Real Talk With Rachael Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 169:06:50
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Real Talk with Rachael is a podcast designed to bring topics out of the darkness and into the light. In each episode, we will discuss real topics about real life with real people. Let's get real so we can live free. #RealOverPerfect #bereallivefree


  • Talk Therapy: Just Jealous (How to Deal with the Spirit of Jealousy)

    15/02/2021 Duration: 10min

    Welcome to Real Talk with Rachael. Today, you are listening to talk therapy, a short segment of the show that releases at the beginning of the week to allow space for God to move in our hearts and speak into our lives. Last week I released an episode on why we need to process things. This week I am tackling the topic of jealousy. You can check out a blog I wrote previously about 3 problems with jealousy and 10 verses to overcome it here. I don’t know a person who has never dealt with jealousy. In fact, most of us think it’s cute to say “Oh my goodness I am so jealous of your shoes…where did you get them?”. However, God showed me 3 problems with jealousy that when left unresolved will wreak havoc in our life: Jealousy is “me” minder rather than “kingdom” minded. Jealousy robs us of our joy and blessings. Jealousy keeps us from entering into intimate relationships with those with whom we are jealous. NEW INSIGHT:  we can rebuke a jealous spirit! It’s not from God and we do not have to receive it. Verses to me

  • #102: She Smiles without Fear with Katy McCown

    10/02/2021 Duration: 38min

    This week on Real Talk with Rachael I'm chatting with author and national speaker, Katy McCown. Katy is president of She Laughs Ministries, a writer for Proverbs 31 Ministries, and a national speaker. Through all life’s uncertainties and surprises, she has learned some things about “living sure” even when the future is not. She and her husband, Luke, a former NFL quarterback, are raising six children on their ranch in Texas. Key points from today's conversation: Katy wrote her book after becoming so smothered with "what-ifs" that she was losing the present. "I can't change the future, but the fear of the future can change me." Before she prioritized time with Jesus, her day flowed from burden and fear rather than the truth of who God is. Take time to be still and quiet with Jesus - no reading, no moving. Turn on a worship song and meditate on who He is. It won't be natural. Keep doing it. "When we truly become quiet before of the Lord, we can receive from Him in a way we can't when we’re just fitting Him in

  • Talk Therapy: Why We Need to Process

    08/02/2021 Duration: 09min

    In this episode of Talk Therapy, I'm discussing what it means to process and why we need to do it. Even if you haven't experienced major trauma in your life, smaller traumas compound, but we often resist the discomfort that comes with processing. The fact is that you can process that trauma or it will process you.  What are you afraid of processing? What do you think it’ll look like to process things?  The action step for this episode is to think about something simple that upset you this week and process it. And if you're not already, seek professional help to process traumas. Connect with Rachael: website | Instagram | Facebook

  • #101: Redefined with Arden Bevere

    03/02/2021 Duration: 39min

    In this episode of Real Talk with Rachael, I'm talking with Arden Bevere about his new book Redefined. Arden is the youngest son of John and Lisa Bevere and the cofounder of Sons & Daughters, a movement committed to raising up a generation of uncompromising followers of Christ who will transform our world. He has traveled the world doing ministry and speaking at conferences and has a passion to see his generation go further than any that came before it, fully alive in this God-adventure. Key points from today's conversation: Arden wrote Redefined to combat the negative labels the younger generation has accepted as truth about themselves and share the truth of what God's Word has to say about his people. “God does not label His people in the Word of God. A label speaks to who were in the past or who we are now. That’s what the world does because they’re limited to time.” If we live under labels we are we are missing out on the power and authority we have through Christ. This generation does not a lac

  • Talk Therapy: 4 Things to Know When God Brings Things Up

    01/02/2021 Duration: 07min

    Last week I released an episode on the first "before and after" in the Bible. As I started this conversation on beauty I realize I am ruffling feathers or as some would say, stepping on toes. Actually, it is not I who is doing the ruffling but the holy spirit. Before we keep having these hard conversations I wanted to address why I feel called to bring up hard things.  If you listen to our Wednesday interviews, which I hope you do as we have the most amazing guests every week, you might have noticed I started saying a simple statement: God brings things up because they are on the way out.  Let's talk about 4 things to know when God brings things up: God brings things up because he loves us too much to let them poison us. (ex: eating bad food it must be thrown up)  For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 The coming up process i

  • #100: Start Your Day like Wonder Woman with Kat Lee

    27/01/2021 Duration: 39min

    In this episode of Real Talk with Rachael I'm talking with my friend, Kat Lee who is passionate about teaching others how to jumpstart each day with a grace-filled, life-giving morning routine. She is a writer, speaker, podcaster, and founder of She and her husband, Jimmy, live in Waco, Texas with their three children. Key points from today's conversation: Kat originally started her morning routines with the attitude that if it's worth doing, it's worth doing poorly. God time, plan time, and move time all serve the same purpose – to bring God glory and bring others to Him. When we focus on God's purpose for our lives, it changes not only the way we think about planning and fitness but the importance of them. We often overlook our time with God because we think of it as something to mark off a to-do list than a time to connect. “So often we wait for it to be perfect later in the day that we don’t just make that initial connection in the morning that can lead to so much more.” “Guilt is only

  • Talk Therapy: The First "Before & After" in the Bible

    25/01/2021 Duration: 07min

    Last week I released an episode called "The Beauty Battle." I started the conversation about where this battle for beauty began and I challenged us to examine our hearts for any beauty idols. This week I am continuing that conversation about beauty.  As I was scrolling through social media, I was noticing there were a lot of before and after photos. These photos are inspiring as we see the transformation that takes place when individuals commit to a program and they get incredible changes in their body and health. I once did a diet program with my sister in college and let’s just say we only took before photos because at the end of that challenge I actually gained 8 pounds. While I joke about this topic I want us to look a the very first mention of before and after in the Bible. While there wasn’t a photo flashed for Eve to be inspired by, satan painted a before and after scenario for Eve. Satan started by painting Eve’s bleak, lame before picture. You know, the one with no makeup and hair a mess? Then he pai

  • #99: Help Her Be Brave with Amy Ford

    20/01/2021 Duration: 37min

    This week on Real Talk with Rachael I’m talking with Amy Ford, the author of Help Her Be Brave: Discover Your Place in the Pro-Life Movement. She’s also the President and Co-Founder of Embrace Grace, a non-profit that inspires and equips the church to love single and pregnant young women by working with almost 700 churches across the nation, providing curriculum to help moms with unexpected pregnancies. Key points from our conversation: There's a misconception that pro-life work just means picketing. There are many ways to get involved and Amy's book Help Her Be Brave: Discover Your Place in the Pro-Life Movement can help you find a way to get involved that uses your strengths. 1 in 4 women have experienced an abortion - the rate is the same inside the church as it is outside. Abortion healing is possible. Jesus' blood offers complete forgiveness and He still wants to use you. Too many voices in the church are being silenced in shame. "Heart work can be hard work." Fear is at the root of every abortion dec

  • Talk Therapy: The Beauty Battle

    18/01/2021 Duration: 10min

    Recently God has drawn me to dive into how He defines beauty, and as I've studied the Bible, it turns out the first mention just chapters into Genesis.  In this talk therapy, I'm discussing where the battle for beauty began and challenging you (and myself) to examine beauty strongholds and evaluate if they've become idols. We were never designed to be hyperaware of our bodies. If this is something you struggle with, take a moment to say this simple prayer, "God, help my inward beauty far outweigh my outer beauty. May my true beauty shine through so that it's You in me that makes me beautiful." Resource: Biblical Body Image Coloring Book Connect with Rachael: website | Instagram | Facebook

  • #98: Multiply Your God-Given Potential with John Bevere

    13/01/2021 Duration: 36min

    This week on Real Talk with Rachael I'm talking with international minister and best-selling author, John Bevere. He and his wife, Lisa, are the founders of Messenger International--a ministry committed to developing uncompromising followers of Christ who transform our world. John's heart to strengthen the local church has led to over 40 million translated resources being given to pastors and leaders in developing nations. When he's home in Colorado, you can find John playing card games with his family or trying to convince Lisa to take up golf. We're talking about: Everyone has been given unique gifts to fulfill the calling on their life. Your goal should be to identify your gifts, develop them, then multiply them. There’s not a separation between secular and sacred ministries.  The anointing is the enhancer of our gifts. We may be very gifted, but without anointing, we can’t move people at their core. It’s the difference between natural impact and eternal impact. God anticipates that we multiply our giftin

  • Talk Therapy: Take Your Place

    11/01/2021 Duration: 09min

    I had a topic prepared for today's talk therapy when God stopped me in my tracks and asked me to pivot to these 3 words - "take your place." I don't know about you, but I've been in a season of getting pushed around spiritually, and honestly, I'm sick of sitting by watching the enemy mess with us. He has no authority over us. It's time to take our place and use the weapons that God has given us - truth, righteousness, and peace. "Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere." Ephesians 6:14-18 Connect with Rachael: website | Instagram | Facebook

  • #97: Relationship GRIT with Jon & Kathryn Gordon

    06/01/2021 Duration: 40min

    This week on Real Talk with Rachael I'm talking with Jon and Kathryn Gordon about their new book Relationship Grit: A True Story with Lessons to Stay Together, Grow Together, and Thrive Together. Jon Gordon's best-selling books and talks have inspired readers and audiences around the world. His principles have been put to the test by numerous Fortune 500 companies, professional and college sports teams, school districts, hospitals, and non-profits. He is the author of 22 books including 9 best-sellers: The Energy Bus, The Carpenter, Training Camp, You Win in the Locker Room First, The Power of Positive Leadership, The Power of a Positive Team, The Coffee Bean, Stay Positive, and his latest The Garden. Jon and his tips have been featured on The Today Show, CNN, CNBC, The Golf Channel, Fox and Friends, and in numerous magazines and newspapers. His clients include The Los Angeles Dodgers, The Atlanta Falcons, Campbell Soup, Dell, Publix, Southwest Airlines, LA Clippers, Miami Heat, Pittsburgh Pirates,

  • Talk Therapy: Process & Pray Through Change

    28/12/2020 Duration: 09min

    For the month of December, we have spent every Monday morning in a series called “Process & Pray through 2020”. Last week we processed our health and this week we will process change, or as I like to call it, a forced pivot. DISCLAIMER: THIS DOES NOT REPLACE YOUR THERAPY APPOINTMENTS. USE THIS TIME TO SEE IF GOD REVEALS ANYTHING YOU NEED TO SEEK HELP TO PROCESS FURTHER WITH A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL. I think one thing we ALL have in common this year is that we were forced to make changes in many areas of our lives. From homeschool to work Zoom calls, we all had to pivot in how we operated in life. For some, this change came with ease, and for others, it was resisted. The biggest lesson I learned is that change in life is inevitable. Ecclesiastes 3 says, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven; a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to

  • Talk Therapy: Process & Pray for Restored Health

    21/12/2020 Duration: 11min

    In case you don’t know, my husband and I own The Back & Body Clinic in Lewisville, Texas where we serve our patients with an integrated, team approach that listens to your healthcare needs. Our family is called to serve in this area of health, and we feel passionate about incorporating evidence-based practices with God’s word and his promises of healing. Let’s chat for a moment about the health issues that arose in 2020. Many of you listening have either had COVID or, may live in fear of getting it. COVID itself brought other health complications even without catching the virus, like high blood pressure, increased stress, depression, anxiety, and other outside of norm health concerns. Today, I am not teaching on health, but I do feel lead to stand in the gap for your health. Process these questions throughout the week in a journal. You can find the questions in the show notes or at under the podcast tab. What areas of my health suffered in 2020? What fear do I hold about my current hea

  • Talk Therapy: Process & Pray through Unexpected Emotions

    14/12/2020 Duration: 10min

    For the month of December, we will spend every Monday morning in a series called “Process & Pray through 2020”. Last week we processed disappointments and this week we will process emotions. I’m not going to teach on emotions this week but if you want to learn more about emotions, I encourage you to listen to the series we did on how to identify emotions earlier this year. DISCLAIMER: THIS DOES NOT REPLACE YOUR THERAPY APPOINTMENTS. USE THIS TIME TO SEE IF GOD REVEALS ANYTHING YOU NEED TO SEEK HELP TO PROCESS FURTHER WITH A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL. Process these questions throughout the week in a journal. You can find the questions in the show notes or at under the podcast tab. What unexpected emotions did I encounter in 2020? What was at the root of those emotions? What narrative have I associated with those emotions? God, I thank you for my emotions that let me know when I am not OK. Help me process them well. Resources: The Emotionally Healthy Woman & the Emotion Wheel Connect

  • Talk Therapy: Process & Pray through Disappointments

    07/12/2020 Duration: 11min

    For the month of December, we will spend every Monday morning in a series called “Process & Pray Through 2020”. Each week the focus will be different, but the theme of processing and praying will remain the same. I asked the Lord to show me 4 areas he wants us to process before we move into 2021 and those areas include disappointments, unexpected emotions, health (mental & physical), and change/forced pivot. DISCLAIMER: THIS DOES NOT REPLACE YOUR THERAPY APPOINTMENTS. USE THIS TIME TO SEE IF GOD REVEALS ANYTHING YOU NEED TO SEEK HELP TO PROCESS FURTHER WITH A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL. Today we are going to process disappointments. Process these questions throughout the week in a journal. You can find the questions in the show notes or at under the podcast tab. What disappointments did I experience in 2020? What was lost in 2020? Have I addressed that loss or numbed the pain with passive activities like eating, shopping, social media, or other avoidant activities? God, what do you want

  • Talk Therapy: Confrontation vs. Carefrontation

    30/11/2020 Duration: 11min

    This week’s Talk Therapy is the second in a two-part series about confrontation. In part one I discussed why the art of confrontation is necessary. You can listen here. In this episode, I’m sharing traits of a healthy confrontation vs. an unhealthy one and offer 5 practical tips for engaging in carefrontation. We cannot control how others will respond to confrontation, but we can approach it with a humble spirit and a healthy end goal. “When you recognize that you need to do something and you’re brave enough to actually do it, the Holy Spirit will be with you.” You can read the full show notes for this episode at! Connect with Rachael on her website, Instagram and/or Facebook.

  • #96: Finding Quiet with Jamie Grace

    25/11/2020 Duration: 39min

    This week on Real Talk with Rachael I'm talking with two-time Grammy-nominated singer, songwriter, and actress Jamie Grace about her mental health journey and her new book, Finding Quiet. Diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome, OCD, ADHD, and anxiety at a young age, Jamie actively advocates for joy, wellness, and mental health through the lens of music, film, and faith. An entertainer at heart, she regularly creates fresh content, including new music and weekly videos and episodes of The Jamie Grace Podcast. When she isn't touring, Jamie lives in Southern California with her husband, Aaron, and daughter, Isabella Brave. We're talking about: Jamie's book Finding Quiet started as a journal through her early adulthood dealing with mental health issues and being in the spotlight. If you find yourself overwhelmed, tell someone and get the support you need. Be clear about your needs and intentional with the follow-through without feeling guilt or shame. Jamie grew up in the church and asked for a miracle healing, but

  • Talk Therapy: Healthy Confrontation – Part 1

    23/11/2020 Duration: 09min

    This week’s Talk Therapy is the first in a two-part series about confrontation. Or, as I like to call it, “carefrontation.” Whether you're a person who avoids it at all costs or someone who seeks it out, confrontation is necessary for healthy relationships. And when done well, it can be enlightening, empowering, and relationally connecting. When we fail to practice carefrontation we are building a wall between each other. Take time this week to evaluate your current relationships and ask God if there's anyone or anything that you need to address.  Ephesians 4:15, "Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ." Don't forget to check out my 6 Communication Skills Guide!  Connect with Rachael on her website, Instagram and/or Facebook.

  • #95: Discover the True You with Ian Morgan Cron

    18/11/2020 Duration: 37min

    This week on Real Talk with Rachael I'm talking with Enneagram expert Ian Morgan Cron about the mental health aspect of the Enneagram. Ian is a bestselling author, psychotherapist, Enneagram teacher, and host of the popular podcast, Typology. His national bestseller, The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery, is used around the world as people seek to better understand who they are. He and his wife, Anne, have three children and live in Nashville, Tennessee. We're talking about: The origins of the Enneagram and what attracted Ian to it The Enneagram doesn't put you in a box, it helps you understand the box you're already in and how to get out of it. You shouldn't start assessing your child's Enneagram number until late adolescence or when they become interested in learning about it for themselves. Everyone has two wings, but one wing is more dominant.  Your Enneagram number doesn't change, but you can operate as other numbers in different situations. Your self-awareness affects your menta

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