Dental Practice Freedom Radio With Dr. Steven Schluentz



So here is the real question: How do Dentists like you, who arent willing to let insurances dictate how you will run your practice, who want to create incredibly profitable practices without sacrificing your time or sanity; how do you create the strategies to ensure your practice not only survives but thrives in the 21st century? Thats the blaring question and Dr. Steve Schluentz is here to provide the answers. Welcome to Dental Practice Freedom Radio!


  • Ep. 222- The Insurance Debate

    03/07/2022 Duration: 16min

    In this episode, we are going to go into the debate of WL vs Term Insurance and why there is so much mis-information out there. Ready to get the policy that suits you? Have questions?  Email me at:

  • Ep.221- I Lost All My Crypto!

    17/06/2022 Duration: 23min

    In this episode we are talking about my crypto lessons, the Celsius freeze and what I learned from it.  Dentists, if you want to learn some financial strategies, this is the episode for you! Free Life Insurance Strategy Session:

  • Ep. 220- What do you need to give up?

    12/06/2022 Duration: 22min

    In this episode, I am going back in time and talking about a concept I learned as a Bob Proctor Consultant that changed so much for me.  Don't miss it! Need life insurance advice? Book a call here:

  • Ep. 219- Did I really just do that?

    23/05/2022 Duration: 13min

    In this episode, I am going to give you an update on the last 3 months since I last posted an episode. Book your cash flow banking strategy session here:  

  • Ep. 218- Celebrating The Legacy of Bob Proctor

    13/02/2022 Duration: 21min

    In this episode, I am reflecting on my time with Bob Proctor and how it impacts me more than any mentor I have ever had.  You will also learn how Bob's material can transform your dental practice! Book a call here:

  • Ep. 217- The Hidden Steps To Creating What You Want

    22/01/2022 Duration: 26min

    In this episode, we talk about my focus in 2022, what I discovered was holding me back in my practice and business and what steps I am using to correct.  This is a longer than normal episode, but its a must listen. Let's set up your Whole Life Plan:

  • Ep. 216- Holy Volatility, Invest Here!

    22/01/2022 Duration: 16min

    In this episode, we are going to talk about the craziness of crypto and the market right now, and why NONE of it matters to me.  Tune in here. Ready to create your plan? Book a call here:

  • Ep. 215- But I don't have kids

    14/01/2022 Duration: 09min

    In this episode, we are going to tackle a common question most younger dentists ask me regarding passing on benefits from their policies.  If you are a younger dentist looking to start your first policy, this is a must listen. Ready to take action on your first policy?  Book your call here:

  • Ep. 214- How Laws Are Changing Whole Life Policies

    07/01/2022 Duration: 14min

    In this episode, we are going to go high level on how government policy changes are influencing Whole Life Policies and what you should do about it. Ready to book your call to set up your Whole Life Policy?  Schedule here:

  • Ep. 213- Average Investment To Start A Successful Whole Life Policy

    02/01/2022 Duration: 18min

    In this episode, I will provide more details about the average investment most clients are using to start their Whole Life Policy here at M Wealth. Ready to start your own infinite bank?  Schedule a call here:

  • Ep. 212- But Life Insurance is a Terrible Investment

    27/12/2021 Duration: 12min

    In this episode we are going to encounter and address some of the myths encountered regarding my Whole Life Insurance is a "Terrible" investment. Schedule your coaching call here:

  • Ep. 211- 2022 in focus

    21/12/2021 Duration: 20min

    To piggy back on the Ep. 210, I am going to discuss my primary business focuses for my clients in 2022.  You won't want to miss this. Set up your personal financial coaching call here:

  • Ep. 210- 2021 in Review

    19/12/2021 Duration: 23min

    In this episode, we are going to review some of the main takeaways I had personally and professionally regarding 2021 and what you should do in your practice moving into 2022. Book your strategy call here:

  • Is Your Agent An Oral Surgeon?

    10/12/2021 Duration: 19min

    In this episode, I am going to explain exactly how I fit in the planning for your life insurance policies!  Book Your Strategic Call With Me Here:

  • Ep. 208- 3 Mistakes I made in Dental Practice Ownership

    06/12/2021 Duration: 23min

    In this episode, I am reflecting on the last 10 years as a dentist and what I wish I would have done differently.  This episode could save you a lot of pain and heartache! book a call here:

  • Ep. 207- Do This Before Buying ANY CRYPTO

    04/12/2021 Duration: 21min

    In this episode, we are going to talk about why most dentists have their investing strategies the complete opposite of what they should be and why you should do this one thing prior to ANY investments in the crypto space. Ready to talk?  Book your financial call here:

  • Ep. 206- Do I really need Disability Income Insurance?

    12/10/2021 Duration: 18min

    In this episode, I am going to address one of the questions that Dentists ask me all the time regarding Disability Insurance.  You are going to want to tune in! Need an insurance audit?  Get a complimentary audit by booking here:

  • Ep. 205- Should you save or invest first?

    10/10/2021 Duration: 29min

    So which one do I recommend Dentists do more of at the beginning... Save or Invest?  The answer may shock you! Ready to get coaching?  Book a call here:

  • Ep. 204- What Do I Use My Whole Life Insurance Cash Value For?

    29/09/2021 Duration: 11min

    In this episode, I am going to break down what I actively use my Whole Life Insurance Cash Value for.   Ready to set up your policy?  Book a call here:

  • Ep. 203- How much should my first Cash-Flow Banking Policy be for?

    29/09/2021 Duration: 12min

    If you are interested in using overfunded whole life to grow wealth, you may ask: How much should I put in my first policy?  This episode is for you. Right now we are doing complimentary audits for our potential clients.  Book your call here:

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