Plausibly Live! - The Official Podcast Of The Dave Bowman Show



The Dave Bowman Show returns to podcast. The former Afternoons Live host joins you at least three times a week to give you his opinions, look at the historical angles of the the big stories and even throw in a sea story or two.


  • Silence Will Not Protect You

    01/11/2018 Duration: 53min

    I  feel like Halloween was dying, but now it�s not. The arguments over the  14th Amendment continue, but as usual, most people are ignoring the  real issue. And fear is silencing people. It must not. Because the  lesson is that silence will not save you.

  • Oct 31 Is My Favorite Day

    31/10/2018 Duration: 56min

    October  31 is many things to people. Yes, it�s Halloween and my kids and grand kids are excited. Yes, it has religious significance. Yes, it means  the calendar is about to turn to bleak November. But it is my favorite  day of the year. Just breath in and you�ll understand why�

  • Jus Soli

    30/10/2018 Duration: 53min

    There  was a time in this country with the legal concept of jus soli. Then the  Supreme Court decided that was not acceptable. Because it would mean  that people born here would become automatically become citizens.

  • Hate, History and Hope

    29/10/2018 Duration: 52min

    There  is much on my mind today. More than words will adequately express. But, I will try. We will look at hatred. History. And we will continue to  hope.

  • A Trip Through 3 Billion Years of History

    27/08/2018 Duration: 53min

    Vacation 2018 has ended. It was marvelous and it has led me to a personal decision about my own future. John McCain passes away, I say what I have always said about him: He was a politician. Anti-Vaxxers are the latest manifestation of the Great Patriotic Internet War�s fallout, and Duncan Hunter should resign from Congress. Even if he�s not guilty of a crime, he should still resign because he is guilty of one thing that every politician � even John McCain -  has long ago forgotten.

  • Spanking the Hippo

    14/08/2018 Duration: 51min

    I�m not as ready for this as I sound. Experts around the country are  complaining that we aren�t listening to them when they tell us what is  going to happen. Can anybody come up with a reason why that might be so?  I love baseball, but the steroids argument is getting weird. It has  skewed what we think we saw. And the #warwithoutend or declaration that we were told is over, isn�t.

  • It's At The End of the Hall...

    13/08/2018 Duration: 53min

    Sometimes I miss California. No, really, sometimes I do. And then�  California calls me and I remember why I not only don�t really miss it, I  yearn for the day when our divorce is 100% complete. Peter Strzok has  been fired by the FBI. Standby for Talking heads telling you why this is  both good and bad and bi-partisan and political. But there is really  bad news today. We�re about to lose a musical icon. So... a couple of housekeeping  things first. I will only be here for the show today and tomorrow (Tuesday). On  Wednesday, Ben and I are headed out for a "Guys" day in Oregon with my Brotherin  and his son. We'll be home very late that night, so probably not conducive to  doing a Thursday show. and on Friday we will be quite busy getting packed up for  vacation. I will be gone all of the next  week, on a vacation that is shaping up to be EPIC. Two full days in Yellowstone.  A full day in Little Piney Creek, another full day at Little Big Horn, an

  • New (Old) Spock?

    01/08/2018 Duration: 53min

    Once upon a time, the Supreme  Court was asked to stop something that had already happened from happening.  Yesterday, the Attorney Virtue Signaling General of Washington State  asked the Federal courts to stop something from happening that already  happened. It won't work. It cannot work. But it's something, so like a straw  ban, we're gonna do it, because it's "something..." Star Trek: Discovery is going to destroy Mr. Spock by making him "not entirely the Spock who has been formed  enough to be the Spock that we know from TOS. There's a lot of story about who  Spock was before he becomes the Spock that is the yin-yang to Kirk... we have an  opportunity to present a version of Spock that's both totally consistent with  the Spock everyone knows but very, very different. In Tacoma, a bunch of perverts  were  arrested for trying to use Social Media to have sex with little kids. Of  course, that's already illegal, but there's no Attorney Virtue Si

  • Freedom and Liberty

    08/12/2015 Duration: 07min

    Dave often says that liberty and freedom are NOT the same thing. Here�s why he says that...

  • The Infamous Eddie Call

    28/07/2009 Duration: 04min

    The only caller ever banned on Afternoons Live...

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