Planet Mundus



Planet Mundus is a global affairs podcast taped by journalists from five continents, based in four cities: Hamburg, Amsterdam, London and Swansea. Each episode tunes in on a world issue with the same goal: To turn current events personal and tell the stories behind the news story.


  • What's up, Aarhus? - Company Dating

    21/02/2018 Duration: 05min

    Are you looking for a job? The Company Dating promoted by the Business and Social Science School might be the right place for you. The event will bring together over 700 students and about 50 companies with concrete job offers in different positions to talk and try to find the right “match”. Jane Madsen, a career consultant at Aarhus BSS, explains how to be prepared and what to expect from the event. (Mário Braga,

  • The Old Continent | Episode 4: Poland. Influence, Power and The Church

    21/02/2018 Duration: 25min

    The magnifying glasses of European Union has been hovering over Poland since the parliamentary election of March 2015 when far fight Law and Justice party won the elections. Three personas of Poland share not only the tribune, but influence and power at the backstage - President Andrzej Duda, the newly appointed Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, PiS party leader Jarosław Kaczyński - who is the real leader of Poland? Are they overpowered by a handful of influential priests of the Catholic Church after all? Episode 4 of the Old Continent sheds lights on the political environment and the games of power inside the Poland, trying to answer, what is most important today on the ground - Influence, Power, or the Church? A Planet Mundus production, produced at Studenterhus Aarhus

  • The Old Continent | Episode 4: Poland. Interview with Tadeusz Bartos

    18/02/2018 Duration: 02min

    Episode 4 of the Old Continent Podcast will bring you to Poland and the crazy chaos its political arena became since 2015. One of the highlights of the episode - interview with Tadeusz Bartos and his take on the all-covering influence of the church in his country. Look out for the Episode 4 - Poland: Influence, Power and the Church - on air February 20!

  • Can your smartphone be a tool for self-improvement?

    15/02/2018 Duration: 08min

    Usually we hear about all the ways that technology is warping our brains. Research has shown that our attention span is growing shorter, social media apps can destroy our self esteem, and we’re spending less time with our eyeballs off screen. But at the same time, it isn’t likely that smartphones or the internet will go away. So what if we asked a different question: Can technology actually be used to improve our mental habits? Bianca, a journalist in Aarhus who is originally from Italy, decided to test this question out. She’s currently writing a story about two apps that she hoped would help get her out of a rut, and she stopped by the Studenterradio studio to tell us more. By Karis Hustad Music credits: “Siesta” by Jahzzar (via Free Music Archive)

  • Facebook as a tool to make friends when you are new in town

    15/02/2018 Duration: 04min

    While love seems to dominate the technology and relationships debate, friendships are also impacted by tech. If you move to a new city or country, it’s comforting to know that friends back home are just a text, video call, or snapchat away. But sometimes that easy connection back home makes it harder to hang out with new people in a new city. Sometimes you just have to be brave and ask, is anyone around here lonely too? Gabrielé Ptašinskaitė did it and after a positive response she created the Facebook group “Lonely internationals in Aarhus”. Today with more than 1750 members the group is a tool to meet people when you are a newcomer to the second biggest city of Denmark. By Rocío Valderrábano

  • Hitchhiking on Tinder, breakups on Google Docs, and other love stories

    15/02/2018 Duration: 11min

    Does technology fundamentally change the nature of love? We’ll hear stories from three people about how technology has impacted their romantic life--for better and worse. First, Joanne, a student from China, who found a surprising new use for Tinder while vacationing on a Portuguese island. Next, Ida, a student from Denmark shares how video calling technology helped her maintain a long distance relationship between Denmark and Australia for 8 years. Finally, Sian, a student from the UK, shares her stories about how she’s given and received heartbreak on Google Docs, a seemingly harmless collaboration product. By Karis Hustad Music credit: “Love of My Life” by Box Cat Games (via Free Music Archive), “Freezing” by David Szesztay (via Free Music Archive), “Waiting” by David Szesztay (via Free Music Archive)

  • The Future of Relationships

    15/02/2018 Duration: 32min

    As more and more people go online, apps like WhatsApp, Skype or Social Media like Facebook allow us not only to chat with our closest friends and family, but maintain real time relationships with people on the other side of the globe. That level of connection is unprecedented. But, are relationships the same, just with shiny new ways of talking? Does our constant connection to a screen, rather than real life, make us more alone than ever? Or is technology and innovation making everything just different enough that it could change the way we look at relationships forever? This episode explores how technology is changing and impacting our relationships. Music credit: “Love of My Life” by Box Cat Games (via Free Music Archive), “Freezing” by David Szesztay (via Free Music Archive), “Waiting” by David Szesztay (via Free Music Archive)

  • Slow News - Venezuelan Humanitarian Crisis

    13/02/2018 Duration: 07min

    This week's Slow News takes a deeper look at the humanitarian crisis going on in Venezuela and give a broader sense of the refugee crisis in 2017. Authors: Mario Braga and Ramon Royandoyan,

  • How a start up uses nano-technology to create ultra-waterproof clothing

    10/02/2018 Duration: 08min

    Reporter Rocío Valderrábano talks to Fantini of Denmark about how they're using nanotechnology and materials science to make trendy clothing that will stay dry from boat to dinner.

  • Fashion tech takes center stage in Aarhus

    10/02/2018 Duration: 08min

    Karis Hustad peeked behind the scenes of the Arhus Walks on Water. A fashion runway based on technology that was celebrated in September as part of the activities of Aarhus as Capital of Culture 2017. It’s part of a larger trend in the fashion industry. Where designers weave hardware and software into the clothing we wear every day. And it’s more and more likely to come to your closet.

  • Could architecture and urban planning improve the migration experience?

    10/02/2018 Duration: 05min

    Anyana Zimmermann, an architecture student originally from Berlin, is currently researching Gellerup, a neighborhood in the district of Braband located in the western part of the Aarhus municipality. It is known for its high crime rate and social problems. But Zimmerman believes better urban planning could improve conditions for the neighborhood.

  • Inside the festival: Using music and literature to explore migration

    10/02/2018 Duration: 03min

    The Voices of Migration festival aims to make change on the topic of migration through literature and arts. By: Lisa Urlbauer for Future Forward Aarhus

  • How an unused train station became a space for creative minds

    10/02/2018 Duration: 06min

    An urban space is what an individual makes out of it. In the case of the Institut for X, it's a place to jumpstart entrepreneurial initiatives, while cutting down costs and resources by working together. Laura Galante has spoken to the founders about chances and challenges.

  • Why artificial intelligence could be behind your next favorite beer

    10/02/2018 Duration: 06min

    The beer business is booming, and as with every industry, tech is starting to influence its future. We dig into a project that is bringing artificial intelligence into the beer flavor and quality control process, and talk to a few beer lovers about their thoughts on these robot brewers of the future. By: Xiyu Chen for Future Forward Aarhus

  • How a Japanese composting method could help Denmark cut down on food waste

    10/02/2018 Duration: 07min

    Food production is a lot more than what we consume. It’s about the process of growing and disposing of food. Komposten focuses on the latter. It’s a neighborhood-based food waste recycling network that uses a Japanese technology—called Bokashi—to make composting more efficient. The product is a nutrient-rich natural fertilizer, called humus, and a liquid product for houseplants, called Bokashi tea. They’re currently running a pilot project with 50 participants on Aarhus Ø, with the hopes of convincing the municipality to expand the solution city wide. By: Karis Hustad for Future Forward Aarhus

  • Dome of Visions: One big experiment in Aarhus Ø

    10/02/2018 Duration: 05min

    On a gloomy fall day, Future Forward Aarhus Reporter Rocío Valderrábano has met Silje Marie Schjødt, curator of the Dome of Visions. The building is an experiment of sustainable building and challenges to rethink how to use spaces that are under development.

  • Why insects could be a key part of our future sustainable food diet

    10/02/2018 Duration: 07min

    Can you imagine living in a reality in which the most sustainable food production method involved the harvesting of insects such as mealworms? The project inValuable aims to accomplish exactly that, the development of a sustainable insect value chain. Its vision is to create an industry for sustainable protein production based on mealworms. By: Laura Galante for Future Forward Aarhus

  • How community gardens upgrade urban spaces

    10/02/2018 Duration: 06min

    With more and more people moving into cities, recreational areas become more scarce. In 2015, a plain stretch of grass behind the Studenterhus Aarhus has been turned into a community garden. Lisa Urlbauer has spoken with Leila Trapp about the impact the garden has made and the challenges the members are facing. Photo: Fælleshaven Greenshare/Greenshare Community Garden

  • The Future of Migration

    10/02/2018 Duration: 13min

    The future goes beyond technology developments. It also means a change in the social environment. Migration, as a broad topic is an item on every country's agenda. In this episode we introduce you to the "Voices of Migration" festival as well as an architecture student seeking to improve integration in the district of Brabrand.

  • The Future of Food

    10/02/2018 Duration: 30min

    On this episode of Future Forward Aarhus, we're digging into food. More than 9 billion people will need access to fresh food by 2050 and 2/3rds of them will live in cities. There need to be solutions for sustainable food production and farming in order to feed the future masses. In this episode we bring you stories of three innovators working on the ground to make this future happen. These include a a startup hoping to make bugs into the latest food trend, a research team using artificial intelligence to taste beer, and a new method of food waste recycling that could make composting more sustainable.

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