Ajc Passport

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 173:05:09
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Podcast by American Jewish Committee


  • AJC Passport: A Disappeared Journalist and Rising Extremism in Germany

    19/10/2018 Duration: 45min

    The grisly murder of Saudi journalist and U.S. resident Jamal Khashoggi inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul two weeks ago has prompted unprecedented backlash in Washington, D.C. against the Saudi government. Joining us to discuss the fallout is Hady Amr, a Visiting Fellow at the Brookings Institution and former senior diplomat in the State Department under President Obama. Our second conversation is with AJC Berlin Ramer Institute Director Deidre Berger, who joined us to discuss Chancellor Angela Merkel’s recent visit to Israel as well as issues of rising political extremism in Germany. Show notes: Good for the Jews article:https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/15/opinion/sugihara-moral-heroism-refugees.html

  • AJC Passport: Nikki Haley’s Surprise Move and Joint Muslim-Jewish Activism

    12/10/2018 Duration: 26min

    In a surprise move earlier this week, Nikki Haley announced that she would be stepping down from her role as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. The statement prompted an immediate flurry of speculation in D.C. and on social media regarding her next steps. For the pro-Israel community, Haley’s departure also raises questions on who will replace her as America’s voice at the UN and whether the next ambassador will be able to fill Haley’s shoes in combating rampant anti-Israel bias at the UN. Joining us to discuss Haley’s departure is Ron Kampeas, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency’s Washington Bureau Chief. We’re also joined by Rabbi Noam Marans, AJC Director of Interreligious and Intergroup Relations, to discuss the AJC-convened Muslim-Jewish Advisory Council (MJAC) and the successful passage of a hate crimes bill backed by both AJC and MJAC. Show notes: Article from Good for the Jews: https://www.tabletmag.com/scroll/272249/the-flight-of-the-righteous-gentile

  • AJC Passport: Defending the Transatlantic Alliance

    05/10/2018 Duration: 31min

    At the height of the Second World War, U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill articulated a vision of a world living at peace, with free trade, human rights, and democracy at its center. After the war, their nations helped bring that vision—dubbed the Atlantic Charter—into being, creating the world we know today. But now, seven decades later, the charter and the global system it envisioned are under assault. This week on AJC Passport, we’re joined by journalist, author, and visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution James Kirchick to do a deep-dive into what’s undermining the transatlantic alliance and the close ties between fellow liberal democracies. We’re also joined by AJC Associate Executive Director for Policy Jason Isaacson to discuss AJC’s newest initiative to reaffirm the transatlantic partnership with the help of a few prominent friends. Show notes: James's Yale campaign in the WSJ: https://www.wsj.com/articles/im-running-to-restore-yale-values-1528054042 AJ

  • AJC Passport: The World Comes to New York

    21/09/2018 Duration: 20min

    Each year, leaders from around the world descend on New York City for the UN General Assembly. For the NYPD, these world leaders leave behind a slew of unpaid parking tickets. But for AJC, that all of them are in one place presents an unparalleled opportunity to advocate for the Jewish people globally. Our guest this week is our chief advocate, AJC CEO David Harris, who joins us to explain what happens at the UN General Assembly and what AJC does when it meets with visiting leaders behind closed doors.

  • AJC Passport: Middle East Peace with negotiator Aaron David Miller

    13/09/2018 Duration: 24min

    Twenty-five years ago this week, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Chairman Yasser Arafat joined U.S. President Bill Clinton on the White House lawn to sign the Oslo Accords, the first-ever peace agreement between the two sides. This week, the Trump administration announced that it is closing the PLO’s office in Washington, D.C. What happened? We’re joined by Aaron David Miller, Vice President for New Initiatives and Middle East Program Director at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Miller previously served as a peace process advisor to U.S. administrations of both parties. He joins us to talk about the legacy of the Oslo Accords, the Trump administration’s decision to shutter the PLO’s D.C. office, and the future of negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.

  • AJC Passport: How the Mossad Targets Terrorists and Why a Controversial Leader Came to Israel

    06/09/2018 Duration: 30min

    This week on AJC Passport we’re bringing you a special segment: a deep dive into the Mossad’s use of targeted killings. Joining us to discuss the secretive agency’s tactics is Ronen Bergman, an investigative journalist and New York Times Magazine staff writer who spent years combing through archives and conducting interviews with Mossad officials to write the best-selling book Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel’s Targeted Assassinations. Our second guest is AJC Asia Pacific Institute Director Shira Loewenberg, who joined us to discuss controversial Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s visit to Israel.

  • AJC Passport: Trump Cuts Aid to Palestinians, Jews Cut Ties to Corbyn

    31/08/2018 Duration: 38min

    The Trump administration is cutting $200 million in aid meant for the Palestinians. The move comes on the heels of previous cuts to U.S. funding for projects in the Palestinian territories. We sat down with Tamara Cofman Wittes, Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs at the U.S. State Department, to analyze what impact the cut will have and what it reveals about the administration’s strategy. Our second guest is Josh Glancy, a correspondent for the British publication The Sunday Times. Glancy recently wrote a searing indictment of Jeremy Corbyn in The New York Times following the latest anti-Semitic scandal involving Corbyn where a 2013 video that was discovered showed him questioning whether ‘Zionists’ were truly British. Josh Glancy’s article: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/27/opinion/jeremy-corbyn-anti-semitism-labour-britain.html John McCain’s speech at AJC Global Forum 2014: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=183&v=

  • AJC Passport: Gaza Ceasefire, Netanyahu’s Future, and the U.S.-Turkey Crisis

    24/08/2018 Duration: 51min

    Is a long-term ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in the offing? How did the United States and Turkey—NATO allies—find themselves in a trade war? We answer those questions and more on this week’s edition of AJC Passport. Joining us to talk about the Gaza ceasefire, growing election talk in Israel, and his biography of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is Haaretz writer Anshel Pfeffer. We are also joined by Dr. Henri Barkey, a professor at Lehigh University and former Middle East Program Director at Princeton’s Woodrow Wilson Center, who describes his harrowing encounter with the Turkish government after the attempted coup in 2016 and how the country found itself at odds with the U.S. government. Show notes: Anshel’s Netanyahu biography: https://www.amazon.com/Bibi-Turbulent-Times-Benjamin-Netanyahu/dp/0465097820

  • AJC Passport: What Are the Best Colleges for Jews?

    17/08/2018 Duration: 23min

    If you’re a high school senior or the parents of one, you’re about to embark on a wonderfully stressful journey: picking the right college. If you’re Jewish, that comes with a few extra considerations: Is there a Jewish a cappella group? How’s the kosher food? What about BDS on campus? To answer these questions and more, we spoke with Laura Adkins and Aiden Pink, two young journalists at The Forward who designed a comprehensive guide that ranks over 200 colleges across the country based on what they offer Jewish students. Show notes: The Forward College Guide: www.forward.com/college Rabbi Aaron Lerner’s Essay: http://jewishjournal.com/opinion/189597/

  • AJC Passport: Rockets Batter Israel, White Supremacists Descend on D.C., Druze Fight for Equality

    10/08/2018 Duration: 28min

    As we recorded this episode on Thursday morning, southern Israel was battered by rockets from the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip. Our guest, former IDF spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel (res.) Peter Lerner, briefed us on the attacks before diving into the topic of the week: the Druze community’s protest against the Nation-State Law and why he joined it. Our second guest was AJC Washington Director Alan Ronkin, who discussed how AJC joined forces with the Urban League to speak out against white supremacists ahead of this weekend’s racist rally in our nation’s capital. Peter’s piece: https://forward.com/opinion/407409/israel-s-nation-state-bill-shamed-the-minorities-who-give-us-pride/ Alan’s statement with the Urban League: https://www.ajc.org/news/greater-washington-urban-league-and-american-jewish-committee-ajc-stand-united-against-hate

  • AJC Passport: Talking to Tehran and Negotiating Jewish Numbers

    03/08/2018 Duration: 47min

    Is President Trump trying to get Iran to come back to the negotiating table? During a press conference on Monday with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, Trump indicated that he would be ready to meet with Iranian leaders without preconditions. We therefore decided to open up the AJC vault and share with you a conversation we recorded with Emily Landau, a senior research fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv, who talked about precisely this strategy. Landau leads the institute’s Arms Control and Regional Security Program and is an expert on Iran’s nuclear efforts. Our second segment is on a topic that comes up regularly and generates a fair amount of anxiety: Jewish demographics in Israel and America.

  • AJC Passport: Israel on the “Woke Left” and Saving the White Helmets

    27/07/2018 Duration: 31min

    Is Israel becoming a litmus test on the “woke” left? This week, Teen Vogue published an article that sought to tie issues of police brutality in the United States to Israel’s conflict with the Palestinians. Our guest this week is journalist Emily Shire, who joins us to explain the evolution of Teen Vogue and give us a follow-up on her viral New York Times article from 2017, which asked if feminism still has room for Zionist women. For our second segment, we are joined by AJC Jerusalem Director Lt. Col. (Res.) Avital Leibovich to discuss Israel’s heroic effort to save the ‘White Helmets’—Syrian medics who have themselves saved countless Syrian lives during the country’s brutal civil war.

  • AJC Passport: The Trump-Putin Summit and Israel’s Nation-State Bill

    20/07/2018 Duration: 44min

    President Trump had a headline-grabbing visit to Europe. During the trip, he called the European Union a foe of the United States and received sharp blowback for his deferential approach to contentious questions such as whether Russia interfered in the 2016 election. Over in Israel, a controversial bill that would define the character of the state passed over the objections of Israel’s president and leading Jewish organizations around the world, including AJC. Joining us to discuss the reaction to the Trump-Putin summit is Andrew Weiss, Vice President at the Carnegie Institute and long-time Russia expert, who spent years serving in administrations of both parties advising on Russia policy. We’re also joined by Dr. Stephen Bayme, AJC Director of Contemporary Jewish Life and American Jewish-Israeli relations to discuss Israel’s nation-state bill, what it means for Israel, and what it means for Israel-diaspora relations. Full nation-state law: https://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/Read-the-full-Jewish-Nation-State-L

  • AJC Passport: Trump’s SCOTUS Nominee, Supporting Israel in the Academic World

    12/07/2018 Duration: 38min

    A confirmation battle is brewing. This week on AJC Passport, we dive into the world of U.S. Supreme Court nominations. Joining us to discuss this hot-button issue is AJC General Counsel Marc Stern, who has appeared four times before the Supreme Court and is one of the Jewish community’s experts on the court, the separation of church and state, and religious liberty. Stern talks to us about Brett Kavanaugh, and what everyone gets wrong about confirmation fights. The segment is followed by a conversation with Eric Kaler, president of the University of Minnesota and esteemed chemical engineer, who recently traveled to Israel with AJC Passport host Seffi Kogen as part of an AJC Project Interchange delegation. Hear his take on what Israeli universities do well and why he openly supports ties with the Jewish state despite the anti-Israel activism among his students.

  • AJC Passport: Mexico Elects a New President, Poland Amends Controversial Holocaust Law

    06/07/2018 Duration: 29min

    A political earthquake just shook Mexico. This week, in a landslide victory, political outsider and left-wing nationalist Andrés Manuel López Obrador won the Mexican presidency with an anti-establishment and anti-corruption campaign. Joining us to discuss this dramatic development is Dina Siegel Vann, Director of the AJC Belfer Institute for Latino and Latin American Affairs. Our second guest this week is our Warsaw-based Director of AJC Central Europe, Agnieszka Markiewicz, who is joining us to discuss recent changes to Poland’s controversial Holocaust law and the recent “No to Hatred” conference AJC Central Europe co-hosted with the city of Warsaw.

  • AJC Passport: Conversations with Amb. Daniel Shapiro and UN Special Coordinator Nickolay Mladenov

    29/06/2018 Duration: 32min

    Last week, we took you front and center at AJC Global Forum in Israel by bringing you the much-anticipated Great Debate. This week, we take you behind the scenes and bring you some exclusive conversations from our biggest event earlier this month. First up, friend of AJC Passport and U.S. Ambassador to Israel Daniel Shapiro (2011-17) discusses the outcomes of the embassy move to Jerusalem and Israel’s endgame in Syria. We also explore the implications of potential U.S. recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. The Ambassador is followed by UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov, who leads the UN efforts related to Israeli-Palestinian peace. We discuss the major challenges of the peace process.

  • AJC Passport: Special Global Forum Episode - The Great Debate

    20/06/2018 Duration: 39min

    For those of you who were unable to join us in Jerusalem for the AJC Global Forum—or for those who want to relive the moment—we’re bringing you this year’s Great Debate. In the 2018 iteration of this AJC Global Forum staple, Member of Knesset Stav Shaffir of the Labor party faced off against Mayor Oded Revivi of the West Bank settlement of Efrat. Their question: “One State or Two States, Is There a Solution?"

  • AJC Passport: Live from Jerusalem - Exploring Israel and the Media with Matti Friedman

    13/06/2018 Duration: 52min

    AJC Passport hits the road! This week’s episode comes to you from Jerusalem. Recorded in front of a live audience for the first time, we sat down with journalist and author Matti Friedman to discuss one of the least reported-on angles of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: the press that covers the struggle. Drawing on his years of experience as an AP reporter, Friedman talked with us about how the editorial process shapes coverage and fielded questions from the audience of more than 350 college students who participated in the AJC Global Forum 2018.

  • AJC Passport: A Conversation with Yossi Klein Halevi about His New Best Seller

    06/06/2018 Duration: 32min

    Can the stories Israelis and Palestinians tell about their history help them achieve peace? It's a question that keeps acclaimed author Yossi Klein Halevi up at night. This week’s AJC Passport features a special conversation with Klein Halevi. He discusses grappling with this question and how it led him to write his latest book, Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor. Hear him explain what he wants Palestinians to know about Israel's national narrative and how this knowledge might help both peoples understand each other. Klein Halevi also contributed an essay titled “The Future of the American Jewish-Israeli Relationship” for the recently-released 2018 AJC publication, Twenty-Five Essays about the Current State of Israeli-American Jewish Relations which you can check out at ajc.org/diasporasymposium.

  • AJC Passport: Congress Takes on Antisemitism, Anti-Israel Activists Hijack the Presbyterian Church

    01/06/2018 Duration: 40min

    Is Congress stepping up its efforts to combat rising anti-Semitism? In recent days, calls have rung out from Capitol Hill to fill the long-vacant position of Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism at the U.S. State Department. Also, a new bill was introduced that would help define anti-Semitism to better fight it in schools and on college campuses across the nation. Joining us to share his insights from Washington, D.C., is AJC Associate Executive Director for Policy Jason Isaacson, who has worked closely with members of Congress on both issues. We are also joined by Emily Soloff, AJC National Associate Director for Interreligious and Intergroup Relations, to discuss how the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has become a ritual of anti-Israel demonization and consider what that means for Presbyterian-Jewish relations.

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