"solutions...with Courtney Anderson!"™

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 180:27:00
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What is Holding You Back from Surpassing Your Goals?Business. Legal. Life.Courtney Elizabeth Anderson, J.D., M.B.A., M.S., is "The Workplace Relationship Expert" ™ (CourtneyAnderson.com) and practices the "Joyful Art of Business!"™ around the world (media expert analysis including Businessweek, MSNBC, Wall Street Journal, FOX News, Cosmopolitan, CNN International, USA Today, CNN - HLN, Christian Science Monitor, HuffingtonPost, and many more..). ”Solutions…with Courtney Anderson”™ is a daily show that delivers pragmatic concepts and tools that will permit you to “Practice the Joyful Art of Business”™ each day! An attorney (Litigation-Mitigation.com is law firm site), Ms. Anderson specializes in serving empowered individuals and entrepreneurs with high caliber, technology based, legal solutions.


  • LAW LOVER’S LOUNGE: “How do I stop my ex from seeing our kids?!”

    27/03/2014 Duration: 34min

    Our LAW LOVER'S LOUNGE™ series addresses a general overview of some of the most important issues to the general public! Attorney Courtney E. Anderson has owned a general practice law firm since 1998 in Texas, USA. A general practice attorney is similar to a general practice physician in that they address issues that do not require a specialist. They provide a primary level of legal services for commonly occurring legal issues and make referrals to specialists for more complex issues (appeals of cases, rare facts, unusual issues, etc.). We call this series its title because we do love law! Seriously. This is a lounge because these are general discussions on general legal topic for public information purposes. There is no client relationship created between this show and Attorney Courtney E. Anderson, or The Law Offices of Courtney E. Anderson (Litigation-Mitigation.com). These disclaimers are important. The content in these shows is for general educational purposes and is not the delivery of legal services. T

  • FAILURE FLASHBACK!™ - I am broke. (Part 2 of 2)

    26/03/2014 Duration: 34min

    No one is perfect. We all have walked an individual path to arrive where we are today in life. If you want to know how to get where you want to go, keep walking. Asking another person how they accomplished their goals is not going to give you “the answer” to how to accomplish your goals. It may help motivate you to keep working towards your goals, but you are living a unique life and your path to success is unique for you. You are the expert on your life. People have shared with me that they found it illuminating and/ or motivating for me to divulge my explicit failures and how I responded. Thus, this new series, FAILURE FLASHBACK!™ is born. I share some of the tools and processes that I have used to face my failures, learn from them, not repeat them and keep walking forward (hopefully) towards future accomplishments. People will say to me, “Easy for you to say…you don’t know how hard it is!” I do. I share my past in the hope that it prevents you from experiencing the same. This episode addresses my failure

  • FAILURE FLASHBACK!™ - I am broke. (Part 1 of 2)

    25/03/2014 Duration: 31min

    There are an endless array of experts, entertainers, athletes and politicians publicly sharing their personal journeys. They invariably describe their past of pain and despair through a valley of heartbreak until they ended up in their current rich and/or famous position in life. At times it can be helpful to learn about experiences that other people have faced that are similar to our struggles in life. It can make us feel less alone and help encourage and motivate us to persevere (“if they did it, I can do it!”). Yet, these public confessions can sometimes be self-serving simply to manipulate the potential customer, fan or voter to give the person their money, support and/ or vote. No one is perfect. We all have walked an individual path to arrive where we are today in life. If you want to know how to get where you want to go, keep walking. Asking another person how they accomplished their goals is not going to give you “the answer” to how to accomplish your goals. It may help motivate you to keep working t

  • SwCA Episode 065: Should I go back to school? Do I need 4 degrees?

    24/03/2014 Duration: 33min

    SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-065-satisfaction-saturation-series-should-i-go-back-to-school-do-i-need-4-degrees.html SHOW NOTES: You did it! You climbed that mountain (literally and/ or figuratively) and you are now resting at the summit. Breathe in that sweet air of accomplishment! Very nice. Okay, you take it all in (the view from here, the beauty, the joy of surpassing your goals, etc.). Feels awesome. Wait, are you starting to feel a bit bored? What are you going to do next? You could do nothing. You have already proven yourself and achieved many things in life. Why aren’t you simply resting on your laurels? What is the itch, the craving for the next part? It is SATISFACTION SATURATION™ and you are experiencing it.   You have “been there, done that and have the t-shirt.” You do not want anymore of this mountain. It has reached a point of saturation (as per the Merriam-Webster dictionary, “the act or result of supplying so much of something that no more is wanted”).  You are craving

  • SwCA Ep. 064: The joy of working with less than competent people (aka idiots...

    21/03/2014 Duration: 33min

    SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-064-joyful-art-of-business-series-the-joy-of-working-with-less-than-competent-people-aka-idiots-are-awesome.html SHOW NOTES: This episode is part of our JOYFUL ART OF BUSINESS™ series wherein we explore how to combine the positive benefits of our professional endeavors (“business”) with the overall positive emotional return on our efforts (“joy”). Our episode topic is, “The joy of working with less than competent people (aka idiots are awesome!)” This show is important as we examine the positive side of working with incompetent individuals (peers, supervisors, etc.). The terms “stupid,” “idiot,” “dummy” and other synonyms (i.e., fool, etc.) are not appropriate in professional settings as they may be hurtful to other people. The concept of an incompetent, uninvolved, apathetic, disengaged, ill prepared, etc., team member is not inappropriate as the presence of this type of individual has a significant impact on the organizational outcomes. Thus, an incompete

  • LAW LOVER’S LOUNGE: "I have been sued...by my credit card company, what now?"- 2

    20/03/2014 Duration: 32min

    Our LAW LOVER'S LOUNGE™ series addresses a general overview of some of the most important issues to the general public! Attorney Courtney E. Anderson has owned a general practice law firm since 1998 in Texas, USA. A general practice attorney is similar to a general practice physician in that they address issues that do not require a specialist. They provide a primary level of legal services for commonly occurring legal issues and make referrals to specialists for more complex issues (appeals of cases, rare facts, unusual issues, etc.). We call this series its title because we do love law! Seriously. This is a lounge because these are general discussions on general legal topic for public information purposes. There is no client relationship created between this show and Attorney Courtney E. Anderson, or The Law Offices of Courtney E. Anderson (Litigation-Mitigation.com). These disclaimers are very important. The content in these shows is for general educational purposes and is not the delivery of legal servic

  • LAW LOVER’S LOUNGE: "I have been sued...by my credit card company, what now?"- 1

    19/03/2014 Duration: 32min

    Our LAW LOVER'S LOUNGE™ series addresses a general overview of some of the most important issues to the general public! Attorney Courtney E. Anderson has owned a general practice law firm since 1998 in Texas, USA. A general practice attorney is similar to a general practice physician in that they address issues that do not require a specialist. They provide a primary level of legal services for commonly occurring legal issues and make referrals to specialists for more complex issues (appeals of cases, rare facts, unusual issues, etc.). We call this series its title because we do love law! Seriously. This is a lounge because these are general discussions on general legal topic for public information purposes. There is no client relationship created between this show and Attorney Courtney E. Anderson, or The Law Offices of Courtney E. Anderson (Litigation-Mitigation.com). These disclaimers are very important. The content in these shows is for general educational purposes and is not the delivery of legal servic

  • HELP! - “My boss hates me, what do I do? How can I save my job?”

    18/03/2014 Duration: 34min

    In our HELP! SITUATION SPOTLIGHT™ series, we shine the light on challenges that community members have shared with me. This episode is, “My boss hates me, what do I do? How can I save my job?” Feeling like anyone hates you can be stressful! We immediately think, “I am awesome! How does anyone hate me?” Yet, with the diversity of the human population there are going to be some people in life who just do not find us appealing. But, what do we do when the person who is not fond of us (okay, they hate us) is our boss? Will they be able to provide fair evaluations of your work? Will we be treated fairly and judged only on our work performance or will we be unable to succeed due to the boss making decisions solely on their personal hatred for us? It is illegal in many nations (including the US) for an employer to make work decisions based on personal attributes (and their feelings, stereotypes or prejudices related thereto). Thus, if your boss really does hate you (first make sure that it is not just your imagina

  • I have to love myself before I can love anyone else! BUT, how do I love myself?

    17/03/2014 Duration: 32min

    This episode is part of our JOYFUL ART OF BUSINESS™ series wherein we explore how to combine the positive benefits of our professional endeavors (“business”) with the overall positive emotional return on our efforts (“joy”). The act of engaging in professional endeavors, in any capacity (i.e., as an employee, employer, entrepreneur, contractor, volunteer, paid, full time, part time, intermittently, etc.) is an expression of our ideas and creative talents (“art”). In this episode we are exploring the specific topic of “I have to love myself before I can love anyone else! (BUT, how do I love myself if no one else does or ever has?)” It is a cliche that we have to love ourselves before we can love other people. Yet, are people loved at work? Yes. Look how people mourned with Steve Jobs died or President Kennedy. Those were business people (in technology and in politics), yet they had people who felt affection and even love for them (through their work).  How does a person who has never been loved (or who curre

  • LAW LOVERS' LOUNGE: "How do I Hire a Criminal Defense Attorney?"

    14/03/2014 Duration: 31min

    Our LAW LOVER'S LOUNGE™ series addresses a general overview of some of the most important issues to the general public! Attorney Courtney E. Anderson has owned a general practice law firm since 1998 in Texas, USA. There is no client relationship created between this show and Attorney Courtney E. Anderson, or The Law Offices of Courtney E. Anderson (Litigation-Mitigation.com). The content in these shows is for general educational purposes and is not the delivery of legal services. This episode addresses the topic of,“How do I Hire a Criminal Defense Attorney?” The phone rings in the middle of the night. Oh no, any call at this time is bringing bad news. Unfortunately, your friend/ relative/ etc. has been arrested and needs your help. You know what jail they are in but nothing else. How do you hire a criminal defense attorney to help them? In this episode we address the variety of outcomes of criminal cases in the USA. Many cases are simply dismissed by the government. Some are placed on hold (deferred) pend

  • JOYFUL ART…”How am I supposed to be joyful when horrible things keep happening?"

    13/03/2014 Duration: 31min

    This episode is part of our JOYFUL ART OF BUSINESS™ series wherein we explore how to combine the positive benefits of our professional endeavors (“business”) with the overall positive emotional return on our efforts (“joy”). Our episode topic is, ”How am I supposed to be joyful when horrible things keep happening?” “Joyful? Really? How am I supposed to swallow this “joyful” stuff when my life is horrible? Painful. Depressing. Lonely. Must be easy for “some people” to “be joyful” when their lives are easy! If people were facing real problems they wouldn’t have time for “joy” because they would be too mired in the never-ending “pain and disappointment.” Life is to be endured, not enjoyed.” These are sentiments that I have heard countless times. I am asked how I can “peddle joy” when I know that life is horrific for many people. If I did not genuinely believe the content, I would not provide it. I write the content from my heart in an effort in my own small way to help (people, organizations, etc.). Life is b

  • SwCA Episode 057: The most important teaching tool is passion? Really?

    12/03/2014 Duration: 32min

    SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-057-educatorsrsquo-eden-series-the-most-important-teaching-tool-is-passion-really.html SHOW NOTES: This episode is part of our EDUCATORS’ EDEN™ series wherein we explore the paradise that the most passionate, creative and committed educators create for themselves, their students, peers, administrations and institutions!  I have taught primarily in graduate business school programs (MBA) but also have experience with undergraduate students (and even spent some time as a public school substitute teacher in K-12). As a proud fourth generation educator (parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents were all educators), I know what a joy and privilege it is to be a scholar and teacher! Our episode topic is, “The most important teaching tool is passion? Really?”  What makes a “happy" educator? Does it require someone who is passionate about acquiring new knowledge? Does it require an unquenchable thirst for information and ideas? Is the desire to share and trans

  • HELP! SITUATION: “How do I handle jealousy at work?”

    11/03/2014 Duration: 32min

    In our HELP! SITUATION SPOTLIGHT™ series, we shine the light on challenges that community members have shared with me. This episode is, “ How do I handle jealousy at work?” Jealousy. Envy. How does a person handle it when others at work (especially peers) are jealous of them? What makes people jealous of you at work? What can you do to prevent or stop jealousy? I am able to admire a strength in another person without it relating to a negative perception of myself. Just because someone succeeds doesn’t automatically mean that I fail. Some people are already committed to a personal plan of self-degradation and self-criticism. Thus, if they see something else positive in other people, it triggers in them their fears, insecurity and pain. This results in them being jealous and engaging in behavior to try to diminish the accomplishments or strengths of other people (with verbal teasing or put-downs, with insults, with passive aggressive behavior to sabotage them). This is a sad way of life and we should have em

  • MYTH WARRIORS! “I am too _____ to find the relationship of my dreams!" (Okay).

    10/03/2014 Duration: 32min

    In the MYTH WARRIORS™ series we are targeting ideas to begin to assess whether they are credible or not. We are warriors fighting to establish clarity between what is accurate and what is simply a myth (or falsehood) in life. In this episode we delve into, “I am too _____ to find the healthy, loving relationship of my dreams!” (Okay).  Too fat? Too fat? Too tall? Too short? Too talkative? Too quiet? Too young? Too old? Too weird? Too boring? Is it your nose? Your hair? Your ears? Your eyes? Your skin? Your color? Your voice? What do you claim is preventing you from finding the healthy. loving, relationship of your dreams? Is it a myth? Or, is it the truth that you are flawed and until you “fix” it (your hair, nose, skin, size, color, voice, personality, etc.) you are doomed to be unloved and unloveable? You will wand the planet lonely and forsaken as you are worthless until you becomes someone else (aka you with a different ______)? Men have told me they are “too short,” “too nice” and “too trusting” (woman

  • FINANCIAL FIERCENESS!-“How to buy a home with challenges (credit, single, etc.)"

    07/03/2014 Duration: 31min

    This episode is part of our FINANCIAL FIERCENESS!™ series! In this episode we are examining the issue of “How to buy a home with challenges (credit, single woman, etc.)!” Many individuals want a home but are not treated well by professionals when we go to buy a home. Some of us are in fact told that we are not able to buy a home when we are in fact able to do so! Some people may treat us poorly because of our credit or our status (single woman, ethnicity, etc.). There is nothing more frustrating than being ready to give someone your money and they won’t take it! I have experienced many people telling me “no” in my property purchase journey and this show is to identify when to ignore a “no” and how to find a “yes” in life!  If you have income and some credit, you are most likely going to be able to purchase a home (not any home you want, but a home that fits your credit profile and income). It is imperative that you understand the options available to you and that you are aware of your rights. Also, there ar

  • JOYFUL ART OF BUSINESS:The “Client Experience” Employee: Transform your career-2

    06/03/2014 Duration: 31min

    This episode is part of our JOYFUL ART OF BUSINESS™ series and we are exploring the specific issue of, “The “Client Experience” Employee: How it transforms careers!” (Part 2 of 2) The most common frustrations and complaints that employees share with me in regards to their employers relate to differing expectations of each party. With a loved one (especially with a spouse/ partner), we expect to have our feelings, desires and preferences acknowledged and taken into consideration. We expect attention, caring, consideration, time, deference to our needs and desires, open communication and more from them. This show explores the idea that we should not expect that from an employer. The “Client Experience” Employee is one that treats the employer as a client. They accept that the client pays for their time and input but they may ignore everything that they advise. They understand that a client has the total option to run their lives as they choose. An attorney advises their client, “Don’t do this!” The client do

  • JOYFUL ART OF BUSINESS:The “Client Experience” Employee: Transform your career-1

    05/03/2014 Duration: 31min

    This episode is part of our JOYFUL ART OF BUSINESS™ series and we are exploring the specific issue of, “The “Client Experience” Employee: How it transforms careers!” (Part 1 of 2) The most common frustrations and complaints that employees share with me in regards to their employers relate to differing expectations of each party. Many employees expect that an employer will care about their personal lives, will “respect” them (as manifested in appreciation gestures), and that the employer should be loyal to them and treat them as an equal partner. There is a belief that if the employee makes sacrifices (of time, etc.) the employer should reciprocate with commitment to a longterm mutually beneficial employment relationship. These employees perceive that the employers should consider their feelings, personal obligations and experiences in crafting the work environment (schedules, etc.) and that the employer “owes” the employee the “stability” of an on-going position as long as they are “doing their job.” There

  • SwCA Episode 051: Creating Corporate Training that Changes Behavior!

    04/03/2014 Duration: 31min

    SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-051-hr-heroes-hangout-series-creating-corporate-training-that-changes-behavior.html SHOW NOTES: Our HR HEROES HANGOUT™ series is dedicated to those unsung HR heroes! In this episode our topic is, “Creating Corporate Training that Changes Behavior!” Education is a lifelong process! Corporate education (aka training) is a conduit for employees to be able to have their learning time subsidized by their employer. In a global knowledge economy the ability of the individual to enhance their skills and critical thinking is directly related to their professional opportunities. How do HR HEROES ensure that they have a culture and expectation for staff that educational opportunities are important and have expected outcomes (of performance)? It starts with making sure that educational events are utilized sparingly (you want to respect the existing duties that staff members already have), that the presenters are skilled at live entertainment and engagement (if attende

  • LAW LOVER’S LOUNGE: “Should I take a plea in my criminal case?”

    03/03/2014 Duration: 32min

    Our LAW LOVER'S LOUNGE™ series addresses a general overview of some of the most important issues to the general public! Attorney Courtney E. Anderson has owned a general practice law firm since 1998 in Texas, USA. There is no client relationship created between this show and Attorney Courtney E. Anderson, or The Law Offices of Courtney E. Anderson (Litigation-Mitigation.com). The content in these shows is for general educational purposes and is not the delivery of legal services. This episode addresses the topic of,“Should I take a plea in my criminal case?” In the USA, the criminal justice system overwhelming results in plea deals instead of trials (over 90% of the time on average). This episode walks you through your arrest, arraignment, bail, appearance settings, offers from prosecutors, moving your case on the calendar towards trial and the options in terms of fees and time involved in trial. If you can afford (in terms of money and time) to go to trial, do so. If you obtain the offer you initially wa

  • MYTH WARRIORS!"Women who succeed professionally fail in personal relationships"

    28/02/2014 Duration: 31min

    In the MYTH WARRIORS™ series we are targeting ideas to begin to assess whether they are credible or not. We are warriors fighting to establish clarity between what is accurate and what is simply a myth (or falsehood) in life. All of this is in furtherance of our mission to surpass our goals! In this episode we delve into the somewhat deceptively simple concept of, “Women who succeed professionally fail in personal relationships.” Are women able to “have it all?” Should they “lean-in?” Do women have to choose between working in professional endeavors and having any personal life (or relationships) at all? Does a woman have to either decide 100% to work inside the home (mother, wife, etc.)? Does a woman have to accept that if she does any professional work outside the home that she will be a failure as a mother, wife, friend, daughter, sibling, etc. (in all of her personal relationships)? If a woman already has some professional accomplishments in life and she is single, is she doomed to be alone forever (as s

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