Christian Challenge Csuc



Talks from our weekly large group meeting as well as conference messages and classic discipleship messages that we recommend.


  • Foolish Strategies: Glory Way and Predatory Way - Randy Lanthripe

    13/07/2018 Duration: 30min

    In the last of the series on Foolish Strategies, Randy talks about the Glory Way and Predatory fools, and wraps up with how we can put off foolish strategies and begin to put on Jesus Christ. Each foolish strategy is trying to get the best life without factoring in God - we have to acknowledge and respect God enough to do what he says as we move away from foolishness.

  • Foolish Strategies: Fun Way - Randy Lanthripe

    05/07/2018 Duration: 35min

    In the fourth message of the Foolish Strategies series, Randy talks about the Fun Way fool, who is out for their own enjoyment. Staying within God's boundaries is necessary for a fruitful life, but the Fun Way fool ignores the boundaries in their focus on what they want.

  • Foolish Strategies: Reactive Way - Randy Lanthripe

    28/06/2018 Duration: 33min

    In the third message of the Foolish Strategies series, Randy talks about how reacting angrily or being upset is a strategy that all of us can default to if we are not careful. Avoiding this strategy leads to better relationships as we treat people without being reactive or manipulative.

  • Foolish Strategies: Easy Way - Randy Lanthripe

    23/06/2018 Duration: 36min

    In the second message of his series on foolish strategies, Randy Lanthripe covers the patterns of the Easy Way fool and gives ways to recognize and correct these patterns for ourselves.

  • Foolish Strategies: Overview - Randy Lanthripe

    12/06/2018 Duration: 46min

    In this overview of foolish strategies, Randy covers five Hebrew words for "fool" and how we can use what the Bible says about them to recognize and change these patterns in our own lives. This is the first of a five message series on foolish strategies.

  • Perseverance in Disciplemaking - Neil Walker

    08/06/2018 Duration: 29min

    The last message of Neil’s series on discipleship focuses on what it will take to persevere in multiplying our faith, using 2 Timothy 2:2-5 as an outline for what we should strive for. We should be aware of distractions so that we can identify and combat them when they come up.

  • Equipping Disciples - Neil Walker

    04/06/2018 Duration: 36min

    In the third message of his series on discipleship, Neil talks about the most important things to pass on to people through discipleship, and how we can do this effectively. This can be summed up through three steps - see the goal, set the pace, share your life.

  • Establishing Disciples - Neil Walker

    31/05/2018 Duration: 39min

    The second message in Neil’s series focuses on how we can grow personally and how we can invest in others to help them. Passing on information is not enough to change lives – real relationships based on love make the difference.

  • Decisions to Make in College - Neil Walker

    24/05/2018 Duration: 42min

    In the first of Neil’s message series at Spring Break, he gives his testimony and talks about the importance of making disciples as God’s purpose for our lives. This overview sets the foundation for the rest of the sessions, giving reasons for discipleship and challenging us to have a right perspective on our purpose during and after college. 

  • Becoming a Proverbs 31 Woman - Brittany Bryan

    18/05/2018 Duration: 42min

    The Proverbs 31 woman has several attributes that form a picture of what it means to be a godly woman. Brittany goes through these qualities, and gives examples of people who lived this type of life. 

  • Foundations: Stay the Course - Paul Worcester

    14/05/2018 Duration: 54min

    In a message directed towards graduating seniors, Paul challenges us to leave a legacy of people walking more closely with God because of our lives. The attributes he talks about developing are incredibly important for continuing growth throughout our lives. 

  • Foundations: Connecting to God's Capacity - David Clark

    04/05/2018 Duration: 33min

    In this talk, David digs into John 15 and Galatians 5, explaining what it means to abide in Christ and walk in the Spirit. 

  • Foundations: The Ultimate Foundation - Paul Worcester

    02/05/2018 Duration: 39min

    "For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ." - 1 Corinthians 3:11.  Paul talks about the ultimate foundation in the Christian life - Jesus. Growing in our knowledge and pursuit of God is a privilege that we have through Christ that we cannot ignore!

  • Foundations: The Filter Effect - Cody Bryan

    19/04/2018 Duration: 40min

    The way we view the Bible is crucial to our perspective on life as a Christian. Cody gives some practical ways the Bible should affect us in different areas of life, and challenges us to filter our views through the Bible instead of the other way around. 

  • Foundations: Strong and Courageous - David Clark

    18/04/2018 Duration: 16min

    Although the recording is not complete, there is a lot for us to learn from David's unpacking of the Hebrew word hazaq- translated primarily as "strong." Getting a grip on responsibilities is a struggle for every stage of life, and David covers what it means to act with hazaq. 

  • How to Have a Multiplying Ministry - Max Barnett

    16/04/2018 Duration: 01h01min

    Developing your personal and organizational ministry to multiply is a crucial concern for making disciples. In this talk, Max gives some ideas for how to effectively multiply your ministry.   This message was originally found on

  • Barriers to Prayer - Josh Jenkins

    11/04/2018 Duration: 21min

    There are attitudes about prayer that can shape our perspective and value of it as a discipline. Josh talks about some of the things that can discourage us and how to move past distraction or struggle in prayer. 

  • Five Tips for Effective Prayer - Kevin Thorsell

    10/04/2018 Duration: 36min

    Kevin Thorsell gives some tips on praying effectively and enjoying it. This talk is convicting and motivating to think about and improve how we pray. 

  • Prayer Matters - Paul Worcester

    09/04/2018 Duration: 49min

    Most Christians would agree prayer is important - but how much is that statement reflected in our daily lives? An accurate perspective on prayer is vital, and Paul gives a great message on why and how we should pray, with examples from the Bible, history, and people from his own life. 

  • Foundations: Prayer - Cavin Miller

    07/04/2018 Duration: 43min

    Prayer is an essential part of living as a Christian, and directly affects our relationship to God. Cavin covers reasons why to pray, along with some practical tips for people who want to improve their prayer life. 

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