Tammy Adams - Karma Talk

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 151:34:00
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Join Master Intuitive Life Coach & Spiritual Healer, Tammy Adams, as she guides you to your spiritual awakening! The time is now to discover who you truly are and what the universe is truly about. Every day we hear about all sorts of things happening in this world, but have you ever wondered what role you play in it? Its time to learn the true meaning of your life and get unprecedented insight into the spiritual realm. Theres so much more to this life than meets the eye and Tammy Adams is the Master Intuitive Life Coach that your consciousness ordered. Shes here to guide you through it all. Learn the truth about spirit guides, Angels, vortexes, extra-terrestrials, spirits, meditation, healing, God, Universe, Creator, astrological events, numerology and more! Tammy gives you a view of the spiritual realm that only a skilled and powerful shaman such herself can. So, join Tammy for her podcast, Karma Talk, and learn the ins and outs of what makes this universe tick.


  • Ghost, spirits and entities why are they here?

    23/10/2015 Duration: 59min

    WE all have ghost in our closet, which spirits are with you and why are they hauning you. Here today you will learn things you can do to help let these spirits go to the light. Also call in to share your stories and learn why is this happening to you? Where did the entity come from and how can you set them free. 

  • How to open yourself towards new beginnings and opportunities.

    09/10/2015 Duration: 01h00s

    For those of you wondering how you can get out from under the rock, or jump over the tallest wall and even get free from that bad relationship,Tammy can help. In this next show Tammy will help you realize how you can get through all these things,heal and become stronger so that your new beginnings will be clear and successful. Knowing there is a way is what you need first and that’s exactly where Tammy will begin.  Tune in for some exciting tips and inspiring messages from Tammy and your Angels!  

  • What are my spirit guides trying to tell me?

    02/10/2015 Duration: 01h00s

    What are your spirit guides trying to say? Are you having dreams that may be repeating themselves telling you something but you do not understand? Call in and learn the ways to hear them and let me tell you the messages. Many of us are unaware of the information our guides are telling us, it is because we are disconnected and are into the fast paced world we are on. We do not slow down enough to get connected and hear the messages. Stop trying to guess, discover what your messages really are I can help, this is what I do.  

  • Is Karma getting in the way?

    25/09/2015 Duration: 59min

    Karma is very real! Many of us do not want to face the things we have done wrong, join me today to learn how to let go of the blockages and heal so that you may feel again and be free.  Feeling is a gift our God has given us, the gift of Love the gift of ( feeling ) so let me help you open up once again. Let go of the things you are unaware of so that you can improve your life and fulfill your purpose. Call 657-383-0285  

  • E.T. extraterrestrials are they real and are they among us?

    18/09/2015 Duration: 01h00s

    Extraterrestrials are real and it's about time we open our eyes and stop being in denial. I am here today to help you see and know when, where, and why they visit our planet. Have you had something happen in your life where time has gone by and you do not know where that time went and you have no memeory of it? So many of us do not know that we have had E.T. interactions or a one on one personal experience.   Listen in and learr what the signs are and if we have a sign on our bodies that show we have a connection with an E.T.? Call in, tell your story let me help you figure out what happen and how to heal from it. Sometimes we hold on to pain that is associated to the experience find out the details on Karma Talk.     

  • How can I talk to my Angel

    11/09/2015 Duration: 01h00s

    So many of us do not know we can talk to our own Angels let me teach you how. I can talk to your Angels today and see what is causeing the blockages. What is stopping you from hearing the messages and the visions let me help you today. We get side tracked and often are mislead by our selves thinking instead of listneing.  Our Angels are hear to guide us I talk to them and give you the messages and guidance you need so that you are no longer lost, confused, or wondering in life. I see so many people become on their path once they have this conncetion. Let me help you today call in ask your questions that you need to know find out what has been stopping you from where you should be.      

  • Healing our selves from past Karma a show not to miss.

    04/09/2015 Duration: 59min

    Healing our selves so that we can reach higher limits. What are the things that are stopping you from reaching your goals? Why are you not getting to where you should have been so many years ago? Healing is key, but its the karma that could be holding you back..  So many of us think that it is easy to just keep ignoring the bloackages we are feeling with in us but this is false. We need to take steps in growing so that we can get the best results in this life. Call in th learn and hear what is holding you back. I will be answering many hard, hidden, or unanswered questions so many of you have. This is a show that you should not miss. You could always find me @asktammyadams on twitter or www.growinginknowledge.com 

  • How can I transform myself to become more aware.

    28/08/2015 Duration: 01h00s

    Here I will teach you how to connect and get transformed within your self. What are the things stopping you? How can you break the walls down that you have put up? What can you do so that it does not happen again? There are so many aspects to becoming aware and getting rid of the blocks that have been put up from many years of emotional, spiritual, and even physical situations. Join me at this show to learn and expand your awareness. Does Karma have anything to do with what may be blocking us? You can always find me @askTammyAdams on twitter or go to www.growinginknowledge.com 

  • What is a Psychic?

    21/08/2015 Duration: 59min

    Today listen in so that you can learn what it means to be a Psychic. So many of us think that being psychic means something different, I will teach you the truth and help you uncover even your hidden abilities you may have. Why do we not know about our gifts or abilities because we get pulled into this world of judgement and ridicule. I am an expert at this field, I have spent my whole life studying, practicing, and teaching people how to uncover their gifts from within.  This show will be so beneficial for those looking for answers and searching for truth. I can help you feel complete and get the answers you have been searching for.

  • What is a Vortex

    14/08/2015 Duration: 59min

    What is a Vortex? Call in and learn what vortex is near you. What is the purpose of a Vortex can they really help us and change our vibrations? I will explain how they can help and maybe give away a few loctions for you to visit. I have traveled the world connceting with Vortex's taking people to become re-aligned and back in balance maybe you can be next..

  • Can we talk to our loved ones who have passed over?

    07/08/2015 Duration: 01h00s

    Many people ask if we can still communicate with those who have passed over; the answer will always be yes! Listen in to learn how can you talk to the ones you have lost and hear their messages for you. Knowing they are still around can give us comfort if we believe they are still around us. Tammy has connected with many people's passed loved ones, even the ones many people don't realize are still watching over them. You may be shocked like others she has helped! Call in and see who is around you and learn how you can continue to have a relationship with your Spirit that is watching over you. 

  • How do you remove blockages within?

    31/07/2015 Duration: 59min

    What are "blockages" within us? Do you even know if you have a blockage? Most of us don't know and let's face it, it's not easy to know by yourself when and where something went wrong. Because it's in our automatic defense system to "brush it under the carpet." But, when we do this and procrastinate about addressing the issue, it just continues to add up and starts to rot and smell; and eventually, making us sick and weighing us down tremendously. Here's the good news! Tammy knows how to purge your spiritual system and get you back on your feet and feeling better than ever very quickly! Today's show will be discussing the various reasons why a person gets "blocked" and how long we actually hold onto these blockages. Also, the importance of releasing and healing whatever has been hurting and beating down your spirit for so long.

  • Is it your angel or is it not your angel? That is the question!

    24/07/2015 Duration: 56min

    The voice, the feelings and objects having been moved when you go back into the room. Could it really be an angel? Is it your Guardian Angel? Tammy will be giving you tips on how to recognize and connect to your angel(s). She teaches people around the world how to communicate with their angel(s). Is your angel someone you once loved? Is it a passed family member? What does your angel want to tell you? All this, and more, during the show today. PLUS, call in and get answers to your questions!

  • What is karma?

    17/07/2015 Duration: 59min

    Tammy Adams, an Intuitive Life Coach and Spiritual Healer introduces herself and her new BlogTalkRadio Show, "Karma Talk." Today's show will discuss, what karma is, its significance in a person's life and also cause and effect.  Visit Tammy's website for info on one-on-one sessions, retreats and events at: http://growinginknowledge.com.

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