Voice Over Experts



Voiceover Experts is the industry's most downloaded educational podcast featuring renowned voice over coaches from US, Canada and abroad.


  • Tips For Creating the Perfect Commercial Demo


    Ready to create the perfect commercial demo? Coach and voice actor Becky Shrimpton guides listeners through the key points to branding and constructing a commercial demo ideal for the international market. From branding, to run-time, to what types of pieces you should consider, Becky will guide you in creating this key marketing tool. [iframe src=”100%” […]

  • 5 Mistakes You Might Be Making That Lose You Voice-Over Jobs


    Is your booking to audition ratio lower than you want it to be? Gary Terzza shares five common mistakes that voice talent make when auditioning for work. From not knowing what you should submit for to poor expectation setting, many of the chief contributors to lack of bookings are found in this helpful lesson. Gary […]

  • Camp Vox: Why Voice Acting?


    Why would you want to do voice acting? Camp Vox’s Lisa Biggs shares why voice acting is so cool for younger children and how voice-over can make a positive impact on your life. Imagine being the voice of a talking toy! The possibilities to do meaningful work as a voice talent are endless. Parents, listen […]

  • Voiceover Auditions: Audio Gourmet vs. Fast Food


    Whatever dialect you perform, the best acting is universal and truthful. Paula Cavanaugh Carter, Dialect Coach and Linguistic Anthropologist, shares how acting trumps accent. Always. [iframe src=”100%” height=”166″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”no” src=”https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/211067402&color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false”]

  • Microphone Technique: A Secret Weapon


    How’s your mic technique? Frank Piazza of APVoices shares Information about the different ways you can benefit from microphone technique. Performance examples by male and female voice talent are included, demonstrating different approaches with regard to mic proximity. This podcast will help to empower and enhance your ability to create first-rate recordings from home. [iframe […]

  • What’s a Union Paymaster and How Do They Work?


    Are you a member of an actors guild or union? Jim Kennelly of Lotas Productions shares insight for actors who are curious about the use of SAG-AFTRA paymaster services. A paymaster himself, Jim maps out what a union paymaster is, their unique role, how they work and at what stage in the process a paymaster […]

  • How To Personalize Commercial Copy and Sound More Believable


    Do you know how to make commercial copy conversational? Bruce Kronenberg of Abacus Entertainment shares what it takes to sound natural while communicating effectively to the person hearing your voice-over recording. Over the years, personalization of copy and interpret it with an opinion, you will sound real and conversational, not fake and announcer like. [iframe […]

  • The What, Why and How of Audio Description


    Ever wondered how to get into Audio Description voice work? Maybe you’ve heard about the work but don’t know what it entails. In this episode of Voice Over Experts, presenter Herb Merriweather explains what Audio Description is and shares how thoughtful, detailed word painting helps the visually impaired to see beyond sound. If you’re interested […]

  • How to Get What You’re Worth: Creating A Reliable Income Doing Voice Over


    Do you still struggle to make a reliable income doing voice work, despite having a steady flow of clients? Voice talent and teacher, David Tyler, will explain how to change that by understanding your perceived value. He’ll explain why the price you charge should not be based on competition and how to avoid common pricing […]

  • Giving Back as a Professional Voice Talent


    Have you ever considered volunteering your voice? Professional voice talent Amy Weis describes her own journey on this path and shares her reasons for doing pro bono work. Giving back should come from the heart with no strings attached. Listen in to discover how giving your voice to select organizations can enrich your life, touch […]

  • 3 Key Priorities For Continued Success in Online Casting


    Look or leap? Never mind the hardware – it’s about you. English voice actor Howard Ellison plunged in, then surfaced to discover the life-saving value of a plan. In these six minutes, he shares three key priorities for continued success in online casting …assisted by Inadequate Ingrid and an Obnoxious Orcan. [iframe src=”100%” height=”166″ scrolling=”no” […]

  • Being Conversational in Narration and eLearning


    Does voice-over for eLearning and narration need to be boring? Voice-over coach and talent, Julie Williams, shares how you can make reads for applications such as medical narration conversational by doing two things: coloring your words and paying special attention to phrasing. Hear samples from a variety of Julie’s students to see how they go […]

  • Taking Care of Your Voice


    How often do you consider the health and maintenance of your voice? As a professional voice artist, you rely on your voice for your livelihood, so doesn’t it make sense to take good long term care of what pays the bills? You may also be unwittingly damaging your voice with bad lifestyle habits and by […]

  • Accent Reduction and the Standard American Accent


    Do you have a regional American accent? Sharon Feingold, the founder of Babel Consultants, discusses an emerging trend in communications called accent reduction. Accent reduction may also be referred to as accent modification, accent neutralization and so on. In the US, the goal of accent reduction is to adopt the Standard American Accent. This accent […]

  • Finding Your Unique Voice


    How can you stand out amongst other people with your specific style of voice? Kabir Singh invites you to dig a little deeper, to think of your voice as a tool…but what does that really mean? According to Kabir, your voice is directly in between your thoughts in your mind and your heart, which holds […]

  • What’s a Talent Agent and What Do They Look For?


    Agents are people, too! In this episode, Toronto-based talent agent Roger King discusses the relationship between voice artists and their talent agents. The agent/talent relationship is a strange dynamic as the agent works for the talent yet the talent is the one who is interviewed. Looking for representation? Agents are always keeping their eyes and […]

  • Auditioning Dos and Don’ts: Knowing What You Can Control


    With so many different factors at play, it’s crucial that voice artists focus on what they can control in order to make the most of every single audition opportunity. Voice over artist, Bev Standing is successful because she is selective with the auditions she sends. That said, Bev also believes that the number of auditions […]

  • Using Gesture, Imitation and Sound Effects To Get Into Character


    How are you using gesture, imitation and sound effects to create believable characters and performances? Sunday Muse shares how being mindful of physical gestures and attributes can affect your read and how it comes across. Borrowing the essence of someone’s voice or physical attributes can also serve as a point of reference to build a […]

  • 3 Demo & Auditioning Tips For Booking More Work


    Are you booking as much as you could be? Jerry Buckner encourages you to hone your acting skills, explore your voice and work on a natural delivery that has some feeling in it. Highlights include practical examples from his own voice-over demos and a trio of trending voice-over reads he’s been tracking of late. Lastly, […]

  • Tips For Auditioning From Your Home Studio


    Has auditioning from a home studio saved your voice-over career? Voice artist Lisa Brandt shares tips that will help you to send in great submissions when auditioning using online casting sites. From your microphone to client relations, to deciding which auditions to put your voice out there for, make the best impression possible by following […]

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