The Michelle Morin Show

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 75:39:27
  • More information



Telling you what Big Media Won't!! Every Sunday at 9pm on 740KVOR


  • Hurricane Irma and Montana Fires 9-10-17

    11/09/2017 Duration: 01h25min

    Tonight Michelle speaks with Elizabeth and Tim who are both down in Florida while Hurricane Irma makes landfall. She also speaks with Arleen from Montana about the fires ravaging the entire state and finds out how we can help. #HurricaneIrma #MontanaFires #Wildfires

  • A Teacher Against Making America Great Again!!! After Hours 9-3

    04/09/2017 Duration: 38min

    In this show Michelle goes over a story that turns out is not true at all, and makes a retraction. She also goes over the public school system in the US and shares 2 stories that will make your blood boil. Oh, and Colorado is now helping Sexual Predators in the worst way possible. #NaziStabbing #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #MAGA

  • Trump used Hurricane Harvey to his benefit?!?! Yeah Right!!! 9-3-17

    04/09/2017 Duration: 01h30min

    In tonight's show Michelle is covering Hurricane Harvey and how Main Stream Media is doing everything they can to connect it to RussiaGate. This is getting more and more ridiculous and it will not stop. She also goes over the North Korea Nuclear test and what it could mean for us. #NorthKoreaNuke #NorthKorea #HurricaneHarvey #Stilettos

  • Where do you Draw the Line on Monuments? After Hours 8-27-17

    28/08/2017 Duration: 40min

    Tonight Michelle talks about taking down Confederate Monuments, and how some people are calling for Washington and Jefferson Monuments to be taken down as well. She also touches on Antifa and if it should be classified as a Terrorist group. #Antifa #Monuments #TerrorGroups

  • Freedom of Speech and The Racist Eclipse 8-27-17

    28/08/2017 Duration: 01h26min

    Tonight Michelle wants to share more info on Prop 108 and what you can do. She also covers the Arpaio pardon and how the Eclipse is racist!! #Eclipse #ArpaioPardon #Racism

  • Iceland Thinks it Cured Down Syndrome Michelle After Hours 8-20-17

    21/08/2017 Duration: 32min

    Tonight Michelle wants to talk about Iceland and how it thinks that it has cured Down Syndrome. This is not a cure and frankly it is disgusting what they are doing. She also goes over Wolf Blitzer and how he is bending over backwards to make sure you think that President Trump is responsible for Terrorism. #Iceland #DownSyndrome #BlitzerLies

  • Was Charlottesville Planned? 8-21-17

    21/08/2017 Duration: 01h26min

    Tonight Michelle wants to talk about Charlottesville and a police officer who says it was planned to go as bad as it did. She also covers the war against Civil War Monuments. #Charlottesville #CivilWar #AntiFa

  • Break Out Your Stiletto Heels!! Michelle After Hours 8-14-17

    14/08/2017 Duration: 32min

    Tonight Michelle wants to talk about Stilettos. There is a writer who thinks that the First Lady should stop wearing them, but Michelle has other ideas.

  • Details on Prop 108 and what you can do!! 8-13-17

    14/08/2017 Duration: 01h25min

    Tonight Michelle goes even deeper on the topic of Prop 108 and what having primaries means for Colorado. Anil Mathai is in studio to really hammer down the details and tell you what you can to do voice your opinion. #Prop108 #PrimaryElections #CaucusElections #ColoradoGOP #ColoradoPrimaries

  • Affirmative Action is Hurting Asians!! Michelle After Hours 8-6-17

    07/08/2017 Duration: 27min

    Tonight Michelle wants to talk about Affirmative Action and how President Trump is trying to actually help the American People. #AffirmativeAction #TrumpTweets

  • How Prop 108 Takes Your Voice!! 8-6-17

    07/08/2017 Duration: 01h30min

    Tonight Anil Mathai joins Michelle to talk about proposition 108 and how it takes your voice. There is going to be a vote later this week and you need to get the facts on what is happening. Michelle also goes more into the transgender issue, and how ridiculous it is. #TrumpImmigration #Prop108 #CaucusVSPrimary

  • Aurora Police want Transgender Police Officers Michelle After Hours 7-30-17

    31/07/2017 Duration: 54min

    Tonight Michelle wants to talk about the Aurora Police dept. and how they are asking for all the Transgender people who can't get into the military to apply. She also goes into what she thinks about Transgenders in the military today. #TransBan #AfterHours #TrumpTweets

  • The Real Threat to the United States and Transgenders in the Military 7-30-17

    31/07/2017 Duration: 01h29min

    Tonight Michelle wants to talk about the real threat to the United States, the threat that no one seems to want to talk about. She also has a father of a Transgender son call in to give his thoughts on Trump's Transgender Ban in the Military. #TransBan #NorthKorea #RussiaGate #TransMilitary

  • Vickie Paladino yells at Mayor Bill de Blasio!! Michelle Morin After Hours 7-23-17

    24/07/2017 Duration: 25min

    In this episode of Michelle Morin After Hours Michelle wants to talk about Vickie Paladino. She has some amazing words for Mayor Bill de Blasio and we need more of it!! #MayorDeBlasio #afterhours #VivkiePaladino

  • Governor Hickenlooper's Grand Utopian Society 7-23-17

    24/07/2017 Duration: 01h30min

    Tonight Michelle goes into Colorado Governor Hickenlooper's plan to keep us in the Paris Climate Agreement. He wants to lower electricity consumption, and he also wants to start building more electric car ports. You know, because the only way to lower electricity consumption is to make more ways to use it. What a fool. #coloradoclimatechange #parisclimateagreement #whatbigmediawonttellyou

  • Australia's Hardline Immigration Policy Michelle Morin After Hours 7-16

    17/07/2017 Duration: 37min

    In this episode of the After Hours Podcast Michelle talks about Australia and how tough they are on immigration, and how she will never move to Oregon. #Borderwall #GenderNuetral #OregonCraziness

  • The Denver Liberal Paradise and Obama Care killing people!! 7-16-17

    17/07/2017 Duration: 01h30min

    In tonight's show Michelle wants to talk about Denver's Mayor and how he wants to create a liberal traffic paradise. That is after he finishes making it a Sanctuary city. She also goes through the actual facts on the ACA, better known as Obama Care. It is killing more people than it saves, and she has proof!! #healthcareact #obamacare #denver

  • CNN Blackmail and is PROVEN to be fake news!! 7-9-17

    10/07/2017 Duration: 01h30min

    Tonight Michelle is going after CNN and showing you everything that they have been doing while Michelle was out. Blackmail? CNN has it covered. Promoting Fake news and they know it? Yep. They even go as far as to say that if you make memes and post " inappropriate " things to the internet then you don't deserve your privacy. Holy smokes. Michelle also has Miss Colorado Teen on the show to talk about her win and why it is important to have strong millennial leaders. #CNNFakeNews #CNNvsTrump #ProjectVeritas #CNN

  • George Clooney's Border Wall Michelle Morin After Hours 7-9-17

    10/07/2017 Duration: 42min

    Tonight Michelle wants to talk about CNN blackmailing a man who made a meme about them, and she goes over her list of Dumb Dems for the week. #CNNFakeNews #BorderWall #SandersFraud

  • AntiFa Self Defense Gym and Denver Paris Agreement Michelle After Hours 6-25-17

    26/06/2017 Duration: 40min

    In this episode of After Hours Michelle is talking about the very independent self defense gym that some AntiFa Activists have started in Chicago, and the Denver Mayor signing the Paris Climate Agreement. #AntifaSelfDefense #ParisClimateAccord #WhatBigMediaWontTellYou

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