Divine Savior Church-santa Rita Ranch Sermons

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 166:56:47
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Sunday messages from Divine Savior Church-Santa Rita Ranch (formerly Peace Lutheran Church) in Liberty Hill, TX.


  • 1. Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? | Job: Finding Peace on an Unpredictable Path

    15/09/2024 Duration: 27min

    No matter who you are, young, old, rich, poor, sick, healthy, you face pressure in life. Parenting pressure, school pressure, work pressure, loneliness and grief pressure. We are often “surviving” one day at a time and don’t know what we will do if things get “worse.” Since we live in a broken world, we can expect things to go “wrong” in our lives and force us off the path we have charted for ourselves. Yes, “bad” things can happen to “good” people in this world. We begin looking at the Biblical book of Job today to learn how to find peace on an unpredictable path. How can bad things happen to good people? Listen in and find out.Support the show

  • When You Need a Neighbor | Pastor Rob Sirilla

    08/09/2024 Duration: 24min

    Guest preacher Pastor Rob Sirilla shares a message on the Good Samaritan.Support the show

  • 3. Live for Jesus | Joining Jesus in Changing Lives

    01/09/2024 Duration: 24min

    Integrating faith into daily life is essential for becoming a contributing member of the body of Christ, supporting one another like family. Jesus asks, “Do you trust me with your life?” As our master and Disciple-Maker, He guides us to grow in Christian maturity, living less for self and more for Him and others. Jesus is the ultimate disciple-maker, using us to make disciples. We strive to be more like Jesus by keeping Him as our Disciple-Maker and trusting His Spirit to work through us in discipling others.Support the Show.

  • 2. Listen to Jesus | Joining Jesus in Changing Lives

    25/08/2024 Duration: 25min

    Starting the journey with the foundational teachings of Jesus’ truth is crucial. Jesus asks, “Do you listen to me?” highlighting the importance of His saving work as described in His Word. We thrive on joy rather than guilt by taking Jesus’ truth seriously. Being rooted in Christ and taking God's word seriously is essential for spiritual growth. Deepening one’s relationship with God leads to growth in hope, peace, and purpose.Support the Show.

  • 1. Discover Jesus | Joining Jesus in Changing Lives

    18/08/2024 Duration: 27min

    In this week's sermon, we discover the initial encounter of John’s disciples with Jesus, where they are invited to "come and see" (John 1:39). This invitation is not just to observe but to discover who Jesus is. As Jesus asks, “Who do you say I am?” we understand that He is the answer to life’s biggest questions. At Divine Savior Church, we emphasize the importance of discovering Jesus through spending time with Him and our community. We offer various opportunities to connect, ask questions, and grow in faith. Our community, rooted in joy and grace, provides a safe and loving environment for all seekers. Join us as we journey together, changing lives with Jesus' truth and grace.Support the Show.

  • 10. God Won't Give Us More Than We Can Handle | Are You Sure That's What It Means?

    11/08/2024 Duration: 26min

    "God will never give you more than you can handle." If that is true, God must really believe in your abilities to handle a difficult situation! But what happens when you fail to handle it? Is God disappointed in you? It seems like a comforting Bible passage, right? Actually, it is not found in the Bible, and it is not comforting at all! It does try to mimic I Corinthians 10:13, but that passage is speaking about temptation--something we all experience--and it is actually comforting because it urges us not to have faith in ourselves when temptations come, but to have faith in God, because even though temptations may be great, God's mercy and faithfulness are greater.Support the Show.

  • 9. God Will Speak To You If You Just Listen | Are You Sure That's What It Means?

    04/08/2024 Duration: 24min

    Elijah heard the voice of God in the form of a whisper. Many people today claim that God speaks to them in whispers when they pray, through dreams, intuitions, feelings and circumstances. Wouldn't it be great to know that God loves us so personally that has a unique way of communicating with each one of us. He actually does, and it is a way that takes away all doubt and always gives comfort and certainty. We don't have to search for it or strain to hear it. It is right in front of us in his revealed Word! Listen to that Word and God will speak to you.Support the Show.

  • 8. God's Plans to Prosper You | Are You Sure That's What It Means?

    28/07/2024 Duration: 25min

    "I wish I could figure out what God's plan is for my life." Many Christians have mouthed these anguished words. They read Jeremiah 29:11 and conclude that God has a detailed, tailored plan for their life that they just need to discover. This presumes that Jeremiah 29:11 is directed at us specifically, as well as the idea that we have no choices in life, kind of like chess pieces on a board that God moves around according to his will. When we start listening to the feelings of our heart, the passions that we have, or some "voice of God" we think we hear when we pray, in order to discover this plan, we are led either to idolatry or despair. What we really need is to trust the all-sufficient revealed Word of God and rejoice in the freedom it gives us through Christ.Support the Show.

  • 7. Jesus Exceeds Expectations | Are You Sure That's What It Means?

    21/07/2024 Duration: 18min

    Seminary student and guest preacher Zach Neuman shares a message of peace based on Mark 4:35-41.Support the Show.

  • 6. Jesus Speaks with Authority for You | Are You Sure That's What it Means?

    14/07/2024 Duration: 25min

    Guest Pastor Rob Sirilla shares a message of hope based on Mark 1:21-28.Support the Show.

  • 5. Don't Judge | Are You Sure That's What It Means?

    07/07/2024 Duration: 24min

    "Don't judge me!" is not just a common saying, it is a philosophy of life for those controlled by the sinful nature. "Let me do whatever makes me feel good as long as it doesn't hurt other people, and don't criticize me for it." Even unbelievers pull out Matthew 7:1 to show Christians how lacking their Bible knowlege is and say, "See, Jesus tells you not to judge!" But is that what Jesus is saying? There is no question that Jesus calls us to judge, but the question is how should we judge? That's where Christians sometimes fall into temptation, by looking down on others whose lives are not as sanctified as theirs, and judging them in a self-righteous way. Let's let Jesus teach us what he means by examining the context of this oft-quoted saying, and then we will be ready to judge correcly.Support the Show.

  • 4. You Can Have Life Without Limits | Are You Sure That's What It Means?

    30/06/2024 Duration: 28min

    Philippians 4:13 might easily be called the Christian version of, "Just do it." There's nothing you can't do if you set your mind to it...and trust in Jesus. Jesus will make it possible to achieve what you thought was impossible: beat cancer, found a Fortune 500 corporation, or win an Olympic medal. With Jesus at your side, there are no limits. But life is not one victory after another, even for the founder of a billion dollar corporation. What happens when we don't achieve what we want? We don't need Jesus as a mantra or a life coach but as a Savior sufficient to deliver us from sin, death and the power of the devil, and that's who he is. When we stop making it about our achievements and instead about Christ, we can have joy and peace at the highest points of life, and especially at the lowest.Support the Show.

  • 3. Dying Is Just a Part of Life | Are You Sure That's What It Means?

    23/06/2024 Duration: 25min

    Dying seems so normal because it happens to everyone and so it is tempting to think that it is just a part of the life that God designed for us...but it isn't. Death is not our friend, nor is it something we should just "get used to" simply because it seems inevitable. Death is the consequence of sin and our enemy...an enemy that has been defeated by Christ, who took away the sin of the world. As believers in him we have sure and certain hope in the face of death, the hope of a real, eternal, physical, life in a world as God originally intended it to be.Support the Show.

  • 2. God Loves You the Way You Are | Are You Sure That's What It Means?

    16/06/2024 Duration: 25min

    "God is love" is one of the most beautiful and comforting truths of the Bible, but it is also one of the most abused. Some understand God's love as if it were like human love, mostly based in feelings that change according to the behavior of those around us. Others feel a God of love is like a strict parent who is tough on you in order to push you toward great accomplishments. Still others think of God as a permissive grandfather in whose eyes you can do no wrong. He is willing to overlook your faults and focus on the good qualities you have. None of these ideas is correct. God's love cannot be comforting if it is subjective and dependent on us or on our behavior. God is love and his love is comforting because his love is an objective action that finds its fulfillment in Christ.  Support the Show.

  • 1. Faith Alone Isn't Enough | Are You Sure That's What It Means?

    09/06/2024 Duration: 28min

    It just sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? Those who trust in Jesus alone are completely forgiven and reconciled with God. This is what you have been taught, but this is such an important issue so it totally makes sense that there must be at least something that you have to do. Then you look in the Bible and it seems to agree with you because James says, "You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone." Is James telling us that faith alone in Jesus is not sufficient? Is he in disagreement with the apostle Paul? In this message we will see that there is no disagreement at all. Faith alone in Jesus saves, but it is never alone!Support the Show.

  • 8. Follow Your Shepherds and Stand Firm | The Living Hope of Easter

    02/06/2024 Duration: 26min

    As sheep, we are prone to wander. We need a Shepherd over us and we need to shepherd one another. Let’s follow our shepherds, pray for them, and encourage them. We are all serving The Shepherd who gave his life for us. So we humble ourselves, but God will exalt us! There is no safer place in the universe than in God’s hands – so let’s cast all our cares on Him. We need his protection – the enemy is real! But we are safe with God. Forever. The world can take away everything… but it cannot take our identity or our future. So stand firm in that living hope! And look forward to what Jesus is coming back to do for you!Support the Show.

  • 7. Don't Be Surprised Life Isn't Easy | The Living Hope of Easter

    26/05/2024 Duration: 25min

    It’s not easy being a Christian today. It never has been. Jesus said that would be the case. We need a deeper joy, a deeper hope to live for to make it through. Easter gives us that living hope. But don’t be surprised by the suffering. Jesus experienced it too. Rejoice in it! It’s proof you belong to Him! Don’t be ashamed – be honored! We have nothing to fear about the future – but everything to look forward to! We are in the hands of the God who loved us so much He suffered for us and gave his life for us!Support the Show.

  • 6. Living for God | The Living Hope of Easter

    19/05/2024 Duration: 21min

    Jesus knows what it is like to be ridiculed, abandoned, and humiliated. He suffered for us and by doing that, gave us a reason to live for Him, even when that is hard or means suffering for us. The first enemy we have to fight is our own sinful self. It craves things that God knows aren’t good for us. Let God change our hearts and minds – which will begin to change our behavior. The best way to do this is living with the end in mind – especially when the going is difficult. Living for God includes self-control, wisdom, loving, showing hospitality, serving, giving. We do all these things together as the body of Christ.Support the Show.

  • 5. Better to Suffer for Doing Good | The Living Hope of Easter

    05/05/2024 Duration: 25min

    It’s not easy to suffer. We want to fight back and get revenge. But as Jesus followers, we live a new way. We don’t repay evil with evil, but evil with good. We are called to actively bless people! Even hard-to-bless people! If we are afraid of people, we will keep our mouths shut and not share the life-giving hope we have to share. Let’s remember the living hope of Easter. That will open our mouths and give us reason to share our hope. We have a living, eternal hope! Death is not the last word. The faith the Holy Spirit has given us brings us into that hope. Our “suffering” will lead to hope for many!Support the Show.

  • 4. Follow in His Steps | The Living Hope of Easter

    28/04/2024 Duration: 25min

    We live in two different kingdoms – the kingdom of the world, and God’s kingdom. As citizens of this kingdom, we are called to submit to the governing authorities. It is part of how we honor God. But we do this remembering there is one true King, and He isn’t voted in. We honor our leaders, but we worship The King. Our submission shows worship to our heavenly King. The truth is, we are free. Free in Jesus – in the living hope of Easter. So let’s live as free people. But as servants honoring God. We aren’t the first to suffer. Jesus did for us. Let’s follow in his steps. We will never have to suffer what He did. And at moments of unjust suffering, we will discover whom we truly worship!Support the Show.

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