Ignite Your Purpose



Our mission is to Educate, Engage with and to Encourage you all to a better life and fulfilment. We are Max and JB, We vlogcast, podcast, and blog on all things Health and Wellness. We want to reinvent your definition of ageing. Max is getting on, I'm even older so this knowledge comes from a life of living it, I left home at 13 Max at 15 and we have lived the highs and the lows and brought negative to positive in every aspect of our lives, its authentic and original experience


  • Is it Epidemic or Scamdemic The 2020 Debate

    21/05/2020 Duration: 05min

    Is it Epidemic or Scamdemic The 2020 Debate   Something we need to start to understand is the Spartan Mentallity~ I do not say this half assing it. Look what is happening to men in these times, yes I mean a good portion of the grown men still living at home with mommy and daddy. How in general men are being raised (again not all but we are speaking the majority).   I personally feel it will be the empowered women who take us to the next level, and again I use the word EMPOWERED very very highly!   So if we can just meet in the middle, if we can just hold our tongue and pause before we react to what is being said out loud by others who may not agree with what it is we think it correct. On the flip side if the other people can just pause and try to understand that it is ok to have different thoughts. It is ok to have different ideas, this is part of being HUMAN.   It does seem now more than ever that there are only ever going to be 2 teams and that we must pick a side...but I dont agree with that, we mus

  • How to be the Best You Sparta 2020

    19/05/2020 Duration: 02min

    How to be the Best You Sparta 2020   Do you remember the movie 300? Sparta and the Spartans, now more than ever we need this type of mindset, this type of dedication, this type of conviction in ourselves.   If we each did our best to be our best, I personally feel we would each feel and create a sense of empowerment like never before. We are each so use to having someone else make decisions for us, while following the rules, which has lead us all astray.   If for one moment you can think about or invision a wild horse. A wild horse is what we once were. Go look at a video of a wild horse, then take a look at a video of a horse that has been tamed. This is us....   We talk Longevity through a Healthy lifestyle, a mix of Mental, Physical and Spiritual knowledge, the Mind, Body Soul trifecta - Negative 2 Positive Everyday   www.mossamo.com   www.raven425.com   Apparel- https://www.raven425.com Youtube- ... http://bit.ly/ignite-your-purpose Facebook- ... https://www.facebook.com/IYPurpose/ Ins

  • How To Overcome The Negative Influence of Others

    30/03/2020 Duration: 07min

    How To Overcome The Negative Influence of Others   Why Do we let others Dim our Light? Why do we let others opinions influence who we are and how we act and interact with others? Why do we let society police our behaviours and actions?   This is something I continue daily asking myself and continue daily working on for my self to continue to elevate into the person I am meant to be and am becoming.   Even after all these years of training and looking inwards and overcoming all the programming (sorry still trying to overcome) and all the pre hardwiring in my mind, I have found myself down playing my actions and who I am to either please, appease and or keep the peace with others I have chosen to work with, be around or partnered up with.   I say this out loud to myself and each one of you, UNACCEPTABLE! This Is No Way To LIVE - Life is to short to Dim YouR LIGHT for anyone...ever...PERIOD!   If they do not respect you enough, or respect who you are, then why would any of us ever choose to be around

  • Real Men Spartans and Corna Virus 2020 And Beyond

    29/03/2020 Duration: 09min

    Real Men Spartans and Corna Virus 2020 And Beyond   This is Sparta, do you remember the movie 300?   Yes, I know it was just a movie, however there is a small factor of truth from that movie, the fact that all civilization, all ancient cultures had a group of men a group of warriors who rose up and protected the tribe.   These men, (and yes absolutely if you dig deep enough there were even tribes of females that were bad ass monsters who protected their tribes, family and or group) but the fact being they had a mentality they had a will and a duty to survive and thrive.   In the current times we are in, wow are we in the gutter to say the least, men are mainly lost puppies that can not make a decision unless the women in their life does it for them. So first off it is a fact that women are the mentally stronger group currently (again this is not every single man or every single female, but in gereral).   The military men types I train with...boss, I mean unreal strength mentally and physically, but o

  • Bare Foot And Learing The Ancient Ways The Simple Things

    28/03/2020 Duration: 08min

    Bare Foot And Learing The Ancient Ways The Simple Things   I am super tired of all the weekend warriors out there who take a course (which is amazing by the way, love the fact we are all trying to better ourselves) but so so so so many of the students and practitioners I run into seem to think that there is this elaborate spiritual hierarchy that only a few people get to experience.   Absolute BS! There are no better there are no worse, there is only those who do, an those who sorta do, and then those who fake it!   So one of my biggest lesson on this last ancient session I was on, was so so simple that it actually shook something in my core, the saying IT IS THE SIMPLE THINGS, rang very true.   So remember it is the Simple Things.   I was the last one in line on our hike the "old timer" the man who has had the ancient knowledge passed down to him in his line of lineage, stopped me at the trail head and said "You Are Ready".   Ok so I trust, that is all. I trust.   No clue what he means, what we

  • Stop The Madness We Are Back

    28/03/2020 Duration: 02min

    Stop The Madness We Are Back   I had the chance to train with some of the most saught after technicians in the soto zen game. Very last minute and very out of the blue, which is how you know the universe wanted it to be this way. I was in the back woods, trainning and learning some very deep ancient ways. More than anything though I was working on myself, my higher self.   So it's time to call out all the BS out there, all the fear needs to stop, time to level up team. Amazing things to come!   We talk Longevity through a Healthy lifestyle, a mix of Mental, Physical and Spiritual knowledge, the Mind, Body Soul trifecta - Negative 2 Positive Everyday   www.mossamo.com Apparel- https://www.raven425.com Youtube- ... http://bit.ly/ignite-your-purpose Facebook- ... https://www.facebook.com/IYPurpose/ Instagram- ... https://www.instagram.com/IYPurpose/ Podbean - https://igniteyourpurpose.podbean.com


    18/01/2020 Duration: 07min

    AI TAKE OVER OR A CONSPIRACY THEORY? Good old Elon Musk must know some pretty cool things rite! Did you know that most technology in movies has already been out to governments ect for I think at least 10 years. Meaning movies are not able to show the most up to date tech. So the public is very much in the dark as to what the newest of new tech is. Interesting right   After an impromptu meet up at a local breaki spot today as a few of my people flew in for a wedding (which I was unaware of and not invited to) we braved the cold temps to have a quick sit down to just max, and relax, and shoot the S$%T as it were. The topic of discussion was the temp and how crazy cold it has been and for how long.   So not a let's save the world type conversation just classic 'we have not seen each other in a long time so lets catch up and just vibe'. Here is the unique thing for me when I (as always sit back and observe) the universe always teaches us something....Even when we are just gossiping!   The one friend who cam


    16/01/2020 Duration: 10min

    DENTAL ASSISTANT AND MEXICAN FARMERS A TALE OF 2 WOLVES. We all have these 2 wolves in us, these 2 sides to us the good and the bad.   It took me almost 15 years to realize it is a must to embrace both sides and to not think one is better than the other or that one should never be used or looked at. In actuality they both serve a purpose for our greater goals and good. Without looking into our "dark side" or what in sotozen (the form of mindset study I practice) our shadow self. Which is the part of us we never ever want to shine a light onto. For many reasons including fear, embarrassment and shame.   So I had as always a conversation this morning where this shadow side and this mindset thing we all work on was brought to light for me in 2 different news articles from 2 different countries and ways of life.   The absolute best way to look at something if you want to grow in the spiritual aspect, meaning take out all the things we were taught and actually see things for what they are what they are meant


    16/01/2020 Duration: 09min

    AGE IS NO EXCUSE TO GIVE UP. This episode is all about the listeners of The IGNITE YOUR PURPOSE show who are past that prime age range of 24-27 for males and females which society deems is our PEAK years!! I laugh and I laugh hard at that nonsense.   So I was asked to attend a gathering of sorts with a few clients and friends of IYP, and as always I sat in and observed the entire meeting/sit down and just got a vibe got a feeling of the pulse of the team, and I did toss in a few words here and there. Yet the main focus was to see how this group of women was feeling, and what they were doing about how they felt.   Were they just having a cry session about how nothing will ever change, or was it a step into the WOKE State, the new 2020 vibe?   So out of the group there were a lot of them who were sick and tired of being sick and tired, and of them all there were 2 who had already made the change for the better. 2 years deep to be exact.   So again as an observer, the visual look of the 2 who had already


    14/01/2020 Duration: 07min

    The Red Pill The Matrix and Being Woke, what a start to 2020 for some of our listeners! The fact that there is going to be a lot of us who wake up and the fact that there is going to be a lot of us who go back to sleep is just a starting point.   So what does woke and sleep mean? Well, as always I use the MATRIX reference as a jump off point, but sleep to us here at Ignite Your Purpose means to continue to follow and fall prey to our old ways, our old beliefs, and our old system of repeating what we already know and do.   An example would be if you always take the same route home from work or school, its just auto pilot, its easy, no need to think, no need to experience anything new, we are use to it. So there will be no surprises we feel safe and secure.   To be Woke as all the cool kids call it nowadays is to simply wake up out of the old system we use to follow blindly. It's a starting point of questioning why it is we do the things we do. Where did it come from, why do I believe it, why is it that I

  • Jumping On The Band Wagon Just Because

    11/01/2020 Duration: 08min

    Jumping on the band wagon just because. So does it feel rite or do we just want to be rite and have our ego be apart of the winning team? Honestly think about that one, as I sat in on a town hall type meeting I was witness to an escalation of words simply to be part of the winning team.  I had no dog in the fight it was not my country and I was simply there as an observer to see how the human mind and spirit react to debate nowadays in a political religious and dietary style conversation.  I was not at all surprised by the reactions as each one of us has this DNA this mindset this never back down from our belief system type mentality even though the facts may prove us wrong. Been there many many times myself personally on this empowering journey of mine!! Yet to observe, to be out of your own way and see it and think, Phuck is that what I look and sound like...it’s a fast track way to transform yourself (in my opinion) In this particular setting when a gentleman in the audience presented video fact , writt

  • Am I A Failure Because I Gave Up On My New Years Resolutions?!

    10/01/2020 Duration: 04min

    Am I a failure because I gave up on my New Years resolutions?! Yup it’s that time, a little over a week or so into the new year and guess what stats show (and we all believe the hype of stats rite) they show 33 to 35 percent of all who set out goals on New Years have give them up already.  Now as the days go on that number grows higher. I say this all the time January 2nd until about the 15th gym is packed, then it slowly starts to tapper off until by the end of February it’s empty again.... go figure rite!! But again personally I think these massive long lists of goals we make and try to achieve for ourselves are basic set ups to fail. How much thought and real consideration do we put into these? Its feels good to WANT to get these goals said out loud and started but we sometimes don't really understand what it takes to accomplish them. If we don’t have the discipline, the mindset, the experience and drive then there is no way we can execute our goals. As humans this leads to a low a rut the feeling of dep

  • Fat Sick And Nearly Dead Where's Our Heads At?

    07/01/2020 Duration: 08min

    Fat sick and nearly dead where’s our heads at? Everyday we try to be better rite. Baby steps that all it takes and some real dedication. It’s not an easy road thats paved with gold. We have to look into some areas of ourselves that are not so pretty, not so great, humiliating, embarrassing, and very painful with hurt, and regret. But on the other side boy oh boy!! Priceless and that’s facts!!  So when I hear my people (who are so powerful and amazing) not taking their health and growth seriously it takes me a moment to understand and invoke compassion. How is that or why is that you ask? Well, my dear friends let me tell you. So we as a people cannot claim we are too busy (to meditate, walk, work out, sip a t) when we spend 2 hours plus a day shit talking leaders of countries and others on line which is pretty much a waste of time in the big picture of things in life. We can’t claim we are to broke to eat healthy when you go and spend tens of thousands of dollars on face lifts or Botox or whatever the F£€

  • Ricky Gervais Fires, Wars, Climate Change, Stop The Lies!

    06/01/2020 Duration: 05min

    Ricky Gervais fires, wars, climate change stop the lies! I tell you what we live in a time when fast food and fast headlines are killing us softly. Are we loosing our ability to think and do for ourselves.... yup I think so.   Nonetheless it’s a place in time that we each need to step into our own power, we need to take back our power. We need more people in position of influence to start maybe giving a little bit of a middle report on what’s going on.   It’s not so left or so right but let’s meet in the middle. It’s about hope and it’s about a purpose driven life. Let’s stop the quick fix BS lifestyle! The only people who are going to be able to save or help or better us, is us!   Yes, that mean's me and that mean's you. No one else truly gives a phuck this is just fact. They want to take our money our power our health or whatever it maybe, and the only way to combat that is to be mentally, physically and spiritually on point. The Strength is within us, it never left, we just forget we have it, because

  • Snake Oil Sales Man Fuck Em!

    04/01/2020 Duration: 08min

    Snake oil sales man fuck em!! So so disappointed in all the broken people who continue to break people. The only reason it irks me is because these people I spoke to today damn well know they don’t have the answers, they don’t actually take care of themselves as they preach to others, they don't practice what they preach at all, and yet want to portray to people that they have it all figured out.   As well charge money to lead these people down an unreasonable path that leads to nowhere. For me, my take was that these groups I met with (whom asked for my opinion and help mind you) never put in the real work to get to the bottom of their own personal issues. Even the name of their talks or their course is just an absolute blatant lie to what they actually are and portray. If there was just a little honesty just a little realness I could have really got behind them, yet to fake and lie through social media and pictures just shows that the intent is not positive!   So why does any of this matter? Simply bec

  • Fuck Fear Be Inspired To Live

    04/01/2020 Duration: 08min

    Fuck fear be inspired to live. It’s a new day it’s a new you. Why do we live in this self inflicted prison / fear state? We all have partners in our life from work to family and we are all under the same influences of these new energies hitting the planet currently. So none of us are special and none of are getting out of this without being effected.  Yet I urge all of us to try to take a few moments to analyze our reactions to opportunities, and our reactions to fear, and our reactions to our own thought process to how we respond to the things that come at us daily. If we can pause and simply put a little critical thinking into the 'why am I responding like this as I always do time after time?!'  We need to learn and by this I mean just a little push each day, little by little to be a tiny bit more confident then we were yesterday. To blossom into the human we were put on this planet to become. Fear is the control form that keeps each and every one of us in our own prison cell. Only we do that, and we do t

  • Broken People Break People, Healed People Heal People

    03/01/2020 Duration: 07min

    Broken people break people, healed people heal people. If we are not looking up to those who are older than us and in amazing health then we are missing out on some of the best education available to us out there.  Really think about these are the type of people who have put in the real time, effort, and hard work to go through the ups and downs of what it is to heal to be better and to learn what works best. Guess what each one of us is capable of this as well it just takes time and effort. However the outcome of being healed is something that is not explainable unless you get to experience it.  This struggle and this process is not always fun but to live our best life if the entry point is a little discomfort then come on, what are we waiting for? We have to look and seek info that is for some reason not promoted to the main stream people, yet in a lot of other cultures these older types are highly revered for their strength, health and knowledge, again something we are not at all use to.  Yet no matter

  • Ageism, Young and damaged young and clueless yet be inspired.

    02/01/2020 Duration: 08min

    Ageism, Young and damaged young and clueless yet be inspired.   We continue on with the process of taking back our universal rite of being self empowered ok. This includes the poor view or the bigotry we all have been programmed to believe is true which is after you hit 25 life is over and you are old, your body will start falling apart have a couple kids get fat and take pills the rest of your life. Depressing or what.   Today while wishing an old business partner a happy birthday, his new partner who is a little younger was almost disappointed that the birthday boy was the best all around athlete in their gym.   From my studies all ancient groups knew as you aged you got stronger and smarter, yet as usual we do things a little backwards in the western culture don’t we.   Instead of praising this amazing ageing human he immediately wants to replace it with something younger?! Interesting rite!?! So for each one of us the time is now we are in the perfect storm to take over with the knowledge we have a

  • It’s feels so good to feel this good!

    02/01/2020 Duration: 07min

    It’s feels so good to feel this good! Looking back on some of my earliest journals of when I began all these changes in my life way back when, and I did not start journaling until maybe 3 or 4 years into my journey. However what I can tell you as an absolute fact is how amazing it feels feels to feel amazing like almost 100 percent of the time.  Again and as always we are all human and there are times when I don’t get a perfect sleep or I do catch a cold but over all I mean unless you have experienced it, it’s like you just can’t understand how amazing it is to drink this cool aid! If you are not looking up to those who are later in life and living an empowered healthy life then you are doing yourself a disservice for real.  Again I am talking from 12 plus years of doing this. Not hey I tried this for a week or 2 and it’s amazing so you should try it as well. No this is real talk and real life and you can not believe how truly good it is to have this knowledge and be able to implement it, execute the routin

  • Fuck Your New Years Resolutions They Are BS Anyway

    31/12/2019 Duration: 05min

    Fuck your New Years resolutions they are BS anyway. We as a society place all this hype all this attention all this anxiety on this one day. Why? Really think about it.   I see each and every year in a gym or in the fight club I belong to, 10 plus new people walk in January 2, then low and behold within 2 weeks we are down to 5 new people then by February you are lucky to see 1 remaining. This happens year after year. Just facts. Statistically what is it 98 percent failure rate on all the BS resolutions we think up for the up coming year. Again why?   Something we pride ourselves on here is small actions daily over a long period, that is the true road to change. Don’t get me wrong we can use this date for sure as a jump off point. However I personally feel that there is more damage caused if you fall prey to the hype, toss out a big New Years resolution and then fail. That takes a tole on our mind body and soul!!   Which then puts us in a negative emotional state, which leads to depression and then t

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