBSITE: GayleTrotter.com TWITTER: twitter.com/gayletrotter FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/gayle.s.trotter INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/gayle_trotter/ YOUTUBE: youtube.com/gayletrotterrightindc Support: patreon.com/gayletrotter Voice-Over Artist: Ri

  • The Road to Tyranny Starts with Gun Control

    05/02/2020 Duration: 09min

    The recent International Holocaust Remembrance Day is a reminder that the road to tyranny, oppression and genocide starts with gun control and confiscation. Examples of this abound in the 20th century from communism/socialism, fascism and totalitarianism which led to over 70 million deaths. For those who think this can't happen again, an investigative group has filmed paid organizers working for the Bernie Sanders campaign extolling communism, the Soviet Union, gulags, re-education camps for those who don't agree with them, violence and destruction. Many young people supporting the Sanders campaign did not grow up during the Cold War and were never taught the horrors of life under communism and thus they are making the mistake of not learning from history. All the while, Democrats are going to extreme measures in their desire to control or confiscate guns and thus disarm American citizens. You can also watch this episode on: youtube.com/gayletrotterrightindc "All too many of the great tragedies of history-

  • 5 Reasons Why Reluctant Trump Voters Became ENTHUSIASTIC Trump Voters

    04/02/2020 Duration: 13min

    Many voters in 2016 reluctantly voted for Donald Trump, but now for the 2020 elections, I explain why those same voters--and more-- are now enthusiastic voters for President Trump. You can also watch this episode on my channel: youtube.com/gayletrotterrightindc Mentioned https://twitter.com/SteveKrak/status/1221988232528826369 https://twitter.com/ajzeigler/status/1222182484609204226?s=11 https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/01/27/exclusive-kevin-mccarthy-sets-all-time-annual-fundraising-record-as-gop-embarks-on-effort-to-retake-house-majority/ Exclusive: Kevin McCarthy Sets All-Time Annual Fundraising Record as GOP Embarks on Effort to Retake House Majority https://www.whitehouse.gov/trump-administration-accomplishments/ Trump Administration Accomplishments ---------- Follow Gayle Trotter-- WEBSITE: GayleTrotter.com TWITTER: twitter.com/gayletrotter FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/gayle.s.trotter INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/gayle_trotter/ YOUTUBE: youtube.com/gayletrotterrightindc Support: patreon.com/

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