Mart's World



Martyn and his various co-hosts have ridiculous discussions about everyday topics.


  • Ep17: Discrimination And Prejudice Based On Assumption

    24/04/2019 Duration: 42min

    It's me, Carl and Chris again because I forgot to invite anyone else. This week I bring up the topic of discrimination and prejudice often being based on assumption. I tell the story how years ago back in the early 80's there was a lad around the town that always wore make-up so I naturally assumed he was one of 'the gays'. Then one day I met him and asked him if he was 'the gays' and he told me he had a girlfriend and a baby on the way which just goes to show that I shouldn't have made that assumption. Then we went on to discuss they way society today hears what they want to hear. I made the point that if I said that I didn't like Israelis, some idiot is bound to say that I'm a Nazi because I hate all the Jews which is not at all what I said.

  • Ep16: The Adult Entertainment Industry And Prostitution

    17/04/2019 Duration: 45min

    Chris' topic for this week is porn. Me Chris and Carl weigh in on the adult entertainment industry and the new regulations in the UK that say you have to prove your age online before you can watch it. Also we discuss should prostitution be legalised.

  • Weekly News Review 14th April 2019

    14/04/2019 Duration: 41min

    Carl, Chris and I have a Whatsapp group call to discuss this week's news. We talk about the Taiwanese woman who had 4 sweat bees living in her eyeball. Julian Assange being dragged out of the Ecuadorian embassy kicking and screaming, which was his own fault for calling Ecuador an insignificant country, even if it is. We also discuss people reviewing our conversations that are getting picked up through smart speakers in our homes and to test this theory I plan to tell Alexa that I've been sleeping with the reviewers wife for the last year. Our last topic was new detectors on the motorway that can tell when someone is on the phone in a car, but it can't tell if it's the driver or a passenger and it only flashes up a warning anyway so it's pretty pointless.

  • Ep15: 2 Fat Blokes And A Skinny Bloke Give Diet Advice

    10/04/2019 Duration: 48min

    Well this is an odd one. The podcast started out with no topic. It was me telling a story how I thought I had suffered salt poisoning the day before from some really salty soup that a Polish friend had given me. Carl, Chris and I ended up talking about food, diets and nutrition for the next 40 minutes and went to great lengths to advise our listener on what food he or she should be eating, which is ironic considering two of us are overweight and the other one is like a stick.

  • Ep14: More Twitter Q&A

    03/04/2019 Duration: 35min

    This week Carl, Chris and I meet up on a Whatsapp group phone call to answer a few more questions from Twitter, such as 'How should we reduce the human population of Earth?'. Should this be done in a 'Logan's Run' style environment where people are disposed of once they reach the age of 21?. Also we discuss 'If you could learn the answer to one question about your future, what would the question be?'

  • Ep13: Are Mobile Phones Ruining Social Interaction?

    27/03/2019 Duration: 30min

    Alex, Carl and I talk about how the mobile phone has changed our social lives. I don't think it should be called a phone anymore. That's like calling a car a headlight. There's much more to it than that. Our phones do so much more now than just make calls. 

  • Ep12: If You Had To Kill The Animal Yourself, Would You Still Eat Meat?

    20/03/2019 Duration: 27min

    This is a strange one. Alex would be quite happy to butcher his own dog if he was hungry enough. I would probably become a vegetarian if it became law that you had to kill the animal yourself before you could eat meat. However if it was a zombie apocalypse and there was no other food available then next door's cat is getting roasted.

  • Ep11: If You Could Travel Back In Time, What Era Would You Visit?

    13/03/2019 Duration: 30min

    Carl, Alex and I pick what era's we would visit if we had the ability to travel back in time. I explain why I would go to 1920's Paris. Alex is off to Egypt (probably because he likes sandals)and Carl is a high ranking member of the Roman Empire.

  • Ep10: Are We Living In A Simulation?

    06/03/2019 Duration: 38min

    Elon Musk says we may be living in a virtual world or a simulation if you like. Me, Carl and Alex discuss that possibility. We also talk about what we would do if we discovered that we had access to the code and could change what goes on in the simulation. Obviously I would be very rich and would be lording it over everyone with my vast wealth.

  • Solo Podcast - Will we be discussing the UFO phenomena on the podcast?

    05/03/2019 Duration: 05min

    I'm on my own for a short podcast to address a question from our listener. In this episode I explain why we won't be discussing UFO's on the podcast and a tell a brief version of my own UFO sighting many years ago, in the days before we had cameras in our pockets.

  • Ep9: Twitter Q&A

    27/02/2019 Duration: 34min

    This week Chris, Carl and I answer a couple of questions that listeners have asked us on Twitter such as... What famous person would we invite around for dinner? And who do we think should be locked up in a nuthouse? Obviously Trump, Hitler and Saddam got a mention.

  • Ep8: America - What's the point of it?

    20/02/2019 Duration: 40min

    Carl, Chris and myself discuss the USA. What's the point of them? They just cause wars and problems. I asked the question 'how do they keep their teeth so white when they eat so much? Are they injecting the fat straight into their veins to bypass their mouths?'

  • Ep7: Snowflakes - what are they and are they right?

    13/02/2019 Duration: 44min

    This week Chris, Carl and I discuss snowflakes. Personally I think most of them need to grow up and stop getting offended over nothing. Chris makes a valid point though. If they keep on complaining about everything that everyone does and says, then eventually nobody will say or do anything offensive to anyone. But is that a good idea?

  • Bonus Podcast - Indian Man Sues Parents For Having Him

    09/02/2019 Duration: 11min

    Yep, this sure sounds crazy but the guy has a point. He's suing his parents for bringing him into this world without his consent. Chris and Carl joined me on a Whatsapp call to discuss whether what he says makes sense or if he's just a nutter.

  • Bonus Podcast - Police Using Crime Prediction Software

    08/02/2019 Duration: 18min

    I got Carl and Chris on another Whatsapp call to discuss another BBC News item. !4 Police forces in the UK are using, or planning to use Crime Prediction Software. One of it's purposes is to carry out an "individual risk assessment", which attempts to predict how likely an individual is to commit an offence or be a victim of a crime. That sounded crazy to me so I had to get the guys on to discuss it.

  • Bonus Podcast - The Gucci Blackface Jumper Caffuffle

    07/02/2019 Duration: 11min

    We just had to do a bonus podcast about one of the headlines on the BBC News website. Gucci brought out a new black jumper that also covers the lower half of your face but with a difference. It has a hole cut out of it around the mouth area and they have also surrounded the cut out area in red so it looks like lips. I called Carl and Chris on Whatsapp and we give our opinion on whether Gucci made a stupid decision or whether they knew exactly what they were doing to gain publicity.

  • Ep6: Movies Good or crap?

    06/02/2019 Duration: 49min

    This is the third episode we recorded at the same time as episodes 4 and 5, so we still have some technical issues. We discussed our favourite movies. My favourite of last year was Black Panther. I also liked Great Wall which some of the others thought was rubbish, but what do they know. And it turns out that Carl is a big fan of Cinderella. It's my podcast so obviously my opinion is what really counts.

  • Ep5: Should the man pay on a first date?

    30/01/2019 Duration: 35min

    This episode started off with the question 'Should the man pay on the first date?' but quickly moved on to a debate on whether women and children should still be the first people to leave a sinking ship, and why is Carl's cat inviting other cats into the house. We did agree on the original question though. So have a listen and leave a comment.

  • Ep4: Is Artificial Intelligence going to kill us all??

    23/01/2019 Duration: 34min

    A crowd of us got together to discuss whether artificial intelligence is going to make our lives easier or kill us all. I mean if everything is automated then we won't need to work, so what the hell will we do all day? On the other hand, robots may decide that they are far more advanced than us so we become obsolete and need to be disposed of. (New episodes every Wednesday)

  • Episode 3 - The munchies, severed arms and moles with metal detectors

    02/02/2018 Duration: 01h34min

    Part three of my chat with Chris. we talk about chocolate bars getting smaller, St Franci Xavier's severed arm on tour and animals digging for treasure.

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