Igor Kheifets List Building Lifestyle

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 211:24:03
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Igor Kheifets shows you how to make big money with small email list and live the list building lifestyle from anywhere in the world!


  • IKS024: Anti-Selling Secret To Turning Reluctant Leads Into Desperate Buyers

    11/05/2016 Duration: 20min

    Why do some marketers get all the best prospects knocking on their doorstep while other hardworking marketers struggle to get sign ups? Authority and Positioning. In this episode, Igor and Jonathan share how to gain instant authority in the marketplace to become the go-to expert in your niche.

  • IKS023: If You Fake It, You Won't Make It With Ross Bowring

    09/05/2016 Duration: 25min

    Why is there so much deceit online? What makes people lie about their earnings when trying to recruit someone into their business? Who came up with the whole "fake it 'till you make it" thang? Whoever it was... they're wrong! People have a built-in bullshit radar and it goes off the charts when you're insincere about yourself and your business. This episode of the List Building Lifestyle is a paradigm-crusher for those who still believe faking it 'till you make it works. It offers a definite "integrity marketing" guide for those who refuse to get involved in all the treachery. Discover how sign more people up into your business with integrity and without pretence, trickery or hypocrisy now.

  • IKS022: 7 Cardinal Sins Of List Building

    04/05/2016 Duration: 23min

    List building can be the most rewarding job in the world. But it can also be the most ungrateful way to spend your time and money if you're not careful. Most marketers who attempt list building are digging their own graves. Why? Because without even knowing it, they're committing un-holy sins which can only lead to poverty, misery and despair. This episode reveals the 7 cardinal sins of list building you ought to fix right away to build your own stairway to financial heaven.

  • IKS021: How To Think Like A Winner With Paulo Barroso

    02/05/2016 Duration: 31min

    Igor and Paulo talk about what you must do to start thinking like a winner in your online business. This is important, because when you think like a winner, you act like one and that's when you become one.

  • IKS020: The Big Fat LIE of Niche Marketing

    27/04/2016 Duration: 18min

    Which one's more profitable: a) Niche market which isn't showing much activity with ton of room for new products? b) Niche market which is gushing with products, programs and offers already? The answer might surprise you!

  • IKS019: How To Clear Six Figures A Year With A Simple 3-Minute Bridge Video With Michael Martin

    25/04/2016 Duration: 26min

    The big secret behind making your solo ad buys pay for themselves revealed by Empower Network's top paid-traffic producer Michael Martin.

  • IKS018: Righteous Poverty

    20/04/2016 Duration: 20min

    Have you ever justified absence of financial success with virtue, morality or justice? Have you felt like you had to chose between being a good person and being a rich person? Discover why you don't have to sacrifice your core values or your health or your relationships or any other cherished part of your life.

  • IKS017: Non-Apologetic Internet Marketing Success With Alex Zubarev

    18/04/2016 Duration: 30min

    The latest episode of LBLS signifies what living The List Building Lifestyle is all about. My guest, Alex Zubarev, is the first ever Russian marketer who broke a $1,000,000.00 in commissions with Empower Network. Finally, you're going to discover the practical details of how my Russian friend went from dead-broke doing hotel meetings to living the List Building Lifestyle in spite of less-than-perfect communication skills, living on below-minimum-wage income in New York and having computer skills of a trained chimp.

  • IKS016: Eggplant Society

    13/04/2016 Duration: 16min

    I bet you're making these 5 loss-making mistakes with your emails and you don't even know it. You know you are if you're promoting affiliate offers and business opportunities with no luck. Stream this episode to find out how to make your list spit out profits by eliminating these 5 destructive mistakes from your email marketing strategy.

  • IKS015: The Secrets Of $106.63 EPCs With Andre Chaperon

    11/04/2016 Duration: 28min

    Igor grills Andre Chaperon, world's leading authority on story-selling and story-driven email marketing on how he pulls over a hundred dollars per click from his list. Igor and Andre discuss the keys to email sequence success and the core mistakes rookie list builders make that hold them back from massive email profits.

  • IKS014: These 3 Big Weird Ideas Will 10X Your Conversions

    06/04/2016 Duration: 19min

    Three provocative ideas your upline keeps locked up in state of the start 2 ton safe hidden deep in the wall of their bedroom behind the Van Gough painting.

  • IKS013: Mis-Information Overload With John Lavenia

    04/04/2016 Duration: 42min

    Most people I talk to don't think of "sales and marketing" as a noble profession. At best, they're reluctantly mentioning they're trying to market online, because they got to pay the bills. At worst, they're so ashamed and scared of rejection, they burry their head in the sand and keep quiet. Why is that? What causes people to resent the #1 most important activity in their online biz? After all, if no one's buying what you got - you ain't got a business, right?! John And I go deep into the SELLING PSYCHE of the modern business opportunity marketer. Listen and discover how to enlighten a prospect without coming across needy or creepy. How to help people without bullying them into the purchase. And How to sign more people up into your business opportunity in good spirit than you ever thought possible.

  • IKS012: My dirty little eMail secret

    30/03/2016 Duration: 18min

    It's hard to stand out in a crowded marketplace. The worst thing you can do is copy what everyone else is doing. Because this way you don't stand out. And if you don't stand out - you're boring. You're just another marketer. And that's a huge turn off for prospects. This is true for your emails, your bridge videos, your Facebook posts, your Twitter twits, your Instagram etc. If everyone paints lime green, lime green doesn't stand out. In this week's episode of the List Building Lifestyle I share the story of how I quickly stood out in a crowded marketplace using my emails. This was the first time I made 9 sales on an affiliate contest for a Clickbank product with a tiny list of just 1734 prospects. I've had better EPCs than marketers with actual customer lists. Would you like to know how I pulled it off? Hit "play" now!

  • IKS011: Moby Dick Marketing

    23/03/2016 Duration: 22min

    This episode needs no selling. It needs no build up. No hype. Why? Because it's all about getting more big-whale clients for your business opportunity. The key mistake I see marketers make is believing their ideal clients are hiding in a secret lair on a deserted island somewhere. It's like they don't want you to find them. And that a group of elite marketers knows this secret location and taps it day in and day out to make sales. While you're stuck trying to market to cheapskate prospects. While you're stuck trying to market to cheapskate prospects. It's time someone debunked this myth once and for all.

  • IKS010: The Suicide Hotline

    16/03/2016 Duration: 17min

    You just arrived in Paris.   You've been waiting for this moment for years.   You're about to climb the Eifel Tower, see the Moulin Rouge show and eat out in Europe's best restaurants.   And so you do.   For the next several days you're immersed in the magical atmosphere of Paris.   Only, something's missing.   You're not as thrilled as you hoped you'd be.   Paris hasn't lived up to your expectations.   So you decide to end your life.   Because if Paris doesn't excite you - nothing will!   Sounds absurd, right?   Why would anyone kill themselves over such a silly thing?   Turns out, though, people have.   And now there's a Suicide Hotline you can call if you're a tourist who's displeased with your trip to Paris.   Huge lesson in this for newbie internet marketers.   I rap all about it in this week's episode of the List Building Lifestyle Show.

  • IKS009: How To Convert Without Proof

    09/03/2016 Duration: 18min

    Ever wonder why most people scoff when you tell them you're working from home?   It's simply because all too many people lie through their teeth to recruit new reps. Especially when they're brand new at this. They're being taught to "fake it 'till they make it. Which essentially means, they're given permission to lie through their teeth about their earnings. So they either inflate their numbers... ...or straight up make those up! This is true 99% of the time... Because most peolpe selling money-making advice and opportunities are dead broke. Okay, Igor... So how do you sell without proof? How do you get people's attention and trust without a single testimonial, income screenshot or guru endorsement? Great question. First -- you never lie. That's just stupid. And wrong. And really-really stupid. The prospective buyer can ALWAYS tell if you're lying. Usually, it's a gut level feeling they can't explain. All they know it's best to stay away from you! Can you blame them? I sure can't. And that goes double for you

  • IKS008: Japanese Success Secrets

    02/03/2016 Duration: 18min

    The #1 thing I hear when people talk about their "why" is:   ===== "Igor, I didn't get into this business to become a millionaire. I want to change peoples lives. I want to contribute. I want to change the word!" =====   I find this desire quite ironic.   And I bet you all the shekels in Israel people armed with such "why" never succeed online.   Why?   Because as they fight the good fights, they fail to work on the one thing directly responsible for making a better world.   Same thing, by the way, which is responsible for making a great income and leaving a legacy.   The same reason why they spend more money than they're making.   And...   The exact same reason why they may end up never getting ahead in life.   How's that for being brutally honest?   Anyway...   Would you like to know what I'm talking about?   And how to avoid making this mistake the "losers" are making?   Then tune in to this week's episode of the List Building Lifestyle on iTunes at:   http://www.listbuildinglifestyleshow.com/itunes/     S

  • IKS007: Dirty-Little Sex Secrets Of A Desperate Nerd From Tel-Aviv

    24/02/2016 Duration: 19min

    Many moons ago, as I was going through the tender teenage years, still in high school, I couldn't get a date even if my life depended on it.   Cold approaches?   Forget it.   Innocent conversation in the hall?   I'd find a way to screw those up by saying something stupid or weird.   Eventually I just gave up talking to women altogether.   What caused my insecurity around women, you wonder?   Hollywood.   Here's what I mean...   Picture me in your mind's eye:   5 ft. 10" short suck at sports dirt poor 20 lbs overweight glasses   Quite the Casanova lol.   Top it off with insane-level of insecurity around women and you got yourself a walking sexual disaster waiting to happen.   Okay... I digress.   I'm not telling you this so you feel sorry for poor old Igor.   There's a million dollar lesson here.   So listen up...   You see... at some point I got sick of living a life of quiet desperation. So I sought out ways to improve my social skillz. After some research online I discovered that getting the woman of my d

  • IKS006: Why your solo ads aren't breaking even

    17/02/2016 Duration: 20min

    There's two schools of thought about breaking even with solo ads.        #1 - Get a good sales funnel and expect to make some of your money back quickly, while banking on getting the rest over the long haul through your follow up.        #2 -If you're not making all of your advertising dollars back immediately, don't waste your time tweaking, because it's probably the traffic.   I agree with neither.   Both schools of thought are wide of the mark.   Truth is...   Most marketers have the wrong idea about what it takes to breakeven with paid traffic.   Some believe it's all about their sales funnel and follow up.   Others bank on the clicks... and if clicks don't convert, it's clicks's fault.   But neither one is right.   The secret to breaking even and pocketing a huge profit on your solo ad buys lies in one of the single most overlooked and forgotten elements of your online biz.    Would you like to know what it is?   It's in this week's episode of the List Building Lifestyle Show.   Click here to download th

  • IKS005: Anti-Social Media

    10/02/2016 Duration: 22min

    Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Periscope...   Social Media is all the rage these days.   It's the first thing they teach you in the rookie internet marketing school.   Why?   Because it's the lowest-barrier entry marketing tactic rookies feel comfortable with.   It's free - you don't need to buy ads or set up squeeze pages.   You can do it from your Phone - believe it or not, some people really think you can make money online without the use of a computer.   And (supposedly) you can quickly tap into a ginormous pool swarming with your best prospect.   Right?   WRONG!   Would you like to know why Social Media Marketing simply doesn't work?   Why you're playing a game you can't win?   And why all the hours you've been putting in to build your social media presence aren't going to make your bank account look any nicer?   It's all in this week's episode.   Download instantly here.   ****Remember, you'll need a PC/Windows computer, Mac, iPad or iPhone to download this episode.   Sincerely, Igor "Totally Anti-Social

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