Heidi Harris Show

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 22:24:47
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Covering topics that matter and doing interviews with people who matter.


  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #182: “Polyamory” should be respected as a psychological term?


    “Polyamory”, which used to be called “sleeping with anyone” is now supposed to be considered a legitimate term or syndrome, or condition, or something, according to the American Psychological Association. They are bothered by the fact that many religions prohibit this behavior, and have actually created a task force to study “consensual non-monogamy”. I’m not […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #182: “Polyamory” should be respected as a psychological term? appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #181: Amy Klobuchar whines about gender bias


    Senator Amy Klobuchar, candidate for President, is whining about “gender bias” in the campaign especially related to Pete Buttigieg and his campaign. His qualifications are thin and yet he gets an inordinate amount of attention, but that’s because he’s GAY, not because he’s a MAN. And even when there is “gender bias” women whining never […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #181: Amy Klobuchar whines about gender bias appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • HHS Podcast #180: Atheist Richard Dawkins admits “God” makes people behave better


    Atheist Richard Dawkins does all he can to eliminate God from public life, but even HE recently admitted that without God, people would behave worse than they already do. Ya think? The post HHS Podcast #180: Atheist Richard Dawkins admits “God” makes people behave better appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • HHS Podcast #179: Good news! YOU are in charge of your life!


    Economy up, economy down, good politicians in, bad politicians in….either way YOU are mostly responsible for your life and finances, and how well you leave within your means, good times or bad. Aren’t you glad they don’t have that much control? The post HHS Podcast #179: Good news! YOU are in charge of your life! appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • HHS Podcast #187: “I ONLY listen to (fill in the blank) news…”


    It’s astounding to me that anyone would listen ONLY to NPR, or Fox News, or MSNBC, or some right wing or left wing podcaster. Really? People say that with smug looks on their faces, clearly proud of their ignorance. Sad.  You prefer to get your news from ONE source? And you assume they’re ACCURATE? You […] The post HHS Podcast #187: “I ONLY listen to (fill in the blank) news…” appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #177: Two experts weigh in on Turkey/Syria


    Trump’s policy change on Turkey and Syria has people on both sides of the aisle up in arms. Is he doing the right thing? Two of my favorite go-to experts weigh in: Robert Spencer from JihandWatch.org and Lt. Col Ralph Peters, a career Army Intel veteran. The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #177: Two experts weigh in on Turkey/Syria appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #176: The NYT thinks the GOP is dying. Is that true?


    A recent column from Dem Strategist Stanley Greenberg in the NYT claimed that the GOP is dying. What he was really hoping for is the chance to have government solve all our nation’s problems. Here’s my analysis… The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #176: The NYT thinks the GOP is dying. Is that true? appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #175: Tend to your marriage or lose it


    Your marriage is more important than your social media profile. That should be obvious, but I just saw a YouTube designer who revealed that her husband fell in love with someone else after nearly forty years. She mentioned this as an aside, after she talked about how many subscribers she has, and ran a video […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #175: Tend to your marriage or lose it appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #174: Dems whining about media coverage?


    I have to admit I find it hilarious that the Democrat candidates are whining about the coverage they’re getting from the press. Welcome to Donald Trump’s world. They have honestly come to expect such fawning from the MSM that they are legitimately shocked when they don’t get it. Don’t they under stand that it’s all […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #174: Dems whining about media coverage? appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #173: What parent do or don’t owe their adult children


    Why are so many adult children today acting so entitled? The more parents give them, the worse they are often treated by their ungrateful offspring. After witnessing the manipulation and guilt adult children lay on their parents, Linda Herman, a retired psychotherapist, has written a great book on the subject, entitled “Parents to the End”. […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #173: What parent do or don’t owe their adult children appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #172: Do what you can with what you have, where you are


    Teddy Roosevelt was quoted as saying, “Do what you can with what you have, where you are”. Great advice, and something I continue to tell myself when I don’t have the all tools I think I need to succeed. Like most people, there are aspects of my job that are out of my control. Whether […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #172: Do what you can with what you have, where you are appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #171: We’re too busy fighting each other to recognize the TRUE enemy


    These days we are allowing others to define who the enemy should be and spend so much of our time fighting over social media posts, politics, race, etc., that we’ve lost sight of who the enemy really is. My guest, Pastor Darrell Porter, joined me to discuss the realities of a world in which we’ve […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #171: We’re too busy fighting each other to recognize the TRUE enemy appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #170: Guest – Dr. Michael Brown on Jezebel’s influence on America today


    Dr. Michael Brown is a favorite guest of mine. He’s Jewish by heritage, but a Believer in Christ. He’s columnist, radio host and speaker. His latest book, “Jezebel’s War With America” has a lot of great information on how the attitudes and evil attitudes that were at work with the Biblical Jezebel and alive and […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #170: Guest – Dr. Michael Brown on Jezebel’s influence on America today appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #169: Red Flag laws will never replace moral courage


    Red Flag laws are being discussed as the “solution” to prevent more mass shootings, and they already exist in various jurisdictions. But a recent case in New Jersey was a perfect example of why those laws won’t ever replace moral courage. A nanny and her employer were murdered by her ex-boyfriend, and neighbors saw him […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #169: Red Flag laws will never replace moral courage appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #168: Social media’s censorship and the effect on talk radio


    How are radio hosts across the country responding to the censorship and “shadow banning” of conservative hosts on social media? I have certainly experienced it firsthand, and it’s annoying to say the least. Should we let these triggered lefty brats in Silicon Valley shut us down? How can today’s radio and podcast hosts navigate the waters? […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #168: Social media’s censorship and the effect on talk radio appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #167: If you refuse to date transgenders, are you “dehumanizing” them?


    Transgendered people have a suicide rate 25 times higher than the general public, (41%) and now we have an “expert” claiming that when straight people don’t want to date them it’s “dehumanizing”, and may be contributing to their unhappiness. Now trans people have a “right” to companionship? The rest of us are responsible for their […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #167: If you refuse to date transgenders, are you “dehumanizing” them? appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #166: Burly Man Coffee helps single moms


    Burly Man Coffee not only rejects the characterization of masculinity as “toxic”, they help single moms by giving them cars! This is what effective charity is all about. The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #166: Burly Man Coffee helps single moms appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #165: Clearly false statement not being questioned by reporter


    We all know that journalism today is in a race to the bottom. The bias is obvious. Most reporters hate Trump, and that’s their right as human beings, but they should at least feign objectivity. When a local women made a statement at a Kamala Harris rally, about how her son died six years ago […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #165: Clearly false statement not being questioned by reporter appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show #164: #metoo women who falsely accuse are hurting all of us


    Although #metoo women have legitimate complaints in some cases, and I certainly have my LEGITIMATE story about it, (you can read about it on my blog at heidiharris.com), but the movement has damaged women in the workplace. Like any other movement, it started out as an outlet for genuine victims, and has since been hijacked […] The post Heidi Harris Show #164: #metoo women who falsely accuse are hurting all of us appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #163: Is minimalism becoming the new religion?


    Lately I’ve been reading books and watching lots of videos about “minimalism”, and the freedom that comes from “decluttering”. I watch those videos for inspiration while I clean out closets and drawers. It’s always a good idea to move things out when they no longer fit you, or you will no longer use them, and […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #163: Is minimalism becoming the new religion? appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

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