Big Time Dreams Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 27:06:39
  • More information



This podcast is about people going for their passion and dreams. We discuss the good, bad and ugly about what it takes to go for your dreams. We talk to small business owners, entrepreneurs, executives, employees and regular people going for it. What makes them tick? What is their "why" ? How do they handle adversity? We hope you can learn and inspire yourself to go for your dreams. You only have one life, so let's do it Big Time!


  • Raising Money to Buy Apartments with Aaron Fragnito

    03/03/2020 Duration: 24min

    Aaron Fragnito raises money to purchase apartment buildings in New Jersey. Raising money in Real Estate is called a Syndication. Having a big nice apartment building has always been a dream of mine. Aaron is going to school us on what he does and how he becomes successful at it. Learn how to raise money the right way. Big Time Dreams!

  • How to Love your Job

    03/12/2019 Duration: 16min

    Do you want to love your job? It is a big part of your life. It would be nice to actually LOVE it. We all have different things we like and dislike about our jobs. But, with some work you can improve your happiness at work. I am going to give you some tips and ideas on how to turn your boring 9-to-5 into “I love what I am doing.”  Grab a pen with paper and lets get to loving what you do.

  • Getting Rid of Self-Criticism with Liz Garcia

    15/10/2019 Duration: 37min

    Liz Garcia helps us try and tackle negative self-talk. Liz is an expert at higher consciousness and elevating your thoughts. She is the owner of an online directory for holistic health resources.  She also has “Your weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness” Podcast.  She is an SEO or Search Engine Optimization expert. I am very happy to have her here. Coming and learn about how to remove the blocks in your mind.

  • Business Skills are Needed to be a Chiropractor with Tuong Mai

    17/09/2019 Duration: 33min

    What is the real scoop with Chiropractors? Are they real doctors? How much schooling is needed? Is it really that good of a job?   The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects growth of chiropractors to be at 12% over the next 10 years.  That is faster than the average of all other occupations.  The average hourly rate of a Chiropractor is $71 per hour.   Today we have my friend Tuong Mai, who is a Chiropractor out of San Jose, California. We are going to get into the ins-and-out of whats really going on in this field.

  • From Miscarriages to Fertility Coach with Pradeepa Narayanaswamy

    21/08/2019 Duration: 38min

    Pradeepa Narayanaswamy is a Fertility Coach who helps people and couples through infertility struggles. She has a remarkable story of turning tragedy into triumph. Imagine having 3 miscarriages and 6 other fertility treatments that did not work. She did everything she possibly could to conceive a baby naturally.  All of them failed.  But, she turned that experience into something that will help many people and couples down the road. She was also able to adopt a son! Lets hear how Pradeepa turned hardship into a successful business that helps a lot of people that are struggling with infertility. This is an eye-opening show!

  • Learn about the Music Business with Grammy-Award Winning Producer J.R.

    02/07/2019 Duration: 01h02min

    I grew up thinking you really couldn’t make a decent living being an artist, unless you were a superstar. Hence the term ”Starving Artist”. J.R. is a producer and singer amongst other things. He won a Grammy for production on LaCreae’s album "Gravity".  How can he do music full-time? That’s what I’m trying to find out. J.R. has a lot of great insights about the music game and how you can succeed in digital music age.

  • Income Producing Real Estate helped me Quit my Job

    18/06/2019 Duration: 43min

    This episode is from an interview I had on “Millennial Real Estate Podcast”. We go into my journey on how real estate became my path to financial freedom. I will teach you how I acquired rental properties and was finally able to quit my job. There was a lot of up and downs, but it was totally worth it.   My path was much different than other real estate stories. Check it out so you can learn. Big Time Dreams!

  • People, Technology and Process with Dave Scott

    14/05/2019 Duration: 41min

    A lot of young people want to own their own business and are good with making online content. Why not put them together do digital marketing for others? What is digital marketing? It is marketing online. It is making content and implementing a marketing message. Dave Scott of Scott Digital Marketing runs his own marketing company. He helps other businesses with their online marketing plan. This episode will give you some insights on what it takes to start your own business.

  • Choosing the Right Product to Sell

    03/04/2019 Duration: 09min

    Do you want to start your own business but not sure what to sell? This is very common. I am here to help you breakdown what to think about when choosing your product or service. (Hint) It is not all about the numbers. What are you passionate about that is also profitable? Picking your product or service is super important. Listen to get an overall framework on how to wisely choose your thing. Big Time Dreams!

  • Personally Thanking 5 New People each Day with, Mr. Thank you, John Isreal

    05/03/2019 Duration: 36min

    John Isreal has a tremendous story. He did something that is harder then it sounds. He made and gave 5 handwritten thank you cards to different people everyday for a year. I don’t even know that many people. How can you do 1825 cards? It is amazing what happened to John and how he grew from this experience. He wanted to practice gratitude and that’s exactly what he did. Find out how intentionally thanking people can change your life.

  • Train your Subconscious Mind for Better Results

    29/01/2019 Duration: 09min

    Want to re-program your mind for success? Your subconscious is running in background on autopilot. I sometimes beat myself up over past mistakes. Negative self-talk would come from it. I wanted to see how I can stop saying “ I hate myself”. I started to look into the subconscious mind. I realize that a lot of people think about things that make them sad or angry. I also found that successful people, train their subconscious mind to break limiting beliefs and visualize what they want. Here are some tips that will help you train the “Gatekeeper to your Comfort Zone.”

  • My 2018 Wins and Struggles - 2019 Goals

    08/01/2019 Duration: 10min

    I want to share with you what went good and bad in 2018 for me. Also this is what I hope to accomplish in 2019. Big Time Dreams!

  • Counseling on Relationships with Food with Jenny Eden Berk

    04/12/2018 Duration: 27min

    Jenny Eden Berk is a Eating Psychology Coach. She helps and councils people on their relationship with food. She’s like a Food Therapist. I never have heard of something like this. We know people do have problems with food. She is helping her clients by listening and coaching them through it. Learn how she started her business, her journey and how she operates her business. This is a very good show! Big Time Dreams!

  • Building a Robo Advisor with Blooom's Chris Costello

    06/11/2018 Duration: 34min

    Today we have Chris Costello with Blooom. Blooom is a Robo Adviser. Robo Advisors are online platforms that help you manage your stock and retirement portfolio. They might have an algorithm they helps keep you balanced and diversified according to your needs. So Chris and 2 others started up to give everyone , no matter what financial situation they are in, the very best service that before was only for the rich. Bloom and now have a few Billion in assets managed. Come hear how it started and where they are going from here.

  • Finding Bliss in your Business with Moneeka Sawyer

    23/10/2018 Duration: 36min

    How do you actually enjoy managing real estate and tenants? Moneeka Sawyer has chosen to have a “Blissful” real estate and coaching business. Your business has problems and stress like they all do. But your mindset can help you turn the tables and enjoy tackling problems. Would you rather have rich people problems or be stuck in the rat race? Moneeka has designed her life and business so that she is only working a few hours a month managing her real estate. That gives her time to run a mastermind, coach, write books, and be with family/friends. Learn her insights on how real estate can help you designing your life.

  • Get your Dream Job using Enthusiasm with Bigger Pockets’ own Mindy Jensen

    09/10/2018 Duration: 32min

    You are in for a real treat on this one because we have Bigger Pockets’ own Mindy Jensen. Bigger Pockets is a online forum and Podcast where people talk about real estate investing. It is the biggest real estate investing website in the world. It has helped me a lot. Check it out Mindy is the community manager of the online forum at Bigger Pockets. This is a Big Time for me to finally meet a very cool person in Mindy. She definitely loves what she does. So let’s find out more about her and her journey. Big Time Dreams!

  • Finding what makes you TICK with Podcast Editor, Jennifer Longworth

    27/09/2018 Duration: 25min

    Jennifer Longworth is is a Full-Time Podcast Editor. She gets to work from home and make people and their Podcast sound good.For the right person, this is a great gig with very low overhead. She found what makes her tick and started working on it. See how she got started and where she is going from here.  You will learn something from hearing this story!

  • Using FaceBook Groups to help grow your Business with Bella Vasta

    12/09/2018 Duration: 35min

    We bring you Bella Vasta. She ran a successful pet sitting business, then started to coach others with their own business. She has her own podcast, Bella in your Business. She does speaking and has her own mastermind group. Bella know a lot about Facebook groups. I am interested in Facebook groups myself. I know people that use them to help with their business. I know there is a way to use it to build your brand and business.

  • Having Money and Time Freedom with Vincent Pugliese

    29/08/2018 Duration: 37min

    Vincent Pugliese was a professional photographer for many years. His goal was Time Freedom and Money Freedom. He was able to transition out of his job to start is own freelancing photography business, then into coaching, now he runs the Total Life Freedom Mastermind. At each turn, he was able to free up more of his time to live his best possible life. He also just published his first book “ Freelance to Freedom” which is endorsed by Seth Godin. So let’s get into the story of really trying to do it Big Time!

  • Helping People Get Out of Poverty through Non-Profit with Josh Wilson

    15/08/2018 Duration: 36min

    Today we got Josh Wilson with Mission: St Louis. It is a Non-Profit that is in a tough area and he is trying to make it better. The Beyond Jobs program is training where people will get paid during an internship. He fits the bill so the employers do not have too. But after the internship, that person might have the opportunity to be put on as permanent employee. That is huge! He wants to create jobs ,opportunities, and better relationships with a community that really needs help. Come listen to his journey to see how he kept pushing through adversity. Big Time Dreams!

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