Failing Forward

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 96:24:09
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Ever experienced failure? Of course you have. But what makes some people more resilient than others? Learn from successful people on how their failures launched them into success.


  • Episode 100: Henry Fenichel - Holocaust Survivor + Professor

    23/09/2021 Duration: 43min

    Some of Henry Fenichel’s earliest memories are during one of humanity’s darkest eras: the Holocaust. His family was targeted along with many other Jews living in The Netherlands in the 1930s and ’40s. Miraculously, he and his mother escaped to Palestine—only to be separated once more. On our 100th episode, Henry recounts what it was like living in a Jewish ghetto, how he made it to safety, and how he eventually reunited with his mother permanently. He credits his mom immensely for her strength in the face of countless horrors and her determination to keep them alive. Now a retired physics professor, Henry serves as a board member for The Nancy & David Wolf Holocaust & Humanity Center and lives in the Cincinnati area with his wife of 60 years. Show Notes: - Learn more about The Nancy & David Wolf Holocaust & Humanity Center and museum:

  • Episode 99: Bill DeVille - Health Carousel

    16/09/2021 Duration: 43min

    We think of entrepreneurs as strong visionaries who are ready to tackle any problem, and if you met Bill DeVille today, that’s probably what you’d think, too. As a kid, the founder and CEO of Health Carousel was mech less self-assured and way more fatalistic. Then one day, his mom shocked him into changing his mindset. On episode 99, Bill shares what his mom told him way back when and explains how he realized he was a risk taker. His approach for assessing risk is similar to Jeff Bezos’ regret minimization framework, and Bill has used it for making business and life decisions.

  • Episode 98: Adam Symson - The E.W. Scripps Company

    09/09/2021 Duration: 37min

    Adam Symson says he owes his position as president of CEO of The E.W. Scripps Company to his failures. Or more accurately, his fortitude. He’s had to navigate layoffs, acquisitions, and a global pandemic in his role, and his resilience has come in handy. On episode 98, Adam tells us why and how he embraces failure. He also shares how his family’s immigrant history and Jewish identity subtly influenced him to become a journalist. His dream of being an investigative reporter didn’t go as planned, but Adam embraced an alternate path that’s led him to being a media executive of the country’s fourth-largest local TV broadcaster.

  • Episode 96: Suzy DeYoung - La Soupe Founder + Chef

    06/08/2021 Duration: 47min

    As chef and co-owner of La Petite Pierre, Suzy DeYoung served sitting presidents, celebrities, and countless other people. She loved the challenge and creativity—until she didn’t anymore. She felt stuck because leaving the catering business would mean leaving her business partner—one of her two sisters—without a chef. On episode 96, Suzy explains how she gained the courage to leave La Petite Pierre and how her passion for curbing food waste led her to start La Soupe in 2014. Today, the food rescue non-profit has 29 employees, receives about 25,000 pounds of food each week, and re-distributes it to food-insecure Cincinnatians and other outlets. Show Notes: - Find more about La Soupe:

  • Episode 95: Steven Kampmann Part 2 - The Dreams Course Podcast + Screenwriter

    22/07/2021 Duration: 43min

    We’ve all had dreams that have stuck with us. Sometimes it’s because they are frightening or jarring, other times we have the same dream again and again. It makes us wonder: What did that mean? On episode 95, Steve Kampmann returns to the show to delve into the history and importance of dreams. The host of The Dreams Course Podcast shares a language we can use to interpret them, and more broadly, discusses how we can leave our egos behind and connect to our most confident, aligned selves. Show Notes: - Learn more about Steven’s coaching program, The Dreams Course: - Listen to The Dreams Course Podcast:…st/id1532417265 - Watch the “Clifford” screen test with Steven Kampmann and Martin Short: - Read Breath by James Nestor:

  • Episode 94: Amanda Valentine - Pound This Podcast + Health Coach

    08/07/2021 Duration: 39min

    Amanda Valentine had been trying to lose weight and get control of her binge eating disorders for years. Then, the former radio host made a 90-day resolution on air to lose 15 pounds. Three months later, she had shed 20 pounds and was determined to keep going. On episode 94, Amanda shares some great reframing tips that can be useful beyond the health and wellness realm, too. She also tells us about the time she was fired in the middle of radio show and pivoting from her dream job in radio to becoming an independent podcast host and health coach. Show Notes: - Listen to the Pound This podcast: - Learn about Amanda’s health coaching and products:

  • Episode 93: Jennifer McClure - Unbridled Talent + DisruptHR

    25/06/2021 Duration: 41min

    Jennifer McClure made just $12,000 in the first year of her business consulting firm, Unbridled Talent. Despite being an introvert, finding clients wasn’t the problem. A lack of systems and knowledge—like how to send an invoice—was. On episode 93, Jennifer tells us about growing her business, how she learned to network, and how stepping out of her comfort zone led to the creation of DisruptHR. The event invites atypical speakers to share their best ideas in 5 minutes, with 20 slides and 15 seconds per slide. In the past eight years, Disrupt event have happened in 158 cities across 37 countries. An avid horse-lover, Jennifer also shares an incredible leadership lesson she learned from her horses. Show Notes: - About Jennifer and Unbridled Talent: - Learn about DisruptHR:

  • Episode 92: Barbara Hauser - The Red Door Project + P&G

    17/06/2021 Duration: 38min

    In 2014, Barbara Hauser used her talents of community building and creativity to launch The Red Door Project, a pop-up art show and silent auction held around Cincinnati. She often fielded questions about how successful each show was, but Barbara chaffed at the idea of measuring success based on attendance or number of pieces sold. On episode 92, Barbara explains the inspiration behind The Red Door Project and how she refined her definition of success. She believes everyone is an artist and encourages creativity at every turn. Barbara also tells us about her work as Senior Community Relations Manager for P&G. Show Notes: - Follow The Red Door Project on Facebook: - Follow The Red Door Project on Instagram @thereddoorproject:

  • Episode 91: Craig Chavis Jr. - Business Strategist + Author

    10/06/2021 Duration: 30min

    Craig Chavis Jr. dreamed of becoming an NFL player, and he was good enough to give it a shot until an injury in college ruined everything. As an entrepreneur, Craig has two failed businesses under his belt and a string of rejection letters from corporate America. And yet, the author and business consultant is endlessly optimistic. On episode 91, Craig shares how he realized he could be his own worst enemy or his best friend, and why choosing the latter has made all the difference. He also talks about his book “Burdens of a Dream,” how he opened the first craft Pisco distillery in Peru, and advice for finding a career opportunity that fits. Show Notes: - “Burdens of a Dream” is available on Amazon: - Learn more about Craig’s work:

  • Episode 90: Steven Kampmann - Screenwriter + The Dreams Course Podcast

    27/05/2021 Duration: 55min

    Steven Kampmann and his wife, Judith, were expecting and building a home when he got the call that he was being fired from the Newhart show. The former writer and producer on WKRP in Cincinnati thought his time in show biz was probably over, so he started writing a screenplay without any expectations. Four years later, it became Stealing Home, which Steven also directed. On episode 90, Steven tells us about his latest project, The Dreams Course Podcast, which he hosts with one of his sons. He explains the inspiration for the show and dives deep into the journey to discover the inner self. He also shares five principles to feed your inner life from his coaching program, The Dreams Course. Show Notes: - Listen to The Dreams Course Podcast: - Learn more about Steven’s coaching program, The Dreams Course: - Read about Alex Kerten:

  • Episode 89: Karen Bankston - KDB and Associates + Retired Nurse

    21/05/2021 Duration: 52min

    Like many high-achievers, Karen Bankston had a full life. She was successful in her career, held advanced degrees, had a family, and knew her strengths. But a nagging feeling wouldn’t go away. She wondered: Where was her joy? On episode 89, the retired hospital executive and nurse explains how she found her answer by learning to separate her identity from her accomplishments. Karen also shares her leadership lessons. Show Notes: - Listen to Will Smith on Jay Shetty’s podcast On Purpose:

  • Episode 88: Kathryn Burmeister - Lawyer + Author

    06/05/2021 Duration: 35min

    Kathryn Burmeister had struggled with depression and anxiety before, but it never was so bad as when she felt abandoned by her law partner. She reached out for help and shortly there after decided to start her own law firm. On episode 88, Kathryn shares her career journey from law-obsessed high school student to business owner. This same journey also inspired Kathryn to write a book, "Overcoming Addiction to the Status Quo." She tells us what status quo means to her, how to find true happiness and why she believes we all can be heroes. Show Notes: - Learn more about Katheryn’s book: - If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, 24/7 confidential help is available. Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.

  • Episode 87: Dr. Lisa Larkin - Ms.Medicine Founder

    23/04/2021 Duration: 40min

    Dr. Lisa Larkin knew life could be a bumpy ride even before she was diagnosed with breast cancer while going through a divorce. Patients of hers had told her cancer was a gift, but she didn’t understand until she found some gifts of her own. On episode 87, Lisa tells us about those gifts, including why she started Ms.Medicine, a national practice model of women’s health trained providers. She also shares the tragic stories of losing both her parents, and how hardship has taught her to be less judgmental. Show Notes: - Learn about Ms.Medicine here:

  • Episode 86: Regina Sih-Meynier - Oh Universe + Intuitive Life Coaching

    15/04/2021 Duration: 50min

    Pharmacist Regina Sih-Meynier had it all: a prestigious high-paying job, a nice home, a marriage, and the ability to travel and afford luxuries. She was fulfilling the model minority stereotype thrust upon Asian-Americans and Asian immigrants. But all her successes felt like Golden Handcuffs until she dared to break out of them. On episode 86, Regina shares how she left the corporate world behind to start Oh Universe, her intuitive life coaching company. That journey involved connecting with her inner authentic self and voice, and now she helps her clients do the same. Regina also discusses how to leave your ego narrative, or Egon, behind, how to find what brings you joy, and how the inner authentic voice relates to manifestation. Show Notes: - Check out Oh Universe and download Regina’s three-step framework here:

  • Episode 85: Dave McGillivray - DMSE Sports + Boston Marathon Race Director

    08/04/2021 Duration: 44min

    When he was a kid, Dave McGillivray dreamed of being a professional athlete, but soon he faced the painful reality that it wasn’t in the cards. He started running, and his passion led him to start DMSE Sports, a race and event management company that runs logistics for 30-plus annual events, including the Boston Marathon. On episode 85, Dave shares why he doesn’t believe in failure and how he’s bounced back from life’s inevitable setbacks. While in-person races are temporarily canceled, Dave has pivoted his business in an incredible way and continues to serve others. He also tells us what it was like on the day of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing and returning to the starting line once again. Show Notes: - Read Dave’s memoir, The Last Pick: The Boston Marathon Race Director’s Road to Success: - Learn more about DMSE Sports:

  • Episode 84: Terrance Bacchus - Financial Coach + Author

    25/03/2021 Duration: 31min

    One of the first lessons Terrance Bacchus learned about money came at the expense of his job. Growing up in inner-city Boston, Terrance learned a lot about sacrificing for his future success. Now, he helps other people learn how to reach their goals as a financial coach. On episode 84, Terrance shares how his childhood informed his attitude about money, practical tips from his book and how to think about sacrifice. He also discusses the racial wealth gap and the importance of giving back. Show Notes: - Learn about Bacchus Empowered Coaching: - Find out about Terrance’s book, "Financially Empowered: Achieving Success Through Sacrifice" here: - Read about "Rich Dad Poor Dad" here:

  • Episode 83: Kyla Woods - Crowd or Camera + Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office

    18/03/2021 Duration: 41min

    Kyla Woods has never been afraid to be her full authentic self. Knowing her boundaries and personal values have helped her chart a successful career path and make decisions about when to move on. Of course, she’s faced hard times just like everyone else. On episode 83, Kyla tells us about choosing gratitude in the face of grief and processing the current racial justice movement as a Black woman. Although she had never been interested in civic positions in the past, she realized she could make an impact on the criminal justice system by helping to build a community engagement program in the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office. Show Notes: - Learn more about Crowd or Camera, Kyla’s communications consulting firm:

  • Episode 82: Deborah Burns - Author

    12/03/2021 Duration: 39min

    The people in our lives we spend a lot of energy thinking about often have something to teach us. That’s one lesson author Deborah Burns knows to be true. When she was a child, Deborah idolized her often-absent mother. Later, Deborah became the mom she needed. On episode 82, Deborah shares the gifts that came from her complicated relationship with her mother, including her memoir, "Saturday’s Child." She also tells us about her forthcoming book, "Authorize It!" And building a new career after stepping away from her full-time position. Show Notes: - Check out Deborah’s books, Saturday’s Child and Authorize It! (available this April) here:

  • Episode 81: Lesley McNutt - Co-founder of Wild Entrust

    04/03/2021 Duration: 40min

    Anthropologist and conservationist Lesley McNutt spent a decade trying to encourage adults to connect with the nature world in order to save wildlife populations in Botswana. She tried tactic after tactic, but people were more concerned about the HIV/AIDS crisis. That’s when she realized she was educating the wrong people. On episode 81, Lesley shares her story of making a home in Africa, close encounters with apex predators, and finally making inroads with locals through Wild Entrust’s Coaching Conservation program. In 2015, her hard work was validated when the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals aligned the Coaching Conservation model. Lesley founded Wild Entrust with her husband, Tico, and the non-profit is supported in part by the Cincinnati Zoo. As a bonus, she tells us about the connection between African Wild Dogs and the wolves of Yellowstone National Park.

  • Episode 80: Brad Haudan - Senior Vice President of Root Inc.

    25/02/2021 Duration: 38min

    Brad Haudan was determined to blaze his own professional path and not join the consulting company his dad co-founded. On day one of his job in financial services, he knew it wasn’t the right fit. He tried law school, but that wasn’t right either. Then he interned at the family business and never looked back. On episode 80, Brad explains how he knew Root Inc. was the right fit. He also discusses leadership strategies, keeping his cool in what could have been a less-than-stellar client facilitation, and how to make your employees feel connected to your organization’s mission. Show Notes: - Are you ready to interrupt your patterns and live healthier and happier without ever feeling like you are missing out? Learn more about 0.0 Living’s 30-Day Alcohol Reset:

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