Rebelle Mystics Radio



Where rebelle meets mystic, punk meets priestess, loner meets extrovert, soulful meets down-to-earth, and F-bomb meets Om, and where this whole seemingly disparate brood is welcome to exist at the same time.Join Pamella Heikel and Kate Case as they dive into discussions that only long-time soul sisters and colleagues can have. They riff about being both skeptics and questioning patriarchal norms AND mystics who believe in a direct experience with something More.Join us as we bridge the gap between the everyday and the sacred as we explore the pitfalls of any one particular linear dogmatic perspective and the strengths that come from living in a cyclical fluid way in rhythm with Nature PLUS our struggles (and celebrations!) with both.


  • EP 48 - New Year New You Bullshit 2.0

    05/01/2019 Duration: 01h03min

    Welcome to another New Year + New You...or not. Together we talk about easing into the New Year and what that may look like for us and offer suggestions to help you dear Rebelle's makes some sense of this transition. Kate blogs about her Steps to a new year, be sure to follow the link here to read more and listen on: In the meantime, we would love to hear your thoughts around new year resolutions, goal setting, intentions and choosing a word of the year. P

  • EP 47 - Yule: The Darkness and the Light

    22/12/2018 Duration: 01h12min

    Welcome to your Yuletide episode where we talk about decorating the darkness and Celtic influences on our many modern day traditions. We dive into how darkness is not to be feared, in fact it is a time to be steeped in creativity. We transition into some Goddess stories of the Deer Mother and how to return home to ourselves during this time of restoration, rest, and nourishment. In 2019 and onward we would love to hear more from you about topics and questions that you may have. Drop us a line! PAMELLA: B

  • EP 46 - What is rest?

    15/12/2018 Duration: 01h30s

    What is rest? Popular culture has told and sold us the idea of what rest means and should look like...but have YOU really thought about what truly brings you regeneration? What helps you to remain in alignment? Especially during the holidays, we find ourselves being pulled in so many different directions: on one hand we are scrambling to plan, buy, bake, cook, create and gather, and yet on the other hand we are told this time of year is for rest. Kate and I get into dissecting what rest means to us and ho

  • EP 45 - One Year Anniversary

    08/12/2018 Duration: 01h24min

    We celebrate our one year anniversary by taking a trip down memory lane. We visit episodes that truly spoke to us, dissecting them, putting them back together and giving our thoughts about where we are now. We noticed some beautiful themes throughout the year as the show evolved and we evolved together as friends and individuals. in 2019 and onward we would love to hear more from you about topics and questions that you may have. Drop us a line! PAMELLA: Breathing into the holidays (4 x 1 hour virtual med

  • EP 44 - Do you want to be happy?

    01/12/2018 Duration: 56min

    Do you want to be happy? We dive into the idea around unconditional happiness. It is a process and a commitment like everything else we choose to bring into our lives and work on. But don't fret, we've got stories about donuts, mint chocolate donuts to be exact! Enjoy! More about what we are doing: PAMELLA: Breathing into the holidays (4 x 1 hour virtual meditation sessions): Health Coaching:

  • EP 43 - Right Back Here

    24/11/2018 Duration: 01h30s

    In this episode we are inspired by a quote by Mark Nepo, “Enlightenment is living without illusion; the only place we transcend to is right back here.” We circle around this topic talking about becoming (inspired by Michelle Obama’s new book), we talk about how we can transform pain and discomfort by working through it. We discuss how feelings and moments build so much more energy and they can be really seductive and how to identify them. Kate talks about her history with anxious moments and how she

  • EP 42 - The Deep End

    17/11/2018 Duration: 57min

    This episode is dedicated to a friend who inspired this question: Where are you? We are constantly changing, shifting, and reprioritizing throughout our lives. To do it with an open heart and eyes wide open takes courage as we allow our past to fade away and shift into our wildness. Thank you Laura, we will meet you in the deep end. xox More about what we are doing: PAMELLA: Book Club:…57c1716 Health Coaching:…pe=190

  • EP 41 - Amazing Grace

    03/11/2018 Duration: 49min

    This episode we titled Amazing Grace because we started talking about what to do when you have multiple emotions and knowing which way to go and how to experience them. What happens when resistance starts to subside. We also talk about the Hebrew word tzimtzum a term used in the Kabbalah. We touch on the difference between a meme and a koan; how one holds superficiality and the other holds depth. We talk about how we all have periods in our life where we tend to ourselves, and how being lost doesn’t need

  • EP 40 - All Hallow's Eve

    27/10/2018 Duration: 53min

    This is our 40TH EPISODE! We get into a brief chat about the symbolism around 40 days...and nights. We also touch on the fact that it is now Scorpion Season, say hello to those emotions; and the last of the harvest moons AKA The Hunter's Moon...more on that too; and finally Samhain AKA Halloween! This episode is all about the emotions and the human condition of grasping and clinging...and that it creates suffering which is a choice. More about what we are doing: PAMELLA: Book Club: pamellaheikel.us14.lis

  • EP 39 - Gratitude

    06/10/2018 Duration: 01h04min

    We dive into a conversation around gratitude as we approach Canadian Thanksgiving. We talk about thanksgiving in terms of the Fall Equinox, the collective consciousness of what gratitude can mean. Then we take a walk, as we meander about thanksgiving and gratitude and share stories. Kate shares a fabulous family story about pumpkin pie. We are grateful for this podcast as an opportunity to connect as friends and also to share with our community what we are working on and creating this month and what we are

  • EP 38 - Equinox Aftermath

    29/09/2018 Duration: 01h07min

    The Equinox Aftermath. If you haven’t listened to episode 37 Fall Equinox then we invite you to listen to that now and come back here when you are finished. Here we talk about how we navigated the seasonal shift post equinox. We share how we are feeling, what we’ve done, what has transpired or even awoken within us. We talk about the power of the collective consciousness and the idea about claiming our voice. We also mention an older interview we did over at Health Lifestyle Design Podcast about mainta

  • EP 37 - Fall Equinox

    22/09/2018 Duration: 57min

    In this episode of sharing we talk about how we welcome fall, the different energetic tone of sliding into the autumnal equinox. We discuss the beauty and miracle of living in the everyday and welcoming it in as sacred. We dive a bit into Chinese Medicine, and the connotation of letting go of what we don’t need, and the balance between yin and yang, light and shadow. We talk about Fall not only as a gateway to Winter but also the gift of the sense of equanimity and transformation, of gathering, of focusin

  • EP 36 - The Doors of Perception

    15/09/2018 Duration: 52min

    This episode is about doors of perception. We dive into the feelings and the texture of the dark moon phase, some education around the moon phases. We riff a bit about the dark moon phase around the feelings of pause, release, integration and dissolving…this inner silence. This led us into sharing what that place looks like for us when we feel like we are caught or stuck in the in between. Kate shares with us her idea of a room of potentiality; whereas Pamella’s looks like a cafe a place to sit, sip, an

  • EP 35 - New New Year

    08/09/2018 Duration: 46min

    Happy New New Year! This episode is based on a quote by Albert Camus “Autumn is a second Spring, when every leaf is a flower.” We talk about how September can often be this feeling of shift in energy and this idea of coming back. Coming back to projects, returning home to one’s self. With this season of chai and squashes, we delve deeper into the discussion of what it means to shift into a new season. Rebelle Mystics FB: Rebelle Mystics INSTA:

  • EP 34 - Collaboration + Partnerships

    01/09/2018 Duration: 01h14s

    How do you decide what collaborations and partnerships you enter into and how often do you consciously dissolve it when it's time? Do you approach them with curiosity? Perhaps you are a bit cautious? Listen along as we talk about our experiences and toward the end of the show we even touch on our own friendship and collaborations. Rebelle Mystics FB: Rebelle Mystics INSTA: EMAIL: Kate Case FB:

  • EP 33 - The Lost Summer

    25/08/2018 Duration: 59min

    In this episode, due the current wild fires, we talk about psychological factors that impact mental health due to environmental factors like weather. How massive devastation due to weather can breed hopelessness. We talk about how easy it is to dismiss the weather, yet forgetting that humans came together as a result of agriculture. Our inherent survival depends on how we navigate nature…we need to talk about the weather. We are not immune nor separated from nature; she does impact our lives. As a society

  • EP 32 - Life is a Journey

    18/08/2018 Duration: 52min

    Life is a journey. Your journey is your life. This episode pulls on a few threads: boundaries, capacity to hold space for others, health is NOT separate from life. We find ourselves beautifully continuing from our previous episode (31), about Soulcare is Selfcare: building a relationship with ourselves that includes our soul, spirit, mind and body. Your body is your direct link to experiencing life. Let your body have a voice and ask it, what do you need. Come along on our journey and connect with us to

  • EP 31 - Soulcare is Selfcare

    11/08/2018 Duration: 58min

    We are back. In this episode we talk about soul care and self care and how they are one in the same. We also speak to the idea that spirituality is about taking care of yourself. It’s late Summer and we talk about what that means from a psychological perspective and nature medicine. We also talk about how we cling to certain ways of being and how to investigate the feelings behind that to consciously choose who or what gets that energy and time. Rebelle Mystics FB: Rebell

  • EP 30 - The Handmaid's Tale A Discussion

    21/07/2018 Duration: 01h14min

    This episode is was incited by the TV show The Handmaid's Tale based on the book by author Margaret Atwood. THERE ARE NO SPOILER ALERTS! We have a discussion around what it must be like to constantly redefine our immovable centre. Always redefining our boundaries. Recognizing when they have been violated, and our willingness to respond. We grapple with the definition of bravery and what it means to us. Come along on our journey and connect with us to keep the conversation going. Rebelle Mystics FB: www.f

  • EP 29 - Stop Chasing The Cat

    14/07/2018 Duration: 57min

    In this episode here is the thread that we pull, and web we weave: The tendency to ignore the obvious invitation and rather gravitate toward experiences where there is no invitation. Drinking the juice of our own message. It seems easier to fix ourselves than other people. Dark moon, boundaries, solar eclipse. Trying to fix things with the same approach over and over again…time to bury that hatchet. Gathering in community whether it is in person or virtually, where we all have specific masks, where

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