Your Next Million With Frank Kern

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 164:04:05
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Transforming Your Business Isn't About Doing A Million Different Things. It's About Finding ONE BIG THING And Then Leveraging That.Frank Kern has been advising entrepreneurs like you all day, every day, to do just that since 1999.This is his podcast.


  • An IMPERFECT Morning Routine (works great)

    25/09/2023 Duration: 06min

    Have you ever heard of that book Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod? I listened to that a couple of years ago on audio book, and I can't remember exactly what it said, but I'm mentioning the book because probably some of what I'm going to share with you is inspired by what I read or more accurately listened to in that book. I want to give credit where credit is due preemptively because surely none of this is original. I want to introduce you to the concept of the imperfect morning routine. We all talk about, well not we all, but we all at least hear about a morning routine, and the importance of a morning routine...

  • An unusual childhood experience (that might have made me millions)

    18/09/2023 Duration: 07min

    I want to share an unusual belief that was, I'm going to put this in air quotes, forced on me growing up that forever changed my life for the better. I say forced on me, again in air quotes, because I was never given an option to consider it. It never occurred to me that it might not be true. It was literally repeated to me over and over and over again. And I believed it and I gotta tell ya, I thank God for the belief. And I thank God  that I believed it, that I quote unquote, fell for it. So here's the belief...

  • The Most Powerful “Persuasion Technique” On Earth

    11/09/2023 Duration: 07min

    Let's talk about one of the most powerful, mass-influence methods ever. I wanted to say weapons, but that just sounds weird. I don't want to weaponize this kind of thing. You know, technique, strategy, tactic, how 'bout that? Anyway, before I tell you about this, I want to warn you, this cannot be faked...

  • Forget “Money Goals” - try this instead

    04/09/2023 Duration: 06min

    Let's talk about money goals. They say you're supposed to have 'em and they say you're supposed to set financial targets. I got to tell you, I'm not sure I agree. I mean, to some degree, obviously it's a pretty good idea, but here's something I'll share with you from personal experience, might help you have yourself more fun and a better life...

  • These two skills will get you farther than anything else

    28/08/2023 Duration: 16min

    So what was I wanting to talk to y'all about? Last night I was briefly on Clubhouse again. I've got to tell you, you got to watch out for that thing. It is very addictive. I got on there, was screwing around...The first room didn't really make a lot of sense to me... Then I jumped into another one, I think it was a room called millionaires helping millionaires, or something. I don't know, but someone asked me a question and the question was a good one. It was like on the spot. I didn't realize this was about Clubhouse, but if you've been made a moderator of a room before, and then you join that room later, you're still a moderator and your mic is on. Thank God I didn't say anything dumb, like normal, you know, because as soon as I got on it's like, Hey Frank, what do you think about this?

  • You have WAY more value than you know

    21/08/2023 Duration: 16min

    Let's get to work. OK, try to do these every day. Share some new insights. Some picking up along the way. Crazy thing happened on Clubhouse yesterday, which is increasingly addicting, by the way. Who knows what will happen with this thing? So many questions around the topic of Clubhouse. Is it going to replace this or that or the other? The answer in my opinion is no. It's not going to replace anything, but it is a pretty good feeder system for other platforms, like somebody sees you on Clubhouse. If you're able to help or contribute, then maybe they go check you out on YouTube or listen to your podcast, or check out your Instagram or Facebook or whatever. It's also a great place to pick up insights about what's going on in the mind of your customer, which we've talked about before. So yesterday, I got pinged into a room...

  • Avoid this ONE “mindset mistake” at ALL COSTS

    14/08/2023 Duration: 10min

    What's happening y'all? This is an honest to God, real live actual planned podcast episode. So let's dig right on into it. I got a question, a good question, the other day. I forgot who asked me so I can't credit them that, but whoever you are, thanks for asking it. The question was, what three beliefs do you wish you had when you were 20? Which was really a good question. All the self-help folks, as a generalization, will tell you that your beliefs affect your thinking, your thinking affects your decisions, your decisions affect your actions and in your actions affect your life. Yada, yada, yada. I believe all of that to be true. Only reason I'm yada yada yada -ing it is because I know you've heard it a billion times, just like I have. Man, what a good question. So I spent a lot of time thinking about it and I don't know if I've got three, but I've got one that I wish I would have, I could have installed in my 20s and here it is...

  • Is Clubhouse Worth Messing With? (yes, but NOT how you might think)

    07/08/2023 Duration: 09min

    Hope everybody's well. Happy whatever today it is...Saturday. I want to answer a question that was on my mind. It's been on a lot of people's mind, what's the deal with this Clubhouse thing, is it worth messing with? There's a lot of debate on it. So here's the thing about Clubhouse...

  • Do NOT try to out-work me. (Out-smart me instead.)

    31/07/2023 Duration: 14min

    Do not try to out-work me, out-smart me instead. Over the holiday, I got a message from someone very important to me, and they're going through a good rebirth of business. This individual is experiencing some focus issues and said that one of their ambitions was to out-work me. My immediate response, because I care very much about this person, was "please don't do that. Instead out-smart me." So I say to you, don't try to out-work me. Definitely not from a place of ego...

  • I’m starting a TV show on and I wanna scale it online. What are a few steps I can take to do that?

    24/07/2023 Duration: 01min

    This is interesting.  I'm starting a TV show on Vuvies and I want to scale it online. What's a few steps I can take to do that? I don't know, I don't know what Vuvies is. Now I'm feeling like I'm left out. I'm not going to look at it though, at Vuvies, because then I'll go down this freaking rabbit hole and I won't get any work done. Let's pretend you got a record coming out and it's an album and you want downloads, or a podcast or something... I would do click campaigns...

  • The career executive coaching space is booming right now due to the global pandemic economic fall out. What would your very top strategy be to capture more engagements?

    17/07/2023 Duration: 02min

    Hey Frank, the career executive coaching space is booming right now due to the global pandemic economic fall out. What would your very top strategy be to capture more engagements? So I have a framework for writing stuff to get people's attention that works really, really well...and it's really fundamental.

  • How can I build clientele for my wife’s salon targeting a 50-mile radius?

    10/07/2023 Duration: 03min

    How can I build clientele for my wife's salon targeting a 50-mile radius? Dude, this fits in perfectly with the earlier question of what would you do if you lost everything and only had $10K and had to start all over. I would service businesses like the one referenced. So dude, here's what you do...

  • What courses of yours are a good fit for a very advanced, well-established internet marketer?

    03/07/2023 Duration: 02min

    What courses of yours are a good fit for a very advanced, well-established internet marketer? Really depends on the desired outcome. I consider myself to be a very advanced, well-established internet marketer, and what I always go back to is the fundamentals or...

  • How do you inspire yourself to create content?

    26/06/2023 Duration: 01min

    How do you inspire yourself to create content?  Dude. It's fun! So, this is like...this, debauchery and food, and, you know, inappropriate things to talk about on a livestream that all other dudes think about it. This is the only thing that I ever think about. Ever. 

  • You’ve lost everything and you’re starting from scratch. Your goal is to make $100K as quickly as possible. You’ve got $10K to your name. How would you do it?

    19/06/2023 Duration: 02min

    Here's the question I get all the time... You've lost everything and you're starting from scratch. Your goal is to make $100K as quickly as possible. You've got $10K to your name. How would you do it? Alright. I would, and I advise everyone to do this...

  • How do you inspire to create new stuff and trainings for your clients without modeling the new guy, modeling the new guy?

    12/06/2023 Duration: 02min

    He says, how do you inspire to create new stuff and trainings for your clients without modeling the new guy, modeling the new guy? Dude, I don't care what the new guys are doing. I care about what I learned from that guy, Albert Lasker. And from that other guy, David Ogilvy. And from that guy, Claude Hopkins. And from that guy, Gary Halbert. And Dan Kennedy...and hard won experience.

  • What's it cost to get a qualified application filled out?

    05/06/2023 Duration: 02min

    What do you think it would cost on average to get an application filled out, if I were to use intent-based branding? I know it's a difficult question, cheers. So the real question is, and I'm translating again...Hey man, I'm selling something expensive and I want people to fill out an application before I agree to talk to them. What's it cost to get a qualified application filled out?

  • Apple and Facebook aren't getting along right now, what does that mean for the rest of us?

    29/05/2023 Duration: 04min

    The question is, with iOS 14 blocking so many things, is it going to make stuff break? Now he's specifically referencing, is intent-based branding going to be changed? That's a method of getting attention and then retargeting people, and if so, what do you think is going to go on? So the short version of the question, hey Apple did some weird stuff and Apple and Facebook aren't getting along right now, what does that mean for the rest? I'm translating the question into redneck because that's how I think, is in redneck...

  • What are people buying online today? Online courses? White papers? Just curious what are the hot products right now.

    22/05/2023 Duration: 03min

    What are people buying online today? And then the question goes a little it online courses, white papers? Just curious what the hot products are right now. The short answer to that is everything.

  • Is High End Continuity still a significant part of your business model?

    15/05/2023 Duration: 03min

    Is high-end continuity still a significant part of your business model? No, high-end continuity isn't and it never really has been. By high-end, I'm assuming you mean multi-thousand dollar consulting engagements...

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