Conscious Soul Growth With Molly Mccord

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 220:39:00
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Join bestselling author, consciousness teacher, intuitive and astrologer Molly McCord for this lively weekly show! Molly shares inspiring cosmic messages, astrological updates, spirituality insights, and timeless wisdom to add empowering awesomeness to your life - and have some fun along the way! Molly's spiritual awakening began in 2002, and she delightfully offers her years of growth and experiences in each episode to inspire, uplift and upLIGHT your journey.


  • 2023 Lion's Gate Portal Evolutionary Energies

    31/07/2023 Duration: 43min

    The 2023 Lion’s Gate Portal is an evolutionary energy as we receive the high-vibrating power of Sirius, our Spiritual Sun, as it rises on the horizon and brings in cleansing power to our planet. The portal opens the end of July until the middle of August as the Sun journeys through Leo, and expands our heart, desires, confidence, and courage to be our true selves. With Venus retrograde in Leo, and a New Venus conjunction with the Sun on August 13, there is a stronger urge to move forward and take a risk based on what is coming through in your heart space. Heart healing and solar plexus expansion is streaming through to support what you want to build and experience in alignment with New Earth Consciousness. More to share in this podcast episode.   New! The Nodes of Fate move through Aries and Libra from July 2023 to January 2025, bringing energy and focus to where you are ready to grow into more of your true self. Let's dive into what this means for you personally as we explore the energies of Aries and Libr

  • Major Astrological Energies of August 2023

    21/07/2023 Duration: 35min

    August begins and ends with 2 Super Full Moons, plus we’ll have 7 retrograde planets as the month closes out, so we’ll need to be adaptable and flexible, as well as willing to slow down and truly listen to what your energy is saying to you. Many planets are in Earth signs right now, bringing our attention to our physical world, responsibilities, and priorities. Mercury stations retrograde on August 23, the same day the Sun enters Virgo, and creates an exciting trine to Uranus in Taurus which also stations retrograde on August 28. Venus retrograde is in effect all of August, too, so allow yourself to retract as needed and make time to hear your heart’s messages more.   New! The Nodes of Fate move through Aries and Libra from July 2023 to January 2025, bringing energy and focus to where you are ready to grow into more of your true self. Let's dive into what this means for you personally as we explore the energies of Aries and Libra in your natal chart by expression, house placement, and previous cycles of gro

  • Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of July 26 to August 2

    20/07/2023 Duration: 42min

    The Sun in Leo opens up more solar power and your innate creative instincts, which can be further activated with the Aquarius Full Moon that kicks off the month of August. Venus retrograde in Leo is moving very slowly this week as she sits with what is in her heart, just as Mercury comes along to conjunct her at 28 deg Leo. Both are receiving powerful influential energy of a Finger of God from Neptune RX in Pisces and Pluto RX in Capricorn, raising their consciousness to above simply what you want in this moment. Mercury enters Virgo on July 28, and then opposes Saturn RX in Pisces on August 1. A week to remain open to what your future self is sending your way, as well as to say flexible in what can transpire next on your path. More to share in this week’s podcast episode.   New! The Nodes of Fate move through Aries and Libra from July 2023 to January 2025, bringing energy and focus to where you are ready to grow into more of your true self. Let's dive into what this means for you personally as we explore t

  • Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of July 19 to 26

    19/07/2023 Duration: 47min

    This week is packed with big energies as Venus stations retrograde, Chiron stations retrograde, the Nodes of Fate have just entered Aries and Libra, and the Sun in Cancer opposes Pluto RX in Capricorn, also creating a Cardinal Grand Cross of creative tensions and new possibilities. Plus Mars in Virgo opposes Saturn RX in Pisces on July 20, bringing something to a standstill for a few days. The Sun moves into Leo on July 22, when Venus stations retrograde at 28 deg Leo and then Chiron stops at 19 deg Aries. Slowing down to be more intentional and conscious with your choices is very important right now. Much more to share in this week’s podcast.   New! The Nodes of Fate move through Aries and Libra from July 2023 to January 2025, bringing energy and focus to where you are ready to grow into more of your true self. Let's dive into what this means for you personally as we explore the energies of Aries and Libra in your natal chart by expression, house placement, and previous cycles of growth. Please bring your

  • Your Pluto in Aquarius Journey - 2023 to 2044 Astrology

    17/07/2023 Duration: 45min

    Pluto moves through Aquarius from 2023 until 2044 and will deeply transform both individual and collective energies on the planet. Pluto will powerfully interact with planets in the fixed signs – Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius – and change these areas into new empowered expressions, after Pluto is done directly aspecting any planets or points in those signs. Pluto in Aquarius will support the evolutionary journey of Aries, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius, as well. More to share in this podcast episode.   ~ New book now available in digital, print, and audiobook versions ~ “Awakening Astrology: Five Key Planetary Energies for Personal Transformation”-   .  

  • Weekly Intuitive Astrology of July 12 to 19

    12/07/2023 Duration: 45min

    The Sun moves through the last 10 degrees of Cancer season, bringing up more insights into your emotional process, private life, and internal needs in powerful ways as we build up to the Cancer New Moon on July 17. After the New Moon, the Sun in Cancer will experience an opposition to Pluto in Capricorn at 29 degrees, and a Cardinal Grand Cross with the Nodes of Fate at 29 degrees of Aries and Libra. Energies from your unconscious are becoming clearer and stronger so you can powerfully choose what no longer serves your well-being going forward. The Nodes move into Aries and Libra for the first time since 2004 to 2006, opening up new directions to follow and trust for the next 18 months. Much more to share in this week’s podcast episode. ~ New astrology book on sale for only 99 cents! ~ “Awakening Astrology: Five Key Planetary Energies for Personal Transformation”- ~ Join me on an amazing cruise and as we sail from S

  • Your Pluto in Capricorn Journey from 2008 to 2024

    10/07/2023 Duration: 40min

    Pluto has been travelling through Capricorn since 2008, permanently changing, transforming, and elevating your energy in significant life-changing ways. Reviewing how this energy has shown up for you in your astrology chart can reveal more about your power and ability to recreate your life, especially after the Pluto transit completes interacting with a degree point. We’ll look at how Pluto in Capricorn has interacted with planets or points in Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, and Capricorn in your chart.   ~ New book now available in digital, print, and audiobook versions ~ “Awakening Astrology: Five Key Planetary Energies for Personal Transformation”-   .

  • Weekly Intuitive Astrology of July 5 to 12

    05/07/2023 Duration: 49min

    The Sun in Cancer is quiet this week, making it a lovely time to turn inward and connect with what you need that feels nourishing and compassionate. Mercury in Cancer is moving fast, and interacts with Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto before entering Leo on July 10, when it may feel easier to be forthright and expressive. Mars enters Virgo on July 10, too, and will make a trine to the North Node in Taurus at 0 degrees, which can be a validating development and forward motion on a new direction. The Nodes of Fate are at 0 degrees from now until July 17, offering a reset to the Taurus and Scorpio areas that have been undergoing growth and review for the past 18 months. It’s a powerful time to declare what you want, as well as your new standards. More to share in this week’s podcast episode. ~~ NEW! How To Read Your Progressed Astrology Chart – Discover the main astrology milestones and soul growth in this lifetime as Molly teaches you how to interpret your progressed astrology chart over a series of online c

  • Pluto in Capricorn squares Nodes of Fate in Aries and Libra

    03/07/2023 Duration: 38min

    The Nodes of Fate move into Aries and Libra in the middle of July 2023, and instantly connect with an intense square from Pluto in Capricorn RX at 29 degrees. Pluto squaring the Nodes bring up what we need to leave behind, especially in the Libra areas of your chart, as the Aries areas are also required to evolve and transform. An intensity exists with this energy signature as there is no going back with Pluto, and this is a shift into a new direction, chapter, life path, or consciousness that is requiring us to meet our fears, as well as dig into the depths of trusting what our soul is manifesting next. More to share in this podcast episode.   On Sale! ~~~~~~ Mastering Abundance In Your Spiritual Business In nine easy-to-follow sections, I lead you through 11 essential points for mastering abundance and opening up to more flows of financial income in your business. Use code MANIFEST to get the full program on sale!    

  • Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of June 28 to July 5

    28/06/2023 Duration: 44min

    Neptune stations retrograde, the Capricorn Full Moon, Mercury in Cancer interacts with the Sun, Saturn, and Jupiter, and Venus in Leo opens up energies she’ll be working with during her retrograde phase over the next few months. The Sun in Cancer invites us to connect with our internal world, our emotional process, and what we are hanging on to that can be released now. Both the Sun and Mercury in Cancer will trine Saturn RX in Pisces, providing a clear direction for flow and movement. Neptune stations retrograde at 27 deg Pisces on June 30, which is an influential energy around how we can further integrate our intuition, spiritual gifts, and connections to other realms into this current timeline. The Capricorn Full Moon on July 3 is a time to check in on how this year is unfolding for you, and to determine the priorities and needs that are important for the second half of the year.   Jampha CBD products for health, healing, and high-vibe living -      

  • Major Astrological Energies of July 2023

    26/06/2023 Duration: 45min

    July’s astrological energies offer opportunities to connect with more of your internal wisdom and messages that reveal where you are ready to create new beginning that are in alignment with your power, needs, and self-love. Mercury the Messenger moves from Cancer into Leo and Virgo this month, as Mars enters Virgo. The Nodes of Fate change to Aries and Libra the middle of the month, followed by Venus stationing retrograde at 28 deg Leo on July 22 and Chiron stationing retrograde at 19 degrees Aries on July 23. Much more to share in this podcast episode.     50% off! ~ 2023 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars ~ The major astrology of 2023 and how the energies will show up in your natal chart, including Saturn in Pisces, Pluto in Aquarius, Jupiter in Taurus, the 4 Mercury retrogrades, Venus retrograde, and the 4 eclipses as the Nodes of Fate change signs. Wow! Use code 2023 to get 50% off:

  • Saturn Retrograde in Pisces Energies - June to November 2023

    16/06/2023 Duration: 40min

    Time to take another look at what needs to be cleared out of your life and energy. Saturn stations retrograde at 7 degrees Pisces on June 18 and will journey back to 0 degrees Pisces until Nov 4, bringing our attention to what we need to review again and decide if it’s really needed, wanted, or serves a purpose going forward. Saturn retrograde in Pisces brings up how well we can let go of what is outside of our control, as well as take care of what we have put off. Saturn just entered Pisces in early March 2023, so this is the first review phase, that can also be challenging planets or points between 0 to 7 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius. Much more to share in this podcast episode.   50% off! ~ 2023 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars ~ The major astrology of 2023 and how the energies will show up in your natal chart, including Saturn in Pisces, Pluto in Aquarius, Jupiter in Taurus, the 4 Mercury retrogrades, Venus retrograde, and the 4 eclipses as the Nodes of Fate change signs. Wow! Use code 2023 to

  • Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of June 21 to 28

    15/06/2023 Duration: 42min

    Cancer season begins as the Sun moves through the Solstice portal and we enter the next season of the calendar year. Solstice energies signify when the Sun is at its highest (or lowest) point in the cycle, depending on hemisphere, and means “to stand still”. This is a beautiful time to tune into your internal world, as well as listen to your parasympathetic nervous system that connects us to rest and self-care. We have a lovely connection between Mercury in Gemini, Mars in Leo, and Chiron in Aries this week, revealing how you may be ready to move forward from a healed place. Mars in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus, Mercury enters Cancer, and the Sun in Cancer trines Saturn RX this week, so let’s get into how these energies may show up in this week’s episode.   ~ New book now available in digital, print, and audiobook versions ~ “Awakening Astrology: Five Key Planetary Energies for Personal Transformation”-   .    

  • Weekly Intuitive Astrology of June 14 to 21

    14/06/2023 Duration: 44min

    The middle of June brings us to the Gemini New Moon and Saturn stationing retrograde both on June 17, and a fast-moving Mercury in Gemini travelling behind the Sun in Gemini. Yet the typically active Gemini energy has interference from Saturn and Neptune in Pisces slowing down and removing what we tend to rely on, especially in terms of reason, logic, and details. This is a week to remain flexible and open without overly relying on one option or solution, as the planets in Gemini square the planets in Pisces, which can feel defeating and unsatisfying. But the strong focus on mutable energies means the Universe will most likely deliver something better as you trust what is not connecting and allow another option to arrive, especially with Jupiter in Taurus making a sextile to Saturn RX in Pisces at 7 degrees. More to share in this week’s podcast.     ~~ NEW! How To Read Your Progressed Astrology Chart – Discover the main astrology milestones and soul growth in this lifetime as Molly teaches you how to interp

  • Nodes of Fate Move Into Aries and Libra - July 2023 to January 2025

    12/06/2023 Duration: 47min

    The Nodes of Fate move into Aries and Libra in mid-July 2023 and shift our growth trajectory into territory we haven’t visited since 2004 to 2006. The North Node in Aries highlights independence, self-leadership, initiations, and moving into new chapters, while the South Node in Libra reveals what is out of balance, unhealthy, no longer satisfying, and expiring. Your planets and points in Aries and Libra will be feeling these energies strongly, especially as the eclipse cycle will bring about needed change and growth. As they change into new signs, they are squaring Pluto in Capricorn in an intense energy of deep change and evolution until November 2023 that can bring up fears around the Aries and Libra expressions in our lives. More to share in this podcast episode.   ~~ NEW! How To Read Your Progressed Astrology Chart – Discover the main astrology milestones and soul growth in this lifetime as Molly teaches you how to interpret your progressed astrology chart over a series of online classes. 50% off for a

  • Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of June 7 to 14

    07/06/2023 Duration: 46min

    The Sun continues to travel alone in Gemini until Mercury the Messenger enters this sign on June 11th, bringing more energy and a faster pace to our daily routines and communications. Venus entered Leo on June 5 and has been involved in a tense T-square with an opposition to Pluto RX in Aquarius and Jupiter in Taurus, which can feel like you’re dealing with an overwhelming situation that is requiring deep change and evolution. A discomfort is present, as well as possibly feeling stuck, anxious about next steps, or resisting the next level changes that the Universe is requiring. Pluto RX re-enters Capricorn on June 11, which will activate the Aries Solar Eclipse birthing process that was initiated back on April 19. We also have Saturn in Pisces making a beneficial sextile to Jupiter in Taurus that will be exact when both planets are at 7 degrees from June 19 to 23. Stay open to concrete developments coming through as you responsibly honor what you need to take care of and/or complete, because Jupiter in Taurus

  • Venus in Leo Themes and Growth - 2023 Astrology

    04/06/2023 Duration: 48min

    Venus journeys through Leo for 4 months in 2023 due to her retrograde from July 22 to Sept 4, and she will have many significant aspects to other planets that will bring about changes, evolution, and release in money, relationships, friendships, creativity, and your heart’s desires.  Venus in Leo highlights how you love and accept yourself – self-worth, creativity, personal expressions, confidence, strength – and how those qualities create what you want and desire in your world. As Venus moves through Leo, she will have notable interactions with all outer planets, which will require her to receive their influence, and let go of her expectations as her evolutionary process is going to involve many messages. This podcast provides an overview of the energetic dance Venus in Leo will encounter, including how she is reprogramming her own standards and connecting to more of your authentic needs. Much more to share in this episode.   New book now available in digital, print, and audiobook versions ~ “Awakening Ast

  • Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of May 31 to June 7

    25/05/2023 Duration: 42min

    Gemini season brings us to a magical Sagittarius Full Moon on June 3 that highlights what you are attracting as well as trusting in a grounded way. Lots of energy in Taurus still with Jupiter conjunct the North Node at 3 degrees giving you an inspired path to follow, along with Mercury making a conjunction to Uranus at 20 degrees Taurus. Surprises, changes, and unexpected communications may arrive with gusto. Venus enters Leo on June 5 and immediately has an opposition to Pluto RX in Aquarius, which tears down, ends, and permanently changes a relationship, creative project, finances, or area of personal expression. Venus will be in Leo until October as her retrograde begins in late July, so we are entering a revision process in Leo areas of your chart. More to share in this week’s podcast episode.   ~ New book now available in digital, print, and audiobook versions ~ “Awakening Astrology: Five Key Planetary Energies for Personal Transformation”-

  • Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of May 24 to 31

    24/05/2023 Duration: 45min

    Gemini season is now underway as the Sun covers territory in your chart where we’ve had multiple retrogrades since 2020, so there may be new acknowledgements and understandings now of how you have reprogrammed Gemini themes in your world. The Sun in Gemini will have its first square to Saturn in Pisces at 6 degrees on May 28, requiring mature choices, decisions, conversations, or to take care of matters that need to be addressed. Jupiter begins an extended conjunction to the North Node in Taurus, which lifts the energy up to a place of trust, validation, and inspiration for a new direction or value to follow and build. Much more to share in this week’s podcast episode.   Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse in Tulum Mexico from Oct 13 to 17, 2023! 3 Astrology Workshops, Sound Healing & Cacao Ceremony, Mayan Clay Meditation Ritual, and more as we witness this once in a lifetime solar eclipse on the beach! More details here:   ~ New book now available i

  • Major Astrological Energies of June 2023

    22/05/2023 Duration: 44min

    In June 2023, both Saturn and Neptune will be stationing retrograde in Pisces, bringing up how we integrate and process endings, loss, surrender, and what is outside of our control in the physical world. Mercury will be moving fast through Taurus, Gemini, and into Cancer, which adds a busy-ness to our daily lives, and it can seem like more is happening and going on in June. Pluto retrograde re-enters Capricorn as well, returning us to what we are deeply transforming and working on that can feel more intense and uncomfortable. Venus enters Leo on June 5 and stays there until October as she will have a retrograde phase that begins in July. Much more to share in this podcast episode.   ~~ How To Read Your Solar Return Chart – Discover the main astrology themes and energies on your birthday as Molly teaches you how to interpret your solar return chart over 8 online courses. Use code BIRTHDAY to get it for 50% off now!   .  

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