Verily, Octopi Sing

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 21:21:21
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Irene Geijselaers and Jacob Taxén discuss the small questions of life, with a hard science fictional analysis of the world.


  • Digital Native

    19/12/2021 Duration: 48min

    Get ready for a sugar rush with this extra sweet Sodapop episode of Verily Podcast! Who is the Coke murderer? Where do you find Colognial water? What is the worst soda drink of all time? Join Jacob and Irene while they drink, critique and rank different German sodas. Find us on Twitter, Facebook, or, if you've had enough, on

  • An *ss, a B*tch, a P*ssy and a C*ck

    04/09/2021 Duration: 48min

    Where was toothpaste invented? Who is Alchemist Dippel? And why do all stories come in threes? Join a Swede and a Dutchman as they explore Germany. Will they be able to avoid all the pitfalls left on the Dutch beaches, while they prepare themselves for their life in a country without ventilation? Come and find out in this brand new episode of Verily Podcast! Find us on Twitter, Facebook or, if you have had enough, on

  • Elevator Musician

    11/10/2020 Duration: 46min

    Today's episode is all about (mostly about) jobs! How does Irene's nerdy interests fit on a CV? What does the garbage men really do? How dull can engineers be? And which is the only movie that is real? Find us on Twitter, Facebook or, if you have enough, on

  • Flying Cows

    05/08/2020 Duration: 33min

    Only 71% of earth is covered with water, but 100% of the earth is covered with air. On this episode Jacob and Irene examine the sky and it's inhabitants in great detail. Why are stork babies such ungrateful children? What should you think about when going for a great migration? Why are clouds? These and many more questions are answered in this episode of Verily podcast. Find us on Twitter, Facebook or, if you have enough, on

  • God killed the queen but she's still welcome here

    15/03/2020 Duration: 38min

    When going to Hell, there is a lot of things you need to know. Luckily, Irene and Jacob are here to guide you through the Nine Circles and teach you where you get the best pizza, how to contact the Ministry of Earthly Delights, how IKEA furniture is made and what punishment awaits those who believe in hearsay. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, or on

  • A place for practice or warship

    09/02/2020 Duration: 50min

    Live along the Eight Rules of Verily: 1. Common sense 2. No running 3. Eat mostly sea-food 4. Give hugs 5. Open jars 6. Camoflage yourself to adjust to situations 7. Wear cargopants 8. When in danger, spit ink into your aggressors eyes Find us on Facebook:, on Twitter: @VerilyPodcast, or on

  • The Ravaging 20s

    12/01/2020 Duration: 41min

    Put on your feather hair band and your bright orange necktie, 'cause Jacob and Irene are talking about the roaring twenties! Want to know the top 10 things to do in your 20s? Wonder what the Dutch sailors, Johan Sebastian Bach and Swedish politicians have in common? Tune in to the first Verily podcast of the decade!   Find us on Facebook, on Twitter @VerilyPodcast, or on

  • The phrenologist and his menstruating wife

    21/07/2019 Duration: 50min

    Want to know where Descartes discarded his head? Want to have a good excuse not to remember someones face? You are in luck, because this week Jacob and Irene see, smell, taste, hear and feel everything related to the brain. From the hippocampus in London to the identity theft of Albert Einstein, this episode will provide enough brain food to make food of your brain.

  • Drink your future

    26/05/2019 Duration: 51min

    The past is so last year, the future is where it's at! Wanna know what Nostradamus was like in high school? Curious what the future holds for this podcast? Wonder what egg white has to do with any of this? Join Irene "to the future" Geijselaers and Jacob "Taxtradamus" Taxen in their exploration of the divine!   Find us on Facebook, on Twitter @VerilyPodcast, or on

  • Perfect crime

    14/04/2019 Duration: 53min

    Full disclosure! The criminal masterminds Irene and Jacob confess to all crimes they've committed (one each) and then go on planning the next ones. We learn how to tunnel into parties, how to rob purses, how to get away with yacht theft and how to plot against the monarchy. To hack us, visit: or confess a crime on our Facebook page: or blackmail us at:

  • All the cool things happen on the edge

    03/03/2019 Duration: 46min

    Verily podcast talks about Antarctica! It's a weird ecosystem where microbes eat air, scientists run naked and the Norwegian dominion turns penguin poop from pink to white, all before the watchful eyes of Lenin. For more, visit the Internet pole of inaccessability: or follow us on Facebook: and Twitter:

  • Never open herpes dot exe

    10/02/2019 Duration: 42min

    Technology has it's ups and downs, especially in our age of Artificial intelligence and poor internet security. Jacob finally gets to let out his steam on app-based restaurants, Irene teaches us about the Internet of Shit, and then we talk a lot about every way AI might improve our daily lives. The talkative text-to-speech robot is called Tacotron 2 and its samples can be found here: The spreadsheet on brilliant AI without regards for common sense can be found here: And if you want to see the picture of Irene in a dough bowl hat, your best bets are on twitter: or on Facebook:

  • Molluscs, verily everyday, makes joyful singing, you nerd

    13/01/2019 Duration: 47min

    A new year is upon us, and we celebrate by reviewing the year 2006: the year of Cascada and Shakira, interplanetary struggle, bucket lists and woodpecker headaches. And yeah, we have renamed the pod, so you should now all refer to it as "Verily Podcast". If you have a good mnemonic for remembering the 115 spherical bodies in our solar system, let us know at our Facebook page: or at Twitter: or simply send a mail to

  • Are you tired of having only answers?

    09/12/2018 Duration: 49min

    The paleolithic is always topical, so this episode is brought to you from the stone age. You will get answers, but also questions, and you will learn what the cavemen laughed at, how to sell them stuff, what it took to be an inventor back in the days and how to ask them the right questions. If you have had enough, visit or Facebook: and Twitter

  • Poetry about Pesto

    18/11/2018 Duration: 38min

    Hit that like button and subscribe, because today we talk about social media. What was the first ever social medium? Why was Jacob involved in a hug party? And what gems are hidden in 9 years of Irene on twitter? Listen to this verily new episode to find out!

  • Bad vs Evil

    28/10/2018 Duration: 52min

    This is The Octopus, singing to you from beyond the grave. In the scariest episode so far, we talk about the most horrible insect, the sanatorium Jacob went to school in, the classism in not wanting to be a werepuppy and why Irene would make a terrible ghost. If you have had enough, visit and let us know about your supernatural experiences on Facebook: and Twitter

  • Intertimensional conference

    14/10/2018 Duration: 37min

    You are invited to the most awesome conference in the history of the solar system. We have selected the best speakers with the most interesting topics, there is going to be entertainment and food and you are going to get so much merch in your gift bags that you will have to get some cargo pants to get all of it home. And the tickets are going to be so expensive.   Keep yourself up-to-date by following us on Twitter and Facebook: And if you have had enough, visit

  • Your personal traits are deadly sins

    23/09/2018 Duration: 45min

    Seven days a week, seven colors of the rainbow, seven continents and seven seas. All good things come in sevens, so for our 14th episode, Jacob and Irene will talk about the number 7. What are the seven wonders of the internet? What animals are the seven deadly sins? Join us for the exploration of the largest single digit prime.

  • Bohemian splashody

    09/09/2018 Duration: 19min

    122 days after the apocalypse, Irene and Jacob manage to find some recording equipment. This gives them the chance to gather their thoughts on what happened, share some advice on how to stay alive and reminisce about life before they arrived. But the dark threat is always nearby... If you find this, please share it with whomever you might meet. If you, like us, have had enough, visit There used to be a Facebook page at and back when there were people using Twitter, you could follow us at

  • Half a t-shirt

    26/08/2018 Duration: 42min

    Sit up straight, eat with knife and fork and always say "Please" and "Thank you"! This week Jacob and Irene talk about etiquette: Why do the dutch never laugh? How was the unit length Ångström discovered? What should you never say to a demon? Get educated on these etiquette rules and much more!

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