Global Goalscast



Is it possible to change the world? Can we make the world a better place for all? The answer is YES. Claudia Romo Edelman and Edie Lush share the inspiring stories of people working to create a more sustainable world while sharing simple ways for you to start taking action today.


  • 7 - Lori Castillo Martinez / Executive Vice President and Chief Equality Officer @ Salesforce

    25/10/2023 Duration: 36min

    In this episode of "A LA LATINA: The Playbook to Succeed Being Your Authentic Self," hosts Claudia Romo Edelman and Cynthia Kleinbaum Milner converse with Lori Castillo Martinez, a seasoned expert in the dynamics of career growth and workplace inclusivity. Engaging in a profound dialogue, they distill four cardinal insights resonating with anyone charting a path toward professional success. 1- The Longevity of Careers: It's Okay to Take a Step Back Lori emphasizes that careers span decades, not just years. Many harbor concerns that retreating might stall their ascent, but our discussion sheds light on how even lateral moves or temporary pauses can prove beneficial for long-term successes. The mantra? Each step, irrespective of its immediate direction, offers invaluable lessons. 2- The Power of Networking: Mentors, Sponsors, and References The conversation evolves to the undeniable value of professional relationships. With the spotlight on mentors, sponsors, and references, our guest delineates their pivotal r

  • 6- Ana Corrales / Chief Operating Officer, Devices and Services @ Google

    18/10/2023 Duration: 37min

    In this episode of "A LA LATINA: The Playbook to Succeed Being Your Authentic Self," hosts Claudia Romo Edelman and Cynthia Kleinbaum Milner chat with Ana Corrales, the dynamic COO at Google Devices and Services. Through their enlightening dialogue, they unveil three profound takeaways that can illuminate and guide anyone striving for success. 1- Process of Elimination in Career Growth Ana emphasizes the essence of advancing in one's career by a process of elimination. This means diving into roles you might not necessarily cherish, but ensuring you always leave a positive impact. The golden rule? Always leave them better than you found them and, importantly, never sever ties. 2- Embracing Constructive Feedback The second pearl of wisdom Ana shares centers on the power of feedback, even if it stings. It's about learning to extract what's beneficial for personal growth while sidelining the rest. Anna's candid narrative on being told to "be a little less" serves as a testament to this principle. 3- Finding Your

  • 5- Bea Perez / Chief Communications, Sustainability & Strategic Partnerships Officer at The Coca-Cola Company

    11/10/2023 Duration: 33min

    In this engaging episode of "A LA LATINA: The Playbook to Succeed Being Your Authentic Self," hosts Claudia Romo Edelman and Cynthia Kleinbaum Milner sit down with Bea Perez, the remarkable Chief Communication and Sustainability Officer of Coca-Cola. Through their insightful conversation, they uncover three invaluable takeaways that can guide and inspire anyone on their journey to success. 1- Take Educated Risks The first takeaway emphasizes the significance of learning to take educated risks. Bea Perez advises us to break free from the constraints of our initial thoughts, and to be unafraid of seeking help and counsel from others before arriving at a decision. By encouraging us to transcend our initial limitations, she highlights the importance of boldness and initiative in achieving our goals. 2- Deep dive into the business The second takeaway underscores the necessity of investing in a deep understanding of how our business operates. Bea Perez's wisdom here teaches us that sometimes, taking a step back o

  • 4- Elizabeth Nieto / Global Head of Equity and Impact at Spotify

    04/10/2023 Duration: 39min

    In this episode of "A LA LATINA: The Playbook to Succeed Being Your Authentic Self," our hosts Claudia Romo Edelman and Cynthia Kleinbaum Milner sit down with their guest, Elizabeth Nieto, the Global Head of Equity and Impact at Spotify. The conversation revolves around these three main points. 1. The Now-or-Never Mentality Elizabeth's upbringing in Argentina during the tumultuous 1970s played a significant role in shaping her approach to risk-taking. The seventies in Argentina were marked by political and economic instability, with social unrest and uncertainty prevalent in daily life. In such an environment, Elizabeth developed what she calls a "now or never" mentality. 2. How to Be a Good Mentee Elizabeth emphasizes the importance of being a good mentee as a critical aspect of personal and professional growth. To truly benefit from a mentorship relationship, she suggests several key qualities and behaviors that make someone a good mentee. 3. Elizabeth's Personal Leadership Playbook Elizabeth's leadershi

  • 3- Ileana Musa / Head of International Banking & Lending at Morgan Stanley

    27/09/2023 Duration: 38min

    In this episode of "A LA LATINA: The Playbook to Succeed Being Your Authentic Self," we sit down with Ileana Musa, Managing Director and Head of International Banking & Lending at Morgan Stanley. Ileana imparts three invaluable takeaways that can transform your life. 1. Comfort with Money: Ileana encourages us to break the taboo around money and financial discussions, emphasizing that being at ease with this topic is the key to paving the road to financial independence. By shedding our inhibitions and fostering financial literacy, we empower ourselves to make informed decisions. 2. The Power of Influence and Negotiation: Drawing inspiration from her Latina roots and her father's resilience, Ileana shares her journey to becoming a master negotiator and influencer. Her story underscores the importance of leaning on our cultural strengths and experiences to assert ourselves in the corporate world. 3. Embracing Positions of Power: Ileana dispels the fear of taking on leadership roles, emphasizing that these po

  • 2- Ariana Stolarz / Chief Strategy Officer, Communications x Accenture Song

    20/09/2023 Duration: 38min

    In this episode of "A LA LATINA: The Playbook to Succeed Being Your Authentic Self," we dive deep into Ariana Stolarz’s journey from Argentina to the United States, where she confronted challenges related to her accent. Her story highlights the importance of embracing one's uniqueness and leading with authenticity. In this episode, you'll discover three main takeaways: 1.- Embrace Your Accent: Ariana's personal journey teaches us that our accents should be celebrated and not hidden. Your accent is a part of your identity and can even be seen as a bilingual advantage. Learn how to turn your accent into a strength in both your personal and professional life. 2.- Lead Like a Mother: Ariana's experience as a mother and her ability to manage various aspects of her life has shaped her leadership style. Discover how motherhood can enhance your leadership skills and provide valuable insights for managing complex situations. 3.- Build Case Studies For Your Achievements: Ariana emphasizes the importance of document

  • 1 - Marissa Solis / Senior Vice President for Global Brand and Consumer Marketing in the NFL

    13/09/2023 Duration: 35min

    In this inspiring episode, join us as we dive into the remarkable journey of Marissa Solis, the Senior Vice President of Global Brand and Consumer Marketing at the NFL. Marissa's story is a testament to the power of resilience, purpose, and taking the big bets that transform careers and communities. Marissa's early life in Mexico City and Texas shaped her work ethic and values, instilling in her the importance of giving 110% in everything she does. She shares how her dream of becoming an ambassador to Latin America led her to a surprising career path and her first big bet - choosing corporate life over diplomacy. Discover the key insights Marissa gained from mentors and sponsors, and how she strategically built relationships with influential leaders to fast-track her career. Learn how she transitioned into her role at PepsiCo, leading the charge for the Hispanic Business Unit, and why she initially turned down the opportunity but eventually embraced her identity as a Latina for the benefit of both herself a

  • Welcome to A LA LATINA

    13/09/2023 Duration: 07min

    Welcome to a new chapter of the Global GoalsCast, where we dive deep into empowering stories that drive change. I'm Claudia Romo Edelman, and I'm thrilled to introduce our exciting new focus. We're evolving, but we're not saying goodbye. Over the past five years, we've highlighted those making a positive impact worldwide. Now, we're shifting our spotlight to address a pressing issue, diversity and inclusion for Latinas in the corporate world. Join us on "A LA LATINA: THE PLAYBOOK TO SUCCEED BEING YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF." We believe in the power of our voices to challenge stereotypes, break barriers, and create a more inclusive world where Latina women can thrive. Our goal is not only to inspire but also to provide real tools and directions for success in the corporate world. I'm joined by my new co-host, Cynthia Kleinbaum Milner, a seasoned marketing executive with over 20 years in the corporate world. As a Latina herself, she understands the challenges we face. Less than 2% of senior executives in major compa

  • Tsunami of Crises

    07/10/2022 Duration: 43min

    The world really is too much with us. After years of peace, prosperity and progress toward the Global Goals, challenges and setbacks are following one after another now. Mark Malloch Brown, one of the world’s experts on development, calls it a Tsunami of Crises. Covid-19 set this wave of trouble in motion. But now as the World Health Organization sees the end of the pandemic in sight, economic disruptions are deepening and inflation is rampant.We visit with an aide worker in Pakistan, Samya K. Paracha, who reports that the price has doubled for a package of basic food and fuel for families dislocated by the historic flooding.Malloch Brown notes that the rich world’s ability to help is deeply hindered by what he describes as a crisis of democracy that has distracted many developed countries. “Our global house is on fire but they’ve not heard the alarm because its not ringing in the north, “ Brown said. “There just isn’t the bandwidth to understand that this is part of a wider breakdown."Co-hosts Claudia Romo E

  • The world is already a better place

    01/02/2022 Duration: 39min

    Feeling distraught about the state of the world? This episode is for you. It turns out your pessimism is not evenly shared. Younger people, particularly younger people in the developing world, have a bright view of the future and expect their lives to be better than their parents. “This is the optimism of the tech generation that can see a way forward,” an expert on generational change, Dr. Eliza Filby explained. “They have a sense of what’s possible because they have access to information.” Which also means their hopefulness is built on a clear-eyed view, says co-host Edie Lush. “It’s not all rainbows and chocolate chip cookies,” she observed. “They do also see the challenges.” But they believe they have access to the education, skills and support to tackle those challenges, from climate to mental health to healthy food. "I think technology helps us learn alot more effeciently and faster," said Eden van Wyngaardt, a student in South Africa.  While many people in the developed world feel their expectations th

  • The Virus is Winning

    16/12/2021 Duration: 39min

    As we enter year three of the pandemic, the virus is winning. That sober assessment comes from a Special Envoy of the World Health Organization, Dr. David Nabarro. “Its winning because we have not presented a united front against it,” Nabarro explains. “and that can only be possible if world leaders work properly together.” Global GoalsCast sits in on one of Nabarro’s Covid-19 briefings with public health workers from around the world. “Unless we do this together this virus is going to beat us,” Nabarro warned, saying he and others were planning to focus next year on lobbying governments to improve cooperation against this pandemic, not just future ones. Vaccines need to be more equitably distributed, Nabarro said, yet at the same time the world needs to recognize that vaccines save lives but do not end transmission of the virus, especially with the more transmissible Delta and Omicron variants. Stopping them requires better adherence to non pharmaceutical measures like masking and social distancing. “There i

  • The Covid Gamble that came up short

    29/11/2021 Duration: 28min

    The rich world placed a big bet on vaccines. But the flaw in that gamble became clear as a new variant spreads. The vaccine was never enough to stop the pandemic, Edie Lush points out in this episode, even if the world had enough vaccine. Most of the world did not have enough vaccine and the new variant, Omicron, mutated and began to spread. Wealthy countries, which had kept most of the vaccine for themselves, are now trying to block this variant by blocking travel from countries who first identified it, Botswana, South Africa and neighboring countries in southern Africa. “People are truly livid,” Professor Magen Mhaka Mutepfa of the University of Botswana reports. Africans feel they are being ostracized by the rich world for doing the right thing: reporting the new variant the moment they identified it. Jane Badham, a health consultant, offers a heart rending report of sorrow from Johannesburg. “African governments and people will need all the solidarity of everybody,” says Dr. David Nabarro, special envoy o

  • The Climate Summit Was Better Than You Think

    22/11/2021 Duration: 44min

    Everyone seemed disappointed with the Glasgow climate summit. But maybe it was not as bad as it looked? That is the provocative insight of Isabel Hilton, an expert on both climate action and on one of the pivotal countries, China. Yes, it was “unhelpful,” as she put it, that India, with China’s backing, changed the wording of the final communique to promise a “phase down” rather than a “phase out” of coal. But this language may have reflected the need to manage domestic politics while actually making progress. “I don't think coal is safe at all after Glasgow,” Hilton told co-host Edie Lush. More generally, Edie and co-host Claudia Romo Edelman explore a fascinating reversal. Where in the past political leaders overpromised and under delivered on climate action, Glasgow may mark a moment when what is actually happening exceeds what politicians feel able to talk about as they worry about nationalist and anti-climate forces. Not everyone, of course, shares this hopeful outlook. Edie describes conversations she h

  • Covid Chaos

    04/11/2021 Duration: 23min

    The World Health Organization’s emergency committee on Covid-19 says that “analysis of the present situation and forecasting models indicate that the pandemic is far from finished.” To curtail it, a “coordinated international response” is needed, reports Co-host Claudia Romo Edelman. “Where have I heard that before?” replied co-host Edie Lush. A coordinated response is exactly what the world has not had. Edie and Claudia explore the chaotic response with Dr. David Nabarro and other health experts at his regular briefing. Rebecca Kanter, a nutrition expert based in Chile, described how travel had become a crazy patch work of rules that could only be met by taking extra doses of vaccine. “I have a PhD and I can't even figure out now what the new travel restrictions are,” she said. “I have friends who say, ‘I don't want to get 5 vaccines.’ But if the only way they can move around is to get five vaccines they're in a weird ethical dilemma.” John Atkinson, an expert on how systems work, and why sometimes they don’

  • Getting the Global Goals Back on Track

    29/10/2021 Duration: 35min

    In this episode, taped live at the end of the United Nation’s General Assembly meeting, three experts face the challenge of making up ground lost to the pandemic. Measures of wealth, health, education and equity have all been set back. “The world has a lot of work to do,” said co-host Edie Lush. “The pandemic has really set back the cause of human progress in terms of all the metrics around health, and inclusion and gender violence etc. etc. around the world,” reports Gillian Tett, co-founder of Moral Money at the Financial Times. “The reality is that grappling with these challenges and trying to uphold the SDGs now is harder than it was say two years ago in terms of where we are starting.” Co-host Claudia Romo Edelman shares data from the Gates Foundation Goal Keepers report that shows the start of recovery on everything from vaccination rates to total numbers of people caught in extreme poverty. Ivan Weissman, journalist and entrepreneur in South America, said that the pandemic crisis was accelerating t

  • The Good News about the Bad News about the Global Goals

    01/10/2021 Duration: 38min

    The pandemic and economic collapse dealt a severe blow to the progress that was being made toward eradicating extreme poverty, improving health and education, and reducing hunger and inequity. Those are the Sustainable Development Goals, aka the Global Goals, the World’s ‘to-do list’ for a better, fairer world by 2030. “A lot of of the people who were in precarious situations ended up falling deeper into poverty,” explained one of the leading experts on the goals, Vishal Gujadhur, an economist at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. “And that’s something that’s really disappointing and that’s really a setback to the SDGs.” But here is the good news. Or at least what co host Edie Lush calls “the better news.” “Due to really strong action from individuals from governments, from communities we’ve averted the worst-case scenario,” Gujadhur reports, based on the Gates foundations latest Goalkeepers report on the SDGs. The “apocalyptic” numbers being reported at this time last year are already beginning to turn a

  • Season 6 trailer

    20/09/2021 Duration: 04min

    Season 6 trailer Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Now, The Climate Comes for Us

    30/07/2021 Duration: 34min

    Do you think Climate Change is something that will happen in the future? Or something that will happen somewhere else? Well, as Co-hosts Claudia Romo Edelman and Edie Lush, say: think again. The climate is warming and one of the predicted effects, extreme weather, is happening faster and more severely than climate scientists had forecast. This has produced record heat in western Canada and the United States and unprecedented rain and flooding in China and Europe. Global GoalsCast visits Mayschoß, one of the German towns ruined by flooding and hears about the physical destruction and the jarring realizations brought on by the flooding. “It has shown as a community and I think also as a country that we are really vulnerable,” says Anja Menzel, a political science professor whose street was turned into a raging river. “That is something we did not experience before. Because, oh, its those third world countries that are affected by climate change. It isn’t us. we are well equipped.” This has increased the urgency

  • Covid Rebellion

    22/07/2021 Duration: 34min

    The world has had it with lockdowns at just the wrong moment. Covid is spreading faster than ever even as political leaders back off restrictions designed to curb it.  Dr. David Nabarro, Special Envoy of the World Health Organization on Covid-19, warns that the next six months will be rough. “We are in the middle of a really difficult pandemic and we are nowhere near the end of it,” he said. Vaccines alone cannot stop the pandemic. There is not enough supply and, in any case, the vaccines are better at preventing severe illness than at stopping transmission of the virus. He warns that measures of hospitalization and death miss the serious “Long Covid” afflicting many younger patients. Dr. Nabarro discusses effective public health measures with public health experts in Botswana and Canada.  This episode is sponsored by the Royal Academy of Engineering’s Leaders in Innovation Fellowships. Dr. Jo-Ann Passmore of the University of Capetown Medical School describes her innovation, GIFT, which measures inflammati

  • Covid Fatigue Meets the Delta Variant

    06/07/2021 Duration: 39min

    The world is exhausted with this pandemic. Yet, the virus perseveres, mutating in ways that have made it far more contagious. This has created a dangerous situation. Many communities want restrictions lifted, even as the need to curb the virus has never been greater. David Nabarro, special envoy of the World Health Organization for Covid-19, explains in this episode that it is vital to reduce the presence of the virus now before it mutates further to evade vaccines. Colleagues have told him that the Delta Variant could be within two mutations of being able to do that, Nabarro reports.  The Delta Variant is spreading rapidly in Africa, where very few people have yet to be vaccinated, as well as among the unvaccinated even in rich countries with relatively high levels of vaccination.  Dr. Lucky Aziken, an optometrist in Nigeria, is one of many health providers working to hold back the spread. He describes how he organized safety measures for one of Nigeria’s most vulnerable populations, inmates in the country’

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