Bethany Church

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 149:48:14
  • More information



Weekly Bible-based sermons from Bethany Church (EFCA) in Canby, Oregon. We seek to be gospel focused and Christ-centered in our study of the Word as we strive to help others follow Jesus.


  • Going To Bethel / Genesis 35


    30 years after God appeared to Jacob in Bethel with an angel staircase from heaven, Jacob fulfills his vow by returning to THE place again. But it is on this return that a clear transition from one generation to the next is taking place and so preparation is made. This morning we are going to compare Jacob’s family’s transitional season to our own and be reminded that the faithfulness of God in our own transition time is a call to self-examination and renewed worship.

  • Alarming Grief and Grace / Genesis 34


    Jacob’s partial obedience, of stopping in the promised land at Shechem, rather than returning to where God had commanded at Bethel, brings alarming grief and injustice upon his daughter and family. But responding to evil and injustice with greater evil and injustice, as Jacob’s sons do, is never the right solution. Where have we been tempted to betray our call as disciples to the gospel, to win, win, win, the smaller battles? And how gracious is a God who uses people like this, and us for his gospel purposes?

  • Why We Sing / Psalm 96


    Instead of simply singing because it is what we do in church, let's consider the different ways in which singing is important in the life of a Christian. Singing is not only a sign of worship, but a tool for shaping us into the people that God has called us to be.

  • History, Grace & Rest at Christmas / Matthew 1:1-17


    This Christmas we celebrate and explore Immanuel - God with us! What could possibly drive Matthew, the Gospel writer, to think that beginning his book with a long list of names was a good hook? This morning we will be shown that this is not a dry list of names, but a rich statement on the historicity of the Gospel news, the breaking down of barriers, and ultimate rest from all our self-effort.

  • Restoring Grace / Genesis 33:1-20


    Why is reconciliation so hard in the face of conflict when we have been given all the resources we need in the Gospel? This morning we look at the reconciliation between Jacob and Esau, which was only possible because of the reconciliation Jacob had had with God first. The answer to our question is only found in the grace that humbles us, restores us, and brings us all the way home.

  • Winning By Losing / Genesis 32:1-32


    Jacob is now at the border of the Promised Land, and he is about to face his greatest fight yet. Jacob is fearing a return to face off against his betrayed brother Esau, but what Jacob really needs is a healthy dose of the fear of God. What a radical transformation we see this morning in Jacob as he is changed in two distinct ways: in name and body, as he comes to the end of himself. How do you win by losing? Well, we answer that question today in the FIGHT, BLESSING and RESPONSE

  • Man on the Run / Genesis 31:17-55


    This is the final showdown between Jacob and his arch-nemesis Laban. And Jacob comes out on top as victor, but not because of his own might and strength. God is the protector and vindicator of Jacob, and faithful to his promises. And these truths, prompt exemplary obedience on the part of Jacob and his wives. Let’s look today at two parts: the conflict and the covenant.

  • Divine Increase / Genesis 30:25 - 31:18


    Jacob is finally being sent home after 20 years, 4 wives, and 11 children, but it is not before a final showdown with his arch-nemesis Laban. This morning we look at the spiritual growth that accompanied both the family, and prosperity growth for Jacob, Rachel, and Leah. And the lesson we will learn, is that from Romans 11:36, For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen. Let’s SEE this together.

  • God of the Brokenhearted / Genesis 29:31 - 30:24


    God continues to work through this incredibly broken family, showing not only his willingness to care for the broken, but his deep love for the oppressed and brokenhearted. Even while this family fights for control of things that only belong to God we see God patiently and consistently accomplishing his purposes. He was the God of the brokenhearted and he still is today.

  • Deception, Disillusionment and Deliverance / Genesis 29:1-35


    After the amazing vision of the angel ladder, Jacob has a lighter bounce in his step, but still moves by his own strength. This week we look at a scandalous story of deception, disillusionment, but ultimate deliverance for the unlovable Leah. Let’s look at the messy lives of Jacob, Rachel, Laban, and Leah to discover the providence of God, the discipline of God, and the Gospel of God.

  • A Stairway From Heaven / Genesis 27:41-28:22


    Jacob is a man on the run as he flees the family drama and leaves it in his wake. There is an irony in the fact that the man to whom the land and family inheritance is promised, is leaving them both behind. This is Jacob’s darkest moment, and he must have been questioning heaven. But it is in this darkest moment that heaven explodes, and God’s grace descends in the most unlikely way. Let’s look at the stairway from heaven.

  • My Blessing or Yours? / Genesis 27:1-40


    At the center of this messy family story is the desire of every family member to lay claim to “THE blessing” for their own desired purpose and person. What results is a sad display of family disintegration and a willful ignorance of God’s Word and means. But we also see a dazzling display of grace. We all want the blessing, don’t we? It is just a matter of where we find it.

  • God Is Present / Genesis 26:1-33


    How much do we really believe God’s promise that he is present with us all the time? Is it possible that we objectively believe that, but we don’t always live faithful in accordance with that truth? This morning we are going to examine both the promises and presence of God and the faithful obedience these should engender in us. How much do we really believe God’s promise that he is present with us all the time? Is it possible that we objectively believe that, but we don’t always live faithful in accordance with that truth? This morning we are going to examine both the promises and presence of God and the faithful obedience these should engender in us.

  • Extraordinary Grace / Genesis 25:19-34

    19/09/2021 Duration: 01h04min

    The more we look at the heroes of Genesis, the more we see that God is truly the hero of the story. This morning we look at the continuing family line of Abraham, the man of promise, to see the promise continue, but not in the way we would expect. God’s grace never works in life how we expect it to in God’s upside-down economy – the first shall be last, the last shall be first; the older shall serve the younger; the weak shall be made strong.

  • Gospel Foundation, Fruit, and Walk / Colossians 1:1-14

    12/09/2021 Duration: 49min

    This morning we look at an incredible passage on the power of the Gospel to change and transform lives. Too often we say we understand the gospel, but then, we prove that we do not by wanting something more than the Gospel to be ok. Today we are going to unpack Paul’s greeting to the church in Colossae as we look at the Gospel Foundation, Fruit, and Walk to see that Jesus is enough.

  • Godliness In A Godless World / 1 Timothy 6:11-21


    This letter is both a guide for how the church should work but also a “call to Christ-centered, gospel-centered godliness for the sake of the church and a lost world.”

  • What Do You Crave? / ! Timothy 6:3-10


    This morning Paul addresses the cravings and desires of our heart which drive the actions of our lives. The false teachers at Ephesus serve this morning as an example of the destruction that a desire for money causes while we are called to find contentment and satisfaction in Christ. We will answer the question - what do you crave? - by looking at both the sin of materialism and the contentment Christ offers.

  • Biblical Elders in a Local Church / 1 Timothy 5:17-25


    What is true for every organization is also true in the local church: The local church rises and falls on the quality of its leadership. Nothing is more crucial for the health of a local church than its leadership. The Apostle Paul knew this, which is why he highlights 5 Biblical principles related to elders and their leadership in 1 Timothy 5:17-20.

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