Reliv Forever Young

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 55:57:21
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Ever feel brain fog? Memory and/or loss of energy? Pain? Miracle pills for heath and happiness don’t exist. However, I am holistic and realistic, and I strive towards optimal health and an active lifestyle. I’ve found the secret to live life to the fullest, energized, and am currently living pain-free! Along with so have many others... and so can YOU!! I’m so encouraged to be golden in my Golden Years. Many blessings! It’s fabulous to get together with you all. Please favorite my podcast and stop by again soon! Always remember, the ‘present’ is our gift in life.


  • 43 :: “Inner Peace

    14/01/2019 Duration: 46min

    43 :: Inner Peace & Coming into Centeredness, finding you own inner balance... “Words do not teach at all. It is life experience that brings you your knowing. But when you hear words that are a vibrational match to the knowing that you have accumulated, then sometimes it’s easier for you to sort it all out.” Excerpted from Chicago, IL on 11/2/97 Our Love Esther (Abraham and Jerry) . Cheers

  • 42 :: “THRIVER Mode - The Art

    03/01/2019 Duration: 49min


  • 41 :: “Finding your SWEET SPOT”

    21/12/2018 Duration: 22min

    41 :: “Finding your SWEET SPOT” .

  • 40 :: “The Power of Forgiveness” ☺️

    15/12/2018 Duration: 34min

    Forgiveness: Letting go of grudges and bitterness These wounds can leave you with lasting feelings of anger and bitterness — even vengeance. But if you don't practice forgiveness, you might be the one who pays most dearly. By embracing forgiveness, you can also embrace peace, hope, gratitude and joy. Consider how forgiveness can lead you down the path of physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. What is forgiveness? Forgiveness means different things to different people. Generally, however, it involves a decision to let go of resentment and thoughts of revenge. The act that hurt or offended you might always be with you, but forgiveness can lessen its grip on you and help free you from the control of the person who harmed you. Forgiveness can even lead to feelings of understanding, empathy and compassion for the one who hurt you. Forgiveness doesn't mean forgetting or excusing the harm done to you or making up with the person who caused the harm. Forgiveness brings a kind of peace that helps you go on with

  • 39 :: “Motivation Muscle Monday Funday!”

    03/12/2018 Duration: 27min

    A Star ⭐️ is Born Lady Gaga & Brad Cooper in a sensational movie

  • 38 :: “Emotional Mastery”

    25/11/2018 Duration: 33min

    True meaning of life ~ 14th Dalai Lama “We are visitors on this planet. We are here for ninety or one hundred years at the very most. During that period, we must try to do something good, something useful with our lives. If you contribute to other people’s happiness, you will find the true goal, the true meaning of life.”

  • 37 :: “Where Everyone Knows Your Name”

    21/11/2018 Duration: 26min

    Can you believe the holidays are already around the corner? Time flies right? Get a head start on the NEW Year with a NEW life! Sharing my journey with many gems

  • 36 :: “Sanctifying Sage”

    14/11/2018 Duration: 01h11min

    “Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.” "Wisdom combines the spontaneous with the eternal, the personal with the universal, the practical with the symbolic, and unites soul with spirit. Inner wisdom fosters emotional intelligence, reveals unique visions, and keeps the soul lively at any age." .

  • 35 :: “FLUID Fruition”

    09/11/2018 Duration: 01h03s

    The mighty and imposing oak tree is strong and seemingly invincible, standing sometimes for hundreds of years. Yet fierce winds and driving rain make it vulnerable to destruction because of its rigidity and shallow root system. On the other hand, the palm tree is much better at weathering storms because of its pliable trunk and deeper root system that allow it to sway with strong winds and hold fast despite saturated soil. The palm tree may bend, but it will not break and will indeed thrive despite intense weather. Like the palm tree, we too can develop resilience and thrive, even in the face of life’s storms. “The mighty and imposing oak tree is strong and seemingly invincible, standing sometimes for hundreds of years.” Thriving True thrivers are not necessarily fortunate people who have known only advantage or good luck. Life for most of us is largely a set of unpredictable events, many of which can be extremely difficult or even tragic. Yet each one of us can thrive, not just despite but because of adversi

  • 34 :: “Basu Bosu” ☯️ Be in Harmony with YOU

    06/11/2018 Duration: 32min

    I believe Truth is like God's fingerprint on our soul. I'm convinced we're created with an intrinsic capacity to feel it. I've discovered that 'finding' Truth is not purely an intellectual or analytical exercise. It's a feeling, a shiver of knowing. For me it's like something tickling the whiskers of my soul, letting me know I just brushed up against it. ~Rebecca Rose, It Tickled the Whiskers of My Soul Turn on the light within, expand your horizons and reach your full potential. ~Amit Ray, Peace Bliss Beauty and Truth: Living with Positivity Aflatoxins in peanuts

  • 33 :: “Free & Fearless”

    05/11/2018 Duration: 01h07s

    “F-E-A-R has two meanings: 'Forget Everything And Run' or 'Face Everything And Rise.' The choice is yours.” ~Zig Ziglar “Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it.” ― Gautama Buddha “What is to give light must endure burning.” ― Viktor E. Frankl “Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones. A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share about you.” ― Shannon L. Alder “All you can ever achieve is a sense of your soul. You gain little glimpses of its light, colors, and contours. You feel the inspiration of its possibilities and the wonder of its mysteries.” ― John O’Donohue “We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share.This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.” ― Deepak Chopra .

  • 32 :: “Stick with It”

    30/10/2018 Duration: 35min

    “Desire is the key to motivation, but it's the determination and commitment to unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek.” ~ #MarioAndretti .

  • 31 :: “Goddess Invocation”

    29/10/2018 Duration: 38min

    Your happiness is the most significant contribution that you could make. In your reaching for happiness, you are opening a vortex which makes you an avenue for the Well-being to flow through you. And anything that is your object of attention under those conditions, benefits by the infusion of your Well-being. Excerpted from Boston, MA on 10/10/99 Our Love Esther (Abraham and Jerry) --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • 30 :: “LIFE & LOVE Force”

    29/10/2018 Duration: 59min

    Meditation Insight Timer App .

  • 29 :: “Follow Your BLISS”

    24/10/2018 Duration: 28min

    All the resources you will ever want or need are at your fingertips. All you have to do is identify what you want to do with it, and then practice the feeling-place of what it will feel like when that happens. There is nothing you cannot be or do or have. You are blessed Beings; you have come forth into this physical environment to create. There is nothing holding you back, other than your own contradictory thought. And your emotion tells you you’re doing that. Life is supposed to be fun—it is supposed to feel good! You are powerful Creators and right on schedule. Savor more; fix less. Laugh more; cry less. Anticipate positively more; anticipate negatively less. Nothing is more important than that you feel good. Just practice that and watch what happens. There is great love here for you. We are complete. Excerpted from North Los Angeles, CA on 3/22/03 Our Love Esther (Abraham and Jerry) .

  • 28 :: “Spread Your Vitality FEVER”

    24/10/2018 Duration: 39min

    Connect with your TRIBE, celebrate

  • 27 :: “What Fills Your Cup?” Be a THRIVER, not just a survivor

    23/10/2018 Duration: 01h04s

    You cannot really disconnect yourself from the passionate, desirous being that you are. It was with enormous clarity that you came forth into this body, and that’s why when you try to hold your desire down, it keeps coming up…Your cork will always float unless you are holding it down. Excerpted from Silver Spring, MD on 4/19/97 Our Love Esther (Abraham and Jerry) --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • 26 :: “Russian Lift” Secret Technique

    21/10/2018 Duration: 01h06s

    Challenges Are What Make Life Interesting And Overcoming Them Is What Makes Life Meaningful. - Joshua J. Marine . And if you are a driven divorced woman who wants to THRIVE and ROCK midlife... our #facebook community may be for you! . .     

  • 25 :: “Leak your AWESOMENESS!!”

    19/10/2018 Duration: 53min

    “Your heart is where your inner light resides. It is part of every sacred journey to reconnect with your inner light, step into your divinity, spread the light of love before you, return to the essence of love, and inspire others to do the same.” ~Molly Friedenfeld ________________________________ Flush those toxins!! Dr Hyman explains... Scientists recently uncovered a surprising and disturbing fact: environmental toxins make you fat and cause diabetes(1). Inside the body, these chemicals monkey with our ability to balance blood sugar and metabolize cholesterol. Over time, the changes can lead to insulin resistance. This discovery should be headline news but no one is talking about it. Why? Because there are no drugs to treat it. In the quest to conquer the two biggest epidemics of our time—diabetes and obesity—we’ve got to turn our attention to the heavy burden environmental toxins put on our bodies. Until conventional medicine catches up, you’ve got to optimize your body’s ability to rid itself of toxins

  • 24 :: “Horse Stance”

    18/10/2018 Duration: 27min

    There are many benefits and variations of horse stance, however, it’s a discipline that serves as a foundation. Here’s more info I found that’s so wonderfully expressed: In the beginning the horse stance is a physical practice that will improve your leg strength, but there are more subtle benefits that occur with time. While stance training will give you incredibly strong legs and stamina, it’s not necessarily a result of ‘strong muscles’ alone. Deeper levels of strength are created in the stance from a strong internal flow of Qi / Chi, and an ability to develop torque, or spiral forces through your whole body. This can develop internal force and an ability to direct and concentrate energy in specific areas of your body. The essence of this is simple, but the process is far form easy, and takes years of practice… But well worth it, if you’re looking to experience the powerful potential deep within your body and mind. . And i

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